;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307DD\310\311\312\313\314\315\316& \210\303\317\305\306\320DD\321\311\322\313\314\315\323& \210\303\324\305\306\325DD\326\311\327\313\314\315\330& \210\303\331\305\306\332DD\333\311\334\313\314\315\335& \210\303\336\305\306\337DD\340\311\341\313\314\315\342& \210\303\343\305\306\344DD\345\311\346\313\314\315\347& \207" [require magit magit-reset custom-declare-variable magit-branch-read-upstream-first funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to read upstream before name of new branch when creating a branch.\n\n`nil' Read the branch name first.\n`t' Read the upstream first.\n`fallback' Read the upstream first, but if it turns out that the chosen\n value is not a valid upstream (because it cannot be resolved\n as an existing revision), then treat it as the name of the\n new branch and continue by reading the upstream next." :package-version (magit . "2.2.0") :group magit-commands :type (choice (const :tag "read branch name first" nil) (const :tag "read upstream first" t) (const :tag "read upstream first, with fallback" fallback)) magit-branch-prefer-remote-upstream #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to favor remote upstreams when creating new branches.\n\nWhen a new branch is created, then the branch, commit, or stash\nat point is suggested as the default starting point of the new\nbranch, or if there is no such revision at point the current\nbranch. In either case the user may choose another starting\npoint.\n\nIf the chosen starting point is a branch, then it may also be set\nas the upstream of the new branch, depending on the value of the\nGit variable `branch.autoSetupMerge'. By default this is done\nfor remote branches, but not for local branches.\n\nYou might prefer to always use some remote branch as upstream.\nIf the chosen starting point is (1) a local branch, (2) whose\nname matches a member of the value of this option, (3) the\nupstream of that local branch is a remote branch with the same\nname, and (4) that remote branch can be fast-forwarded to the\nlocal branch, then the chosen branch is used as starting point,\nbut its own upstream is used as the upstream of the new branch.\n\nMembers of this option's value are treated as branch names that\nhave to match exactly unless they contain a character that makes\nthem invalid as a branch name. Recommended characters to use\nto trigger interpretation as a regexp are \"*\" and \"^\". Some\nother characters which you might expect to be invalid, actually\nare not, e.g. \".+$\" are all perfectly valid. More precisely,\nif `git check-ref-format --branch STRING' exits with a non-zero\nstatus, then treat STRING as a regexp.\n\nAssuming the chosen branch matches these conditions you would end\nup with with e.g.:\n\n feature --upstream--> origin/master\n\ninstead of\n\n feature --upstream--> master --upstream--> origin/master\n\nWhich you prefer is a matter of personal preference. If you do\nprefer the former, then you should add branches such as \"master\",\n\"next\", and \"maint\" to the value of this options." (magit . "2.4.0") (repeat string) magit-branch-adjust-remote-upstream-alist #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Alist of upstreams to be used when branching from remote branches.\n\nWhen creating a local branch from an ephemeral branch located\non a remote, e.g. a feature or hotfix branch, then that remote\nbranch should usually not be used as the upstream branch, since\nthe push-remote already allows accessing it and having both the\nupstream and the push-remote reference the same related branch\nwould be wasteful. Instead a branch like \"maint\" or \"master\"\nshould be used as the upstream.\n\nThis option allows specifying the branch that should be used as\nthe upstream when branching certain remote branches. The value\nis an alist of the form ((UPSTREAM . RULE)...). The first\nmatching element is used, the following elements are ignored.\n\nUPSTREAM is the branch to be used as the upstream for branches\nspecified by RULE. It can be a local or a remote branch.\n\nRULE can either be a regular expression, matching branches whose\nupstream should be the one specified by UPSTREAM. Or it can be\na list of the only branches that should *not* use UPSTREAM; all\nother branches will. Matching is done after stripping the remote\npart of the name of the branch that is being branched from.\n\nIf you use a finite set of non-ephemeral branches across all your\nrepositories, then you might use something like:\n\n ((\"origin/master\" \"master\" \"next\" \"maint\"))\n\nOr if the names of all your ephemeral branches contain a slash,\nat least in some repositories, then a good value could be:\n\n ((\"origin/master\" . \"/\"))\n\nOf course you can also fine-tune:\n\n ((\"origin/maint\" . \"\\\\\\=`hotfix/\")\n (\"origin/master\" . \"\\\\\\=`feature/\"))\n\nIf you use remote branches as UPSTREAM, then you might also want\nto set `magit-branch-prefer-remote-upstream' to a non-nil value.