;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\210\300\310!\210\300\311\312\313#\210\300\314!\207" [require magit-core magit-diff magit-log magit-wip magit-apply magit-repos git-commit format-spec package nil t with-editor] 4) (defconst magit--minimal-git "2.2.0") (defconst magit--minimal-emacs "25.1") (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\300\306\307\310\304\305%\210\300\311\312\313\304\305%\210\300\314\315\316\304\305%\210\300\317\320\321\304\305%\210\300\322\323\324\304\305%\210\300\325\326\327\304\305%\210\300\330\331\332\304\305%\210\300\333\334\327\304\305%\210\300\335\336\337\304\305%\210\300\340\341\342\304\305%\210\300\343\344\345\304\305%\210\300\346\347\350\304\305%\210\300\351\352\353\304\305%\210\300\354\355\356\304\305%\210\300\357\360\361\304\305%\210\300\362\363\364\304\305%\210\300\365\366\367\304\305%\210\300\370\371\372\304\305%\210\300\373\374\375\304\305%\210\300\376\377\201@\304\305%\210\300\201A\201B\201C\304\305%\210\300\201D\201E\201F\304\305%\210\300\201G\201H\201I\304\305%\210\300\201J\201K\201L\304\305%\210\300\201M\201N\201O\304\305%\210\300\201P\201Q\201R\304\305%\210\201S\201T\201U\201V#\210\201W\211\203:\211@\201TN\2033\201UN\2043\201X\201U\201TN#\210A\266\202\202\210\201Y\201T\201U\201Z#\210\201[\201U\201\\\201]\201^DD\201_\201`\201a\304\201b\201c\201d& \207" [custom-declare-face magit-header-line ((t :inherit magit-section-heading)) "Face for the `header-line' in some Magit modes.\nNote that some modes, such as `magit-log-select-mode', have their\nown faces for the `header-line', or for parts of the\n`header-line'." :group magit-faces magit-header-line-key ((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)) "Face for keys in the `header-line'." magit-dimmed ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "grey50") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "grey50")) "Face for text that shouldn't stand out." magit-hash ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "grey60") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "grey40")) "Face for the sha1 part of the log output." magit-tag ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "Goldenrod4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "LightGoldenrod2")) "Face for tag labels shown in log buffer." magit-branch-remote ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "DarkOliveGreen4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "DarkSeaGreen2")) "Face for remote branch head labels shown in log buffer." magit-branch-remote-head ((((class color) (background light)) :inherit magit-branch-remote :box t) (((class color) (background dark)) :inherit magit-branch-remote :box t)) "Face for current branch." magit-branch-local ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "SkyBlue4") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "LightSkyBlue1")) "Face for local branches." magit-branch-current ((((class color) (background light)) :inherit magit-branch-local :box t) (((class color) (background dark)) :inherit magit-branch-local :box t)) magit-branch-upstream ((t :slant italic)) "Face for upstream branch.\nThis face is only used in logs and it gets combined\n with `magit-branch-local', `magit-branch-remote'\nand/or `magit-branch-remote-head'." magit-head ((((class color) (background light)) :inherit magit-branch-local) (((class color) (background dark)) :inherit magit-branch-local)) "Face for the symbolic ref `HEAD'." magit-refname ((((class color) (background light)) :foreground "grey30") (((class color) (background dark)) :foreground "grey80")) "Face for refnames without a dedicated face." magit-refname-stash ((t :inherit magit-refname)) "Face for stash refnames." magit-refname-wip ((t :inherit magit-refname)) "Face for wip refnames." magit-refname-pullreq ((t :inherit magit-refname)) "Face for pullreq refnames." magit-keyword ((t :inherit font-lock-string-face)) "Face for parts of commit messages inside brackets." magit-keyword-squash ((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)) "Face for squash! and fixup! keywords in commit messages." magit-signature-good ((t :foreground "green")) "Face for good signatures." magit-signature-bad ((t :foreground "red" :weight bold)) "Face for bad signatures." magit-signature-untrusted ((t :foreground "medium aquamarine")) "Face for good untrusted signatures." magit-signature-expired ((t :foreground "orange")) "Face for signatures that have expired." magit-signature-expired-key ((t :inherit magit-signature-expired)) "Face for signatures made by an expired key." magit-signature-revoked ((t :foreground "violet red")) "Face for signatures made by a revoked key." magit-signature-error ((t :foreground "light blue")) "Face for signatures that cannot be checked (e.g. missing key)." magit-cherry-unmatched ((t :foreground "cyan")) "Face for unmatched cherry commits." magit-cherry-equivalent ((t :foreground "magenta")) "Face for equivalent cherry commits." magit-filename ((t :weight normal)) "Face for filenames." defvaralias global-magit-file-mode magit-define-global-key-bindings nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "Magit 3.0.0" custom-declare-variable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to bind some Magit commands in the global keymap.