;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (require 'face-remap) #@36 Safely kill the TIMER. (fn TIMER) (defalias 'lsp-ui-util-safe-kill-timer #[257 "\300!\205 \301!\207" [timerp cancel-timer] 3 (#$ . 109)]) #@42 Safely delete the OVERLAY. (fn OVERLAY) (defalias 'lsp-ui-util-safe-delete-overlay #[257 "\300!\205 \301!\207" [overlayp delete-overlay] 3 (#$ . 257)]) #@66 Safe way to get value from function `line-number-display-width'. (defalias 'lsp-ui-util-line-number-display-width #[0 "\301\300!\203\203\3021\303 0\202\210\202\206\304\305\\\207\304\207" [display-line-numbers-mode boundp (error) line-number-display-width 0 2] 2 (#$ . 419)]) #@33 Return string at POS. (fn POS) (defalias 'lsp-ui-util-line-string #[257 "\211\250\205 \212\211b\210\300\301!)\207" [thing-at-point line] 3 (#$ . 713)]) #@43 Return column at POS. (fn &optional POS) (defalias 'lsp-ui-util-column #[256 "\211\206`\262\212\211b\210i)\207" [] 2 (#$ . 873)]) #@48 Return the factor effect by `text-scale-mode'. (defalias 'lsp-ui-util-text-scale-factor #[0 "\301A\302\"\206 \303\207" [text-scale-mode-remapping plist-get :height 1] 3 (#$ . 1013)]) (provide 'lsp-ui-util)