;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\207" [require cl-lib dash eieio seq subr-x] 2) #@99 Hook run by `magit-section-goto'. That function in turn is used by all section movement commands. (defvar magit-section-movement-hook nil (#$ . 208)) #@148 Functions used to highlight the current section. Each function is run with the current section as only argument until one of them returns non-nil. (defvar magit-section-highlight-hook '(magit-section-highlight magit-section-highlight-selection) (#$ . 365)) #@298 Functions used to unhighlight the previously current section. Each function is run with the current section as only argument until one of them returns non-nil. Most sections are properly unhighlighted without requiring a specialized unhighlighter, diff-related sections being the only exception. (defvar magit-section-unhighlight-hook nil (#$ . 629)) #@303 Hook used to set the initial visibility of a section. Stop at the first function that returns non-nil. The returned value should be `show', `hide' or nil. If no function returns non-nil, determine the visibility as usual, i.e. use the hardcoded section specific default (see `magit-insert-section'). (defvar magit-section-set-visibility-hook '(magit-section-cached-visibility) (#$ . 988)) #@144 Hook used to go to the same section as was current before a refresh. This is only used if the standard mechanism for doing so did not succeed. (defvar magit-section-goto-successor-hook nil (#$ . 1386)) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310&\210\311\312\313\314\315DD\316\317\320\307\302\321\322& \210\311\323\313\314\324DD\325\317\326\307\302\321\327& \210\311\330\313\314\331DD\332\317\333\307\302\321\334& \210\311\335\313\314\336DD\337\317\340\307\302\321\341& \210\311\342\313\314\343DD\344\317\345\307\302\321\322& \210\311\346\313\314\347DD\350\317\351\307\302\321\322& \210\301\352\303\353\307\302\307\354&\210\355\356\357\360\361Y\205\207\362\363\"B\364\360\361Y\205\223\365\366\"BD\367\307\352%\210\355\370\371\360\361Y\205\247\372\373\"B\374\360\361Y\205\263\375\376\"BD\377\307\352%\210\355\201@\201A\360\361Y\205\315\201B\201C\"BC\201D\307\352%\210\355\201E\201F\360\361Y\205\353\201G\201H\"B\201I\360\361Y\205\375\201J\201K\"BD\201L\307\352%\207" [emacs-major-version custom-declare-group magit-section nil "Expandable sections." :link (info-link "(magit)Sections") :group extensions custom-declare-variable magit-section-show-child-count funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to append the number of children to section headings.\nThis only applies to sections for which doing so makes sense." :package-version (magit . "2.1.0") :type boolean magit-section-cache-visibility #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to cache visibility of sections.\n\nSections always retain their visibility state when they are being\nrecreated during a refresh. But if a section disappears and then\nlater reappears again, then this option controls whether this is\nthe case.\n\nIf t, then cache the visibility of all sections. If a list of\nsection types, then only do so for matching sections. If nil,\nthen don't do so for any sections." (magit . "2.12.0") (choice (const :tag "Don't cache visibility" nil) (const :tag "Cache visibility of all sections" t) (repeat :tag "Cache visibility for section types" symbol)) magit-section-initial-visibility-alist #[0 "\300\207" [((stashes . hide))] 1] "Alist controlling the initial visibility of sections.\n\nEach element maps a section type or lineage to the initial\nvisibility state for such sections. The state has to be one of\n`show' or `hide', or a function that returns one of these symbols.\nA function is called with the section as the only argument.\n\nUse the command `magit-describe-section' to determine a section's\nlineage or type. The vector in the output is the section lineage\nand the type is the first element of that vector. Wildcards can\nbe used, see `magit-section-match'.\n\nCurrently this option is only used to override hardcoded defaults,\nbut in the future it will also be used set the defaults.\n\nAn entry whose key is `magit-status-initial-section' specifies\nthe visibility of the section `magit-status-goto-initial-section'\njumps to. This does not only override defaults, but also other\nentries of this alist." (magit . "2.12.0") (alist :key-type (sexp :tag "Section type/lineage") :value-type (choice (const hide) (const show) function)) magit-section-visibility-indicator #[0 "\300 \203\301\207\302\303!\203\304\202\305\306B\207" [window-system (magit-fringe-bitmap> . magit-fringe-bitmapv) char-displayable-p 8230 "…" "..." t] 2] "Whether and how to indicate that a section can be expanded/collapsed.\n\nIf nil, then don't show any indicators.\nOtherwise the value has to have one of these two forms:\n\n(EXPANDABLE-BITMAP . COLLAPSIBLE-BITMAP)\n\n Both values have to be variables whose values are fringe\n bitmaps. In this case every section that can be expanded or\n collapsed gets an indicator in the left fringe.\n\n To provide extra padding around the indicator, set\n `left-fringe-width' in `magit-mode-hook'.\n\n(STRING . BOOLEAN)\n\n In this case STRING (usually an ellipsis) is shown at the end\n of the heading of every collapsed section. Expanded sections\n get no indicator. The cdr controls whether the appearance of\n these ellipsis take section highlighting into account. Doing\n so might potentially have an impact on performance, while not\n doing so is kinda ugly." (magit . "3.0.0") (choice (const :tag "No indicators" nil) (cons :tag "Use +- fringe indicators" (const magit-fringe-bitmap+) (const magit-fringe-bitmap-)) (cons :tag "Use >v fringe indicators" (const magit-fringe-bitmap>) (const magit-fringe-bitmapv)) (cons :tag "Use bold >v fringe indicators)" (const magit-fringe-bitmap-bold>) (const magit-fringe-bitmap-boldv)) (cons :tag "Use custom fringe indicators" (variable :tag "Expandable bitmap variable") (variable :tag "Collapsible bitmap variable")) (cons :tag "Use ellipses at end of headings" (string :tag "Ellipsis" "…") (choice :tag "Use face kludge" (const :tag "Yes (potentially slow)" t) (const :tag "No (kinda ugly)" nil)))) magit-keep-region-overlay #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to keep the region overlay when there is a valid selection.\n\nBy default Magit removes the regular region overlay if, and only\nif, that region constitutes a valid selection as understood by\nMagit commands. Otherwise it does not remove that overlay, and\nthe region looks like it would in other buffers.\n\nThere are two types of such valid selections: hunk-internal\nregions and regions that select two or more sibling sections.\nIn such cases Magit removes the region overlay and instead\nhighlights a slightly larger range. All text (for hunk-internal\nregions) or the headings of all sections (for sibling selections)\nthat are inside that range (not just inside the region) are acted\non by commands such as the staging command. This buffer range\nbegins at the beginning of the line on which the region begins\nand ends at the end of the line on which the region ends.\n\nBecause Magit acts on this larger range and not the region, it is\nactually quite important to visualize that larger range. If we\ndon't do that, then one might think that these commands act on\nthe region instead. If you want to *also* visualize the region,\nthen set this option to t. But please note that when the region\ndoes *not* constitute a valid selection, then the region is\n*always* visualized as usual, and that it is usually under such\ncircumstances that you want to use a non-magit command to act on\nthe region.\n\nBesides keeping the region overlay, setting this option to t also\ncauses all face properties, except for `:foreground', to be\nignored for the faces used to highlight headings of selected\nsections. This avoids the worst conflicts that result from\ndisplaying the region and the selection overlays at the same\ntime. We are not interested in dealing with other conflicts.\nIn fact we *already* provide a way to avoid all of these\nconflicts: *not* changing the value of this option.