\nHowever, I recommend that you use local branches as UPSTREAM." (magit . "2.9.0") (repeat (cons (string :tag "Use upstream") (choice :tag "for branches" (regexp :tag "matching") (repeat :tag "except" (string :tag "branch"))))) magit-branch-rename-push-target #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether the push-remote setup is preserved when renaming a branch.\n\nThe command `magit-branch-rename' renames a branch named OLD to\nNEW. This option controls how much of the push-remote setup is\npreserved when doing so.\n\nWhen nil, then preserve nothing and unset `branch.OLD.pushRemote'.\n\nWhen `local-only', then first set `branch.NEW.pushRemote' to the\n same value as `branch.OLD.pushRemote', provided the latter is\n actually set and unless the former already has another value.\n\nWhen t, then rename the branch named OLD on the remote specified\n by `branch.OLD.pushRemote' to NEW, provided OLD exists on that\n remote and unless NEW already exists on the remote.\n\nWhen `forge-only' and the `forge' package is available, then\n behave like `t' if the remote points to a repository on a forge\n (currently Github or Gitlab), otherwise like `local-only'.\n\nAnother supported but obsolete value is `github-only'. It is a\n misnomer because it now treated as an alias for `forge-only'." (magit . "2.90.0") (choice (const :tag "Don't preserve push-remote setup" nil) (const :tag "Preserve push-remote setup" local-only) (const :tag "... and rename corresponding branch on remote" t) (const :tag "... but only if remote is on a forge" forge-only)) magit-branch-direct-configure #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether the command `magit-branch' shows Git variables.\nWhen set to nil, no variables are displayed by this transient\ncommand, instead the sub-transient `magit-branch-configure'\nhas to be used to view and change branch related variables." (magit . "2.7.0") boolean magit-published-branches #[0 "\300\207" [("origin/master")] 1] "List of branches that are considered to be published." (magit . "2.13.0") (repeat string)] 10) #@15 (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-branch #[257 "\300\301\302\211\303%\207" [transient-setup magit-branch nil :scope] 7 (#$ . 7141) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-get-current-branch] 1)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312$#\210\300\301\313\314#\207" [put magit-branch interactive-only t function-documentation "Add, configure or remove a branch." transient--prefix transient-prefix :command :man-page "git-branch" transient--layout ([1 transient-column (:description "Arguments") ((7 transient-switch (:key "-r" :description "Recurse submodules when checking out an existing branch" :argument "--recurse-submodules" :command transient:magit-branch:--recurse-submodules :if (lambda nil (version<= "2.13" (magit-git-version))))))] [1 transient-column (:description "Variables" :if (lambda nil (and magit-branch-direct-configure (oref transient--prefix scope)))) ((1 transient-suffix (:key "d" :command magit-branch\.\.description)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "u" :command magit-branch\.\.merge/remote)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "r" :command magit-branch\.\.rebase)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "p" :command magit-branch\.\.pushRemote)))] [1 transient-columns nil ([1 transient-column (:description "Checkout") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "b" :description "branch/revision" :command magit-checkout)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "l" :description "local branch" :command magit-branch-checkout)) (6 transient-suffix (:key "o" :description "new orphan" :command magit-branch-orphan)))] [1 transient-column (:description #1="") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "c" :description "new branch" :command magit-branch-and-checkout)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "s" :description "new spin-off" :command magit-branch-spinoff)) (5 transient-suffix (:key "w" :description "new worktree" :command magit-worktree-checkout)))] [1 transient-column (:description "Create") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "n" :description "new branch" :command magit-branch-create)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "S" :description "new spin-out" :command magit-branch-spinout)) (5 transient-suffix (:key "W" :description "new worktree" :command magit-worktree-branch)))] [1 transient-column (:description "Do") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "C" :description "configure..." :command magit-branch-configure)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "m" :description "rename" :command magit-branch-rename)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "x" :description "reset" :command magit-branch-reset)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "k" :description "delete" :command magit-branch-delete)))] [1 transient-column (:description #1#) ((7 transient-suffix (:key "h" :description "shelve" :command magit-branch-shelve)) (7 transient-suffix (:key "H" :description "unshelve" :command magit-branch-unshelve)))])])] 8) (defalias 'magit-branch-arguments #[0 "\300\301!\207" [transient-args magit-branch] 2]) #@314 Checkout REVISION, updating the index and the working tree. If REVISION is a local branch, then that becomes the current branch. If it is something else, then `HEAD' becomes detached. Checkout fails if the working tree or the staging area contain changes. (git checkout REVISION). (fn REVISION &optional ARGS) (defalias 'magit-checkout #[513 "\300\301\"\203 \302\303\"\262\304\305#\207" [string-match "\\`heads/\\(.+\\)" match-string 1 magit-run-git "checkout"] 6 (#$ . 10028) (byte-code "\300\301!\302 D\207" [magit-read-other-branch-or-commit "Checkout" magit-branch-arguments] 2)]) #@75 Create BRANCH at branch or revision START-POINT. (fn BRANCH START-POINT) (defalias 'magit-branch-create #[514 "\300\301#\210\302\"\210\303 \207" [magit-call-git "branch" magit-branch-maybe-adjust-upstream magit-refresh] 6 (#$ . 10628) (magit-branch-read-args "Create branch")]) #@103 Create and checkout BRANCH at branch or revision START-POINT. (fn BRANCH START-POINT &optional ARGS) (defalias 'magit-branch-and-checkout #[770 "\301\302\303\304#)\266\203\203\305\306\307$\207\310\311\312%\210\313\"\210\314 \207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "^stash@{[0-9]+}$" nil t string-match magit-run-git "stash" "branch" magit-call-git "checkout" "-b" magit-branch-maybe-adjust-upstream magit-refresh] 10 (#$ . 10918) (byte-code "\300\301\302!\303 C\"\207" [append magit-branch-read-args "Create and checkout branch" magit-branch-arguments] 3)]) #@465 Hybrid between `magit-checkout' and `magit-branch-and-checkout'. Ask the user for an existing branch or revision. If the user input actually can be resolved as a branch or revision, then check that out, just like `magit-checkout' would. Otherwise create and checkout a new branch using the input as its name. Before doing so read the starting-point for the new branch. This is similar to what `magit-branch-and-checkout' does. (fn ARG &optional START-POINT) (defalias 'magit-branch-or-checkout #[513 "\300\301\"\203 \302\303\"\262\211\203\304\"\207\305!\207" [string-match "\\`heads/\\(.+\\)" match-string 1 magit-branch-and-checkout magit-checkout] 5 (#$ . 11495) (byte-code "\300\301!\211\302!?\205\303\304\"D\207" [magit-read-other-branch-or-commit "Checkout" magit-commit-p magit-read-starting-point "Create and checkout branch"] 5)]) #@937 Checkout an existing or new local branch. Read a branch name from the user offering all local branches and a subset of remote branches as candidates. Omit remote branches for which a local branch by the same name exists from the list of candidates. The user can also enter a completely new branch name. - If the user selects an existing local branch, then check that out. - If the user selects a remote branch, then create and checkout a new local branch with the same name. Configure the selected remote branch as push target. - If the user enters a new branch name, then create and check that out, after also reading the starting-point from the user. In the latter two cases the upstream is also set. Whether it is set to the chosen START-POINT or something else depends on the value of `magit-branch-adjust-remote-upstream-alist', just like when using `magit-branch-and-checkout'. (fn BRANCH &optional START-POINT) (defalias 'magit-branch-checkout #[513 "\211\204\n\300\301 \"\207\302\303!\203\304\305!\210\306\"\210\307!\205C\310!\211\242\243\232\205?\311\312!\232?\205?\313\314 \315$\266\204\262\207" [magit-checkout magit-branch-arguments magit-anything-modified-p t user-error "Cannot checkout when there are uncommitted changes" magit-branch-and-checkout magit-remote-branch-p magit-split-branch-name magit-get "remote.pushDefault" magit-set "branch" "pushRemote"] 12 (#$ . 