;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require magit-utils magit-section] 2) (defvar magit-tramp-process-environment nil) #@39 Whether to inhibit the use of libgit. (defvar magit-inhibit-libgit nil (#$ . 211)) #@90 Whether libgit is available. Use the function by the same name instead of this variable. (defvar magit--libgit-available-p 'unknown (#$ . 300)) (defalias 'magit--libgit-available-p #[0 "\303=\203+ \205(\304\305!\211\205&\304\306!\206&\307\310\311!\312!\"\nB\304\306!)\262\211\207\207" [magit--libgit-available-p module-file-suffix load-path unknown locate-library "libgit" "libegit2" expand-file-name convert-standard-filename "build" file-name-directory] 5]) #@56 Return the Git implementation used in this repository. (defalias 'magit-gitimpl #[0 "\204\302 !\204\303 \203\304\207\305\207" [magit-inhibit-libgit default-directory file-remote-p magit--libgit-available-p libgit git] 2 (#$ . 776)]) (custom-declare-group 'magit-process nil "Git and other external processes used by Magit." :group 'magit) #@55 Prepended to `process-environment' while running git. (defvar magit-git-environment (byte-code "\301\302\"C\207" [emacs-version format "INSIDE_EMACS=%s,magit"] 3) (#$ . 1128)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable magit-git-output-coding-system funcall function #[0 "\301=\205\302\207" [system-type windows-nt utf-8] 2] "Coding system for receiving output from Git.\n\nIf non-nil, the Git config value `i18n.logOutputEncoding' should\nbe set via `magit-git-global-arguments' to value consistent with\nthis." :package-version (magit . "2.9.0") :group magit-process :type (choice (coding-system :tag "Coding system to decode Git output") (const :tag "Use system default" nil))] 10) #@174 Alist of (EXE . (PATHENTRY)). This specifies what additional PATH setting needs to be added to the environment in order to run the non-wrapper git executables successfully. (defvar magit-git-w32-path-hack nil (#$ . 1876)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\315\316\306\317\306\307\310\320& \207" [custom-declare-variable magit-git-executable funcall function #[0 "\302=\203F\303\304!\211\205A\3051?\306\307\310\311\304%@\312 \"\313\306\307\314\315$@PC\2032\241\210\2028B B\266\2030\202A\210\316\262\206G\304\207" [system-type magit-git-w32-path-hack windows-nt executable-find "git" (error) process-lines "-c" "alias.X=!x() { which \"$1\" | cygpath -mf -; }; x" "X" assoc "PATH=" "alias.P=!cygpath -wp \"$PATH\"" "P" nil] 9] "The Git executable used by Magit." :group magit-process :type string magit-git-global-arguments #[0 "\301\302\303\304\303\305\303\306\303\307\310=\205\303\311DBBBBBBBBBB\207" [system-type "--no-pager" "--literal-pathspecs" "-c" "core.preloadindex=true" "log.showSignature=false" "color.ui=false" "color.diff=false" windows-nt "i18n.logOutputEncoding=UTF-8"] 12] "Global Git arguments.\n\nThe arguments set here are used every time the git executable is\nrun as a subprocess. They are placed right after the executable\nitself and before the git command - as in `git HERE... COMMAND\nREST'. See the manpage `git(1)' for valid arguments.\n\nBe careful what you add here, especially if you are using Tramp\nto connect to servers with ancient Git versions. Never remove\nanything that is part of the default value, unless you really\nknow what you are doing. And think very hard before adding\nsomething; it will be used every time Magit runs Git for any\npurpose." :package-version (magit . "2.9.0") magit-commands (repeat string)] 12) #@719 Whether to enable additional reporting of git errors. Magit basically calls git for one of these two reasons: for side-effects or to do something with its standard output. When git is run for side-effects then its output, including error messages, go into the process buffer which is shown when using \\[magit-process]. When git's output is consumed in some way, then it would be too expensive to also insert it into this buffer, but when this option is non-nil and git returns with a non-zero exit status, then at least its standard error is inserted into this buffer. This is only intended for debugging purposes. Do not enable this permanently, that would negatively affect performance. (defvar magit-git-debug nil (#$ . 3720)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\300\314\302\303\315DD\316\306\317\310\311\312\320& \210\300\321\302\303\322DD\323\306\324\310\325\312\326& \207" [custom-declare-variable magit-prefer-remote-upstream funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to favor remote branches when reading the upstream branch.\n\nThis controls whether commands that read a branch from the user\nand then set it as the upstream branch, offer a local or a remote\nbranch as default completion candidate, when they have the choice.\n\nThis affects all commands that use `magit-read-upstream-branch'\nor `magit-read-starting-point', which includes most commands\nthat change the upstream and many that create new branches." :package-version (magit . "2.4.2") :group magit-commands :type boolean magit-list-refs-namespaces #[0 "\300\207" [("refs/heads" "refs/remotes" "refs/tags" "refs/pullreqs")] 1] "List of ref namespaces considered when reading a ref.\n\nThis controls the order of refs returned by `magit-list-refs',\nwhich is called by functions like `magit-list-branch-names' to\ngenerate the collection of refs." (magit . "3.1.0") (repeat string) magit-list-refs-sortby #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "How to sort the ref collection in the prompt.\n\nThis affects commands that read a ref. More specifically, it\ncontrols the order of refs returned by `magit-list-refs', which\nis called by functions like `magit-list-branch-names' to generate\nthe collection of refs. By default, refs are sorted according to\ntheir full refname (i.e., 'refs/...').\n\nAny value accepted by the `--sort' flag of `git for-each-ref' can\nbe used. For example, \"-creatordate\" places refs with more\nrecent committer or tagger dates earlier in the list. A list of\nstrings can also be given in order to pass multiple sort keys to\n`git for-each-ref'.\n\nNote that, depending on the completion framework you use, this\nmay not be sufficient to change the order in which the refs are\ndisplayed. It only controls the order of the collection passed\nto `magit-completing-read' or, for commands that support reading\nmultiple strings, `read-from-minibuffer'. The completion\nframework ultimately determines how the collection is displayed." (magit . "2.11.0") magit-miscellaneous (choice string (repeat string))] 10) (defvar magit--refresh-cache nil) #@23 (fn KEY &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit--with-refresh-cache '(macro . #[385 "\300 \301\302\303DC\304\305\306BB\307\310\303\311\312\f!DC\313\314\f\315BB\316BB\317BBB\257EBBB\207" [cl-gensym if magit--refresh-cache let --if-let assoc ((cdr magit--refresh-cache)) (progn (cl-incf (caar magit--refresh-cache)) (cdr it)) (cl-incf (cdar magit--refresh-cache)) value macroexp-progn push cons (value) ((cdr magit--refresh-cache)) (value)] 17 (#$ . 6834)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put magit--with-refresh-cache lisp-indent-function 1 put edebug-form-spec (form body)] 5) #@199 The environment variable exported by `magit-with-editor'. Set this to "GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR" if you do not want to use Emacs to edit commit messages but would like to do so to edit rebase sequences. (defvar magit-with-editor-envvar "GIT_EDITOR" (#$ . 7450)) #@125 Like `with-editor' but let-bind some more variables. Also respect the value of `magit-with-editor-envvar'. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit-with-editor '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303BBE\207" [let ((magit-process-popup-time -1) (shell-file-name (if (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (not magit-cygwin-mount-points)) "cmdproxy" shell-file-name))) with-editor* magit-with-editor-envvar] 6 (#$ . 7714)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put magit-with-editor lisp-indent-function 0 put edebug-form-spec (body)] 5) #@298 Like `with-temp-buffer', but always propagate `process-environment'. When that var is buffer-local in the calling buffer, it is not propagated by `with-temp-buffer', so we explicitly ensure that happens, so that processes will be invoked consistently. BODY is as for that macro. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit--with-temp-process-buffer '(macro . #[128 "\300 \301\302BC\303\304\305EBBE\207" [cl-gensym let (process-environment) with-temp-buffer setq-local process-environment] 8 (#$ . 8266)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put magit--with-temp-process-buffer lisp-indent-function 0 put edebug-form-spec (body)] 5) #@347 Prepare ARGS for a function that invokes Git. Magit has many specialized functions for running Git; they all pass arguments through this function before handing them to Git, to do the following. * Flatten ARGS, removing nil arguments. * Prepend `magit-git-global-arguments' to ARGS. * On w32 systems, encode to `w32-ansi-code-page'. (fn ARGS) (defalias 'magit-process-git-arguments #[257 "\302\303!\"\262 \304=\203\305\306!\203\307\310\"\207\207" [magit-git-global-arguments system-type append -flatten windows-nt boundp w32-ansi-code-page mapcar #[257 "\301\302\303\304\"!\"\207" [w32-ansi-code-page encode-coding-string intern format "cp%d"] 7 "\n\n(fn ARG)"]] 5 (#$ . 8926)]) #@66 Execute Git with ARGS, returning its exit code. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-exit-code #[128 "\301\302\303\211\211\304!&\207" [magit-git-executable apply magit-process-file nil magit-process-git-arguments] 9 (#$ . 9624)]) #@76 Execute Git with ARGS, returning t if its exit code is 0. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-success #[128 "\300!\301U\207" [magit-git-exit-code 0] 3 (#$ . 9865)]) #@76 Execute Git with ARGS, returning t if its exit code is 1. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-failure #[128 "\300!\301U\207" [magit-git-exit-code 1] 3 (#$ . 10039)]) #@365 Execute Git with ARGS, returning the first line of its output. If the exit code isn't zero or if there is no output, then return nil. Neither of these results is considered an error; if that is what you want, then use `magit-git-string-ng' instead. This is an experimental replacement for `magit-git-string', and still subject to major changes. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-string-p #[128 "\203k B\304A\"\211\203\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\n\305\306\307\"r\211q\210\310\311\"\216\312\302!\210\313\314 \315\307\315\316 !&\317U\205Yo?\205Yeb\210\320`\321 \"*\262\262B\211AB\241\266\207\n\305\306\307\"r\211q\210\310\322\"\216\312\302!\210\313\314 \315\307\315\316 !&\317U\205\235o?\205\235eb\210\320`\321 \"*\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory process-environment magit-git-executable assoc generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable apply magit-process-file nil magit-process-git-arguments 0 buffer-substring-no-properties line-end-position #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2]] 13 (#$ . 10215)]) #@509 Execute Git with ARGS, returning the first line of its output. If the exit code isn't zero or if there is no output, then that is considered an error, but instead of actually signaling an error, return nil. Additionally the output is put in the process buffer (creating it if necessary) and the error message is shown in the status buffer (provided it exists). This is an experimental replacement for `magit-git-string', and still subject to major changes. Also see `magit-git-string-p'. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-string-ng #[128 "\203\231 \305E\306A\"\211\203\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\n\307\310\311\"r\211q\210\312\313\"\216\314\302!