\n\nIt should be clear by now that we consider it a mistake to set\nthis to display the region when the Magit selection is also\nvisualized, but since it has been requested a few times and\nbecause it doesn't cost much to offer this option we do so.\nHowever that might change. If the existence of this option\nstarts complicating other things, then it will be removed." (magit . "2.3.0") magit-section-disable-line-numbers #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "In Magit buffers, whether to disable modes that display line numbers.\n\nSome users who turn on `global-display-line-numbers-mode' (or\n`global-nlinum-mode' or `global-linum-mode') expect line numbers\nto be displayed everywhere except in Magit buffers. Other users\ndo not expect Magit buffers to be treated differently. At least\nin theory users in the first group should not use the global mode,\nbut that ship has sailed, thus this option." (magit . "3.0.0") magit-section-faces "Faces used by Magit-Section." faces custom-declare-face magit-section-highlight ((class color) (background light)) append 27 (:extend t) (:background "grey95") ((class color) (background dark)) (:extend t) (:background "grey20") "Face for highlighting the current section." magit-section-heading ((class color) (background light)) (:extend t) (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod4" :weight bold) ((class color) (background dark)) (:extend t) (:foreground "LightGoldenrod2" :weight bold) "Face for section headings." magit-section-secondary-heading t (:extend t) (:weight bold) "Face for section headings of some secondary headings." magit-section-heading-selection ((class color) (background light)) (:extend t) (:foreground "salmon4") ((class color) (background dark)) (:extend t) (:foreground "LightSalmon3") "Face for selected section headings."] 10) #@54 Internal variable used for `magit-describe-section'. (defvar magit--current-section-hook nil (#$ . 10053)) (defvar magit--section-type-alist nil) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303!\"\210\300\304\305\303!\"\210\300\306\304\"\210\307\306\310\311#\210\312\303\313\304#\314\303\315\316\315$\207" [defalias magit-section-p eieio-make-class-predicate magit-section magit-section--eieio-childp eieio-make-child-predicate magit-section-child-p make-obsolete "use (cl-typep ... \\='magit-section) instead" "25.1" define-symbol-prop cl-deftype-satisfies eieio-defclass-internal nil ((keymap :initform nil :allocation :class) (type :initform nil :initarg :type) (value :initform nil :initarg :value) (start :initform nil :initarg :start) (content :initform nil) (end :initform nil) (hidden :initform nil) (washer :initform nil) (process :initform nil) (heading-highlight-face :initform nil) (inserter :initform (symbol-value 'magit--current-section-hook)) (parent :initform nil :initarg :parent) (children :initform nil))] 6) #@70 Create a new object of class type `magit-section'. (fn &rest SLOTS) (defalias 'magit-section #[128 "\300\301\302#\207" [apply make-instance magit-section] 5 (#$ . 11069)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put magit-section compiler-macro magit-section--anon-cmacro] 4) #@26 (fn WHOLE &rest SLOTS) (defalias 'magit-section--anon-cmacro #[385 "\211@;\204\207\300\301\302@@#@\303@DABB\"\207" [macroexp-warn-and-return format "Obsolete name arg %S to constructor %S" identity] 7 (#$ . 11362)]) (defvar magit-section-mode-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\"\210\303\304\305#\210\303\306\307#\210\303\310\307#\210\303\311\312#\210\303\313\314#\210\303\315\316#\210\303\317\320#\210\303\321\322#\210\303\323\324#\210\303\325\326#\210\303\327\330#\210\303\331\332#\210\303\333\334#\210\303\335\336#\210\303\337\340#\210\303\341\342#\210\303\343\344#\210\207" [make-keymap suppress-keymap t define-key " " magit-section-toggle [C-tab] magit-section-cycle [M-tab] [backtab] magit-section-cycle-global "^" magit-section-up "p" magit-section-backward "n" magit-section-forward [134217840] magit-section-backward-sibling [134217838] magit-section-forward-sibling "1" magit-section-show-level-1 "2" magit-section-show-level-2 "3" magit-section-show-level-3 "4" magit-section-show-level-4 [134217777] magit-section-show-level-1-all [134217778] magit-section-show-level-2-all [134217779] magit-section-show-level-3-all [134217780] magit-section-show-level-4-all] 5)) (defvar magit-section-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204\302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [magit-section-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering Magit-Sections mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp magit-section-mode-map definition-name magit-section-mode] 4) (defvar magit-section-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (byte-code "\301\302N\204\303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204\303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204-\303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B\303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P\303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\210\303\311\323\324#\207" [magit-section-mode-abbrev-table magit-section-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `magit-section-mode'." boundp magit-section-mode-syntax-table definition-name magit-section-mode (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar magit-section-mode-syntax-table def-tmp-var)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `magit-section-mode'." (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar magit-section-mode-abbrev-table def-tmp-var)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `magit-section-mode'." derived-mode-parent special-mode custom-mode-group magit-section] 5) #@344 Parent major mode from which major modes with Magit-like sections inherit. Magit-Section is documented in info node `(magit-section)'. In addition to any hooks its parent mode `special-mode' might have run, this mode runs the hook `magit-section-mode-hook', as the final or penultimate step during initialization. \{magit-section-mode-map} (defalias 'magit-section-mode #[0 "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203\314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315 !\204'\316 \317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2035\211\321 =\203;\322\f\323 \"\210\210\324 \325\"\204R 7=\204R\326 \3257C#\210\327 !\210\330\f!\210 7\331 \210\307\21189\306\332!\210\307\306\333!\210\334\335:\306\336!\210\307\337;!<\306\340!\210\341\307B B \342\343\344\307\211$\210\342\345\344\307\211$\210\306\346!\210\347&\306\350!\210\351(=\203\352\352\353!\203\300+\203\300\354\355!\210\356\357!\203\325\352\360!\203\3250\203\325\357\355!\210\356\361!\203\352\352\362!\203\3522\203\352\361\355!\210\356\363!\203\365\342\364\363\"\210)\365\366!\207" [delay-mode-hooks major-mode mode-name magit-section-mode-map magit-section-mode-syntax-table magit-section-mode-abbrev-table make-local-variable t special-mode magit-section-mode "Magit-Sections" mode-class put keymap-parent set-keymap-parent current-local-map char-table-parent standard-syntax-table set-char-table-parent syntax-table abbrev-table-get :parents abbrev-table-put use-local-map set-syntax-table buffer-disable-undo line-move-visual font-lock-syntactic-face-function ignore nil symbol-overlay-inhibit-map abbreviate-file-name text-property-default-nonsticky keymap add-hook post-command-hook magit-section-update-highlight deactivate-mark-hook redisplay-highlight-region-function magit-section--highlight-region redisplay-unhighlight-region-function magit-section--unhighlight-region boundp global-linum-mode linum-mode -1 fboundp nlinum-mode global-nlinum-mode display-line-numbers-mode global-display-line-numbers-mode magit-preserve-section-visibility-cache kill-buffer-hook run-mode-hooks magit-section-mode-hook local-abbrev-table truncate-lines buffer-read-only show-trailing-whitespace default-directory list-buffers-directory magit-section-disable-line-numbers] 6 (#$ . 13889) nil]) #@186 The root section in the current buffer. All other sections are descendants of this section. The value of this variable is set by `magit-insert-section' and you should never modify it. (defvar magit-root-section nil (#$ . 