12360) (byte-code "\300 \301 \302\303 \304\302\211\2039\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\305\306\"\203\n\304\225\302O\307B\235\204\nB\262\202\n\266\211\237\262\310\"\244\311 \312\313\302\211\211\314 \235@\206n\205n\305\306 \"\205j\304\225\302O \235@&\211\235\203\205\305\306\"\205\202\211\304\225\302OD\207\211\235\203\216\211C\207\211\315\316\"D\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-list-local-branch-names nil magit-list-remote-branch-names 0 string-match "[^/]+/" "HEAD" delete magit-branch-at-point magit-completing-read "Checkout branch" magit-revision-history magit-read-starting-point "Create"] 15)]) #@27 (fn BRANCH START-POINT) (defalias 'magit-branch-maybe-adjust-upstream #[514 "\302!\203\f\303!\206o\304!\205o\305!A\306\307\306\211\211\203g\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203gA<\203AA\235?\202PA\306\310\311#)\266\203\203Z\306\262\203g\262\262T\262\202\266\211\262@\262\211\205z\312\313\314P#\207" [magit-branch-adjust-remote-upstream-alist inhibit-changing-match-data magit-get-upstream-branch magit-get-indirect-upstream-branch magit-remote-branch-p magit-split-branch-name nil 0 t string-match magit-call-git "branch" "--set-upstream-to="] 16 (#$ . 14434)]) #@104 Create and checkout an orphan BRANCH with contents from revision START-POINT. (fn BRANCH START-POINT) (defalias 'magit-branch-orphan #[514 "\300\301\302$\207" [magit-run-git "checkout" "--orphan"] 7 (#$ . 15050) (magit-branch-read-args "Create and checkout orphan branch")]) #@39 (fn PROMPT &optional DEFAULT-START) (defalias 'magit-branch-read-args #[513 "\203O\302\303#\304!\203<\305 \203\306\307#\202\310\311\312\313\314\"A\314#\315 \235\2056\211\316 \235?\2056\211\262\"D\207\317=\203J\211\302#D\207\320\321\"\207\305\322P!\211\302#D\207" [magit-branch-read-upstream-first magit-completing-read--silent-default magit-read-starting-point nil magit-rev-verify magit-read-string-ns format "%s (starting at `%s')" "Name for new branch" mapconcat identity split-string "/" magit-list-remote-branch-names magit-list-local-branch-names fallback user-error "Not a valid starting-point: %s" " named"] 10 (#$ . 15334)]) #@223 Create new branch from the unpushed commits. Like `magit-branch-spinoff' but remain on the current branch. If there are any uncommitted changes, then behave exactly like `magit-branch-spinoff'. (fn BRANCH &optional FROM) (defalias 'magit-branch-spinout #[513 "\300\301#\207" [magit--branch-spinoff nil] 6 (#$ . 16005) (byte-code "\300\301!\302\303\304!!@D\207" [magit-read-string-ns "Spin out branch" last magit-region-values commit] 4)]) #@1375 Create new branch from the unpushed commits. Create and checkout a new branch starting at and tracking the current branch. That branch in turn is reset to the last commit it shares with its upstream. If the current branch has no upstream or no unpushed commits, then the new branch is created anyway and the previously current branch is not touched. This is useful to create a feature branch after work has already began on the old branch (likely but not necessarily "master"). If the current branch is a member of the value of option `magit-branch-prefer-remote-upstream' (which see), then the current branch will be used as the starting point as usual, but the upstream of the starting-point may be used as the upstream of the new branch, instead of the starting-point itself. If optional FROM is non-nil, then the source branch is reset to `FROM~', instead of to the last commit it shares with its upstream. Interactively, FROM is only ever non-nil, if the region selects some commits, and among those commits, FROM is the commit that is the fewest commits ahead of the source branch. The commit at the other end of the selection actually does not matter, all commits between FROM and `HEAD' are moved to the new branch. If FROM is not reachable from `HEAD' or is reachable from the source branch's upstream, then an error is raised. (fn BRANCH &optional FROM) (defalias 'magit-branch-spinoff #[513 "\300\301#\207" [magit--branch-spinoff t] 6 (#$ . 16455) (byte-code "\300\301!\302\303\304!!@D\207" [magit-read-string-ns "Spin off branch" last magit-region-values commit] 4)]) #@29 (fn BRANCH FROM CHECKOUT) (defalias 'magit--branch-spinoff #[771 "\301!\203 \302\303\"\210\211\204\304 \203\305\306!\210\307\262\310 \211\203\271\311!\312\203N\313\"\204:\302\314$\210\203N\313\"\203N\302\315$\210\307\203`\316\317\320$\210\202g\316\321#\210)\322!\211\203w\316\321\323\n$\210\210\203\264\203\206\324P\202\213\325\326#\211\262\203\264\327\"\204\264\203\256\316\330\331\332\333\"\334P%\266\202\316\316\335\336#\210\266\202\316\203\310\316\317\320#\266\202\316\316\321\"\266\337 \207" [magit-process-raise-error magit-branch-p user-error "Cannot spin off %s. It already exists" magit-anything-modified-p message "Staying on HEAD due to uncommitted changes" t magit-get-current-branch magit-get-upstream-branch nil magit-rev-ancestor-p "Cannot spin off %s. %s is not reachable from %s" "Cannot spin off %s. %s is ancestor of upstream %s" magit-call-git "checkout" "-b" "branch" magit-get-indirect-upstream-branch "--set-upstream-to" "^" magit-git-string "merge-base" magit-rev-eq "update-ref" "-m" format "reset: moving to %s" "refs/heads/" "reset" "--hard" magit-refresh] 12 (#$ . 