;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (require 'magit) (defalias 'magit-push #[0 "\300\301!\207" [transient-setup magit-push] 2 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312$#\210\300\301\313\314#\207" [put magit-push interactive-only t function-documentation "Push to another repository." transient--prefix transient-prefix :command :man-page "git-push" transient--layout ([1 transient-column (:description "Arguments") ((1 transient-switch (:key "-f" :description "Force with lease" :shortarg nil :argument "--force-with-lease" :command transient:magit-push:--force-with-lease)) (1 transient-switch (:key "-F" :description "Force" :shortarg "-f" :argument "--force" :command transient:magit-push:--force)) (1 transient-switch (:key "-h" :description "Disable hooks" :argument "--no-verify" :command transient:magit-push:--no-verify)) (1 transient-switch (:key "-n" :description "Dry run" :shortarg "-n" :argument "--dry-run" :command transient:magit-push:--dry-run)) (5 transient-switch (:key "-u" :description "Set upstream" :argument "--set-upstream" :command transient:magit-push:--set-upstream)) (7 transient-switch (:key "-t" :description "Follow tags" :argument "--follow-tags" :command transient:magit-push:--follow-tags)))] [1 transient-column (:if magit-get-current-branch :description (lambda nil (format (propertize "Push %s to" 'face 'transient-heading) (propertize (magit-get-current-branch) 'face 'magit-branch-local)))) ((1 transient-suffix (:key "p" :command magit-push-current-to-pushremote)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "u" :command magit-push-current-to-upstream)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "e" :description "elsewhere" :command magit-push-current)))] [1 transient-columns (:description "Push") ([1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "o" :description "another branch" :command magit-push-other)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "r" :description "explicit refspecs" :command magit-push-refspecs)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "m" :description "matching branches" :command magit-push-matching)))] [1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "T" :description "a tag" :command magit-push-tag)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "t" :description "all tags" :command magit-push-tags)) (6 transient-suffix (:key "n" :description "a note ref" :command magit-push-notes-ref)))])] [1 transient-column (:description "Configure") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "C" :description "Set variables..." :command magit-branch-configure)))])] 8) (defalias 'magit-push-arguments #[0 "\300\301!\207" [transient-args magit-push] 2]) #@27 (fn BRANCH TARGET ARGS) (defalias 'magit-git-push #[771 "\300\301!\210\302!\203\303\202\304\305!\211\242\243\306\307\310 \311\312  $%\207" [run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-get-tracked "" "refs/heads/" magit-split-branch-name magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" format "%s:%s%s"] 19 (#$ . 2628)]) #@13 (fn ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-current-to-pushremote #[257 "\300\301!\211\242\243\211\242\243\211\242\243\211\203 \302\303\304\305#\"\210\306\307!\210\310\311\312 \304\313 \211#%\207" [magit--select-push-remote "push there" magit-confirm set-and-push format "Really use \"%s\" as push-remote and push \"%s\" there" run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" "refs/heads/%s:refs/heads/%s"] 20 (#$ . 2949) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-push-arguments] 1)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314&#\207" [put magit-push-current-to-pushremote interactive-only t function-documentation "Push the current branch to its push-remote.\n\nWhen the push-remote is not configured, then read the push-remote\nfrom the user, set it, and then push to it. With a prefix\nargument the push-remote can be changed before pushed to it." transient--suffix transient-suffix :command :if magit-get-current-branch :description magit-push--pushbranch-description] 10) (defalias 'magit-push--pushbranch-description #[0 "\300 \301\302\"\303!\304\302\"\2061\305 \235\203$\306\307\310\311Q\312\"\"\207\203-\306\313\"\207\306\314\"\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-get-push-branch t magit-get-push-remote magit--push-remote-variable magit-list-remotes format "%s, creating it" magit--propertize-face "/" magit-branch-remote "%s, replacing invalid" "%s, setting that"] 10]) #@13 (fn ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-current-to-upstream #[257 "\301 \206\302\303!