16141)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local magit-root-section put permanent-local t] 4) #@30 Return the section at point. (defalias 'magit-current-section #[0 "\301`\302\"\206\207" [magit-root-section get-text-property magit-section] 3 (#$ . 16498)]) #@107 Return an unique identifier for SECTION. The return value has the form ((TYPE . VALUE)...). (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-ident #[257 "\211\301\302\"\303\301\304\"!\203\305\301\304\"!\202Y\301\302\"\306>\204'\301\304\"\202Y\307\301\304\"\310\311\312#)\266\203\203A\301\304\"\202Y\313\301\304\"\310\311\312#)\266\203\203X\314\202Y\315B\301\316\"\205g\317\301\316\"!B\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data slot-value type eieio-object-p value magit-section-ident-value (unpulled unpushed) "@{upstream}" nil t string-match "\\`\\.\\." "..@{push}" "@{push}.." parent magit-section-ident] 10 (#$ . 16666)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\301\303\304#\305#\210\306\301\304\307\304\310%\207" [defalias magit-section-ident-value cl-generic-define (value) nil "Return a constant representation of VALUE.\nVALUE is the value of a `magit-section' object. If that is an\nobject itself, then that is not suitable to be used to identify\nthe section because two objects may represent the same thing but\nnot be equal. If possible a method should be added for such\nobjects, which returns a value that is equal. Otherwise the\ncatch-all method is used, which just returns the argument\nitself.\n\n(fn VALUE)" cl-generic-define-method (arg) #[257 "\207" [] 2 "\n\n(fn ARG)"]] 6) #@249 Return the section identified by IDENT. IDENT has to be a list as returned by `magit-section-ident'. If optional ROOT is non-nil, then search in that section tree instead of in the one whose root `magit-root-section' is. (fn IDENT &optional ROOT) (defalias 'magit-get-section #[513 "\301!\262\211\206\n\211A\262\242@\302\303\"=\205H\203G@\211\242\243\304!\305\306\307#\302 \310\"\"\211\262\262\266\204\262\203GA\262\202\211\207" [magit-root-section reverse eieio-oref type magit-section-ident-value cl-find-if make-closure #[257 "\302\303\"\300=\205\304\302\305\"!\301\232\207" [V0 V1 eieio-oref type magit-section-ident-value value] 5 "\n\n(fn SECTION)"] children] 14 (#$ . 17966)]) #@87 Return the lineage of SECTION. The return value has the form (TYPE...). (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-lineage #[257 "\300\301\"\300\302\"\211\205\303!\262B\207" [eieio-oref type parent magit-section-lineage] 5 (#$ . 18687)]) #@24 For internal use only. (defvar magit-insert-section--current nil (#$ . 18933)) #@24 For internal use only. (defvar magit-insert-section--parent nil (#$ . 19018)) #@24 For internal use only. (defvar magit-insert-section--oldroot nil (#$ . 19102)) #@52 Move to the beginning of the next visible section. (defalias 'magit-section-forward #[0 "m\203\300\301!\207\302 \303\304\"\203Q\303\305\"?\205)\303\306\"`TU?\205)\303\307\"@\203E\211\204E\310\311\"@\211\262\204)\303\304\"\262\202)\211\203M\312!\207\300\301!\207\312\313!\207" [user-error "No next section" magit-current-section eieio-oref parent hidden end children magit-section-siblings next magit-section-goto 1] 5 (#$ . 19187) nil]) #@232 Move to the beginning of the current or the previous visible section. When point is at the beginning of a section then move to the beginning of the previous visible section. Otherwise move to the beginning of the current section. (defalias 'magit-section-backward #[0 "o\203\300\301!\207\302 \303`\304\305\"SU\203&\304\306\"\211\262\203&\307\310!@!\207\304\311\"\203:`\304\312\"U\204:\307!\207\313\314\"@\211\203]\304\315\"\204c\304\306\"\211\262\203c\310!@\262\202C\304\311\"\262\211\203k\307!\207\304\311\"\203v\300\301!\207\316`S\317\"\204\202\307\320!\207\321`S\317\"b\210\320y\210\307\302 !\207" [user-error "No previous section" magit-current-section nil eieio-oref end children magit-section-goto last parent start magit-section-siblings prev hidden get-text-property invisible -1 previous-single-property-change] 6 (#$ . 19651) nil]) #@46 Move to the beginning of the parent section. (defalias 'magit-section-up #[0 "\300\301 \302\"\211\203 \303!\207\304\305!\207" [eieio-oref magit-current-section parent magit-section-goto user-error "No parent section"] 3 (#$ . 20530) nil]) #@114 Move to the beginning of the next sibling section. If there is no next sibling section, then move to the parent. (defalias 'magit-section-forward-sibling #[0 "\300 \301\302\"\203\303\304\"@\211\203\305!\207\306 \207\305\307!\207" [magit-current-section eieio-oref parent magit-section-siblings next magit-section-goto magit-section-forward 1] 4 (#$ . 20778) nil]) #@122 Move to the beginning of the previous sibling section. If there is no previous sibling section, then move to the parent. (defalias 'magit-section-backward-sibling #[0 "\300 \301\302\"\203\303\304\"@\211\203\305!\207\306 \207\305\307!\207" [magit-current-section eieio-oref parent magit-section-siblings prev magit-section-goto magit-section-backward -1] 4 (#$ . 21156) nil]) #@12 (fn ARG) (defalias 'magit-section-goto #[257 "\211\250\203\211y\210\300 \262\202\301\302\"b\210\303\304\"\207" [magit-current-section eieio-oref start run-hook-with-args magit-section-movement-hook] 4 (#$ . 21544)]) #@59 Ensure the beginning of SECTION is visible. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-set-window-start #[257 "\300\301\302\"!?\205\303\304 \301\305\"\"\207" [pos-visible-in-window-p eieio-oref end set-window-start selected-window start] 6 (#$ . 21775)]) #@187 Define an interactive function to go some section. Together TYPE and VALUE identify the section. HEADING is the displayed heading of the section. (fn NAME HEADING TYPE &optional VALUE) (defalias 'magit-define-section-jumper '(macro . #[1027 "\300\301\302\303\"\304\305\306\307\211\310 D\nE\311BBD\312\313\302\314 \"DF\257\207" [defun (&optional expand) format "Jump to the section \"%s\".\nWith a prefix argument also expand it." (interactive "P") --if-let magit-get-section cons quote ((magit-section-ident magit-root-section)) (progn (goto-char (oref it start)) (when expand (with-local-quit (magit-section-show it)) (recenter 0))) message "Section \"%s\" wasn't found"] 16 (#$ . 22037)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put magit-define-section-jumper lisp-indent-function defun] 4) #@53 Show the body of the current section. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-show #[257 "\300\301\302#\210\303!\210\304\305\"\211\203\306\304\307\"\310\311$\210\210\312!\210\313!\210\304\314\"\211\205H\211@\304\301\"\203=\315!\210\202A\316!\210A\266\202\202)\207" [eieio-oset hidden nil magit-section--maybe-wash eieio-oref content remove-overlays end invisible t magit-section-maybe-update-visibility-indicator magit-section-maybe-cache-visibility children magit-section-hide magit-section-show] 7 (#$ . 22855) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-current-section] 1)]) #@16 (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section--maybe-wash #[257 "\302\303\"\211\205J\304\303\305#\210\306\302\307\"\212\211\203.\211\302\310\"W\203.!\210\202E\302\310\"b\210\304\307\311 #\210 \210\304\310\311 #\210+\266\312 \207" [magit-insert-section--parent inhibit-read-only eieio-oref washer eieio-oset nil t content end point-marker magit-section-update-highlight] 9 (#$ . 23444)]) #@53 Hide the body of the current section. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-hide #[257 "\211=\203\n\301\302!\207\303\304\305#\210\306\307\"\211\2034\306\310\"\311\312\305$\210\313\"\314\315\305#\210\314\312\305#\266\210\316!\210\317!\207" [magit-root-section user-error "Cannot hide root section" eieio-oset hidden t eieio-oref content end remove-overlays invisible make-overlay overlay-put evaporate magit-section-maybe-update-visibility-indicator magit-section-maybe-cache-visibility] 8 (#$ . 23852) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-current-section] 1)]) #@69 Toggle visibility of the body of the current section. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-toggle #[257 "\211=\203\n\301\302!\207\303\304\"b\210\303\305\"\203\306!\207\307!\207" [magit-root-section user-error "Cannot hide root section" eieio-oref start hidden magit-section-show magit-section-hide] 4 (#$ . 