18053)]) #@555 Reset a branch to the tip of another branch or any other commit. When the branch being reset is the current branch, then do a hard reset. If there are any uncommitted changes, then the user has to confirm the reset because those changes would be lost. This is useful when you have started work on a feature branch but realize it's all crap and want to start over. When resetting to another branch and a prefix argument is used, then also set the target branch as the upstream of the branch that is being reset. (fn BRANCH TO &optional SET-UPSTREAM) (defalias 'magit-branch-reset #[770 "\301\302 \232\203\"\303 \203\304\305!\204\306\307!\210\2024\310!\210\2024\311\312\313\314\315\"\316\317\320 #%\210\211\203H\321!\203H\322\"\210\323\"\210)\324 \207" [magit-inhibit-refresh t magit-get-current-branch magit-anything-modified-p yes-or-no-p "Uncommitted changes will be lost. Proceed? " user-error "Abort" magit-reset-hard magit-call-git "update-ref" "-m" format "reset: moving to %s" magit-git-string "rev-parse" "--symbolic-full-name" magit-branch-p magit-set-upstream-branch magit-branch-maybe-adjust-upstream magit-refresh] 11 (#$ . 19245) (byte-code "\301 \302\303\"\211\304\305\306\"\307\310 \"\311\211\211\312\n\232\204\" \206&\313 !&E\207" [current-prefix-arg magit-local-branch-at-point magit-read-local-branch "Reset branch" magit-completing-read format "Reset %s to" delete magit-list-branch-names nil magit-revision-history magit-get-upstream-branch] 12)]) #@65 Whether `magit-branch-delete' always pushes with "--no-verify". (defvar magit-branch-delete-never-verify nil (#$ . 20758)) #@219 Delete one or multiple branches. If the region marks multiple branches, then offer to delete those, otherwise prompt for a single branch to be deleted, defaulting to the branch at point. (fn BRANCHES &optional FORCE) (defalias 'magit-branch-delete #[513 "\302\303\"\304\305\304\211\203(\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\204 B\262\202 \266\211\237\262\211\203]\306\307G\211\310U\203G\311\312\313\314\n\"\"\202Y\211GU\203U\311\315\"\202Y\311\316\"\262\"\210\317\320@\"\203\323\321\310@\"\211GT\322\323\324\325\326\n%\203\262\211\203\217\211@\327\330\331\332\"#\210A\266\202\202y\210\333\334\204\233\205\234\335\302\336\337\" \"$\210\340 \341\342#\"\207\211\203\317\211@\327\330\331\332\"#\210\343\344\345#\210A\266\202\202\263\210\346 \207G\310V\203\372\347\350 \"\262\351\352\"\210\351\353\"\210\354\355\203\365\356\202\366\345#\207@\311\357\"\360 \350 \232\203\346\232\204\211\2048\361\362\363\364\365D\366#\367Q\370\"\211\371\267\202.\372\202/\373\202/\304\262\327\374!\210\202e\361\362\363\364\311\375\"\365E\366#\367Q\376\"\211\377\267\202^\372\202_\201@\202_\373\202_\304\262\327\374!\210\211\201A\267\210\202\341\201B\232\204\227\235\204\227\201C\201D\"\204\227\322\201E\201F\374\304C%\210\343\201G\201H\"\266\202\341\201I\232\204\313\235\204\313\201C\"\204\313\322\201E\201F\374\304C%\210\343\201G\"\266\202\341\306\201J!\266\202\341\210\201D\262\352!\210\353!\210\354\355\203\371\356\202\372\345#\207" [magit-branch-delete-never-verify magit-this-process mapcar magit-ref-fullname nil 0 user-error "%s ambiguous. Please cleanup using git directly." 1 format "%s is" -first magit-ref-ambiguous-p "These %s names are" "%s of these names are" string-match "^refs/remotes/\\([^/]+\\)" match-string magit-confirm delete-branch-on-remote "Delete %s on the remote (not just locally)" "Delete %i branches on the remote (not just locally)" noabort message "Delete %s (was %s)" magit-rev-parse "--short" magit-run-git-async "push" "--no-verify" make-closure #[257 "\301\300\302OP\207" [V0 ":" nil] 5 "\n\n(fn IT)"] set-process-sentinel apply-partially magit-delete-remote-branch-sentinel magit-call-git "update-ref" "-d" magit-refresh delete magit-get-current-branch mapc magit-branch-maybe-delete-pr-remote magit-branch-unset-pushRemote magit-run-git "branch" "-D" "Branch %s is checked out. " magit-main-branch read-char-choice mapconcat identity "[d]etach HEAD & delete" "[a]bort" ", " " " (100 97) #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (100 294 97 298)) detach abort "" "[c]heckout %s & delete" (100 99 97) #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (100 336 99 340 97 346)) main #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (detach 366 main 420 abort 470)) (4) magit-branch-merged-p t delete-unmerged-branch "Delete unmerged branch %s" "checkout" "--detach" (4) "Abort"] 15 (#$ . 