\210\315!\316\317 \320\311\320&\211\321U\203ao?\205\205eb\210\322`\323 \"\266\202\202\207pr\324\311!q\210\325 %\210)\210\326\327!\211\203\203\330 rq\210\211)\210\210\320\266\202*\262\262B\211AB\241\266\207\n\307\310\311\"r\211q\210\312\331\"\216\314\302!\210\315!\316\317 \320\311\320&\211\321U\203\322o?\205\366eb\210\322`\323 \"\266\202\202\370pr\324\311!q\210\325 %\210)\210\326\327!\211\203\364\330 rq\210\211)\210\210\320\266\202*\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory process-environment magit-git-executable magit-this-error magit-git-string-ng assoc generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable magit-process-git-arguments apply magit-process-file nil 0 buffer-substring-no-properties line-end-position magit-process-buffer magit-process-insert-section magit-get-mode-buffer magit-status-mode magit--locate-error-message #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2]] 14 (#$ . 11407)]) #@233 Execute Git with ARGS, returning the first line of its output. If there is no output, return nil. If the output begins with a newline, return an empty string. Like `magit-git-string' but ignore `magit-git-debug'. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-str #[128 "\304!\262\203n B\305A\"\211\203\"\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\n\306\307\310\"r\211q\210\311\312\"\216\313\302!\210\314\315 \316\310\316D\316\317 !&\210o?\205\\eb\210\320`\321 \"*\262\262B\211AB\241\266\207\n\306\307\310\"r\211q\210\311\322\"\216\313\302!\210\314\315 \316\310\316D\316\317 !&\210o?\205\236eb\210\320`\321 \"*\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory process-environment magit-git-executable -flatten assoc generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable apply magit-process-file nil magit-process-git-arguments buffer-substring-no-properties line-end-position #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2]] 13 (#$ . 13143)]) #@63 Execute Git with ARGS, returning its output. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-output #[128 "\304!\262\203e B\305A\"\211\203\"\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\n\306\307\310\"r\211q\210\311\312\"\216\313\302!\210\314\315 \316\310\316D\316\317 !&\210\320ed\"*\262\262B\211AB\241\266\207\n\306\307\310\"r\211q\210\311\321\"\216\313\302!\210\314\315 \316\310\316D\316\317 !&\210\320ed\"*\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory process-environment magit-git-executable -flatten assoc generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable apply magit-process-file nil magit-process-git-arguments buffer-substring-no-properties #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2]] 13 (#$ . 14210)]) (define-error 'magit-invalid-git-boolean "Not a Git boolean") #@171 Execute Git with ARGS, returning t if it prints "true". If it prints "false", then return nil. For any other output signal `magit-invalid-git-boolean'. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-true #[128 "\300!\211\301\267\202 \302\207\303\207\211\304\305\"\207" [magit-git-output #s(hash-table size 4 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("true\n" 9 "true" 9 "false\n" 11 "false" 11)) t nil signal magit-invalid-git-boolean] 6 (#$ . 15115)]) #@171 Execute Git with ARGS, returning t if it prints "false". If it prints "true", then return nil. For any other output signal `magit-invalid-git-boolean'. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-false #[128 "\300!\211\301\267\202 \302\207\303\207\211\304\305\"\207" [magit-git-output #s(hash-table size 4 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("true\n" 9 "true" 9 "false\n" 11 "false" 11)) nil t signal magit-invalid-git-boolean] 6 (#$ . 15596)]) #@186 Execute Git with ARGS, inserting its output at point. If Git exits with a non-zero exit status, then show a message and add a section in the respective process buffer. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-insert #[128 "\303!\262\203~\304C\305\306\"\216\211\307\310!\240\210\311\242!\210\312\313 \304\314\242D\304&\211\315V\203y\316\317\242!\203s\320\321\314\"r\211q\210\305\322\"\216\323\242!\210db\210\324!\203X\325 !\202Z\326 *\262\262\304r\327\314!q\210\330\n \242%\210*\331\332\"\266\211\262)\207\312\313 \304\314\304D\304&\207" [magit-git-debug magit-git-executable default-directory magit-process-git-arguments nil make-closure #[0 "\3011\n\302\300\242!0\207\210\303\207" [V0 (error) delete-file nil] 2] make-temp-file "magit-stderr" delete-file apply magit-process-file t 0 "Git failed" file-exists-p generate-new-buffer " *temp*" #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] insert-file-contents functionp buffer-string magit--locate-error-message magit-process-buffer magit-process-insert-section message "%s"] 10 (#$ . 16078)]) (defalias 'magit--locate-error-message #[0 "db\210\300\301\302\"\205 \303\304!\207" [run-hook-wrapped magit-process-error-message-regexps #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [re-search-backward nil t] 5 "\n\n(fn RE)"] match-string-no-properties 1] 3]) #@178 Execute Git with ARGS, returning the first line of its output. If there is no output, return nil. If the output begins with a newline, return an empty string. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-string #[128 "\303!\262\203e B\304A\"\211\203\"\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\n\305\306\307\"r\211q\210\310\311\"\216\312\302!\210\313\314\"\210o?\205Seb\210\315`\316 \"*\262\262B\211AB\241\266\207\n\305\306\307\"r\211q\210\310\317\"\216\312\302!\210\313\314\"\210o?\205\213eb\210\315`\316 \"*\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory process-environment -flatten assoc generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable apply magit-git-insert buffer-substring-no-properties line-end-position #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2]] 9 (#$ . 17424)]) #@252 Execute Git with ARGS, returning its output as a list of lines. Empty lines anywhere in the output are omitted. If Git exits with a non-zero exit status, then report show a message and add a section in the respective process buffer. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-lines #[128 "\301\302\303\"r\211q\210\304\305\"\216\306\300!\210\307\310\"\210\311\312 \313\303#*\207" [process-environment generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable apply magit-git-insert split-string buffer-string "\n"] 7 (#$ . 18336)]) #@258 Execute Git with ARGS, returning its null-separated output as a list. Empty items anywhere in the output are omitted. If Git exits with a non-zero exit status, then report show a message and add a section in the respective process buffer. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-items #[128 "\301\302\303\"r\211q\210\304\305\"\216\306\300!\210\307\310\"\210\311\312 \313\303#*\207" [process-environment generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable apply magit-git-insert split-string buffer-string ""] 7 (#$ . 18949)]) #@330 Execute Git with ARGS, inserting washed output at point. Actually first insert the raw output at point. If there is no output, call `magit-cancel-section'. Otherwise temporarily narrow the buffer to the inserted text, move to its beginning, and then call function WASHER with ARGS as its sole argument. (fn WASHER &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-wash #[385 "`\300!\262\301!\210`U\203\302 \207n\204\303c\210\214\211`}\210\211b\210!\210)`U\2044`TU\2037\302 \210\304 \207" [-flatten magit-git-insert magit-cancel-section "\n" magit-maybe-make-margin-overlay] 5 (#$ . 19567)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put magit-git-wash lisp-indent-function 1] 4) #@22 (fn &optional RAW) (defalias 'magit-git-version #[256 "\301\3021\303\304!\305\301O0\202\210\301)\211\205'\203\207\306\307\"\205'\310\311\"\207" [magit-git-global-arguments nil (error) magit-git-string "version" 12 string-match "\\`\\([0-9]+\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)\\{1,2\\}\\)" match-string 1] 5 (#$ . 20259)]) #@12 (fn KEY) (defalias 'magit-config-get-from-cached-list #[257 "\301\302\303\304\305\211%\302\306\304\305\211%\262\262\203\222\307 \310B\311A\"\211\2034\211@@@T\240\266\211A\202\213\211@@AT\241\266\312\313\314\"\315\316\317\320#\211\203x\211@\321\322\"\323O\203aT\324O\202b\325\326\301 \"C\244#\266A\266\202\202G\210\211\262B\211AB\241\266\211\262\262\262\202\320\312\313\314\"\315\316\317\320#\211\203\314\211@\321\322\"\323O\203\265T\324O\202\266\325\326\301 \"C\244#\266A\266\202\202\233\210\211\262\"\207" [magit--refresh-cache gethash replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[^.]+" downcase t "[^.]+\\'" magit-toplevel config assoc make-hash-table :test equal magit-git-items "config" "--list" "-z" cl-position 10 0 nil "" puthash] 16 (#$ . 20581)]) #@74 Return the value of the Git variable specified by KEYS. (fn &rest KEYS) (defalias 'magit-get #[128 "\300\301\302\"!@\207" [last apply magit-get-all] 5 (#$ . 21395)]) #@75 Return all values of the Git variable specified by KEYS. (fn &rest KEYS) (defalias 'magit-get-all #[128 "\302@\203\303\304@\"\205\211A\262\242\305\306\307# \203)\204)\310!\2020\311\312\313\314%)\207" [magit-git-debug magit--refresh-cache nil string-prefix-p "--" mapconcat identity "." magit-config-get-from-cached-list magit-git-items "config" "-z" "--get-all"] 10 (#$ . 21569)]) #@82 Return the boolean value of the Git variable specified by KEYS. (fn &rest KEYS) (defalias 'magit-get-boolean #[128 "\301\302\303#\203\304\305!!@\306\232\207\307\310\311#\306\232\207" [magit--refresh-cache mapconcat identity "." last magit-config-get-from-cached-list "true" magit-git-str "config" "--bool"] 6 (#$ . 21975)]) #@86 Set the value of the Git variable specified by KEYS to VALUE. (fn VALUE &rest KEYS) (defalias 'magit-set #[385 "\211@\203 \300\301@\"\205\211A\262\242\302\303\304#\203'\305\306$\210\202.\305\306\307$\210\207" [string-prefix-p "--" mapconcat identity "." magit-git-success "config" "--unset"] 9 (#$ . 22312)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put magit-get gv-expander #[385 "\300\301\302$\207" [gv--defsetter magit-get #[385 "\300BB\207" [magit-set] 5 "\n\n(fn VAL &rest KEYS)"]] 7 "\n\n(fn DO &rest ARGS)"]] 4) #@89 Set all values of the Git variable specified by KEYS to VALUES. (fn VALUES &rest KEYS) (defalias 'magit-set-all #[385 "\211@\203 \300\301@\"\205\211A\262\242\302\303\304#\305!\203%\306\307\310$\210\211\205<\211@\306\307\311%\210A\266\202\202&\207" [string-prefix-p "--" mapconcat identity "." magit-get magit-call-git "config" "--unset-all" "--add"] 12 (#$ . 22868)]) #@23 (fn &optional FILE) (defalias 'magit--safe-default-directory #[256 "\30120\302\303\206 !!\304\305!\204,\306\307!!\262\232\203&\310\301\304\"\210\262\202\266\2020\207" [default-directory unsafe-default-dir file-name-as-directory expand-file-name nil magit-file-accessible-directory-p file-name-directory directory-file-name throw] 6 (#$ . 23262)]) #@24 (fn FILE &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit--with-safe-default-directory '(macro . #[385 "\300\301\302DDCBB\207" [when-let default-directory magit--safe-default-directory] 6 (#$ . 23633)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put magit--with-safe-default-directory lisp-indent-function 1 put edebug-form-spec (form body)] 5) #@338 Return the absolute and resolved path of the .git directory. If the `GIT_DIR' environment variable is define then return that. Otherwise return the .git directory for DIRECTORY, or if that is nil, then for `default-directory' instead. If the directory is not located inside a Git repository, then return nil. (fn &optional DIRECTORY) (defalias 'magit-gitdir #[256 "\211\206\301 )\207" [default-directory magit-git-dir] 2 (#$ . 