24429) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-current-section] 1)]) #@79 Toggle visibility of bodies of children of the current section. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-toggle-children #[257 "\300\301\"b\210\300\302\"\303\304\303\211\211\203=\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203=\300\305\"\211\262\204=\262\262T\262\202\266\211\262\205F\306\211\203Z\211@\307\305#\210A\266\202\202G\266\310!\207" [eieio-oref start children nil 0 hidden t eieio-oset magit-section-show] 11 (#$ . 24812) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-current-section] 1)]) #@168 Recursively show the bodies of children of the current section. With a prefix argument show children that deep and hide deeper children. (fn SECTION &optional DEPTH) (defalias 'magit-section-show-children #[513 "\300\"\210\301!\207" [magit-section-show-children-1 magit-section-show] 5 (#$ . 25323) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-current-section] 1)]) #@32 (fn SECTION &optional DEPTH) (defalias 'magit-section-show-children-1 #[513 "\300\301\"\211\2055\211@\302\303\304#\210\203*\305V\203#\306S\"\210\202.\307!\210\202.\306!\210A\266\202\202\207" [eieio-oref children eieio-oset hidden nil 0 magit-section-show-children-1 magit-section-hide] 8 (#$ . 25685)]) #@79 Recursively hide the bodies of children of the current section. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-hide-children #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\"\207" [mapc magit-section-hide eieio-oref children] 6 (#$ . 26012) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-current-section] 1)]) #@147 Recursively show headings of children of the current section. Only show the headings, previously shown text-only bodies are hidden. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-show-headings #[257 "\300!\210\301!\207" [magit-section-show-headings-1 magit-section-show] 3 (#$ . 26284) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-current-section] 1)]) #@16 (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-show-headings-1 #[257 "\300\301\"\211\205)\211@\302\303\304#\210\300\301\"\204\300\305\"\204\"\306!\210A\266\202\202\207" [eieio-oref children eieio-oset hidden nil content magit-section-show-headings-1] 7 (#$ . 26623)]) #@69 Cycle visibility of current section and its children. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-cycle #[257 "\300\301\"b\210\300\302\"\203\303!\210\304!\207\300\305\"\306\307\306\211\211\203L\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203L\300\302\"\211\262\204L\262\262T\262\202\266\211\262\203\223\306\307\306\211\211\203\207\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203\207\300\305\"\211\262\204\207\262\262T\262\202Z\266\211\262\203\223\310!\207\311\312\"\203\236\313!\207\314!\207" [eieio-oref start hidden magit-section-show magit-section-hide-children children nil 0 magit-section-show-headings seq-some magit-section-hidden-body magit-section-show-children magit-section-hide] 11 (#$ . 26902) (byte-code "\300 C\207" [magit-current-section] 1)]) #@57 Cycle visibility of all sections in the current buffer. (defalias 'magit-section-cycle-global #[0 "\301\302\"\303\304\303\211\211\2037\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\2037\301\305\"\211\262\2047\262\262T\262\202\n\266\211\262\203~\303\304\303\211\211\203r\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203r\301\302\"\211\262\204r\262\262T\262\202E\266\211\262\203~\306!\207\307\310\"\203\211\311!\207\312\313\"\207" [magit-root-section eieio-oref children nil 0 hidden magit-section-show-headings seq-some magit-section-hidden-body magit-section-show-children mapc magit-section-hide] 10 (#$ . 27694) nil]) #@31 (fn SECTION &optional PRED) (defalias 'magit-section-hidden-body #[513 "\300\301\"\211\203\206 \302\303\"\207\300\304\"\205\300\305\"\207" [eieio-oref children -any-p magit-section-hidden-body content hidden] 6 (#$ . 28341)]) #@176 Return t if the SECTION's body is invisible. When the body of an ancestor of SECTION is collapsed then SECTION's body (and heading) obviously cannot be visible. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-invisible-p #[257 "\300\301\"\206\300\302\"\211\205\303!\262\207" [eieio-oref hidden parent magit-section-invisible-p] 4 (#$ . 28586)]) #@143 Show surrounding sections up to LEVEL. If LEVEL is negative, show up to the absolute value. Sections at higher levels are hidden. (fn LEVEL) (defalias 'magit-section-show-level #[257 "\211\301W\203+\302 [\262\303!GSV\203%\304\305\"\262\304\306\"b\210\202\f\307S\"\207\302 \303!GS\211W\203C\307ZS\"\210\202`\211U\203P\310!\210\202`\304\305\"\262\211S\211\262\262\2022\311!\207" [magit-root-section 0 magit-current-section magit-section-ident eieio-oref parent start magit-section-show-children magit-section-hide magit-section-goto] 7 (#$ . 28937)]) #@43 Show surrounding sections on first level. (defalias 'magit-section-show-level-1 #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-show-level 1] 2 (#$ . 29522) nil]) #@35 Show all sections on first level. (defalias 'magit-section-show-level-1-all #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-show-level -1] 2 (#$ . 29678) nil]) #@47 Show surrounding sections up to second level. (defalias 'magit-section-show-level-2 #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-show-level 2] 2 (#$ . 29831) nil]) #@39 Show all sections up to second level. (defalias 'magit-section-show-level-2-all #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-show-level -2] 2 (#$ . 29991) nil]) #@46 Show surrounding sections up to third level. (defalias 'magit-section-show-level-3 #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-show-level 3] 2 (#$ . 30148) nil]) #@38 Show all sections up to third level. (defalias 'magit-section-show-level-3-all #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-show-level -3] 2 (#$ . 30307) nil]) #@47 Show surrounding sections up to fourth level. (defalias 'magit-section-show-level-4 #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-show-level 4] 2 (#$ . 30463) nil]) #@39 Show all sections up to fourth level. (defalias 'magit-section-show-level-4-all #[0 "\300\301!\207" [magit-section-show-level -4] 2 (#$ . 30623) nil]) #@207 Show information about the section at point. With a prefix argument show the section identity instead of the section lineage. This command is intended for debugging purposes. (fn SECTION &optional IDENT) (defalias 'magit-describe-section-briefly #[513 "\300\301\302!\303\304\"\211;\203\305!\202'\306!\203&\307\310!\203&\310!\202'\211\262\2034\311!\202;\312\313\314!\"\303\315\"\211\205G\316!\262\303\317\"\211\203[\300\320\316!\"\202\\\321\262\303 \322\"\211\205j\316!\262&\323\324!\203y\325\326\"\207\207" [format "#<%s %S %S %s-%s%s>" eieio-object-class eieio-oref value substring-no-properties eieio-object-p fboundp cl-prin1-to-string magit-section-ident apply vector magit-section-lineage start marker-position content "[%s-]" "" end called-interactively-p any message "%s"] 13 (#$ . 30781) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg magit-current-section] 2)]) (cl-generic-define-method 'cl-print-object nil '((section magit-section) stream) nil #[514 "\300\301!\"\207" [princ magit-describe-section-briefly] 5 "Print `magit-describe-section' result of SECTION.\n\n(fn SECTION STREAM)"]) #@84 Show information about the section at point. (fn SECTION &optional INTERACTIVE-P) (defalias 'magit-describe-section #[513 "C\211\242\211\203\305\306\"\204\305\307\"\262\202\211\203'\305\306\"\203'\240\210\210\310\305\242\306\"\211:\203!\211\242\211:\203\211\242\243\211:\203\211\242\243\211\204\243\311\312 \242D\"\210\313\211\223\210\314 B\315\nB\316 \317 \320!\211\313\211r\fq\210\321\322\323\242!\324\325\n!\313\326\327\330C&\324\325\f!\313\326\331\330C&$c\210\211\203\326\211@\211\242\243\211\242\243\321\332\324\325!\313\326\327\330C&\324\325!\313\326\331\330\nC&#c\266A\266\202\202\236\210\333c\210\321\334\324\325 !\313\326\327\330 C&\"c\210\335!)\262rq\210\336\313\"\262)\337\340!\203\f\340\"\202 \211)\266\204*\207!\207!\207!\207!\207" [help-window-point-marker temp-buffer-window-setup-hook temp-buffer-window-show-hook help-window-old-frame standard-output eieio-oref inserter parent #[257 "\300\301\302\242!