20888) (byte-code "\301\302\303\"G\304V\203\305\303\306\307\306%\210\202&\310\203!\311\202\"\312!C\262\211\204Q\313\314\"\211\203P\305\315\316\317\320%\203B\266\202\202Q\321\"\211\262\204P\322\323!\210\210D\207" [current-prefix-arg magit-region-values branch t 1 magit-confirm nil "Delete %i branches" magit-read-branch-prefer-other "Force delete branch" "Delete branch" -remove magit-branch-merged-p delete-unmerged-branch "Delete unmerged branch %s" "Delete %i unmerged branches" noabort -difference user-error "Abort"] 9)]) (put 'magit-branch-delete 'interactive-only t) #@15 (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-branch-maybe-delete-pr-remote #[257 "\300\301\302#\211\205\205\303\304\"\305!\303\306\"\235?\205\203\300\301\307#\232\203.\303\310$\202Q\300\301\311#\211\205O\312\313\"\205O\211\314\315O\211\262\205O\303\310$\262\211\235\205\201G\316U\203u\317\320\303\321\322#\315\323$\203u\324\325\326#\202\201\324\327\330\303\331\332!\"$\262\266\202\207" [magit-get "branch" "pullRequestRemote" format "remote.%s.fetch" magit-get-all "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/%s/*" "pushRemote" "+refs/heads/%s:refs/remotes/%s/%s" "merge" string-prefix-p "refs/heads/" 11 nil 1 magit-confirm delete-pr-remote "Also delete remote %s (%s)" "no pull-request branch remains" t magit-call-git "remote" "rm" "config" "--unset-all" "^%s$" regexp-quote] 13 (#$ . 24549)]) #@15 (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-branch-unset-pushRemote #[257 "\300\301\302\303$\207" [magit-set nil "branch" "pushRemote"] 6 (#$ . 25362)]) #@34 (fn REMOTE REFS PROCESS EVENT) (defalias 'magit-delete-remote-branch-sentinel #[1028 "\301!\302>\205\215\303!\304U\203\211\305\306\307\"\310!\"\211\205R\311\312\311\211\203L\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\235\204$\313!\203$B\262\202$\266\211\237\262\211\203\204\314\315\316#\210\317\"\210\311\320\321\322\"\210\211\211\203|\211@\323\324\325#\210A\266\202\202i\210\326 \210\320\327!\207\317\"\207\317\"\207" [magit-this-error process-status (exit signal) process-exit-status 1 mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\302R\207" [V0 "refs/remotes/" "/"] 5 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-remote-list-branches nil 0 magit-ref-exists-p process-put inhibit-refresh t magit-process-sentinel message "Some remote branches no longer exist. %s" "Deleting just the local tracking refs instead..." magit-call-git "update-ref" "-d" magit-refresh "Deleting local remote-tracking refs...done"] 12 (#$ . 25509)]) #@354 Rename the branch named OLD to NEW. With a prefix argument FORCE, rename even if a branch named NEW already exists. If `branch.OLD.pushRemote' is set, then unset it. Depending on the value of `magit-branch-rename-push-target' (which see) maybe set `branch.NEW.pushRemote' and maybe rename the push-target on the remote. (fn OLD NEW &optional FORCE) (defalias 'magit-branch-rename #[770 "\301\302\"\203 \303\304\"\262\232\203\305\306!\210\307\310\203!\311\202\"\312$\210\203\254\313!\314\310\315#\314\310\315#\203K\204C\211\204K\316\310\315$\210\313!\232\203\252\317=\204\252\320>\203s\321\322\323\324#\203\252\325\326!\203\252\326!\203\252\327\324\"\327\324\"\313!\203\250\204\250\330\331\332  $!\203\250\307\333\334\331\335#\331\336\"%\210\266\266\337!\210\340 \207" [magit-branch-rename-push-target string-match "\\`heads/\\(.+\\)" match-string 1 user-error "Old and new branch names are the same" magit-call-git "branch" "-M" "-m" magit-get-push-remote magit-get "pushRemote" magit-set local-only (forge-only github-only) require forge nil t fboundp forge--forge-remote-p magit-get-push-branch magit-y-or-n-p format "Also rename %S to %S on \"%s\"" "push" "-v" "%s:refs/heads/%s" ":refs/heads/%s" magit-branch-unset-pushRemote magit-refresh] 17 (#$ . 26441) (byte-code "\301\302!\211\303\304\305\"\306\307#E\207" [current-prefix-arg magit-read-local-branch "Rename branch" magit-read-string-ns format "Rename branch '%s' to" nil magit-revision-history] 6)]) #@128 Shelve a BRANCH. Rename "refs/heads/BRANCH" to "refs/shelved/BRANCH", and also rename the respective reflog file. (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-branch-shelve #[257 "\300P\301P\302\303\304$\210\305\"\210\306!\210\307\310\311#\207" ["refs/heads/" "refs/shelved/" magit-git "update-ref" "" magit--rename-reflog-file magit-branch-unset-pushRemote magit-run-git "branch" "-D"] 8 (#$ . 