\304\305\306#\304\305\307#\204*\310!\204\211\311\"\204\211\312\"\204\211\313\314\315\316\"\317 \"\320 \"\321\322\323\"\324\211\211\325\326 \235@\206P\327\235@&\330!\206[\331!\211@\262\211A\262\332\333\"\204o\334P\262\335\336\322\337\n#\"\266\340\235\203\204\202\207\340B\262\341\342!\210\343\344\345\346Q%\207" [current-prefix-arg magit-get-current-branch user-error "No branch is checked out" magit-get "branch" "remote" "merge" magit-get-upstream-branch magit--unnamed-upstream-p magit--valid-upstream-p -union mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211\301\300Q\207" [V0 "/"] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-list-remotes magit-list-remote-branch-names magit-completing-read format "Set upstream of %s and push there" nil magit-revision-history magit-remote-branch-at-point "origin/master" magit-get-tracked magit-split-branch-name string-prefix-p "refs/" "refs/heads/" magit-confirm set-and-push "Really use \"%s\" as upstream and push \"%s\" there" "--set-upstream" run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" ":"] 14 (#$ . 4412) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-push-arguments] 1)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312\313\314&#\207" [put magit-push-current-to-upstream interactive-only t function-documentation "Push the current branch to its upstream branch.\n\nWith a prefix argument or when the upstream is either not\nconfigured or unusable, then let the user first configure\nthe upstream." transient--suffix transient-suffix :command :if magit-get-current-branch :description magit-push--upstream-description] 10) (defalias 'magit-push--upstream-description #[0 "\300 \211\205Q\301!\206Q\302\303\304#\302\303\305#\306\307\310\"\311\"\203-\312\313\306\310\"\306\314\"#\207\315\"\203@\312\316\306\314\"\306\314\"#\207\204H\203L\211\317P\207\211\320P\266\203\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-get-upstream-branch magit-get "branch" "remote" "merge" magit--propertize-face "@{upstream}" bold magit--unnamed-upstream-p format "%s as %s" magit-branch-remote magit--valid-upstream-p "%s creating %s" ", creating it and replacing invalid" ", creating it"] 10]) #@79 Push the current branch to a branch read in the minibuffer. (fn TARGET ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-current #[514 "\300\301 #\207" [magit-git-push magit-get-current-branch] 6 (#$ . 6684) (byte-code "\300 \211\203\301\302\303\"\304\211\305%\306 D\207\307\310!\207" [magit-get-current-branch magit-read-remote-branch format "Push %s to" nil confirm magit-push-arguments user-error "No branch is checked out"] 7)]) #@131 Push an arbitrary branch or commit somewhere. Both the source and the target are read in the minibuffer. (fn SOURCE TARGET ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-other #[771 "\300#\207" [magit-git-push] 7 (#$ . 7109) (byte-code "\300\301!\211\302\303\304\"\305\306!\203\307!\206*\310!\202*\311\312\"\205*\307 \206*\310 \313%\314 E\207" [magit-read-local-branch-or-commit "Push" magit-read-remote-branch format "Push %s to" nil magit-local-branch-p magit-get-push-branch magit-get-upstream-branch magit-rev-ancestor-p "HEAD" confirm magit-push-arguments] 8)]) (defvar magit-push-refspecs-history nil) #@273 Push one or multiple REFSPECS to a REMOTE. Both the REMOTE and the REFSPECS are read in the minibuffer. To use multiple REFSPECS, separate them with commas. Completion is only available for the part before the colon, or when no colon is used. (fn REMOTE REFSPECS ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-refspecs #[771 "\300\301!\210\302\303\304%\207" [run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push" "-v"] 9 (#$ . 7721) (byte-code "\300\301!\302\303\304\305 B\306\211\211\307&\310 E\207" [magit-read-remote "Push to remote" magit-completing-read-multiple* "Push refspec,s: " "HEAD" magit-list-local-branch-names nil magit-push-refspecs-history magit-push-arguments] 8)]) #@196 Push all matching branches to another repository. If multiple remotes exist, then read one from the user. If just one exists, use that without requiring confirmation. (fn REMOTE &optional ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-matching #[513 "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305%\207" [run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push" "-v" ":"] 8 (#$ . 