;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\304\306&\210\307\310\302\311\304\301\312\313&\210\314\315\316\317\304\301%\207" [custom-declare-group lv nil "The other echo area." :group minibuffer hydra custom-declare-variable lv-use-separator "Whether to draw a line between the LV window and the Echo Area." :type boolean custom-declare-face lv-separator ((((class color) (background light)) :background "grey80") (((class color) (background dark)) :background "grey30")) "Face used to draw line between the lv window and the echo area.\nThis is only used if option `lv-use-separator' is non-nil.\nOnly the background color is significant."] 8) #@30 Holds the current LV window. (defvar lv-wnd nil (#$ . 726)) #@46 Ensure that LV window is live and return it. (defalias 'lv-window #[nil "\306!\203\207\307 \310\311\312\313\314 \315\316#)!\211\317\320!\211\203)\321 !\210\202G\321\320!\210\322\323\"\210\312\310\211\310\324\312\"\210\325\326\312#\210\311\n!\210*\207" [lv-wnd buf ori ignore-window-parameters window-size-fixed mode-line-format window-live-p selected-window nil select-window t split-window frame-root-window -1 below get-buffer " *LV*" switch-to-buffer set-window-hscroll 0 set-window-dedicated-p set-window-parameter no-other-window cursor-type display-line-numbers] 6 (#$ . 792)]) #@67 When non-nil, `lv-message' will refresh even for the same string. (defvar lv-force-update nil (#$ . 1402)) #@58 Set LV window contents to (`format' FORMAT-STRING ARGS). (defalias 'lv-message #[(format-string &rest args) "\306\307 #\310\311\n\"\312\211\313\314 ! r\315\216\316 @\317\"\210\320 \n\230\203+!\203ped|\210\nc\210\321 \203W\"\203W\322\323\312\"\204F\323c\210\324\325\326\327\330\331%\324\323\326\327\332\333%\261\210\334\335!\210  \336V#\333\312$%\337\312\211\336#\210*eb.\207" [format-string args str n-lines deactivate-mark golden-ratio-mode apply format cl-count 10 nil internal--before-with-selected-window lv-window #[nil "\301!\207" [save-selected-window--state internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord buffer-string window-system looking-back "\n" propertize "__" face lv-separator display (space :height (1)) line-height t make-local-variable window-min-height 1 fit-window-to-buffer save-selected-window--state lv-force-update lv-use-separator truncate-lines window-size-fixed window-resize-pixelwise] 8 (#$ . 1515)]) #@39 Delete LV window and kill its buffer. (defalias 'lv-delete-window #[nil "\302!\205\303!\304!\210\305 !)\207" [lv-wnd buf window-live-p window-buffer delete-window kill-buffer] 2 (#$ . 2491)]) (provide 'lv)