23989)]) #@286 Return the absolute and resolved path of the .git directory. If the `GIT_DIR' environment variable is define then return that. Otherwise return the .git directory for `default-directory'. If the directory is not located inside a Git repository, then return nil. (fn &optional PATH) (defalias 'magit-git-dir #[256 "\203i \302E\303A\"\211\203\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\304\305!\211\205[\306\307!\211\205Y\310\311!!\262\312!\204K\312 !P\262\203X\313\314!\"\202Y\211\262)B\211AB\241\266\207\304\305!\211\205\234\306\307!\211\205\232\310\311!!\262\312!\204\214\312 !P\262\203\231\313\314!\"\202\232\211\262)\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory magit-git-dir assoc magit--safe-default-directory nil magit-rev-parse-safe "--git-dir" file-name-as-directory magit-expand-git-file-name file-remote-p expand-file-name convert-standard-filename] 10 (#$ . 24439)]) (defvar magit--separated-gitdirs nil) (defalias 'magit--record-separated-gitdir #[0 "\301 \302 \303\304!!\203\305!\262\306\307\310\311\312&\313\314\315\"!\232?\205.BB\211\207" [magit--separated-gitdirs magit-toplevel magit-git-dir file-symlink-p directory-file-name file-truename cl-delete :key car :test equal file-name-as-directory expand-file-name ".git"] 9]) #@911 Return the absolute path to the toplevel of the current repository. From within the working tree or control directory of a repository return the absolute path to the toplevel directory of the working tree. As a special case, from within a bare repository return the control directory instead. When called outside a repository then return nil. When optional DIRECTORY is non-nil then return the toplevel for that directory instead of the one for `default-directory'. Try to respect the option `find-file-visit-truename', i.e. when the value of that option is nil, then avoid needlessly returning the truename. When a symlink to a sub-directory of the working tree is involved, or when called from within a sub-directory of the gitdir or from the toplevel of a gitdir, which itself is not located within the working tree, then it is not possible to avoid returning the truename. (fn &optional DIRECTORY) (defalias 'magit-toplevel #[256 "\203\373\211\206 \304B\305A\"\211\203!\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\306!\211\205\355\307\310!\211\203\220\311\312!\262\n\204\204\313\314!\204\204\315\307\316!!\262\317!\203_\320 !P\202b\321!\262\211\307\316!\322\230\205|\307\310!\211\205z\312!\230\262)\203\204\211\202\213\320 !\315!P\262\202\353\307\323!\211\205\351\315\317!\203\250\320 !\312!P\202\253\321!!\262\324 \203\267\211\202\351\321\325\"\326!\205\304\327!\211\203\332\211\330\232\204\332\320 !\331!P\266\202\202\351\332 \"@\206\347\331\333!!\266\202\262\262)B\211AB\241\266\207\306!\211\205\275\307\310!\211\203`\311\312!\262\n\204T\313\314!\204T\315\307\316!!\262\317!\203/\320 !P\2022\321!\262\211\307\316!\322\230\205L\307\310!\211\205J\312!\230\262)\203T\211\202[\320 !\315!P\262\202\273\307\323!\211\205\271\315\317!\203x\320 !\312!P\202{\321!!\262\324 \203\207\211\202\271\321\325\"\326!\205\224\327!\211\203\252\211\330\232\204\252\320 !\331!P\266\202\202\271\332 \"@\206\267\331\333!!\266\202\262\262)\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory find-file-visit-truename magit--separated-gitdirs magit-toplevel assoc magit--safe-default-directory magit-rev-parse-safe "--show-toplevel" nil magit-expand-git-file-name getenv "GIT_WORK_TREE" file-name-as-directory "--show-cdup" file-name-absolute-p file-remote-p expand-file-name "" "--git-dir" magit-bare-repo-p "gitdir" file-exists-p magit-file-line ".git" file-name-directory rassoc directory-file-name] 11 (#$ . 25753)]) #@19 (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit-with-toplevel '(macro . #[128 "\300\301!\302\303BC\304\302\305DCBB\306BBBE\207" [cl-gensym "toplevel" let ((magit-toplevel)) if default-directory ((magit--not-inside-repository-error))] 9 (#$ . 28274)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\210\307\310\311\"\210\307\312\313\"\210\307\314\315\"\207" [function-put magit-with-toplevel lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec (body) define-error magit-outside-git-repo "Not inside Git repository" magit-corrupt-git-config "Corrupt Git configuration" magit-git-executable-not-found "Git executable cannot be found (see https://magit.vc/goto/e6a78ed2)"] 5) (defalias 'magit--assert-usable-git #[0 "\302!\204 \303\304\"\207\305\306\307\310\311\312$\210)\313\207" [magit-git-executable magit-git-debug executable-find signal magit-git-executable-not-found #[257 "\301\302\303\304#\"\207" [default-directory signal magit-corrupt-git-config format "%s: %s"] 7 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] magit-git-string "config" "--get-color" "" "reset" nil] 5]) (defalias 'magit--not-inside-repository-error #[0 "\301 \210\302\303\"\207" [default-directory magit--assert-usable-git signal magit-outside-git-repo] 3]) #@247 Return t if `default-directory' is below the repository directory. If it is below the working directory, then return nil. If it isn't below either, then signal an error unless NOERROR is non-nil, in which case return nil. (fn &optional NOERROR) (defalias 'magit-inside-gitdir-p #[256 "\301!\205!\302 \211\203\303\"\202\203\304\202\305\306\"\262\207" [default-directory magit--assert-default-directory magit-git-dir file-in-directory-p nil signal magit-outside-git-repo] 5 (#$ . 29480)]) #@247 Return t if `default-directory' is below the working directory. If it is below the repository directory, then return nil. If it isn't below either, then signal an error unless NOERROR is non-nil, in which case return nil. (fn &optional NOERROR) (defalias 'magit-inside-worktree-p #[256 "\301!\205\3021\303\304!0\207\210\211?\205\305\306\"\207" [default-directory magit--assert-default-directory (magit-invalid-git-boolean) magit-rev-parse-true "--is-inside-work-tree" signal magit-outside-git-repo] 4 (#$ . 29990)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\301\303\304#\305#\210\306\301\304\303\304\307%\207" [defalias magit-bare-repo-p cl-generic-define (&optional noerror) nil "Return t if the current repository is bare.\nIf it is non-bare, then return nil. If `default-directory'\nisn't below a Git repository, then signal an error unless\nNOERROR is non-nil, in which case return nil.\n\n(fn &optional NOERROR)" cl-generic-define-method #[256 "\301!\205\3021\303\304!0\207\210\211?\205\305\306\"\207" [default-directory magit--assert-default-directory (magit-invalid-git-boolean) magit-rev-parse-true "--is-bare-repository" signal magit-outside-git-repo] 4 "\n\n(fn &optional NOERROR)"]] 6) #@26 (fn &optional NOERROR) (defalias 'magit--assert-default-directory #[256 "\301!\206'\211?\205'\302!\303\203\304\202\305\306\203!\307\202\"\310E\"\262\207" [default-directory file-directory-p file-exists-p signal file-error file-missing "Running git in directory" "Not a directory" "No such file or directory"] 7 (#$ . 31194)]) #@164 Return t if DIRECTORY is a Git repository. When optional NON-BARE is non-nil also return nil if DIRECTORY is a bare repository. (fn DIRECTORY &optional NON-BARE) (defalias 'magit-git-repo-p #[513 "\300!\2055\301\302\303\"!\2065\300\302\303\"!\2065\211?\2055\301\302\304\"!\2055\300\302\305\"!\2055\300\302\306\"!\207" [file-directory-p file-regular-p expand-file-name ".git" "HEAD" "refs" "objects"] 6 (#$ . 31543)]) #@352 Return the path of FILE relative to the repository root. If optional FILE is nil or omitted, return the relative path of the file being visited in the current buffer, if any, else nil. If the file is not inside a Git repository, then return nil. If TRACKED is non-nil, return the path only if it matches a tracked file. (fn &optional FILE TRACKED) (defalias 'magit-file-relative-name #[512 "\204r\303 \206 pq\210\206 \206\304\305!\205\n\262)\205B\211\203/\306\307!!\205B\310\311\312\313!!!!\211\205@\307\"\262\207" [magit-buffer-file-name buffer-file-name default-directory buffer-base-buffer derived-mode-p dired-mode magit-file-tracked-p file-relative-name magit-toplevel magit--safe-default-directory directory-file-name file-name-directory] 7 (#$ . 31980)]) #@13 (fn FILE) (defalias 'magit-file-tracked-p #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-git-success "ls-files" "--error-unmatch"] 5 (#$ . 32773)]) #@19 (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-list-files #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304%\207" [apply magit-git-items "ls-files" "-z" "--full-name"] 7 (#$ . 32916)]) (defalias 'magit-tracked-files #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-list-files "--cached"] 2]) #@28 (fn &optional ALL FILES) (defalias 'magit-untracked-files #[512 "\300\301?\205\302\303$\207" [magit-list-files "--other" "--exclude-standard" "--"] 7 (#$ . 33159)]) #@34 (fn &optional NOMODULES FILES) (defalias 'magit-unstaged-files #[512 "\300\301\302\303\205 \304\305&\207" [magit-git-items "diff-files" "-z" "--name-only" "--ignore-submodules" "--"] 9 (#$ . 33336)]) #@34 (fn &optional NOMODULES FILES) (defalias 'magit-staged-files #[512 "\300\301\302\303\304\205 \305\306 \307&\207" [magit-git-items "diff-index" "-z" "--name-only" "--cached" "--ignore-submodules" magit-headish "--"] 11 (#$ . 33549)]) #@19 (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-binary-files #[128 "\300\301\302\303\300\304\305\306\307\310\n&\"\"\207" [apply append mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\205\f\302\303\"C\207" [string-match "^- - \\(.+\\)" match-string 1] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-git-items "diff" "-z" "--numstat" "--ignore-submodules"] 12 (#$ . 33796)]) (defalias 'magit-unmerged-files #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304$\207" [magit-git-items "diff-files" "-z" "--name-only" "--diff-filter=U"] 5]) (defalias 'magit-ignored-files #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306&\207" [magit-git-items "ls-files" "-z" "--others" "--ignored" "--exclude-standard" "--directory"] 7]) (defalias 'magit-skip-worktree-files #[0 "\300\301\302!\303\300\211\2034\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\303H\304U\205&\305\300O\211\2030\211B\262\210\202\266\211\237\207" [nil magit-list-files "-t" 0 83 2] 8]) (defalias 'magit-assume-unchanged-files #[0 "\300\301\302!\303\300\211\2034\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\303H\304>\205&\305\300O\211\2030\211B\262\210\202\266\211\237\207" [nil magit-list-files "-v" 0 (104 115 109 114 99 107) 2] 8]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-revision-files #[257 "\301 \211\203\211\302\303\304\305\306%)\207\307 \207" [default-directory magit-toplevel magit-git-items "ls-tree" "-z" "-r" "--name-only" magit--not-inside-repository-error] 8 (#$ . 34897)]) #@292 Return list of files the have changed between two revisions. If OTHER-REV is non-nil, REV-OR-RANGE should be a revision, not a range. Otherwise, it can be any revision or range accepted by "git diff" (i.e., , .., or ...). (fn REV-OR-RANGE &optional OTHER-REV) (defalias 'magit-changed-files #[513 "\301 \211\203\211\302\303\304\305%)\207\306 \207" [default-directory magit-toplevel magit-git-items "diff" "-z" "--name-only" magit--not-inside-repository-error] 9 (#$ . 35150)]) #@18 (fn REVA REVB) (defalias 'magit-renamed-files #[514 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311  &\"\"\207" [mapcar #[257 "\211A@\3008B\207" [2] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] -partition 3 magit-git-items "diff-tree" "-r" "--diff-filter=R" "-z" "-M"] 14 (#$ . 35671)]) #@19 (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-file-status #[128 "\301\302\303\"r\211q\210\304\305\"\216\306\300!\210\212\307\310\311#\210)`\312\313\312w\314V\203afTf\315\\`{\312u\210\316>\203R`\262\313\312w\210\211`{FB\262\312u\266\202[\211\312FB\266\204`\262\202\262*\207" [process-environment generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable magit-git-insert "status" "-z" nil "[:print:]" 0 3 (82 67)] 12 (#$ . 