\n\nIf this variable is non-nil, then the following bindings may\nbe added to the global keymap. The default is t.\n\nkey binding\n--- -------\nC-x g magit-status\nC-x M-g magit-dispatch\nC-c M-g magit-file-dispatch\n\nThese bindings may be added when `after-init-hook' is called.\nEach binding is added if and only if at that time no other key\nis bound to the same command and no other command is bound to\nthe same key. In other words we try to avoid adding bindings\nthat are unnecessary, as well as bindings that conflict with\nother bindings.\n\nAdding the above bindings is delayed until `after-init-hook'\nis called to allow users to set the variable anywhere in their\ninit file (without having to make sure to do so before `magit'\nis loaded or autoloaded) and to increase the likelihood that\nall the potentially conflicting user bindings have already\nbeen added.\n\nSetting this variable after the hook has already been called\nhas no effect.\n\nWe recommend that you bind \"C-c g\" instead of \"C-c M-g\" to\n`magit-file-dispatch'. The former is a much better binding\nbut the \"C-c \" namespace is strictly reserved for\nusers; preventing Magit from using it by default.\n\nAlso see info node `(magit)Commands for Buffers Visiting Files'." :package-version (magit . "3.0.0") magit-essentials :type boolean] 10) (defalias 'magit-maybe-define-global-key-bindings #[0 "\2056\301 \302\211\2052\211@\303@!A\304\"\204)\305\306 \307#\204)\310#\210\266A\266\202\202\262\262\207" [magit-define-global-key-bindings current-global-map (("C-x g" . magit-status) ("C-x M-g" . magit-dispatch) ("C-c M-g" . magit-file-dispatch)) kbd lookup-key where-is-internal make-sparse-keymap t define-key] 9]) (byte-code "\203\n\301 \210\202\302\303\301\304#\210\301\207" [after-init-time magit-maybe-define-global-key-bindings add-hook after-init-hook t] 4) (defalias 'magit-dispatch #[0 "\300\301!\207" [transient-setup magit-dispatch] 2 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\311\312$#\210\300\301\313\314#\210\315\316\317\320\321DD\322\323\324\325\326\327\330& \207" [put magit-dispatch interactive-only t function-documentation "Invoke a Magit command from a list of available commands." transient--prefix transient-prefix :command :info-manual "(magit)Top" transient--layout ([1 transient-columns (:description "Transient and dwim commands") ([1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "A" :description "Apply" :command magit-cherry-pick)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "b" :description "Branch" :command magit-branch)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "B" :description "Bisect" :command magit-bisect)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "c" :description "Commit" :command magit-commit)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "C" :description "Clone" :command magit-clone)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "d" :description "Diff" :command magit-diff)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "D" :description "Diff (change)" :command magit-diff-refresh)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "e" :description "Ediff (dwim)" :command magit-ediff-dwim)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "E" :description "Ediff" :command magit-ediff)))] [1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "f" :description "Fetch" :command magit-fetch)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "F" :description "Pull" :command magit-pull)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "I" :description "Init" :command magit-init)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "l" :description "Log" :command magit-log)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "L" :description "Log (change)" :command magit-log-refresh)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "m" :description "Merge" :command magit-merge)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "M" :description "Remote" :command magit-remote)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "o" :description "Submodule" :command magit-submodule)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "O" :description "Subtree" :command