27976) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [magit-read-other-local-branch "Shelve branch"] 2)]) #@129 Unshelve a BRANCH Rename "refs/shelved/BRANCH" to "refs/heads/BRANCH", and also rename the respective reflog file. (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-branch-unshelve #[257 "\300P\301P\302\303\304$\210\305\"\210\306\303\307#\207" ["refs/shelved/" "refs/heads/" magit-git "update-ref" "" magit--rename-reflog-file magit-run-git "-d"] 8 (#$ . 28459) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305!\"\306\307$C\207" [magit-completing-read "Unshelve branch" mapcar #[257 "\211\300\301O\207" [8 nil] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-list-refnames "refs/shelved" nil t] 6)]) #@16 (fn OLD NEW) (defalias 'magit--rename-reflog-file #[514 "\300\301P!\300\301P!\302!\205\303\304!\305\"\210\306\305#\207" [magit-git-dir "logs/" file-exists-p make-directory file-name-directory t rename-file] 8 (#$ . 29015)]) #@15 (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-branch-configure #[257 "\300\301\302\211\303%\207" [transient-setup magit-branch-configure nil :scope] 7 (#$ . 29255) (byte-code "\204 \203\n\303=\204\304 \206\305 C\207" [current-prefix-arg magit-branch-direct-configure transient-current-command magit-branch magit-get-current-branch magit--read-branch-scope] 2)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312$#\210\300\301\313\314#\207" [put magit-branch-configure interactive-only t function-documentation "Configure a branch." transient--prefix transient-prefix :command :man-page "git-branch" transient--layout ([1 transient-column (:description (lambda nil (concat (propertize "Configure " 'face 'transient-heading) (propertize (oref transient--prefix scope) 'face 'magit-branch-local)))) ((1 transient-suffix (:key "d" :command magit-branch\.\.description)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "u" :command magit-branch\.\.merge/remote)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "r" :command magit-branch\.\.rebase)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "p" :command magit-branch\.\.pushRemote)))] [1 transient-column (:description "Configure repository defaults") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "R" :command magit-pull\.rebase)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "P" :command magit-remote\.pushDefault)))] [1 transient-column (:description "Configure branch creation") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "a m" :command magit-branch\.autoSetupMerge)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "a r" :command magit-branch\.autoSetupRebase)))])] 8) #@22 (fn &optional OBJ) (defalias 'magit--read-branch-scope #[256 "\300\203\301\302\301\303\304\"\305\"\"\202\306!\207" [magit-read-local-branch format "Set %s for branch" eieio-oref variable "" "Configure branch"] 8 (#$ . 30808)]) #@15 (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-branch\.\.description #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-run-git-with-editor "branch" "--edit-description"] 5 (#$ . 31055) (byte-code "\301\302\"C\207" [transient-current-prefix eieio-oref scope] 3)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314&#\210\315\316\317\"\207" [put magit-branch\.\.description interactive-only t function-documentation "Edit the description of BRANCH." transient--suffix magit--git-variable :command :transient nil :variable "branch.%s.description" add-hook find-file-hook magit-branch-description-check-buffers] 10) (defalias 'magit-branch-description-check-buffers #[0 "\205\302\303\304\305#)\266\203\207" [buffer-file-name inhibit-changing-match-data "/\\(BRANCH\\|EDIT\\)_DESCRIPTION\\'" nil t string-match] 7]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303!\"\210\300\304\305\303!\"\210\300\306\304\"\210\307\306\310\311#\210\312\303\313\304#\314\303\315\316\317$\207" [defalias magit--git-branch:upstream-p eieio-make-class-predicate magit--git-branch:upstream magit--git-branch:upstream--eieio-childp eieio-make-child-predicate magit--git-branch:upstream-child-p make-obsolete "use (cl-typep ... \\='magit--git-branch:upstream) instead" "25.1" define-symbol-prop cl-deftype-satisfies eieio-defclass-internal (magit--git-variable) ((format :initform " %k %m %M\n %r %R")) nil] 6) #@83 Create a new object of class type `magit--git-branch:upstream'. (fn &rest SLOTS) (defalias 'magit--git-branch:upstream #[128 "\300\301\302#\207" [apply make-instance magit--git-branch:upstream] 5 (#$ . 32465)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put magit--git-branch:upstream compiler-macro magit--git-branch:upstream--anon-cmacro] 4) #@26 (fn WHOLE &rest SLOTS) (defalias 'magit--git-branch:upstream--anon-cmacro #[385 "\211@;\204\207\300\301\302@@#@\303@DABB\"\207" [macroexp-warn-and-return format "Obsolete name arg %S to constructor %S" identity] 7 (#$ . 32823)]) (defalias 'magit-branch\.\.merge/remote #[0 "\300 \301\302!