35936)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable magit-cygwin-mount-points funcall function #[0 "\305=\2056\306\307\310\311 \n\"\312\313 \314\"@\315\316\317#)\266\203?\2050\3201.\313\321!0\2020\210\315)\"\322\323\324$\207" [system-type magit-git-environment process-environment magit-git-executable inhibit-changing-match-data windows-nt cl-sort mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\203\302\303\304\"!\302\303\305\"!B\207\306\307\310\311$\207" [string-match "^\\(.*\\) on \\(.*\\) type" file-name-as-directory match-string 2 1 lwarn (magit) :error "Failed to parse Cygwin mount: %S"] 6 "\n\n(fn IT)"] append "\\`[a-zA-Z]:" process-lines "--exec-path" nil t string-match (error) "mount" > :key #[257 "\211\242\243\300G\207" [nil] 6 "\n\n(fn ARG0)"]] 10] "Alist of (CYGWIN . WIN32) directory names.\nSorted from longest to shortest CYGWIN name." :package-version (magit . "2.3.0") :group magit-process :type (alist :key-type string :value-type directory)] 10) #@17 (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'magit-expand-git-file-name #[257 "\301!\204 \302!\262\303\304\305$\211\2030\211A\262\242\211\203.\211\203,\211G\306OP\207\207\207\207" [magit-cygwin-mount-points file-name-absolute-p expand-file-name cl-assoc :test #[514 "\300\"\207" [string-prefix-p] 5 "\n\n(fn F CYG)"] nil] 8 (#$ . 37473)]) #@192 Convert FILENAME so that it can be passed to git. 1. If it's a remote filename, then remove the remote part. 2. Deal with an `windows-nt' Emacs vs. Cygwin Git incompatibility. (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'magit-convert-filename-for-git #[257 "\301!\203B\302\303\304$\211\2039\211A\262\242\211\2030\211\203'G\305OP\207\306\307\"\206/\207\306\307\"\2068\207\306\307\"\206A\207\207" [magit-cygwin-mount-points file-name-absolute-p cl-rassoc :test #[514 "\300\"\207" [string-prefix-p] 5 "\n\n(fn F WIN)"] nil file-remote-p localname] 8 (#$ . 37820)]) #@13 (fn PATH) (defalias 'magit-decode-git-path #[257 "\211\302H\303=\203\304\305!\206 @\306#\207\207" [magit-git-output-coding-system default-process-coding-system 0 34 decode-coding-string read t] 5 (#$ . 38394)]) #@32 (fn &optional EXPAND ASSERT) (defalias 'magit-file-at-point #[512 "\300 \211\203\301\302\"\203\303\304\"\202\"\211\205\"\301\305\"\205\"\306!\262\211\2033\2032\307\310 \"\207\207\205:\311\312!\207" [magit-current-section magit-section-match-1 file eieio-oref value hunk magit-section-parent-value expand-file-name magit-toplevel user-error "No file at point"] 6 (#$ . 38619)]) (defalias 'magit-current-file #[0 "\301 \206\302 \206\303\304!\205@\207" [magit-buffer-log-files magit-file-relative-name magit-file-at-point derived-mode-p magit-log-mode] 2]) #@63 Return t if there is no commit in the current Git repository. (defalias 'magit-no-commit-p #[0 "\300\301!?\207" [magit-rev-verify "HEAD"] 2 (#$ . 39206)]) #@52 Return t if COMMIT is a merge commit. (fn COMMIT) (defalias 'magit-merge-commit-p #[257 "\300!G\301V\207" [magit-commit-parents 1] 3 (#$ . 39367)]) #@168 Return t if there are any staged changes. If optional FILES is non-nil, then only changes to those files are considered. (fn &optional IGNORE-SUBMODULES &rest FILES) (defalias 'magit-anything-staged-p #[384 "\300\301\302\303\205 \304\305&\207" [magit-git-failure "diff" "--quiet" "--cached" "--ignore-submodules" "--"] 9 (#$ . 39524)]) #@170 Return t if there are any unstaged changes. If optional FILES is non-nil, then only changes to those files are considered. (fn &optional IGNORE-SUBMODULES &rest FILES) (defalias 'magit-anything-unstaged-p #[384 "\300\301\302\205\303\304%\207" [magit-git-failure "diff" "--quiet" "--ignore-submodules" "--"] 8 (#$ . 39873)]) #@180 Return t if there are any staged or unstaged changes. If optional FILES is non-nil, then only changes to those files are considered. (fn &optional IGNORE-SUBMODULES &rest FILES) (defalias 'magit-anything-modified-p #[384 "\300\301#\206 \300\302#\207" [apply magit-anything-staged-p magit-anything-unstaged-p] 6 (#$ . 40209)]) #@143 Return t if there are any merge conflicts. If optional FILES is non-nil, then only conflicts in those files are considered. (fn &rest FILES) (defalias 'magit-anything-unmerged-p #[128 "\300\301\302#\205 \303\207" [magit-git-string "ls-files" "--unmerged" t] 5 (#$ . 40548)]) #@15 (fn MODULE) (defalias 'magit-module-worktree-p #[257 "\301 \211\203\211\302\303\211\304\"!!)\207\305 \207" [default-directory magit-toplevel file-exists-p expand-file-name ".git" magit--not-inside-repository-error] 7 (#$ . 40832)]) #@15 (fn MODULE) (defalias 'magit-module-no-worktree-p #[257 "\300!?\207" [magit-module-worktree-p] 3 (#$ . 41076)]) #@34 (fn &optional RETURN-ARGUMENT) (defalias 'magit-ignore-submodules-p #[256 "\301\302\"\206\303\304!\211\205\203\305P\202\306P\262\207" [magit-buffer-diff-args cl-find-if #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [string-prefix-p "--ignore-submodules"] 4 "\n\n(fn ARG)"] magit-get "diff.ignoreSubmodules" "--ignore-submodules=" "diff.ignoreSubmodules="] 4 (#$ . 41197)]) #@115 Execute `git rev-parse ARGS', returning first line of output. If there is no output, return nil. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-rev-parse #[128 "\300\301\302#\207" [apply magit-git-string "rev-parse"] 5 (#$ . 41570)]) #@169 Execute `git rev-parse ARGS', returning first line of output. If there is no output, return nil. Like `magit-rev-parse' but ignore `magit-git-debug'. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-rev-parse-safe #[128 "\300\301\302#\207" [apply magit-git-str "rev-parse"] 5 (#$ . 41799)]) #@159 Execute `git rev-parse ARGS', returning t if it prints "true". If it prints "false", then return nil. For any other output signal an error. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-rev-parse-true #[128 "\300\301\"\207" [magit-git-true "rev-parse"] 4 (#$ . 42084)]) #@159 Execute `git rev-parse ARGS', returning t if it prints "false". If it prints "true", then return nil. For any other output signal an error. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-rev-parse-false #[128 "\300\301\"\207" [magit-git-false "rev-parse"] 4 (#$ . 42351)]) #@178 Execute `git rev-parse ARGS', returning t if it prints "true". Return t if the first (and usually only) output line is the string "true", otherwise return nil. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-rev-parse-p #[128 "\300\301\"\302\232\207" [magit-git-str "rev-parse" "true"] 4 (#$ . 42620)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-rev-verify #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-git-string-p "rev-parse" "--verify"] 5 (#$ . 42916)]) #@68 Return full hash for REV if it names an existing commit. (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-commit-p #[257 "\300\301P!\207" [magit-rev-verify "^{commit}"] 4 (#$ . 43049)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\300\303\302\"\207" [defalias magit-rev-verify-commit magit-commit-p magit-rev-hash] 3) #@77 Return t if there are no differences between the commits A and B. (fn A B) (defalias 'magit-rev-equal #[514 "\300\301\302$\207" [magit-git-success "diff" "--quiet"] 7 (#$ . 43338)]) #@57 Return t if A and B refer to the same commit. (fn A B) (defalias 'magit-rev-eq #[514 "\300!\300!\205\211\205\232\207" [magit-commit-p] 6 (#$ . 43529)]) #@66 Return non-nil if commit A is an ancestor of commit B. (fn A B) (defalias 'magit-rev-ancestor-p #[514 "\300\301\302$\207" [magit-git-success "merge-base" "--is-ancestor"] 7 (#$ . 43697)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-rev-head-p #[257 "\211\301\232\206\"\211\205\"\302\303\304\305#)\266\203?\205\"\306!\306\301!\232\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "HEAD" "\\.\\." nil t string-match magit-rev-parse] 8 (#$ . 43894)]) #@185 Return t if the user is the author of REV. More precisely return t if `user.name' is equal to the author name of REV and/or `user.email' is equal to the author email of REV. (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-rev-author-p #[257 "\300\301!\302\303\"\232\206\300\304!\302\305\"\232\207" [magit-get "user.name" magit-rev-format "%an" "user.email" "%ae"] 5 (#$ . 44139)]) #@717 Return a symbolic name for REV using `git-name-rev'. PATTERN can be used to limit the result to a matching ref. Unless NOT-ANCHORED is non-nil, the beginning of the ref must match PATTERN. An anchored lookup is done using the arguments "--exclude=*/ --exclude=*/HEAD" in addition to "--refs=", provided at least version v2.13 of Git is used. Older versions did not support the "--exclude" argument. When "--exclude" cannot be used and `git-name-rev' returns a ref that should have been excluded, then that is discarded and this function returns nil instead. This is unfortunate because there might be other refs that do match. To fix that, update Git. (fn REV &optional PATTERN NOT-ANCHORED) (defalias 'magit-rev-name #[769 "\301\302 \303\"\203X\304\305\306\307\205\310P%\211\205W\203V\311\312\313\314#)\266\203\203V\315\316O\317\320\"\206P\211\312\313\314#)\266\203\205P\321P!??\205U\207\211\207\304\305\306\307\205d\310P\205t?\205t\322\323PD&\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data version< magit-git-version "2.13" magit-git-string "name-rev" "--name-only" "--no-undefined" "--refs=" "\\`refs/[^/]+/\\*\\'" nil t string-match 0 -1 string-suffix-p "HEAD" magit-rev-verify "--exclude=*/HEAD" "--exclude=*/"] 12 (#$ . 44510)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-rev-branch #[257 "\301\302\"\211\205\303\304\305\306#)\266\203?\205\211\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data magit-rev-name "refs/heads/*" "[~^]" nil t string-match] 9 (#$ . 45806)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-get-shortname #[257 "\300\301\"\211\302!\206\211\303!\206\211\304!\211\204\305\306\"\207\307\310\"\2032\311\312\313\"!\203-\207\312\313\"\207\314!\207" [apply-partially magit-rev-name "refs/tags/*" "refs/heads/*" "refs/remotes/*" magit-rev-parse "--short" string-match "^\\(?:tags\\|remotes\\)/\\(.+\\)" magit-ref-ambiguous-p match-string 1 magit-ref-maybe-qualify] 7 (#$ . 46030)]) #@26 (fn REV &optional LAX) (defalias 'magit-name-branch #[513 "\300!\206\301!\206\211\205\300\302\"\206\301\302\"\207" [magit-name-local-branch magit-name-remote-branch t] 5 (#$ . 46461)]) #@26 (fn REV &optional LAX) (defalias 'magit-name-local-branch #[513 "\301\302\"\211\205\204\303\304\305\306#)\266\203?\205\211\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data magit-rev-name "refs/heads/*" "[~^]" nil t string-match] 10 (#$ . 46666)]) #@26 (fn REV &optional LAX) (defalias 'magit-name-remote-branch #[513 "\301\302\"\211\205!\204\303\304\305\306#)\266\203?\205!\211\307\304O\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data magit-rev-name "refs/remotes/*" "[~^]" nil t string-match 8] 10 (#$ . 46919)]) #@26 (fn REV &optional LAX) (defalias 'magit-name-tag #[513 "\301\302\"\211\205.\303\304\"\203\211\305\306O\262\204*\307\310\311\312#)\266\203?\205.\211\313\310O\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data magit-rev-name "refs/tags/*" string-suffix-p "^0" 0 -2 "[~^]" nil t string-match 5] 10 (#$ . 47186)]) #@62 Return an unambiguous abbreviation of REFNAME. (fn REFNAME) (defalias 'magit-ref-abbrev #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-rev-parse "--verify" "--abbrev-ref"] 5 (#$ . 47501)]) #@96 Return fully qualified refname for REFNAME. If REFNAME is ambiguous, return nil. (fn REFNAME) (defalias 'magit-ref-fullname #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-rev-parse "--verify" "--symbolic-full-name"] 5 (#$ . 47684)]) #@16 (fn REFNAME) (defalias 'magit-ref-ambiguous-p #[257 "\300 \301\302\"\216\303\304\"\203\305\306\307\"!?\202\310\311\")\207" [match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] string-match "\\`\\([^^~]+\\)\\(.*\\)" magit-ref-fullname match-string 1 error "%S has an unrecognized format"] 6 (#$ . 