\"\207" [message "%s, inserter unknown" magit-describe-section-briefly] 5 "\n\n(fn SECTION)"] help-setup-xref magit-describe-section nil help-mode-setup help-mode-finish selected-frame help-buffer temp-buffer-window-setup format-message "%s\n is inserted by `%s'\n from `%s'" magit-describe-section-briefly make-text-button symbol-name :type help-function help-args help-variable ",\n called by `%s'\n from `%s'" ".\n\n" "`%s' is " describe-function-1 temp-buffer-window-show functionp help-window-setup] 36 (#$ . 31924) (byte-code "\300 \301D\207" [magit-current-section t] 2)]) #@1435 Return t if SECTION matches CONDITION. SECTION defaults to the section at point. If SECTION is not specified and there also is no section at point, then return nil. CONDITION can take the following forms: (CONDITION...) matches if any of the CONDITIONs matches. [CLASS...] matches if the section's class is the same as the first CLASS or a subclass of that; the section's parent class matches the second CLASS; and so on. [* CLASS...] matches sections that match [CLASS...] and also recursively all their child sections. CLASS matches if the section's class is the same as CLASS or a subclass of that; regardless of the classes of the parent sections. Each CLASS should be a class symbol, identifying a class that derives from `magit-section'. For backward compatibility CLASS can also be a "type symbol". A section matches such a symbol if the value of its `type' slot is `eq'. If a type symbol has an entry in `magit--section-type-alist', then a section also matches that type if its class is a subclass of the class that corresponds to the type as per that alist. Note that it is not necessary to specify the complete section lineage as printed by `magit-describe-section-briefly', unless of course you want to be that precise. (fn CONDITION &optional (SECTION (magit-current-section))) (defalias 'magit-section-match #[385 "\211\203 \211A\262\242\202\300 \203\301\302\303\304G\\D\"\210\211\205%\305\"\207" [magit-current-section signal wrong-number-of-arguments magit-section-match 2 magit-section-match-1] 8 (#$ . 33526)]) #@26 (fn CONDITION SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-match-1 #[514 "\204\300\301!\210\211\205]<\203L\302\303\302\211\211\203I\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203I\304\"\203<\302\262\203I\262\262T\262\202\266\207\3059\203WC\202[\306\307\"\"\207" [cl--assertion-failed condition nil 0 magit-section-match-1 magit-section-match-2 cl-coerce list] 11 (#$ . 35216)]) #@26 (fn CONDITION SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-match-2 #[514 "@\301=\203\302A\"\206^\303\304\"\211\205\302\"\207@\305!\203+\306\"\202B\211\236A\211\203:\306\"\202@\303\307\"=\262\262\205^A\211\262?\206^\303\304\"\211\205\\\302\"\262\207" [magit--section-type-alist * magit-section-match-2 eieio-oref parent class-p cl-typep type] 7 (#$ . 35616)]) #@353 If the section at point matches CONDITION, then return its value. If optional SECTION is non-nil then test whether that matches instead. If there is no section at point and SECTION is nil, then return nil. If the section does not match, then return nil. See `magit-section-match' for the forms CONDITION can take. (fn CONDITION &optional SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-value-if #[513 "\211\206\300 \211\205\301\"\205\302\303\"\207" [magit-current-section magit-section-match eieio-oref value] 6 (#$ . 36008)]) #@431 If the section at point matches CONDITION, evaluate BODY. If the section matches, then evaluate BODY forms sequentially with `it' bound to the section and return the value of the last form. If there are no BODY forms, then return the value of the section. If the section does not match or if there is no section at point, then return nil. See `magit-section-match' for the forms CONDITION can take. (fn CONDITION &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit-section-when '(macro . #[385 "\300\301\302\303\304D\305BB\206\306BBE\207" [--when-let (magit-current-section) when magit-section-match quote (it) ((oref it value))] 8 (#$ . 36542)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\306#\307\301\310\311#\207" [make-obsolete magit-section-when "instead use `magit-section-match' or `magit-section-value-if'." "Magit 2.90.0" function-put lisp-indent-function 1 put edebug-form-spec (sexp body)] 5) #@626 Choose among clauses on the type of the section at point. Each clause looks like (CONDITION BODY...). The type of the section is compared against each CONDITION; the BODY forms of the first match are evaluated sequentially and the value of the last form is returned. Inside BODY the symbol `it' is bound to the section at point. If no clause succeeds or if there is no section at point, return nil. See `magit-section-match' for the forms CONDITION can take. Additionally a CONDITION of t is allowed in the final clause, and matches if no other CONDITION match, even if there is no section at point. (fn &rest CLAUSES) (defalias 'magit-section-case '(macro . #[128 "\300\301\302\303\304\"BE\207" [let* ((it (magit-current-section))) cond mapcar #[257 "\211@\300=\206\301\302\303\304@D\305BBEAB\207" [t and it magit-section-match-1 quote (it)] 6 "\n\n(fn CLAUSE)"]] 7 (#$ . 37444)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put magit-section-case lisp-indent-function 0 put edebug-form-spec (&rest (sexp body))] 5) #@90 Return the value associated with SECTION's type or lineage in ALIST. (fn SECTION ALIST) (defalias 'magit-section-match-assoc #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [seq-some make-closure #[257 "\211\242\243\301\300\"\205\211\207" [V0 magit-section-match-1] 8 "\n\n(fn ARG0)"]] 6 (#$ . 38497)]) #@155 Hook run after `magit-insert-section's BODY. Avoid using this hook and only ever do so if you know what you are doing and are sure there is no other way. (defvar magit-insert-section-hook nil (#$ . 38797)) #@1990 Insert a section at point. Create a section object of type CLASS, storing VALUE in its `value' slot, and insert the section at point. CLASS is a subclass of `magit-section' or has the form `(eval FORM)', in which case FORM is evaluated at runtime and should return a subclass. In other places a sections class is oftern referred to as its "type". Many commands behave differently depending on the class of the current section and sections of a certain class can have their own keymap, which is specified using the `keymap' class slot. The value of that slot should be a variable whose value is a keymap. For historic reasons Magit and Forge in most cases use symbols as CLASS that don't actually identify a class and that lack the appropriate package prefix. This works due to some undocumented kludges, which are not available to other packages. When optional HIDE is non-nil collapse the section body by default, i.e. when first creating the section, but not when refreshing the buffer. Else expand it by default. This can be overwritten using `magit-section-set-visibility-hook'. When a section is recreated during a refresh, then the visibility of predecessor is inherited and HIDE is ignored (but the hook is still honored). BODY is any number of forms that actually insert the section's heading and body. Optional NAME, if specified, has to be a symbol, which is then bound to the object of the section being inserted. Before BODY is evaluated the `start' of the section object is set to the value of `point' and after BODY was evaluated its `end' is set to the new value of `point'; BODY is responsible for moving `point' forward. If it turns out inside BODY that the section is empty, then `magit-cancel-section' can be used to abort and remove all traces of the partially inserted section. This can happen when creating a section by washing Git's output and Git didn't actually output anything this time around. (fn [NAME] (CLASS &optional VALUE HIDE) &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit-insert-section '(macro . #[128 "\300\301!@9\205\211A\262\242\300\302!