\"\266\303 \207" [transient-suffix-object transient-infix-set transient-infix-read transient--show] 5 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\"#\210\311\312\305\313\305\314%\210\311\315\305\316\305\317%\210\311\320\305\321\305\322%\210\311\323\305\324\305\325%\210\311\326\305\327\305\330%\207" [put magit-branch\.\.merge/remote interactive-only t function-documentation nil transient--suffix magit--git-branch:upstream :command cl-generic-define-method transient-init-value ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream)) #[257 "\301\302\"\211\205 \303\304\305#\211\205\303\304\306#\211\205!\307\310D#\207" [transient--prefix eieio-oref scope magit-get "branch" "remote" "merge" eieio-oset value] 9 "\n\n(fn OBJ)"] transient-infix-read ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream)) #[257 "\301\302\"\203 \303\302\304#\207\305\301\306\"\307\"\207" [transient--prefix eieio-oref value eieio-oset nil magit-read-upstream-branch scope "Upstream"] 5 "\n\n(fn OBJ)"] transient-infix-set ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream) refname) #[514 "\301\302\303\"\"\210\304\305\302\303\"\306\307\310#\211\205\306\307\311#\211\205$D\266\202\262#\210\312 \207" [transient--prefix magit-set-upstream-branch eieio-oref scope eieio-oset value magit-get "branch" "remote" "merge" magit-refresh] 11 "\n\n(fn OBJ REFNAME)"] transient-format ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream)) #[257 "\301\302\"\303\301\304\"\305\306!B\307\304\310\"B\311\304\312\"B\313\314\315\"B\316\314 \317\"B\257\"\207" [transient--prefix eieio-oref scope format-spec format 107 transient-format-key 114 "branch.%s.remote" 109 "branch.%s.merge" 82 transient-format-value car 77 cadr] 12 "\n\n(fn OBJ)"] transient-format-value ((obj magit--git-branch:upstream) key) #[514 "\211\300\301\"!\211\203\302\303\304#\207\302\305\303\306#\207" [eieio-oref value propertize face transient-argument "unset" transient-inactive-argument] 7 "\n\n(fn OBJ KEY)"]] 6) (defalias 'magit-branch\.\.rebase #[0 "\300 \301\302!\"\266\303 \207" [transient-suffix-object transient-infix-set transient-infix-read transient--show] 5 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322&\f#\207" [put magit-branch\.\.rebase interactive-only t function-documentation nil transient--suffix magit--git-variable:choices :command :scope magit--read-branch-scope :variable "branch.%s.rebase" :fallback "pull.rebase" :choices ("true" "false") :default "false"] 16) (defalias 'magit-branch\.\.pushRemote #[0 "\300 \301\302!\"\266\303 \207" [transient-suffix-object transient-infix-set transient-infix-read transient--show] 5 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320&\n#\207" [put magit-branch\.\.pushRemote interactive-only t function-documentation nil transient--suffix magit--git-variable:choices :command :scope magit--read-branch-scope :variable "branch.%s.pushRemote" :fallback "remote.pushDefault" :choices magit-list-remotes] 14) (defalias 'magit-pull\.rebase #[0 "\300 \301\302!\"\266\303 \207" [transient-suffix-object transient-infix-set transient-infix-read transient--show] 5 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314\315\316&#\207" [put magit-pull\.rebase interactive-only t function-documentation nil transient--suffix magit--git-variable:choices :command :variable "pull.rebase" :choices ("true" "false") :default "false"] 12) (defalias 'magit-remote\.pushDefault #[0 "\300 \301\302!\"\266\303 \207" [transient-suffix-object transient-infix-set transient-infix-read transient--show] 5 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314&#\207" [put magit-remote\.pushDefault interactive-only t function-documentation nil transient--suffix magit--git-variable:choices :command :variable "remote.pushDefault" :choices magit-list-remotes] 10) (defalias 'magit-branch\.autoSetupMerge #[0 "\300 \301\302!\"\266\303 \207" [transient-suffix-object transient-infix-set transient-infix-read transient--show] 5 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314\315\316&#\207" [put magit-branch\.autoSetupMerge interactive-only t function-documentation nil transient--suffix magit--git-variable:choices :command :variable "branch.autoSetupMerge" :choices ("always" "true" "false") :default "true"] 12) (defalias 'magit-branch\.autoSetupRebase #[0 "\300 \301\302!\"\266\303 \207" [transient-suffix-object transient-infix-set transient-infix-read transient--show] 5 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314\315\316&#\210\317\320!\207" [put magit-branch\.autoSetupRebase interactive-only t function-documentation nil transient--suffix magit--git-variable:choices :command :variable "branch.autoSetupRebase" :choices ("always" "local" "remote" "never") :default "never" provide magit-branch] 12)