8407) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304 D\207" [magit-read-remote "Push matching branches to" nil t magit-push-arguments] 4)]) #@210 Push all tags to another repository. If only one remote exists, then push to that. Otherwise prompt for a remote, offering the remote configured for the current branch as default. (fn REMOTE &optional ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-tags #[513 "\300\301!\210\302\303\304$\207" [run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push" "--tags"] 7 (#$ . 8890) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304 D\207" [magit-read-remote "Push tags to remote" nil t magit-push-arguments] 4)]) #@67 Push a tag to another repository. (fn TAG REMOTE &optional ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-tag #[770 "\300\301!\210\302\303$\207" [run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push"] 8 (#$ . 9372) (byte-code "\300\301!\211\302\303\304\"\305\306#\307 E\207" [magit-read-tag "Push tag" magit-read-remote format "Push %s to remote" nil t magit-push-arguments] 6)]) #@73 Push a notes ref to another repository. (fn REF REMOTE &optional ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-notes-ref #[770 "\300\301!\210\302\303$\207" [run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push"] 8 (#$ . 9749) (byte-code "\300\301\302\211#\211\303\304\305\"\302\306#\307 E\207" [magit-notes-read-ref "Push notes" nil magit-read-remote format "Push %s to remote" t magit-push-arguments] 6)]) #@13 (fn ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-implicitly #[257 "\300\301!\210\302\303\304#\207" [run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push" "-v"] 5 (#$ . 10154) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-push-arguments] 1)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312$#\207" [put magit-push-implicitly interactive-only t function-documentation "Push somewhere without using an explicit refspec.\n\nThis command simply runs \"git push -v [ARGS]\". ARGS are the\narguments specified in the popup buffer. No explicit refspec\narguments are used. Instead the behavior depends on at least\nthese Git variables: `push.default', `remote.pushDefault',\n`branch..pushRemote', `branch..remote',\n`branch..merge', and `remote..push'.\n\nIf you add this suffix to a transient prefix without explicitly\nspecifying the description, then an attempt is made to predict\nwhat this command will do. For example:\n\n (transient-insert-suffix 'magit-push \"p\"\n '(\"i\" magit-push-implicitly))" transient--suffix transient-suffix :command :description magit-push-implicitly--desc] 8) (defalias 'magit-push-implicitly--desc #[0 "\300\301!\211\302\232?\205\202\303 \206\304 \211\205\300\305\306#\211\205)\307\310\311\312\"\311\313\"#\266\202\206\202\314 ?\2056\315 \211\205D\307\316\317!\311\320\313\"#\262\206\202\314 \211\205Y\307\316\317!\311\321\313\"#\262\206\202\322 \211\205n\307\316\317!\311\323\313\"#\262\206\202\307\324\311\325\313\"\311\301\313\"\311\313\"$\207" [magit-get "push.default" "nothing" magit-get-remote magit-primary-remote "remote" "push" format "%s using %s" magit--propertize-face magit-branch-remote bold magit-get-push-branch magit-get-upstream-branch "%s aka %s\n" magit-branch-set-face "@{upstream}" "pushRemote" magit-get-@{push}-branch "@{push}" "using %s (%s is %s)\n" "git push"] 9]) #@459 Push to REMOTE without using an explicit refspec. The REMOTE is read in the minibuffer. This command simply runs "git push -v [ARGS] REMOTE". ARGS are the arguments specified in the popup buffer. No refspec arguments are used. Instead the behavior depends on at least these Git variables: `push.default', `remote.pushDefault', `branch..pushRemote', `branch..remote', `branch..merge', and `remote..push'. (fn REMOTE ARGS) (defalias 'magit-push-to-remote #[514 "\300\301!\210\302\303\304$\207" [run-hooks magit-credential-hook magit-run-git-async "push" "-v"] 7 (#$ . 12062) (byte-code "\300\301!\302 D\207" [magit-read-remote "Push to remote" magit-push-arguments] 2)]) (defalias 'magit-push-to-remote--desc #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304\"\"\207" [format "using %s\n" magit--propertize-face "git push " bold] 5]) (provide 'magit-push)