\303@@\211\242\304=\203$\211A@\202'\305D\262D\306\307\310D\311\312\313\f\314BBD\315BBF\316\311\317\310 D\320\321 \322BBDE\nE\323 @A@\324BBBBBBDD\325\326\327\330\331\332 EDC\307\330\333\327\334\317\335\336\337D\340BBEDC\307\334\341\327\330\342\343BBDC\307\330\344\345\346\347\330\306\330EEE\350BB\351@8FEFEFEF\327\352D\353D\335\311\335\354\353\355\356\347\356EEEEDE\357\360\361 \203\333\327\n\nDC ABBC\202\336 A\362\363 D\364\365 \366BB\367BB\303\370\325\371BBD\372\373\374BBD\375\376\377\201@\365\201ABBEDD\201B\376\377\201C\365\201DBBEDD\201EBBBB\201F\201G\365\201HBBD\201I\201J\327\201K\354\201L\201M\201N\201O\201P\257\201QBBB\201RBBBEEE\307\201S\201TBB\327\201U\201VDE\325\365\201WBB\201X\201Y\365\211\201ZBB\201[BB\201\\DEFF\257\"BBFF\207" [cl-gensym "type" "section" let* eval quote funcall if class-p or cdr assq (magit--section-type-alist) ('magit-section) :type and car rassq (magit--section-type-alist) :value (:start (point-marker) :parent magit-insert-section--parent) oset hidden let value run-hook-with-args-until-success 'magit-section-set-visibility-hook (eq value 'hide) incarnation magit-insert-section--oldroot magit-get-section magit-section-ident (magit-insert-section--oldroot) (oref incarnation hidden) magit-section-match-assoc (magit-section-initial-visibility-alist) progn when (functionp value) setq ((eq value 'hide)) 2 magit-insert-section--current magit-insert-section--parent unless prog1 magit-root-section catch 'cancel-section append (run-hooks 'magit-insert-section-hook) magit-insert-child-count set-marker-insertion-type oref (start) (t) end (end (point-marker)) class-map oref-default (keymap) magit-map intern format "magit-%s-section-map" (type) forge-map "forge-%s-section-map" (type) ((map (or (and class-map (symbol-value class-map)) (and (boundp magit-map) (symbol-value magit-map)) (and (boundp forge-map) (symbol-value forge-map))))) save-excursion goto-char (start) while (< (point) end) ((next (or (next-single-property-change (point) 'magit-section) end))) (get-text-property (point) 'magit-section) put-text-property (point) next 'magit-section ((when map (put-text-property (point) next 'keymap map))) ((goto-char next)) eq (magit-root-section) ((magit-section-cache-visibility nil)) magit-section-show (parent) children nconc (parent) (children) list] 31 (#$ . 39011)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put magit-insert-section lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec ([&optional symbolp] (&or [("eval" form) &optional form form] [symbolp &optional form form]) body)] 5) #@99 Cancel inserting the section that is currently being inserted. Remove all traces of that section. (defalias 'magit-cancel-section #[0 "\205\301\302\"\204\303c\207\301\304\"`|\210\305\306\307\305\"\207" [magit-insert-section--current eieio-oref parent "(empty)\n" start nil throw cancel-section] 3 (#$ . 43753)]) #@1331 Insert the heading for the section currently being inserted. This function should only be used inside `magit-insert-section'. When called without any arguments, then just set the `content' slot of the object representing the section being inserted to a marker at `point'. The section should only contain a single line when this function is used like this. When called with arguments ARGS, which have to be strings, or nil, then insert those strings at point. The section should not contain any text before this happens and afterwards it should again only contain a single line. If the `face' property is set anywhere inside any of these strings, then insert all of them unchanged. Otherwise use the `magit-section-heading' face for all inserted text. The `content' property of the section object is the end of the heading (which lasts from `start' to `content') and the beginning of the the body (which lasts from `content' to `end'). If the value of `content' is nil, then the section has no heading and its body cannot be collapsed. If a section does have a heading, then its height must be exactly one line, including a trailing newline character. This isn't enforced, you are responsible for getting it right. The only exception is that this function does insert a newline character if necessary. (fn &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-insert-heading #[128 "\211\203*\301\302\"\303\304G\305\306%\204\303\304G\307\306%\203\"\211\202'\310\305\311#c\266n\2041\312c\210\313\314!\203:\314 \210\315\316\317 #\207" [magit-insert-section--current apply concat text-property-not-all 0 font-lock-face nil face propertize magit-section-heading 10 fboundp magit-maybe-make-margin-overlay eieio-oset content point-marker] 8 (#$ . 44081)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put magit-insert-heading lisp-indent-function defun] 4) #@233 Use BODY to insert the section body, once the section is expanded. If the section is expanded when it is created, then this is like `progn'. Otherwise BODY isn't evaluated until the section is explicitly expanded. (fn &rest BODY) (defalias 'magit-insert-section-body '(macro . #[128 "\300 \300 \301\302\303BBD\304BD\305\306\307BB\310\311\302\303\312 D\313 DFF\312DFE\207" [cl-gensym let lambda nil (magit-insert-section--current) if oref (hidden) oset washer funcall magit-section-maybe-remove-visibility-indicator] 15 (#$ . 45945)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put magit-insert-section-body lisp-indent-function 0] 4) #@13 (fn HOOK) (defalias 'magit-insert-headers #[257 "\301C\302\303\"<\203\202CB\304!\210\211\242\205z\305c\210\211\242A\205z\211\242\237\240\210\211\242\211\242A\240\210\242\306\307\"\310\311C#\210\310\311\242#\210\310\312\306\242@\313\"#\210\310\314\306\315\242!@\314\"#\210\242\211\205v\211@\310\307#\210A\266\202\202b\262\266\202)\207" [magit-insert-section-hook nil make-closure #[0 "\300 \300\242B\240\207" [V0 magit-insert-section--current] 3] magit-run-section-hook "\n" eieio-oref parent eieio-oset children content start end last] 10 (#$ . 46604)]) #@379 Modify SECTION's heading to contain number of child sections. If `magit-section-show-child-count' is non-nil and the SECTION has children and its heading ends with ":", then replace that with " (N)", where N is the number of child sections. This function is called by `magit-insert-section' after that has evaluated its BODY. Admittedly that's a bit of a hack. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-insert-child-count #[257 "\301\211\205>\302\303\"G\211\262\205>\211\304V\205>\302\305\"\211\262\205>S\206'`Sf\306=\205>\212\307Zb\210\310\311\"c\210\312\313!)\207" [magit-section-show-child-count nil eieio-oref children 0 content 58 2 format " (%s)" delete-char 1] 6 (#$ . 47200)]) (defvar magit-section-highlight-overlays nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-section-highlight-overlays) (defvar magit-section-highlighted-section nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-section-highlighted-section) (defvar magit-section-highlighted-sections nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-section-highlighted-sections) (defvar magit-section-unhighlight-sections nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-section-unhighlight-sections) (defalias 'magit-section-update-highlight #[0 "\306 \211=\204T\307\310\311 \312\313 \"\210\310\f\310=\204(\314\315#\210 \211\203<\211@\314\316#\210A\266\202\202)\210\317\310!\210=\204Q\320\321\"?\205P*\266\322 \207" [magit-section-highlighted-section deactivate-mark inhibit-read-only magit-section-highlight-overlays magit-section-highlighted-sections magit-section-unhighlight-sections magit-current-section t nil magit-region-sections mapc delete-overlay run-hook-with-args-until-success magit-section-highlight-hook magit-section-unhighlight-hook restore-buffer-modified-p eieio-oref hidden magit-section-maybe-paint-visibility-ellipses magit-root-section] 10]) #@255 Highlight SECTION and if non-nil all sections in SELECTION. This function works for any section but produces undesirable effects for diff related sections, which by default are highlighted using `magit-diff-highlight'. Return t. (fn SECTION SELECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-highlight #[514 "\300\301\"\211\203/\206C\211\203.\211@\302\300\303\"\300\304\"\206$\300\305\"#\210A\266\202\202\210\210\211\203L\302\300@\303\"\300\306!@\305\"\307#\210\310\311\"\210\202X\302\300\303\"\300\305\"\307#\210\312\207" [eieio-oref heading-highlight-face magit-section-make-overlay start content end last magit-section-highlight magit-section-highlight-selection nil t] 10 (#$ . 