47911)]) #@316 If REFNAME is ambiguous, try to disambiguate it by prepend PREFIX to it. Return an unambiguous refname, either REFNAME or that prefixed with PREFIX, nil otherwise. If REFNAME has an offset suffix such as "~1", then that is preserved. If optional PREFIX is nil, then use "heads/". (fn REFNAME &optional PREFIX) (defalias 'magit-ref-maybe-qualify #[513 "\300!\203\211\206 \301P\300!?\205\211\207\207" [magit-ref-ambiguous-p "heads/"] 5 (#$ . 48263)]) #@12 (fn REF) (defalias 'magit-ref-exists-p #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-git-success "show-ref" "--verify"] 5 (#$ . 48732)]) #@199 Return t if the refnames A and B are `equal'. A symbolic-ref pointing to some ref, is `equal' to that ref, as are two symbolic-refs pointing to the same ref. Refnames may be abbreviated. (fn A B) (defalias 'magit-ref-equal #[514 "\300!\300!\205\211\205\232\207" [magit-ref-fullname] 6 (#$ . 48866)]) #@180 Return t if the refnames A and B are `eq'. A symbolic-ref is `eq' to itself, but not to the ref it points to, or to some other symbolic-ref that points to the same ref. (fn A B) (defalias 'magit-ref-eq #[514 "\300!\300!\203\211\203\232\206\"?\205\"\211?\205\"\301\"\207" [magit-symbolic-ref-p magit-ref-equal] 7 (#$ . 49184)]) #@68 Return "HEAD" or if that doesn't exist the hash of the empty tree. (defalias 'magit-headish #[0 "\300 \203 \301\302!\207\303\207" [magit-no-commit-p magit-git-string "mktree" "HEAD"] 2 (#$ . 49533)]) (defalias 'magit-branch-at-point #[0 "\300 \211\203\301\302\"\203\303\304\"\207\211\205(\301\305\"\205(\306 \206(\307\303\304\"!\207" [magit-current-section magit-section-match-1 branch eieio-oref value commit magit--painted-branch-at-point magit-name-branch] 5]) #@23 (fn &optional TYPE) (defalias 'magit--painted-branch-at-point #[256 "\211\300=\204\"\301`\302\"\303\304D>\203\"\305\306\307\"\211\205\310!A\262\2068\211\311=?\2058\301`\302\"\312\313D>\2058\305\306\307\"\207" [remote get-text-property font-lock-face magit-branch-local magit-branch-current thing-at-point git-revision t magit-split-branch-name local magit-branch-remote magit-branch-remote-head] 4 (#$ . 50015)]) (defalias 'magit-local-branch-at-point #[0 "\300 \211\203\301\302\"\203\303\304\305\"!\211\306 \235\205\211\207\211\2053\301\307\"\2053\310\311!\2063\312\304\305\"!\207" [magit-current-section magit-section-match-1 branch magit-ref-maybe-qualify eieio-oref value magit-list-local-branch-names commit magit--painted-branch-at-point local magit-name-local-branch] 5]) (defalias 'magit-remote-branch-at-point #[0 "\300 \211\203\301\302\"\203\303\304\"\211\305 \235\205\211\207\211\2051\301\306\"\2051\307\310!\2061\311\303\304\"!\207" [magit-current-section magit-section-match-1 branch eieio-oref value magit-list-remote-branch-names commit magit--painted-branch-at-point remote magit-name-remote-branch] 5]) (defalias 'magit-commit-at-point #[0 "\301\302!\206\303\304\305\306#\205\207" [magit-buffer-revision magit-section-value-if commit derived-mode-p magit-stash-mode magit-merge-preview-mode magit-revision-mode] 4]) (defalias 'magit-branch-or-commit-at-point #[0 "\203 \206\220\303 \211\203\304\305\"\203\306\307\310\"!\202{\211\203>\304\311\"\203>\312 \206{\307\310\"\313!\2069\211\262\202{\211\203S\304\314\"\203S\306\307\310\"\315\"\202{\211\205{\304\316\"\205{\317\320!\203o\321\320\307\310\"!!\206{\322\323\324\307\211\310\"\325\"\"!\262\206\220\326\327\330\"\206\220\331\332\333\334#\205\220\n\207" [magit-buffer-file-name magit-buffer-refname magit-buffer-revision magit-current-section magit-section-match-1 branch magit-ref-maybe-qualify eieio-oref value commit magit--painted-branch-at-point magit-name-branch tag "tags/" pullreq fboundp forge--pullreq-branch magit-branch-p magit-ref-p format "refs/pullreqs/%s" number thing-at-point git-revision t derived-mode-p magit-stash-mode magit-merge-preview-mode magit-revision-mode] 8]) (defalias 'magit-tag-at-point #[0 "\300 \211\203\301\302\"\203\303\304\"\207\211\205#\301\305\"\205#\306\303\304\"!\207" [magit-current-section magit-section-match-1 tag eieio-oref value commit magit-name-tag] 5]) (defalias 'magit-stash-at-point #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-value-if stash] 2]) (defalias 'magit-remote-at-point #[0 "\300 \211\203\301\302\"\203\303\304\"\207\211\205 \301\305\"\205 \306!\207" [magit-current-section magit-section-match-1 remote eieio-oref value branch magit-section-parent-value] 4]) #@28 (fn &optional PREDICATE) (defalias 'magit-module-at-point #[256 "\300\301!\205\302\303 \304\"\203!\205\211\262\207" [magit-section-match magit-module-section eieio-oref magit-current-section value] 4 (#$ . 52801)]) #@107 Return the refname of the currently checked out branch. Return nil if no branch is currently checked out. (defalias 'magit-get-current-branch #[0 "\300\301\302\303#\207" [magit-git-string "symbolic-ref" "--short" "HEAD"] 4 (#$ . 53035)]) #@85 Maximum time to spend in `magit-get-previous-branch'. Given as a number of seconds. (defvar magit-get-previous-branch-timeout 0.5 (#$ . 53279)) #@263 Return the refname of the previously checked out branch. Return nil if no branch can be found in the `HEAD' reflog which is different from the current branch and still exists. The amount of time spent searching is limited by `magit-get-previous-branch-timeout'. (defalias 'magit-get-previous-branch #[0 "\301 \302 \303\304\301 ZV\203\304\211\262\202.\305\306\307\"!\211\262\2038\310!\211\262\2031\211\232\2038T\262\202\207" [magit-get-previous-branch-timeout float-time magit-get-current-branch 1 nil magit-rev-verify format "@{-%i}" magit-rev-branch] 8 (#$ . 53430)]) #@162 Set UPSTREAM as the upstream of BRANCH. If UPSTREAM is nil, then unset BRANCH's upstream. Otherwise UPSTREAM has to be an existing branch. (fn BRANCH UPSTREAM) (defalias 'magit-set-upstream-branch #[514 "\211\203 \300\301\302$\207\300\301\303#\207" [magit-call-git "branch" "--set-upstream-to" "--unset-upstream"] 7 (#$ . 54024)]) #@361 Return the upstream branch of BRANCH as a fully qualified ref. It BRANCH is nil, then return the upstream of the current branch, if any, nil otherwise. If the upstream is not configured, the configured remote is an url, or the named branch does not exist, then return nil. I.e. return an existing local or remote-tracking branch ref. (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-get-upstream-ref #[256 "\211\206\300 \211\205\301\302P!\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-ref-fullname "@{upstream}"] 5 (#$ . 54367)]) #@419 Return the name of the upstream branch of BRANCH. It BRANCH is nil, then return the upstream of the current branch if any, nil otherwise. If the upstream is not configured, the configured remote is an url, or the named branch does not exist, then return nil. I.e. return the name of an existing local or remote-tracking branch. The returned string is colorized according to the branch type. (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-get-upstream-branch #[256 "\203[\301D\302A\"\211\203\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\206-\303 \211\2056\304\305P!\211\205L\306\307\310\311#\312\232\203J\313\202K\314\"\266\202B\211AB\241\266\207\211\206a\303 \211\205j\304\305P!\211\205\200\306\307\310\311#\312\232\203~\313\202\314\"\207" [magit--refresh-cache magit-get-upstream-branch assoc magit-get-current-branch magit-ref-abbrev "@{upstream}" magit--propertize-face magit-get "branch" "remote" "." magit-branch-local magit-branch-remote] 11 (#$ . 54894)]) #@31 (fn BRANCH &optional FORCE) (defalias 'magit-get-indirect-upstream-branch #[513 "\302\303\304#\211\205\204\211\305\232?\205\204\204h\306\307\306\211\211\203`\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203`\310\311\312#\203? \232\202M \306\313\314#)\266\203\211\262\204`\262\262T\262\202\266\211\262\205\204\315!\211\205\202\211GT\306O\232\205\202\316\"\205\202\211\262\207" [magit-branch-prefer-remote-upstream inhibit-changing-match-data magit-get "branch" "remote" "." nil 0 magit-git-success "check-ref-format" "--branch" t string-match magit-get-upstream-branch magit-rev-ancestor-p] 16 (#$ . 55893)]) #@39 (fn &optional BRANCH ALLOW-UNNAMED) (defalias 'magit-get-upstream-remote #[512 "\206\301 \211\205\302\303\304#\211\205>\211\305\232?\205>\211\306 \235\203&\307\310\"\207\205>\311\312\313\314#)\266\203\205>\307\315\"\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data magit-get-current-branch magit-get "branch" "remote" "." magit-list-remotes magit--propertize-face magit-branch-remote "\\(\\`.\\{0,2\\}/\\|[:@]\\)" nil t string-match bold] 11 (#$ . 56542)]) #@25 (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-get-unnamed-upstream #[256 "\211\206\300 \211\205\301\302\303#\211\205\301\302\304#\211\205,\305\"\205,\306\307\"\306\310\"D\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-get "branch" "remote" "merge" magit--unnamed-upstream-p magit--propertize-face bold magit-branch-remote] 8 (#$ . 57011)]) #@21 (fn REMOTE MERGE) (defalias 'magit--unnamed-upstream-p #[514 "\205\301\302\303\304#)\266\203\205\211\205\305\306\"\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "\\(\\`\\.\\{0,2\\}/\\|[:@]\\)" nil t string-match string-prefix-p "refs/"] 9 (#$ . 57356)]) #@21 (fn REMOTE MERGE) (defalias 'magit--valid-upstream-p #[514 "\300\232\204 \301 \235\205\302\303\"\207" ["." magit-list-remotes string-prefix-p "refs/"] 5 (#$ . 57619)]) #@32 (fn &optional ALLOW-UNNAMED) (defalias 'magit-get-current-remote #[256 "\300\301\"\206%\302 \211\205\211G\303U\203\211@\202\304 \211\205#\305\306\"\266\202\207" [magit-get-upstream-remote nil magit-list-remotes 1 magit-primary-remote magit--propertize-face magit-branch-remote] 6 (#$ . 57801)]) #@25 (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-get-push-remote #[256 "\211\204\f\300 \211\262\203\301\302\303#\206\301\304!\211\205\305\306\"\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-get "branch" "pushRemote" "remote.pushDefault" magit--propertize-face magit-branch-remote] 5 (#$ . 58114)]) #@32 (fn &optional BRANCH VERIFY) (defalias 'magit-get-push-branch #[512 "\203a\301E\302A\"\211\203\211@@@T\240\266\211A\207\211@@AT\241\266\2061\303 \211\262\211\2058\304!\211\205@\211\305Q\211\205R\203N\306!\205R\307\310\"\266\203B\211AB\241\266\207\206j\303 \211\262\211\205q\304!\211\205y\211\305Q\211\205\213\203\207\306!\205\213\307\310\"\207" [magit--refresh-cache magit-get-push-branch assoc magit-get-current-branch magit-get-push-remote "/" magit-rev-verify magit--propertize-face magit-branch-remote] 10 (#$ . 58411)]) #@25 (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-get-@{push}-branch #[256 "\300\301\302P\"\211\205\303\304\"\205\211\305\306O\207" [magit-rev-parse "--symbolic-full-name" "@{push}" string-prefix-p "refs/remotes/" 13 nil] 5 (#$ . 58990)]) #@25 (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-get-remote #[256 "\211\204\f\300 \211\262\205\301\302\303#\211\304\232?\205\211\262\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-get "branch" "remote" "."] 5 (#$ . 59232)]) #@25 (fn &optional BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-get-some-remote #[256 "\300!\206\301 \211\205\300!\262\206\302 \206\303 @\207" [magit-get-remote magit-main-branch magit-primary-remote magit-list-remotes] 4 (#$ . 59452)]) (defvar magit-primary-remote-names '("upstream" "origin")) #@727 Return the primary remote. The primary remote is the remote that tracks the repository that other repositories are forked from. It often is called "origin" but because many people name their own fork "origin", using that term would be ambiguous. Likewise we avoid the term "upstream" because a branch's @{upstream} branch may be a local branch or a branch from a remote other than the primary remote. If a remote exists whose name matches `magit.primaryRemote', then that is considered the primary remote. If no remote by that name exists, then remotes in `magit-primary-remote-names' are tried in order and the first remote from that list that actually exists in the current repository is considered its primary remote. (defalias 'magit-primary-remote #[0 "\301 \302\303\304\"\305\306\307\310\311!B\"!