magit-subtree)))] [1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "P" :description "Push" :command magit-push)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "r" :description "Rebase" :command magit-rebase)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "t" :description "Tag" :command magit-tag)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "T" :description "Note" :command magit-notes)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "V" :description "Revert" :command magit-revert)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "w" :description "Apply patches" :command magit-am)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "W" :description "Format patches" :command magit-patch)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "X" :description "Reset" :command magit-reset)))] [1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "y" :description "Show Refs" :command magit-show-refs)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "Y" :description "Cherries" :command magit-cherry)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "z" :description "Stash" :command magit-stash)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "!" :description "Run" :command magit-run)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "%" :description "Worktree" :command magit-worktree)))])] [1 transient-columns (:description "Applying changes" :if-derived magit-mode) ([1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "a" :description "Apply" :command magit-apply)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "v" :description "Reverse" :command magit-reverse)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "k" :description "Discard" :command magit-discard)))] [1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "s" :description "Stage" :command magit-stage)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "u" :description "Unstage" :command magit-unstage)))] [1 transient-column nil ((1 transient-suffix (:key "S" :description "Stage all" :command magit-stage-modified)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "U" :description "Unstage all" :command magit-unstage-all)))])] [1 transient-column (:description "Essential commands" :if-derived magit-mode) ((1 transient-suffix (:key "g" :description " refresh current buffer" :command magit-refresh)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "" :description " toggle section at point" :command magit-section-toggle)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "" :description "visit thing at point" :command magit-visit-thing)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "C-h m" :description " show all key bindings" :command describe-mode)))]) custom-declare-variable magit-shell-command-verbose-prompt funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to show the working directory when reading a command.\nThis affects `magit-git-command', `magit-git-command-topdir',\n`magit-shell-command', and `magit-shell-command-topdir'." :package-version (magit . "2.11.0") :group magit-commands :type boolean] 10) (defvar magit-git-command-history nil) (defalias 'magit-run #[0 "\300\301!\207" [transient-setup magit-run] 2 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\301\304\305#\210\300\301\306\307\310\301\"#\210\300\301\311\312#\207" [put magit-run interactive-only t function-documentation "Run git or another command, or launch a graphical utility." transient--prefix transient-prefix :command transient--layout ([1 transient-columns nil ([1 transient-column (:description "Run git subcommand") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "!" :description "in repository root" :command magit-git-command-topdir)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "p" :description "in working directory" :command magit-git-command)))] [1 transient-column (:description "Run shell command") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "s" :description "in repository root" :command magit-shell-command-topdir)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "S" :description "in working directory" :command magit-shell-command)))] [1 transient-column (:description "Launch") ((1 transient-suffix (:key "k" :description "gitk" :command magit-run-gitk)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "a" :description "gitk --all" :command magit-run-gitk-all)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "b" :description "gitk --branches" :command magit-run-gitk-branches)) (1 transient-suffix (:key "g" :description "git gui" :command magit-run-git-gui)))])])] 6) #@322 Execute COMMAND asynchronously; display output. Interactively, prompt for COMMAND in the minibuffer. "git " is used as initial input, but can be deleted to run another command. With a prefix argument COMMAND is run in the top-level directory of the current working tree, otherwise in `default-directory'. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'magit-git-command #[257 "\300!\207" [magit--shell-command] 3 (#$ . 13236) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"C\207" [magit-read-shell-command nil "git "] 3)]) #@265 Execute COMMAND asynchronously; display output. Interactively, prompt for COMMAND in the minibuffer. "git " is used as initial input, but can be deleted to run another command. COMMAND is run in the top-level directory of the current working tree. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'magit-git-command-topdir #[257 "\300\301 \"\207" [magit--shell-command magit-toplevel] 4 (#$ . 13726) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"C\207" [magit-read-shell-command t "git "] 3)]) #@246 Execute COMMAND asynchronously; display output. Interactively, prompt for COMMAND in the minibuffer. With a prefix argument COMMAND is run in the top-level directory of the current working tree, otherwise in `default-directory'. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'magit-shell-command #[257 "\300!\207" [magit--shell-command] 3 (#$ . 14185) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-read-shell-command] 1)]) #@189 Execute COMMAND asynchronously; display output. Interactively, prompt for COMMAND in the minibuffer. COMMAND is run in the top-level directory of the current working tree. (fn COMMAND) (defalias 'magit-shell-command-topdir #[257 "\300\301 \"\207" [magit--shell-command magit-toplevel] 4 (#$ . 14581) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [magit-read-shell-command t] 2)]) #@36 (fn COMMAND &optional DIRECTORY) (defalias 'magit--shell-command #[513 "\211\206 \304 B\305\n\306 $\210*\307 \207" [default-directory process-environment shell-file-name shell-command-switch "GIT_PAGER=cat" magit-start-process nil magit-process-buffer] 7 (#$ . 14953)]) #@41 (fn &optional TOPLEVEL INITIAL-INPUT) (defalias 'magit-read-shell-command #[512 "\204\203\303 \206\304 \202 \305\n\203\"\306\307\310 !\"\202#\311\312#)\207" [current-prefix-arg default-directory magit-shell-command-verbose-prompt magit-toplevel magit--not-inside-repository-error read-shell-command format "Async shell command in %s: " abbreviate-file-name "Async shell command: " magit-git-command-history] 7 (#$ . 15238)]) (defconst magit-font-lock-keywords '(("(\\(magit-define-section-jumper\\)\\_>[ '(]*\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)?" (1 'font-lock-keyword-face) (2 'font-lock-function-name-face nil t)) ("(\\(magit-\\(?:bind-match-strings\\|insert-section\\|section-case\\|with-\\(?:blob\\|t\\(?:emp-index\\|oplevel\\)\\)\\)\\)\\_>" . 1))) (font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode magit-font-lock-keywords) #@101 The version of Magit that you're using. Use the function by the same name instead of this variable. (defvar magit-version 'undefined (#$ . 16072)) #@271 Return the version of Magit currently in use. If optional argument PRINT-DEST is non-nil, output stream (interactively, the echo area, or the current buffer with a prefix argument), also print the used versions of Magit, Git, and Emacs to it. (fn &optional PRINT-DEST) (defalias 'magit-version #[256 "\306\206 \306\203\307!\310\232\204\311\310!\262\205!\312!\262C\262\203\313!\314\315\313\316!!\"\311\317\306C#\211\205C\312!\320B\262\321!\203\321\314\322\"!\203\323B\262\211\203q \204q\3241p\325!0\210\202q\210\326\327\330\331\332$)\211\204\333B\262\211\203\233\321!\203\233\323B\262\334!\210 \204\335\336!\203\345\337B\262\3401\340\341?\236\211\205\332\323B\262\342\343!\205\330\344A@\345!@>\204\322\346\347\350D\"\210\211\351H\262!\211\2620\202\342\210\306\204\352B\262\307\316!!\353\354\"\205\374\355\356\"\211\262\204\357B\262\321!\203\321\314\322\"!\203\326\360\361\")\266 ;\203F\203_\362\363\364 \2060\365\366A\367\323!)\206;\365BC%\"\210\202_\370!\262\371\211B\262\372\373!\374\232\204_\375\376\"\210 )\207" [load-file-name buffer-file-name magit-git-global-arguments noninteractive default-directory magit-version nil file-name-nondirectory "magit.el" locate-library magit--straight-chase-links file-name-directory expand-file-name ".git" directory-file-name "magit-version.el" repo file-exists-p "../lisp/magit.el" t (error) delete-file magit-git-string "describe" "--tags" "--dirty" "--always" static load-file featurep package elpa (error) magit fboundp package-desc-version package-version-join type-of signal wrong-type-argument package-desc 2 dirname string-match "\\`magit-\\([0-9].