49054)]) #@547 Highlight the section-selection region. If SELECTION is non-nil, then it is a list of sections selected by the region. The headings of these sections are then highlighted. This is a fallback for people who don't want to highlight the current section and therefore removed `magit-section-highlight' from `magit-section-highlight-hook'. This function is necessary to ensure that a representation of such a region is visible. If neither of these functions were part of the hook variable, then such a region would be invisible. (fn _ SELECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-highlight-selection #[514 "\211\205.\301=?\205.\211\211\203,\211@\302\303\304\"\303\305\"\206\"\303\306\"\307#\210A\266\202\202\f\210\310\207" [this-command mouse-drag-region magit-section-make-overlay eieio-oref start content end magit-section-heading-selection t] 9 (#$ . 49761)]) #@23 (fn START END FACE) (defalias 'magit-section-make-overlay #[771 "\203\211\302>\203\303\304!D\262\305\306\307$\310\311#\210\310\312\307#\210\211 B\207" [magit-keep-region-overlay magit-section-highlight-overlays (magit-section-heading-selection magit-diff-file-heading-selection magit-diff-hunk-heading-selection) :foreground face-foreground make-overlay nil t overlay-put font-lock-face evaporate] 8 (#$ . 50631)]) #@30 (fn SECTION LINE CHAR ARG) (defalias 'magit-section-goto-successor #[1028 "\301!\302!\211\2032\303\304\"\211b\210=?\2051\3051&y\210u0\210\202'\210\306 =?\2051\211b\207\307\310#\206[\311!\211\203W\303\312\"\313=\203Pe\202X\303\304\"\202Xe\262b\207" [magit-root-section magit-section-ident magit-get-section eieio-oref start (error) magit-current-section run-hook-with-args-until-success magit-section-goto-successor-hook magit-section-goto-successor-1 type button] 10 (#$ . 51067)]) #@16 (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-goto-successor-1 #[257 "\300\301\"\211\302\267\202\303\202\304\202\305\202\306\202\307\262\211\205'\310C\311B!\262\206g\312\313\"@\211\205:\310\314!!\262\206g\312\315\"@\211\205M\310\314!!\262\206g\300\316\"\211\205e\310\314!!\206e\317!\262\207" [eieio-oref type #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (staged 10 unstaged 14 unpushed 18 unpulled 22)) unstaged staged unpulled unpushed nil magit-get-section ((status)) magit-section-siblings next magit-section-ident prev parent magit-section-goto-successor-1] 5 (#$ . 51583)]) (defvar magit-section--region-overlays nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-section--region-overlays) (defalias 'magit-section--delete-region-overlays #[0 "\301\302\"\210\303\211\207" [magit-section--region-overlays mapc delete-overlay nil] 3]) #@29 (fn START END WINDOW ROL) (defalias 'magit-section--highlight-region #[1028 "\301 \210\204$\302 \204\303\304\305 \"\203$\306!\306!U\204$\307\310!!\207\307\311!$\207" [magit-keep-region-overlay magit-section--delete-region-overlays magit-region-sections run-hook-with-args-until-success magit-region-highlight-hook magit-current-section line-number-at-pos default-value redisplay-unhighlight-region-function redisplay-highlight-region-function] 9 (#$ . 52488)]) #@12 (fn ROL) (defalias 'magit-section--unhighlight-region #[257 "\301\302 \210\303\304!!\207" [magit-section-highlighted-section nil magit-section--delete-region-overlays default-value redisplay-unhighlight-region-function] 3 (#$ . 52970)]) (defvar magit-section-visibility-cache nil nil) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local magit-section-visibility-cache put permanent-local t] 4) #@61 Set SECTION's visibility to the cached value. (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-cached-visibility #[257 "\301\302!\"A\207" [magit-section-visibility-cache assoc magit-section-ident] 4 (#$ . 53398)]) #@58 (fn &optional (SECTION magit-insert-section--current)) (defalias 'magit-section-cache-visibility #[128 "\211\203 \211A\262\242\202\203\302\303\304GTD\"\210\305!\306 \"\307\310\"\203-\311\202.\312\2036\241\207B B\211\207" [magit-insert-section--current magit-section-visibility-cache signal wrong-number-of-arguments magit-section-cache-visibility magit-section-ident assoc eieio-oref hidden hide show] 7 (#$ . 53610)]) #@58 (fn &optional (SECTION magit-insert-section--current)) (defalias 'magit-section-maybe-cache-visibility #[128 "\211\203 \211A\262\242\202\203\302\303\304GTD\"\210 \305=\204*\306\307\" >\205-\301!\207" [magit-insert-section--current magit-section-cache-visibility signal wrong-number-of-arguments magit-section-maybe-cache-visibility t eieio-oref type] 6 (#$ . 54059)]) #@16 (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-maybe-update-visibility-indicator #[257 "\205\253\301\302\"\301\303\"\301\304\"\205\251U\203!\301\305\"\205\251\212b\210\306 )\2429\203j\307T\310\311#\211\204K\312T\"\262\313\314\315#\210\313\310\311#\210\313\316\317\320\321\322\301 \323\"\203_@\202aA\311E##\262\202\247\242;\205\247\307S\310\324#\301\323\"\203\236\211\204\225\312S\"\262\313\314\315#\210\313\310\324#\210\313\325@#\202\245\211\205\245\326!\262\262\266\203\207" [magit-section-visibility-indicator eieio-oref start content end washer line-end-position magit--overlay-at magit-vis-indicator fringe make-overlay overlay-put evaporate t before-string propertize "fringe" display left-fringe hidden eoh after-string delete-overlay] 16 (#$ . 54449)]) (defvar magit--ellipses-sections nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'magit--ellipses-sections) (defalias 'magit-section-maybe-paint-visibility-ellipses #[0 "\242;\205u\302 \303 \206\304 C\211\"\305\306\"\305\307\"\310 \203,\311 B\262\312 B\262\313\314\"\262\313\315\"\262\316\"\211\205q\211@\317\320\"\321=\203j\322\323\324@\325\326!\327\330\305\331\332!\"\333\325\"C\244\"\262##\210A\266\202\202<\262\266\203\207" [magit-section-visibility-indicator magit--ellipses-sections append magit-region-sections magit-current-section mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [eieio-oref start] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [eieio-oref end] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] region-active-p region-beginning region-end apply min max overlays-in overlay-get magit-vis-indicator eoh overlay-put after-string propertize font-lock-face overlay-start delq nil #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [overlay-get font-lock-face] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] overlays-at get-char-property] 18]) #@16 (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-maybe-remove-visibility-indicator #[257 "\205;\301\302\"\301\303\"U\205;\304\301\305\"\212\301\305\"b\210\306 T)\"\211\2059\211@\307\310\"\2032\311!\210A\266\202\202!\262\207" [magit-section-visibility-indicator eieio-oref content end overlays-in start line-end-position overlay-get magit-vis-indicator delete-overlay] 6 (#$ . 56228)]) (defvar magit-section--opened-sections nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-section--opened-sections) #@16 (fn BEG END) (defalias 'magit-section--open-temporarily #[514 "\212b\210\302 \211\203A\303\304\"\305!\203;\306\206\303\307\"\303\310\"#\203;\211\2032\311!\210B\303\312\"\266\202\202\313\266\202\202\210) \314=\206N\315\"?\207" [magit-section--opened-sections search-invisible magit-current-section eieio-oref content magit-section-invisible-p <= start end magit-section-show parent nil t isearch-range-invisible] 10 (#$ . 56733)]) #@11 (fn FN) (defalias 'isearch-clean-overlays@magit-mode #[257 "\301\302!\203,`\211\203'\211@\303\304\305\"\304\306\"#\204 \307!\210A\266\202\202\210\310\211\207\211 \207" [magit-section--opened-sections derived-mode-p magit-mode <= eieio-oref content end magit-section-hide nil] 10 (#$ . 57196)]) (advice-add 'isearch-clean-overlays :around 'isearch-clean-overlays@magit-mode) #@53 (fn SECTION &optional (SELECTION nil SSELECTION)) (defalias 'magit-section-selected-p #[385 "\211\205\301\211A\262\242\203\302\303\304\305G\\D\"\210=?\205H\306 =\206H\2031\2026\307 \211\262>\206H\310\311\"\211\205F\304\"\262\207" [magit-root-section t signal wrong-number-of-arguments magit-section-selected-p 2 magit-current-section magit-region-sections eieio-oref parent] 9 (#$ . 