\"\207" [magit-primary-remote-names magit-list-remotes seq-find make-closure #[257 "\211\300\235\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn NAME)"] delete-dups delq nil magit-get "magit.primaryRemote"] 8 (#$ . 59743)]) #@475 Return non-nil if BRANCH is merged into its upstream and TARGET. TARGET defaults to the current branch. If `HEAD' is detached and TARGET is nil, then always return nil. As a special case, if TARGET is t, then return non-nil if BRANCH is merged into any one of the other local branches. If, and only if, BRANCH has an upstream, then only return non-nil if BRANCH is merged into both TARGET (as described above) as well as into its upstream. (fn BRANCH &optional TARGET) (defalias 'magit-branch-merged-p #[513 "\300!\205 \301!\211\203\302\303\304$\202\305\262\205=\211\305=\203+\306\307!\310!\"\207\211\2061\311 \211\205;\302\303\304$\262\207" [magit-branch-p magit-get-upstream-branch magit-git-success "merge-base" "--is-ancestor" t delete magit-name-local-branch magit-list-containing-branches magit-get-current-branch] 8 (#$ . 60756)]) #@212 Return the remote branch tracked by the remote-tracking branch REFNAME. The returned value has the form (REMOTE . REF), where REMOTE is the name of a remote and REF is the ref local to the remote. (fn REFNAME) (defalias 'magit-get-tracked #[257 "\300!\211\205\301 \302\303\"\216\304\302\305\"\306\307\310\311#\")\262\207" [magit-ref-fullname match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] seq-some #[257 "\301\302\"\2050\303\304\"\303\305\"\303\306\"\301\307\310\311\312\313\314\211%\"\300\"\205.\311\312\303\304\300\"#B\266\203\207" [V0 string-match "\\`remote\\.\\([^.]+\\)\\.fetch=\\+?\\([^:]+\\):\\(.+\\)" match-string 1 2 3 format "\\`%s\\'" replace-regexp-in-string "*" "\\(.+\\)" t] 13 "\n\n(fn LINE)"] magit-git-lines "config" "--local" "--list"] 9 (#$ . 61625)]) #@15 (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-split-branch-name #[257 "\211\300 \235\203 \301B\207\302\303\"\205!\304\305\306\"\307 \"\206!\310\311\"\207" [magit-list-local-branch-names "." string-match "/" seq-some make-closure #[257 "\301\302\303\"\300\"\205\304\305\300\"\304\306\300\"B\207" [V0 string-match format "\\`\\(%s\\)/\\(.+\\)\\'" match-string 1 2] 5 "\n\n(fn REMOTE)"] magit-list-remotes error "Invalid branch name %s"] 5 (#$ . 62455)]) #@357 Return the closest tag reachable from REV. If optional REV is nil, then default to `HEAD'. If optional WITH-DISTANCE is non-nil then return (TAG COMMITS), if it is `dirty' return (TAG COMMIT DIRTY). COMMITS is the number of commits in `HEAD' but not in TAG and DIRTY is t if there are uncommitted changes, nil otherwise. (fn &optional REV WITH-DISTANCE) (defalias 'magit-get-current-tag #[512 "\300\301\302\303\304=\205 \305%\211\205E\306 \307\310\"\216\311\312\"\210\203>\313\314\"\315\313\316\"\206/\317!\313\320\"\2059\321CBB\202B\313\314\")\262\207" [magit-git-str "describe" "--long" "--tags" dirty "--dirty" match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] string-match "\\(.+\\)-\\(?:0[0-9]*\\|\\([0-9]+\\)\\)-g[0-9a-z]+\\(-dirty\\)?$" match-string 1 string-to-number 2 "0" 3 t] 9 (#$ . 62909)]) #@387 Return the closest tag from which REV is reachable. If optional REV is nil, then default to `HEAD'. If no such tag can be found or if the distance is 0 (in which case it is the current tag, not the next), return nil instead. If optional WITH-DISTANCE is non-nil, then return (TAG COMMITS) where COMMITS is the number of commits in TAG but not in REV. (fn &optional REV WITH-DISTANCE) (defalias 'magit-get-next-tag #[512 "\300\301\302\206\303#\211\205=\304 \305\306\"\216\307\310\"\205:\311\312\"\262\313!\232?\205:\2039\314\"@D\202:)\262\207" [magit-git-str "describe" "--contains" "HEAD" match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] string-match "^[^^~]+" match-string 0 magit-get-current-tag magit-rev-diff-count] 8 (#$ . 63771)]) #@490 Return list of references. When NAMESPACES is non-nil, list refs from these namespaces rather than those from `magit-list-refs-namespaces'. FORMAT is passed to the `--format' flag of `git for-each-ref' and defaults to "%(refname)". If the format is "%(refname)" or "%(refname:short)", then drop the symbolic-ref "HEAD". SORTBY is a key or list of keys to pass to the `--sort' flag of `git for-each-ref'. When nil, use `magit-list-refs-sortby' (fn &optional NAMESPACES FORMAT SORTBY) (defalias 'magit-list-refs #[768 "\204\303\262\304\305\306P\307\310\206\211;\203 \211\211C\262\202)\211<\205)\211\211\262\262\"\2062 $\311\235\203n\312\313\312\211\203i\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\314\312\315\316#)\266\203\204>B\262\202>\266\211\237\207\207" [magit-list-refs-sortby magit-list-refs-namespaces inhibit-changing-match-data "%(refname)" magit-git-lines "for-each-ref" "--format=" mapcar #[257 "\300P\207" ["--sort="] 3 "\n\n(fn IT)"] ("%(refname)" "%(refname:short)") nil 0 "\\(\\`\\|/\\)HEAD\\'" t string-match] 16 (#$ . 64571)]) (defalias 'magit-list-branches #[0 "\300\301\302D!\207" [magit-list-refs "refs/heads" "refs/remotes"] 3]) (defalias 'magit-list-local-branches #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-list-refs "refs/heads"] 2]) #@25 (fn &optional REMOTE) (defalias 'magit-list-remote-branches #[256 "\300\301P!\207" [magit-list-refs "refs/remotes/"] 4 (#$ . 65849)]) #@45 (fn RELATION &optional COMMIT &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-list-related-branches #[641 "\301\302\303\304\305$\"\306\301\211\203:\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\307\301\310\311#)\266\203\204B\262\202\266\211\237\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data nil mapcar #[257 "\211\300\301O\207" [2 nil] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-git-lines "branch" 0 "\\(\\`(HEAD\\|HEAD -> \\)" t string-match] 15 (#$ . 65992)]) #@36 (fn &optional COMMIT &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-list-containing-branches #[384 "\300\301#\207" [magit-list-related-branches "--contains"] 6 (#$ . 66418)]) #@25 (fn &optional COMMIT) (defalias 'magit-list-publishing-branches #[256 "\301\302\301\211\203,\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\303\206\304\"\203B\262\202\266\211\237\207" [magit-published-branches nil 0 magit-rev-ancestor-p "HEAD"] 9 (#$ . 66585)]) #@36 (fn &optional COMMIT &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-list-merged-branches #[384 "\300\301#\207" [magit-list-related-branches "--merged"] 6 (#$ . 66857)]) #@36 (fn &optional COMMIT &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-list-unmerged-branches #[384 "\300\301#\207" [magit-list-related-branches "--no-merged"] 6 (#$ . 67018)]) (defalias 'magit-list-unmerged-to-upstream-branches #[0 "\300\301 \302\300\211\2032\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\303!\211\205%\304!\235\262\203B\262\202\266\211\237\207" [nil magit-list-local-branch-names 0 magit-get-upstream-branch magit-list-unmerged-branches] 9]) #@15 (fn COMMIT) (defalias 'magit-list-branches-pointing-at #[257 "\300\301\302!\"\303\304\305!\306\303\211\203E\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\307\"\2057\310\311\"\312\313\"?\2055\211\262\211\203A\211B\262\210\202 \266\211\237\207" [format "\\`%s refs/\\(heads\\|remotes\\)/\\(.*\\)\\'" magit-rev-verify nil magit-git-lines "show-ref" 0 string-match match-string 2 string-suffix-p "HEAD"] 11 (#$ . 67470)]) #@45 (fn &optional NAMESPACES INCLUDE-SPECIAL) (defalias 'magit-list-refnames #[512 "\300\301\"\205\n\302 \244\207" [magit-list-refs "%(refname:short)" magit-list-special-refnames] 5 (#$ . 67900)]) (defvar magit-special-refnames '("HEAD" "ORIG_HEAD" "FETCH_HEAD" "MERGE_HEAD" "CHERRY_PICK_HEAD")) (defalias 'magit-list-special-refnames #[0 "\301 \302\303\304\"\"\207" [magit-special-refnames magit-gitdir cl-mapcan make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300\"!\205 \211C\207" [V0 file-exists-p expand-file-name] 5 "\n\n(fn NAME)"]] 5]) (defalias 'magit-list-branch-names #[0 "\300\301\302D!\207" [magit-list-refnames "refs/heads" "refs/remotes"] 3]) (defalias 'magit-list-local-branch-names #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-list-refnames "refs/heads"] 2]) #@34 (fn &optional REMOTE RELATIVE) (defalias 'magit-list-remote-branch-names #[512 "\203\211\203\300\301\"\302\303\304\305\306\"\307!\"\"\207\310\311P!\207" [format "^refs/remotes/%s/\\(.+\\)" apply append mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\205\f\302\303\"C\207" [V0 string-match match-string 1] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-list-remote-branches magit-list-refnames "refs/remotes/"] 9 (#$ . 68650)]) #@26 (fn FORMAT &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-format-refs #[385 "\301\302\303P\206 \304\305\306E#\307\310\311\312#)\266\203\203#\313\314\"\207\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data magit-git-lines "for-each-ref" "--format=" "refs/heads" "refs/remotes" "refs/tags" "\f" nil t string-match mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [split-string "\f"] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"]] 10 (#$ . 69064)]) (defalias 'magit-list-remotes #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-git-lines "remote"] 2]) (defalias 'magit-list-tags #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-git-lines "tag"] 2]) #@25 (fn &optional FORMAT) (defalias 'magit-list-stashes #[256 "\300\301\302\303\206 \304P#\207" [magit-git-lines "stash" "list" "--format=" "%gd"] 6 (#$ . 69603)]) #@72 Return notes refs according to `core.notesRef' and `notes.displayRef'. (defalias 'magit-list-active-notes-refs #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304!\206\n\305\306\307!$\207" [magit-git-lines "for-each-ref" "--format=%(refname)" magit-get "core.notesRef" "refs/notes/commits" magit-get-all "notes.displayRef"] 6 (#$ . 69773)]) (defalias 'magit-list-notes-refnames #[0 "\300\301\302\303!\"\207" [mapcar #[257 "\211\300\301O\207" [6 nil] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-list-refnames "refs/notes"] 4]) #@15 (fn REMOTE) (defalias 'magit-remote-list-tags #[257 "\301\302\303\304#\305\301\211\203?\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\306\301\307\310#)\266\203?\2051\311\301O\211\203;\211B\262\210\202 \266\211\237\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data nil magit-git-lines "ls-remote" "--tags" 0 "\\^{}$" t string-match 51] 13 (#$ . 70259)]) #@15 (fn REMOTE) (defalias 'magit-remote-list-branches #[257 "\301\302\303\304#\305\301\211\203?\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\306\301\307\310#)\266\203?\2051\311\301O\211\203;\211B\262\210\202 \266\211\237\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data nil magit-git-lines "ls-remote" "--heads" 0 "\\^{}$" t string-match 52] 13 (#$ . 70607)]) #@15 (fn REMOTE) (defalias 'magit-remote-list-refs #[257 "\301\302\303\"\304\301\211\203>\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\305\301\306\307#)\266\203?\2050\310\301O\211\203:\211B\262\210\202\266\211\237\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data nil magit-git-lines "ls-remote" 0 "\\^{}$" t string-match 41] 13 (#$ . 70960)]) (defalias 'magit-list-modified-modules #[0 "\300\301\302\303\"\304\300\211\2034\211A\262\242\262\262T\262\305\306\"\205&\307\310\"\211\2030\211B\262\210\202\266\211\237\207" [nil magit-git-lines "submodule" "status" 0 string-match "\\`\\+\\([^ ]+\\) \\(.+\\) (.+)\\'" match-string 2] 8]) (defalias 'magit-list-module-paths #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307#\"\"\207" [apply append mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\205\f\302\303\"C\207" [string-match "^160000 [0-9a-z]\\{40\\} 0 \\(.