*\\)" match-string 1 hash "rev-parse" "HEAD" princ format "Magit %s, Git %s, Emacs %s, %s" "(unknown)" #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [display-warning (magit git) :error] 5 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] magit-git-version reverse error getenv "CI" "true" message "Cannot determine Magit's version %S" package-alist cl-struct-package-desc-tags magit-git-debug emacs-version system-type] 16 (#$ . 16226) (byte-code "\203p\202 \301C\207" [current-prefix-arg t] 1)]) #@126 Display a buffer with information about `magit-git-executable'. See info node `(magit)Debugging Tools' for more information. (defalias 'magit-debug-git-executable #[0 "r\304\305!q\210\306p!\210\307 \210\310\311\"\312!?\205\310\313\314!\"\310\315\316C\317\320\"\321\322!\206/\211\242)\262\"Qc\210\310\323\n\"c\210\324\325\326\327\316\330\331\332!!\"\"\325\326\327\316\n\"\"\333\334$\211\203\\\310\335\"c\210\210\n\211\205\255\211@\310\336\337!@#c\210\340!\203\246\341\322\342\343 !\344Q#\211\203\245\211@\310\345\211\316C\317\346\"\321\322!\206\230\211\242*\262#c\210A\266\202\202~\210A\266\202\202^\262)\207" [magit-git-executable magit-git-debug exec-path exec-suffixes get-buffer-create "*magit-git-debug*" pop-to-buffer erase-buffer format "magit-git-executable: %S" file-name-absolute-p " [%S]" executable-find " (%s)\n" nil make-closure #[257 "\300\240\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn ERR)"] magit-git-version t "exec-path: %S\n" cl-set-difference -filter file-exists-p remq parse-colon-path getenv "PATH" :test file-equal-p " entries in PATH, but not in exec-path: %S\n" " %s (%s)\n" file-attributes file-directory-p directory-files "\\`git" regexp-opt "\\'" " %s (%s)\n" #[257 "\300\240\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn ERR)"]] 11 (#$ . 18395) nil]) (defalias 'magit-startup-asserts #[0 "\303\304!\211\203\305\304!\210\306\307\"\210\210\303\310!\211\203!\305\310!\210\306\311\"\210\210\312 \211\203A\313\"\203A\303\314!\315\232\204A\316\317\320\321#\322#\210\210\313 \n\"\205R\316\317\320\323\n #\322#\207" [magit--minimal-git emacs-version magit--minimal-emacs getenv "GIT_DIR" setenv message "Magit unset $GIT_DIR (was %S). See https://github.com/magit/magit/wiki/Don't-set-$GIT_DIR-and-alike" "GIT_WORK_TREE" "Magit unset $GIT_WORK_TREE (was %S). See https://github.com/magit/magit/wiki/Don't-set-$GIT_DIR-and-alike" magit-git-version version< "CI" "true" display-warning magit format "Magit requires Git >= %s, you are using %s.\n\nIf this comes as a surprise to you, because you do actually have\na newer version installed, then that probably means that the\nolder version happens to appear earlier on the `$PATH'. If you\nalways start Emacs from a shell, then that can be fixed in the\nshell's init file. If you start Emacs by clicking on an icon,\nor using some sort of application launcher, then you probably\nhave to adjust the environment as seen by graphical interface.\nFor X11 something like ~/.xinitrc should work.\n\nIf you use Tramp to work inside remote Git repositories, then you\nhave to make sure a suitable Git is used on the remote machines\ntoo.\n" :error "Magit requires Emacs >= %s, you are using %s.\n\nIf this comes as a surprise to you, because you do actually have\na newer version installed, then that probably means that the\nolder version happens to appear earlier on the `$PATH'. If you\nalways start Emacs from a shell, then that can be fixed in the\nshell's init file. If you start Emacs by clicking on an icon,\nor using some sort of application launcher, then you probably\nhave to adjust the environment as seen by graphical interface.\nFor X11 something like ~/.xinitrc should work.\n"] 7]) (byte-code "\301\302!\210\303\304!\210\303\305!\210\303\306!\210\303\307!\210\303\310!\210\303\311!\210\303\312!\210\303\313!\210\303\314!\210\303\315!\210\303\316!\210\303\317!\210\303\320!\210\303\321!\210\303\322!\210\303\323!\210\303\324!\210\303\325!\210\303\326!\210\303\327!\210\303\330!\210\331\332\333\211#\204\200\303\334!\210\303\335!\210\303\336!\210\303\337!\210\303\340!\210\303\341!\210\303\342!\210\303\343!\210\344\345\346\"\210\203\222\347 \210\350 \210\202\236\351\352\347\333#\210\351\352\350\333#\210\301\207" [after-init-time provide magit require magit-status magit-refs magit-files magit-reset magit-branch magit-merge magit-tag magit-worktree magit-notes magit-sequence magit-commit magit-remote magit-clone magit-fetch magit-pull magit-push magit-bisect magit-stash magit-blame magit-obsolete magit-submodule load "magit-autoloads" t magit-patch magit-subtree magit-ediff magit-gitignore magit-extras git-rebase magit-imenu magit-bookmark eval-after-load bookmark #[0 "\300\301!\207" [require magit-bookmark] 2] magit-startup-asserts magit-version add-hook after-init-hook] 4)