+\\)$" match-string 1] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-git-items "ls-files" "-z" "--stage"] 8]) (defalias 'magit-list-module-names #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [mapcar magit-get-submodule-name magit-list-module-paths] 3]) #@103 Return the name of the submodule at PATH. PATH has to be relative to the super-repository. (fn PATH) (defalias 'magit-get-submodule-name #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-git-string "submodule--helper" "name"] 5 (#$ . 72007)]) (defalias 'magit-list-worktrees #[0 "\302\211\303\304\"\305\306\307\310#)\211\203\252\211@\311\306\"\203,\211\312\302O\302\211\211F\211\262B\262\202\243\211\313\230\203u@\314\315!?\205?\316\317!\211\203i\320\321!!\203i\211\321!\240\266AA\211\322\323!\240\266\324\233\211\325 \240\266\202pA\211\326\240\266)\210\202\243\311\323\"\203\212AA\211\327\302O\240\266\202\243\311\330\"\203\237\324\233\211\331\302O\240\266\202\243\211\332\230\210A\266\202\202 \210\237\207" [magit-git-global-arguments default-directory nil remove "--no-pager" magit-git-lines "worktree" "list" "--porcelain" string-prefix-p 9 "bare" magit-get-boolean "core.bare" magit-get "core.worktree" file-exists-p expand-file-name magit-rev-parse "HEAD" 3 magit-get-current-branch t 5 "branch" 18 "detached"] 9]) #@13 (fn NAME) (defalias 'magit-symbolic-ref-p #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-git-success "symbolic-ref" "--quiet"] 5 (#$ . 73061)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-ref-p #[257 "\211\300\301!\235@\206\211\302\301!\235@\207" [magit-list-refs "refs/" magit-list-refnames] 4 (#$ . 73200)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-branch-p #[257 "\211\300 \235@\206 \211\301 \235@\207" [magit-list-branches magit-list-branch-names] 3 (#$ . 73358)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-local-branch-p #[257 "\211\300 \235@\206 \211\301 \235@\207" [magit-list-local-branches magit-list-local-branch-names] 3 (#$ . 73511)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-remote-branch-p #[257 "\211\300 \235@\206 \211\301 \235@\207" [magit-list-remote-branches magit-list-remote-branch-names] 3 (#$ . 73682)]) #@15 (fn BRANCH) (defalias 'magit-branch-set-face #[257 "\300\301!\203\f\302\202 \303\"\207" [magit--propertize-face magit-local-branch-p magit-branch-local magit-branch-remote] 5 (#$ . 73856)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-tag-p #[257 "\211\300 \235@\207" [magit-list-tags] 3 (#$ . 74058)]) #@15 (fn STRING) (defalias 'magit-remote-p #[257 "\211\300 \235@\207" [magit-list-remotes] 3 (#$ . 74160)]) (defvar magit-main-branch-names '("main" "master" "trunk" "development")) #@344 Return the main branch. If a branch exists whose name matches `init.defaultBranch', then that is considered the main branch. If no branch by that name exists, then the branch names in `magit-main-branch-names' are tried in order. The first branch from that list that actually exists in the current repository is considered its main branch. (defalias 'magit-main-branch #[0 "\301 \302\303\304\"\305\306\307\310\311!B\"!\"\207" [magit-main-branch-names magit-list-local-branch-names seq-find make-closure #[257 "\211\300\235\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn NAME)"] delete-dups delq nil magit-get "init.defaultBranch"] 8 (#$ . 74346)]) #@103 Return the commits in A but not B and vice versa. Return a list of two integers: (A>B B>A). (fn A B) (defalias 'magit-rev-diff-count #[514 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307 Q$\310\"\"\207" [mapcar string-to-number split-string magit-git-string "rev-list" "--count" "--left-right" "..." " "] 12 (#$ . 74980)]) (defalias 'magit-abbrev-length #[0 "\300\301!\211\203\211\302\232\204\303!\207\304\305\306\"\211\205\211G\211\2032\211\304\305\307\"\211\203-\211G\202.\262^\207\310\311\312\313\314$\211\203D\315\316\317\320\"\"\207\321\207" [magit-get "core.abbrev" "auto" string-to-number magit-rev-parse "--short" "HEAD" "HEAD~" magit-git-lines "rev-list" "-n2" "--all" "--abbrev-commit" apply min mapcar length 7] 9]) #@22 (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'magit-abbrev-arg #[256 "\300\301\206\302\303 #\207" [format "--%s=%d" "abbrev" magit-abbrev-length] 5 (#$ . 75717)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-rev-abbrev #[257 "\300\301\302!\"\207" [magit-rev-parse magit-abbrev-arg "short"] 4 (#$ . 75875)]) #@30 (fn COMMIT &optional ARGS) (defalias 'magit-commit-children #[513 "\300\301\302\300\303\304\305\306\206\307\310\311E\312 %\"\313\302\211\203<\211A\262\242\262\262T\262A\235\203B\262\202\266\211\237\262\"\207" [mapcar car nil #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [split-string " "] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-git-lines "log" "--format=%H %P" "--branches" "--tags" "--remotes" "--not" 0] 13 (#$ . 76009)]) #@15 (fn COMMIT) (defalias 'magit-commit-parents #[257 "\300\301\302\303$\211\205\304!A\207" [magit-git-string "rev-list" "-1" "--parents" split-string] 6 (#$ . 76430)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-patch-id #[257 "\304\305\306\"r\211q\210\307\310\"\216\311\300!\210\312 \313\314\313\n\315 !\316\317\f$\262&\210\320\321 !@*\207" [process-environment shell-file-name shell-command-switch magit-git-executable generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] make-local-variable magit-process-file nil (t nil) shell-quote-argument format "%s diff-tree -u %s | %s patch-id" split-string buffer-string] 15 (#$ . 76607)]) #@34 (fn FORMAT &optional REV ARGS) (defalias 'magit-rev-format #[769 "\300\301\302\303P\203\304P\202\305\306&\211\307\230?\205 \211\207" [magit-git-string "show" "--no-patch" "--format=" "^{commit}" "HEAD" "--" ""] 10 (#$ . 77131)]) #@34 (fn FORMAT &optional REV ARGS) (defalias 'magit-rev-insert-format #[769 "\300\301\302\303P\203\304P\202\305\306&\207" [magit-git-insert "show" "--no-patch" "--format=" "^{commit}" "HEAD" "--"] 10 (#$ . 77381)]) #@12 (fn REV) (defalias 'magit-format-rev-summary #[257 "\300\301\"\211\205\302\303\"\210\304\305\211\224\306$\210\211\207" [magit-rev-format "%h %s" string-match " " magit--put-face 0 magit-hash] 7 (#$ . 77612)]) #@492 How refs are formatted for display. Each entry controls how a certain type of ref is displayed, and has the form (REGEXP . FACE). REGEXP is a regular expression used to match full refs. The first entry whose REGEXP matches the reference is used. In log and revision buffers the first regexp submatch becomes the "label" that represents the ref and is propertized with FONT. In refs buffers the displayed text is controlled by other means and this option only controls what face is used. (defvar magit-ref-namespaces '(("\\`HEAD\\'" . magit-head) ("\\`refs/tags/\\(.+\\)" . magit-tag) ("\\`refs/heads/\\(.+\\)" . magit-branch-local) ("\\`refs/remotes/\\(.+\\)" . magit-branch-remote) ("\\`refs/bisect/\\(bad\\)" . magit-bisect-bad) ("\\`refs/bisect/\\(skip.*\\)" . magit-bisect-skip) ("\\`refs/bisect/\\(good.*\\)" . magit-bisect-good) ("\\`refs/stash$" . magit-refname-stash) ("\\`refs/wip/\\(.+\\)" . magit-refname-wip) ("\\`refs/pullreqs/\\(.+\\)" . magit-refname-pullreq) ("\\`\\(bad\\):" . magit-bisect-bad) ("\\`\\(skip\\):" . magit-bisect-skip) ("\\`\\(good\\):" . magit-bisect-good) ("\\`\\(.+\\)" . magit-refname)) (#$ . 77835)) #@15 (fn STRING) (defalias 'magit-format-ref-labels #[257 "\302 \303\304\"\216\305\306\307!\2033\310\235\2033\311 \312\313\314\315 !\"\316\303\317#\320\321\322\323\n#\324\325#\"\266\203\202:\320\324\325#\262\305\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\211\203\333\211@\305 \326\305\211\211\203\203\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203\203\327@\"\203v\305\262\203\203\262\262T\262\202P\266\211\262A\330\331\332\"\206\222\"\333\267\202\314\262 \210\202\324\330\334\335\"\262 \266\202\324\211 B\262 \266\202\324\211B\262\266\202\324\211B\262\266\202\324\211B\262\266A\266\202\202D\210\336\337\"\262\340 \341!\211\203@\211@\342!\235@\211\203\f\343 \"\262\327\344\"\210\211\326\211\225O\262\232\203\211\330\345\"P\262\f\210\2029\232\2030\211\330\346\"P\262 \210\2029\211PB\262\210A\266\202\202\350\210\211\203\203\204\203\211\235\203h\347\326G\350\305%\210\211\262\343\"\262\266\202\205\211\235@\211\203\202\347\326G\350\305%\210\211\262 \343\"\262\210\266\351\352\353\n\n\n\354 \237\237 \237 $BBB!\355#\266\210\262)\207" [magit-buffer-log-args magit-ref-namespaces match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] nil derived-mode-p magit-log-mode "--simplify-by-decoration" magit-list-local-branch-names format "^%s/.+" regexp-opt magit-list-remotes mapcar #[257 "\211\302\230\203\207\303\304\"\203\207\211\300\235\203\305P\207\306\301\"\203$\307P\207\304P\207" [V0 V1 "HEAD" string-prefix-p "refs/" "refs/heads/" string-match "refs/remotes/"] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] split-string replace-regexp-in-string "tag: " "refs/tags/" "\\(, \\|tag: \\|HEAD -> \\)" t 0 string-match magit--propertize-face match-string 1 #s(hash-table size 7 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (magit-bisect-bad 154 magit-bisect-skip 154 magit-bisect-good 154 magit-head 160 magit-tag 171 magit-branch-local 182 magit-branch-remote 193)) "@" magit-head -keep #[257 "\300\301\"\203,\302\303\"\302\304\"\211\305\232?\205+\306P\307\310\311\312\"\"\232\203*\313\314\"\207\207\207" [string-match "\\`\\([^/]*\\)/\\(.*\\)\\'" match-string 1 2 "HEAD" "refs/remotes/" magit-git-string "symbolic-ref" format "refs/remotes/%s/HEAD" magit--propertize-face magit-branch-remote-head] 9 "\n\n(fn NAME)"] magit-get-current-branch magit-get-upstream-branch magit-get-push-branch delete "^[^/]*/" magit-branch-current (magit-branch-upstream magit-branch-local) magit--add-face-text-property magit-branch-upstream mapconcat identity -flatten append " "] 22 (#$ . 78982)]) #@15 (fn OBJECT) (defalias 'magit-object-type #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [magit-git-string "cat-file" "-t"] 5 (#$ . 81602)]) #@31 (fn COMMIT FILE &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit-with-blob '(macro . #[642 "\300\301\302DC\303\304\305\306\307\n\310BBFD\311BBBBD\207" [magit--with-temp-process-buffer let buffer-file-name save-excursion magit-git-insert "cat-file" "-p" concat (":" buffer-file-name) (decode-coding-inserted-region (point-min) (point-max) buffer-file-name t nil nil t)] 13 (#$ . 81730)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put magit-with-blob lisp-indent-function 2 put edebug-form-spec (form form body)] 5) #@28 (fn TREE ARG &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit-with-temp-index '(macro . #[642 "\300\301!\302\303\304BD\305\306\307\310\311\312 \313\314\315 E\257\316BBE\317\320\302\321\322\314\323\fE\324BBDC\nBB\302\325\322\314\323 E\326BBDC BBFE\327\330\314\331EDDEE\207" [cl-gensym "file" let (magit--refresh-cache nil) ((magit-convert-filename-for-git (make-temp-name (magit-git-dir "index.magit.")))) unwind-protect magit-with-toplevel --when-let or magit-git-success "read-tree" it concat "--index-output=" ((error "Cannot read tree %s" it)) if (file-remote-p default-directory) magit-tramp-process-environment cons "GIT_INDEX_FILE=" (magit-tramp-process-environment) process-environment (process-environment) ignore-errors delete-file (file-remote-p default-directory)] 18 (#$ . 82256)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put magit-with-temp-index lisp-indent-function 2 put edebug-form-spec (form form body)] 5) #@45 (fn MESSAGE &optional TREE &rest PARENTS) (defalias 'magit-commit-tree #[641 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311 \"\"\"\206\300\312!\206\313\314!&\207" [magit-git-string "commit-tree" "--no-gpg-sign" "-m" apply append mapcar #[257 "\300D\207" ["-p"] 3 "\n\n(fn IT)"] delq nil "write-tree" error "Cannot write tree"] 15 (#$ . 83204)]) #@50 (fn MESSAGE &optional ARG &rest OTHER-PARENTS) (defalias 'magit-commit-worktree #[641 "\304\305\306\307\310!!!\311\312\"\216\313 \211\203d\211\314\315\316\317P$\204)\320\321\316\"\210\322 !\203I\323P\nB\324\325 !\205E\326\327\304\316%)\202`\323P B\324\325 !\205_\326\327\304\316%))\202f\330 \262*\207" [magit--refresh-cache default-directory magit-tramp-process-environment process-environment nil magit-convert-filename-for-git make-temp-name magit-git-dir "index.magit." make-closure #[0 "\3021 \303\304 !\300P!0\207\210\305\207" [V0 default-directory (error) delete-file file-remote-p nil] 3] magit-toplevel magit-git-success "read-tree" "HEAD" "--index-output=" error "Cannot read tree %s" file-remote-p "GIT_INDEX_FILE=" magit-update-files magit-unstaged-files apply magit-commit-tree magit--not-inside-repository-error] 12 (#$ . 83563)]) #@14 (fn FILES) (defalias 'magit-update-files #[257 "\300\301\302\303\304%\207" [magit-git-success "update-index" "--add" "--remove" "--"] 7 (#$ . 84444)]) #@43 (fn REF MESSAGE REV &optional STASHISH) (defalias 'magit-update-ref #[1027 "\301\302\303 \304\"\204#\305\306\307\310\311 !\206\312&\313U\202\213\311!\314\315P!\316!\204w\203>\317\306\320$\210\321\322!\323\"\210\211\324\325\323\"\326\327\"\216r\211q\210)r\211q\210\330\301\211\301\313%\210*\266\203w\204w\317\306\310\331 \312&\210\266\317\306\310\311\n!\206\211\312&\206\223\332\333#)\207" [magit--refresh-cache nil version< magit-git-version "2.6.0" magit-call-git "update-ref" "--create-reflog" "-m" magit-rev-verify "" 0 magit-git-dir "logs/" file-exists-p magit-git-success "-d" make-directory file-name-directory t generate-new-buffer " *temp file*" make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] write-region "enable reflog" error "Cannot update %s with %s"] 14 (#$ . 84604)]) (defconst magit-range-re "\\`\\([^ ]*[^.]\\)?\\(\\.\\.\\.?\\)\\([^.][^ ]*\\)?\\'") #@14 (fn RANGE) (defalias 'magit-split-range #[257 "\301\"\205-\302\303\"\206\304\302\305\"\206\304\302\306\"\307\230\203(\310\311#\202)B\266\202\207" [magit-range-re string-match match-string 1 "HEAD" 3 2 "..." magit-git-string "merge-base"] 7 (#$ . 85559)]) #@14 (fn RANGE) (defalias 'magit-hash-range #[257 "\301\"\203\302\303\304\"!\303\305\"\302\303\306\"!Q\207\302!\207" [magit-range-re string-match magit-rev-hash match-string 1 2 3] 7 (#$ . 85838)]) (put 'git-revision 'thing-at-point 'magit-thingatpt--git-revision) (defalias 'magit-thingatpt--git-revision #[0 "\301\302\303\"\302\304\"\305\306N\305\307N\302\310#\216\311\305\306#\210\311\305\307#\210\312\305!)\266\204\262\211\205T\313@A\"\211G\314Y\205R\315\316\317\320#)\266\203\205R\321!\205R\211\262\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data " \n ~^:?*[\\" make-closure #[0 "\301\302\303\300\"\304\305#\203\304u\207eb\207" [V0 re-search-backward format "[%s]" nil t] 4] #[0 "\301\302\303\300\"\304\305#\207" [V0 re-search-forward format "\\=[^%s]*" nil t] 4] git-revision end-op beginning-op #[0 "\302\303\304\300#\210\302\303\305\301#\207" [V0 V1 put git-revision end-op beginning-op] 4] put bounds-of-thing-at-point buffer-substring-no-properties 7 "[a-z]" nil t string-match magit-commit-p] 9]) (defvar magit-revision-history nil) #@43 (fn PROMPT &optional SECONDARY-DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-branch #[513 "\300\301 \302\303\302\304\305 \206\206\306 &\207" [magit-completing-read magit-list-branch-names nil t magit-revision-history magit-branch-at-point magit-get-current-branch] 10 (#$ . 86902)]) #@43 (fn PROMPT &optional SECONDARY-DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-branch-or-commit #[513 "\300\301\302\303\"\302\211\211\304\305 \206\206\306 &\206\307\310!\207" [magit-completing-read magit-list-refnames nil t magit-revision-history magit-branch-or-commit-at-point magit-get-current-branch user-error "Nothing selected"] 10 (#$ . 87186)]) #@43 (fn PROMPT &optional SECONDARY-DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-range-or-commit #[513 "\300\301\302\303\"\211\205\304 \210\305!@\306@Q\262\206%\307 \206%\206%\310 \"\207" [magit-read-range magit-region-values (commit branch) t deactivate-mark last ".." magit-branch-or-commit-at-point magit-get-current-branch] 8 (#$ . 87540)]) #@33 (fn PROMPT &optional DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-range #[513 "\301\302\303P\304 \305\211\211\306\305\307& )\207" [crm-separator "\\.\\.\\.?" magit-completing-read-multiple* ": " magit-list-refnames nil magit-revision-history t] 12 (#$ . 87884)]) #@67 (fn PROMPT &optional REMOTE DEFAULT LOCAL-BRANCH REQUIRE-MATCH) (defalias 'magit-read-remote-branch #[1281 "\300\301\205\203\302Q\202\303\304\305\"\306 \"\307\310\"\"\311\311\312 &\2047\313\314\"\2038\207\315\316\"\207" [magit-completing-read -union "/" mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\301\300Q\207" [V0 "/"] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-list-remotes magit-list-remote-branch-names t nil magit-revision-history string-match "\\`\\([^/]+\\)/\\(.+\\)" user-error "`%s' doesn't have the form REMOTE/BRANCH"] 13 (#$ . 88145)]) #@22 (fn PROMPT REMOTE) (defalias 'magit-read-refspec #[514 "\300\301\302!\210\303!\301\304!\210\"\207" [magit-completing-read message "Determining available refs..." magit-remote-list-refs "Determining available refs...done"] 7 (#$ . 88696)]) #@43 (fn PROMPT &optional SECONDARY-DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-local-branch #[513 "\300\301 \302\303\302\304\305 \206\206\306 &\207" [magit-completing-read magit-list-local-branch-names nil t magit-revision-history magit-local-branch-at-point magit-get-current-branch] 10 (#$ . 88945)]) #@15 (fn PROMPT) (defalias 'magit-read-local-branch-or-commit #[257 "\300 \301 \244\302 \211\203\211B\262\303\304\211\211\305\306 \206&\206&\307\310!\207" [magit-list-local-branch-names magit-list-special-refnames magit-commit-at-point magit-completing-read nil magit-revision-history magit-local-branch-at-point user-error "Nothing selected"] 11 (#$ . 89247)]) #@43 (fn PROMPT &optional SECONDARY-DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-local-branch-or-ref #[513 "\300\301 \302\303!\244\304\305\304\306\307 \206\206\310 &\207" [magit-completing-read magit-list-local-branch-names magit-list-refs "refs/" nil t magit-revision-history magit-local-branch-at-point magit-get-current-branch] 10 (#$ . 89624)]) #@68 (fn PROMPT &optional EXCLUDE SECONDARY-DEFAULT NO-REQUIRE-MATCH) (defalias 'magit-read-other-branch #[1025 "\300 \301 \206 \232\204\206#\232\204\206#\206#\302 \303\304\305 \"\306?\306\307&\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-branch-at-point magit-get-previous-branch magit-completing-read delete magit-list-branch-names nil magit-revision-history] 16 (#$ . 89970)]) #@51 (fn PROMPT &optional EXCLUDE SECONDARY-DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-other-branch-or-commit #[769 "\300 \301 \206 \232\204\204\302\303\"\204\206.\232\204(\206.\206.\304 \305\306\307 \"\310\211\211\311&\206D\312\313!\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-branch-or-commit-at-point magit-rev-equal "HEAD" magit-get-previous-branch magit-completing-read delete magit-list-refnames nil magit-revision-history user-error "Nothing selected"] 15 (#$ . 90370)]) #@68 (fn PROMPT &optional EXCLUDE SECONDARY-DEFAULT NO-REQUIRE-MATCH) (defalias 'magit-read-other-local-branch #[1025 "\300 \301 \206 \232\204\206#\232\204\206#\206#\302 \303\304\305 \"\306?\306\307&\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-local-branch-at-point magit-get-previous-branch magit-completing-read delete magit-list-local-branch-names nil magit-revision-history] 16 (#$ . 90861)]) #@15 (fn PROMPT) (defalias 'magit-read-branch-prefer-other #[257 "\300 \301 \211\205 \302!\303 \304\305 \306\307\306\310\311\312!\206t\206tA\204,@\206t\306 \313\306\211\211\203d\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203d\232\204W\306\262\203d\262\262T\262\2023\266\211\262\206t\314 \206t@&\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-commit-at-point magit-list-branches-pointing-at magit--painted-branch-at-point magit-completing-read magit-list-branch-names nil t magit-revision-history magit-section-value-if branch 0 magit-get-previous-branch] 20 (#$ . 91279)]) #@236 Read the upstream for BRANCH using PROMPT. If optional BRANCH is nil, then read the upstream for the current branch, or raise an error if no branch is checked out. Only existing branches can be selected. (fn &optional BRANCH PROMPT) (defalias 'magit-read-upstream-branch #[512 "\204\301 \206\f\302\303!\262\304\305 \"\306\206\307\310\"\311\312\311\313\314 \235@\315  \235@\203;\206@\211\266\202\202B\211\206@\266\202\206w\316 \211\205l\317P \235@\n\235@\203e\206j\211\266\202\202l\211\206j\266\202\262\206w\320 \235@&\207" [magit-prefer-remote-upstream magit-get-current-branch error "Need a branch to set its upstream" delete magit-list-branch-names magit-completing-read format "Change upstream of %s to" nil t magit-revision-history magit-remote-branch-at-point magit-local-branch-at-point magit-main-branch "origin/" magit-get-previous-branch] 14 (#$ . 91877)]) #@40 (fn PROMPT &optional BRANCH DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-starting-point #[769 "\301\205\302\300!\203\203\303\304\"\202\305\306\307\"P\310Q\311C\312 \244\313\314 \315\316#\244\315\211\211\317\2066\320 &\206>\321\322!\207" [ivy-mode magit-completing-read boundp format " `%s'" " " magit--propertize-face magit-branch-local " starting at" "HEAD" magit-list-refnames directory-files magit-git-dir nil "_HEAD\\'" magit-revision-history magit--default-starting-point user-error "Nothing selected"] 11 (#$ . 92790)]) (defalias 'magit--default-starting-point #[0 "\301 \302 \203\206\211\266\202\202\211\206\266\202\206(\303 \206(\304 \206(\305 \207" [magit-prefer-remote-upstream magit-remote-branch-at-point magit-local-branch-at-point magit-commit-at-point magit-stash-at-point magit-get-current-branch] 3]) #@39 (fn PROMPT &optional REQUIRE-MATCH) (defalias 'magit-read-tag #[513 "\300\301 \302\302\303\304 &\207" [magit-completing-read magit-list-tags nil magit-revision-history magit-tag-at-point] 10 (#$ . 93634)]) #@15 (fn PROMPT) (defalias 'magit-read-stash #[257 "\300 \211\205\f\211\301\302\"P\303\304\305\306!\"\307\310\311\310\211@&\211\2051\312\313\"\2051\314\315\316\"!\207" [magit-stash-at-point magit-rev-format " %s" mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\211\242\243\211\242\243\302\303\304#\305Q\207" [split-string "" propertize face magit-hash " "] 12 "\n\n(fn C)"] magit-list-stashes "%gd%x00%s" magit-completing-read nil t string-match "^\\([^ ]+\\) \\(.+\\)" substring-no-properties match-string 1] 13 (#$ . 93851)]) #@42 (fn PROMPT &optional DEFAULT USE-ONLY) (defalias 'magit-read-remote #[769 "\300 \203\211G\301U\203\211@\207\302\303\304\303\211 \206#\305 \206#\306 &\207" [magit-list-remotes 1 magit-completing-read nil t magit-remote-at-point magit-get-remote] 12 (#$ . 94380)]) #@33 (fn PROMPT &optional DEFAULT) (defalias 'magit-read-remote-or-url #[513 "\300\301 \302\303\304E\244\305\211\211\211\206\306 \206\307 &\207" [magit-completing-read magit-list-remotes "https://" "git://" "git@" nil magit-remote-at-point magit-get-remote] 10 (#$ . 94662)]) #@35 (fn PROMPT &optional PREDICATE) (defalias 'magit-read-module-path #[513 "\300\301 \302\303\211\304!&\207" [magit-completing-read magit-list-module-paths t nil magit-module-at-point] 11 (#$ . 94949)]) #@33 (fn VERB &optional PREDICATE) (defalias 'magit-module-confirm #[513 "\301\203*\302 \262\203\303\"\262\211\204F\203#\304\305\"\210\202F\304\306!\210\202F\307\310!\262\211\203F\203=\303\"\262\211\204F\304\311\"\210\211G\312V\203Y\313\314\301\315\316\"\301%\207\317\315\320\"\"C\207" [current-prefix-arg nil magit-list-module-paths -filter user-error "No modules satisfying %s available" "No modules available" magit-region-values magit-module-section "No modules satisfying %s selected" 1 magit-confirm t format "%s %%i modules" magit-read-module-path "%s module"] 9 (#$ . 95162)]) (provide 'magit-git)