57590)]) #@16 (fn SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-parent-value #[257 "\300\301\"\211\205\f\300\302\"\207" [eieio-oref parent value] 5 (#$ . 58016)]) #@299 Return a list of the sibling sections of SECTION. If optional DIRECTION is `prev', then return siblings that come before SECTION. If it is `next', then return siblings that come after SECTION. For all other values, return all siblings excluding SECTION itself. (fn SECTION &optional DIRECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-siblings #[513 "\300\301\"\211\205(\300\302\"\303\267\202\"\304!\235A\202&\235A\202&\305\"\262\207" [eieio-oref parent children #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (prev 18 next 27)) reverse remq] 7 (#$ . 58165)]) #@183 Return a list of the values of the selected sections. Return the values that themselves would be returned by `magit-region-sections' (which see). (fn &optional CONDITION MULTIPLE) (defalias 'magit-region-values #[512 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [eieio-oref value] 4 "\n\n(fn IT)"] magit-region-sections] 7 (#$ . 58772)]) #@1183 Return a list of the selected sections. When the region is active and constitutes a valid section selection, then return a list of all selected sections. This is the case when the region begins in the heading of a section and ends in the heading of the same section or in that of a sibling section. If optional MULTIPLE is non-nil, then the region cannot begin and end in the same section. When the selection is not valid, then return nil. In this case, most commands that can act on the selected sections will instead act on the section at point. When the region looks like it would in any other buffer then the selection is invalid. When the selection is valid then the region uses the `magit-section-highlight' face. This does not apply to diffs where things get a bit more complicated, but even here if the region looks like it usually does, then that's not a valid selection as far as this function is concerned. If optional CONDITION is non-nil, then the selection not only has to be valid; all selected sections additionally have to match CONDITION, or nil is returned. See `magit-section-match' for the forms CONDITION can take. (fn &optional CONDITION MULTIPLE) (defalias 'magit-region-sections #[512 "\301 \205\251\302 \303 \304\305\"\304\305\"\211\205\247\211=?\205\247\205#\211=?\205\247\306\307\"B\310>\205\245\311\"\205\245\311\"\205\245\203_@B\262\211A\262\242=\203D\310\262\202D\211\237\262\203\244\312\313\310\211\211\203\234\211A\262\242\262\262\211\262\203\234\314\"\211\262\203\234\262\262T\262\202n\266\211\262\205\245\211\266\202\266\204\207" [magit-root-section region-active-p region-beginning region-end get-text-property magit-section magit-section-siblings next nil magit-section-position-in-heading-p t 0 magit-section-match] 17 (#$ . 59132)]) #@156 Return t if POSITION is inside the heading of SECTION. POSITION defaults to point and SECTION defaults to the current section. (fn &optional SECTION POS) (defalias 'magit-section-position-in-heading-p #[512 "\204\300 \262\211\204`\262\205-\211\301\302\"Y\205-\211\301\303\"\206(\301\304\"W\205-\305\207" [magit-current-section eieio-oref start content end t] 6 (#$ . 60986)]) #@138 Return t if the region is active and inside SECTION's body. If optional SECTION is nil, use the current section. (fn &optional SECTION) (defalias 'magit-section-internal-region-p #[256 "\300 \205:\211\204\301 \211\262\205:\302\303 \304\"\211\302\305 \304\"=\205#\211=\262\205:\306\303 \"\2065\306\305 \"?\205:\307\207" [region-active-p magit-current-section get-text-property region-beginning magit-section region-end magit-section-position-in-heading-p t] 6 (#$ . 61385)]) #@271 Move to the beginning of the current or the previous visible section. Same as `magit-section-backward' but for non-interactive use. Suppress `magit-section-movement-hook', and return a boolean to indicate whether a section was found, instead of raising an error if not. (defalias 'magit-section--backward-protected #[0 "\3011 \302\303 \210)\3040\207\210\302\207" [magit-section-movement-hook (user-error) nil magit-section-backward t] 1 (#$ . 61880)]) #@139 Move to the first previous section satisfying PREDICATE. PREDICATE does not take any parameter and should not move point. (fn PREDICATE) (defalias 'magit-section--backward-find #[257 "\300\301 \211\262\203 \203\207" [nil magit-section--backward-protected] 4 (#$ . 62341)]) #@131 Repeatedly call FUNCTION until it returns nil or eob is reached. FUNCTION has to move point forward or return nil. (fn FUNCTION) (defalias 'magit-wash-sequence #[257 "m?\205 \211 \205 \202\207" [] 2 (#$ . 62628)]) #@1364 Add to the value of section hook HOOK the function FUNCTION. Add FUNCTION at the beginning of the hook list unless optional APPEND is non-nil, in which case FUNCTION is added at the end. If FUNCTION already is a member, then move it to the new location. If optional AT is non-nil and a member of the hook list, then add FUNCTION next to that instead. Add before or after AT, or replace AT with FUNCTION depending on APPEND. If APPEND is the symbol `replace', then replace AT with FUNCTION. For any other non-nil value place FUNCTION right after AT. If nil, then place FUNCTION right before AT. If FUNCTION already is a member of the list but AT is not, then leave FUNCTION where ever it already is. If optional LOCAL is non-nil, then modify the hook's buffer-local value rather than its global value. This makes the hook local by copying the default value. That copy is then modified. HOOK should be a symbol. If HOOK is void, it is first set to nil. HOOK's value must not be a single hook function. FUNCTION should be a function that takes no arguments and inserts one or multiple sections at point, moving point forward. FUNCTION may choose not to insert its section(s), when doing so would not make sense. It should not be abused for other side-effects. To remove FUNCTION again use `remove-hook'. (fn HOOK FUNCTION &optional AT APPEND LOCAL) (defalias 'magit-add-section-hook #[1282 "\300!\204\f\301\302\"\210\303!\204\304\305\"\210\211\2039\306!\203&J\202<\307!\2040\310!\210\311\312!!\202<\312!\203\235\211\262\203\205\313\"\262\314=\203\\\240\210\202\205\203m\211AB\241\266\202\205@\211AB\241\266\240\210\202\205\313\"\262\235\204\235\203\230\315C\"\202\233B\262\314=\203\251\313\"\262\203\261L\207\304\"\207" [boundp error "Cannot add function to undefined hook variable %s" default-boundp set-default nil local-variable-p local-variable-if-set-p make-local-variable copy-sequence default-value delq replace append] 11 (#$ . 62855)]) (defvar magit-disabled-section-inserters nil nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'magit-disabled-section-inserters) #@200 Disable the section inserter FN in the current repository. It is only intended for use in ".dir-locals.el" and ".dir-locals-2.el". Also see info node `(magit)Per-Repository Configuration'. (fn FN) (defalias 'magit-disable-section-inserter #[257 "\211\301\"\203\n\207\211B\211\207" [magit-disabled-section-inserters memql] 5 (#$ . 65012)]) (put 'magit-disable-section-inserter 'safe-local-eval-function t) #@74 Run HOOK with ARGS, warning about invalid entries. (fn HOOK &rest ARGS) (defalias 'magit-run-section-hook #[385 "J\211<\204 \211C\262\303\304\"\211\203)\305\306\307\310\311##\210\312\313!\210\314\315N@!\262\210\211\211\205\202\211@DB\211 >\204z\316\302!\203u\n\203u\317 \320\"\210\321\322!!\262\305\323\211\324V\203d\325\202o\326V\203n\327\202o\330$\266\202z\320\"\210)A\266\202\202+\207" [magit--current-section-hook magit-disabled-section-inserters magit-refresh-verbose -remove functionp message "`%s' contains entries that are no longer valid.\n%s\nUsing standard value instead. Please re-configure hook variable." mapconcat #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [format " `%s'"] 4 "\n\n(fn SYM)"] "\n" sit-for 5 eval standard-value boundp current-time apply float-time time-since " %-50s %s %s" 0.03 "!!" 0.01 "!" ""] 12 (#$ . 65431)]) #@49 (fn POS PROP &optional (VAL nil SVAL) TESTFN) (defalias 'magit--overlay-at #[642 "\211\205\300\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\203 \301\302\303\304G\\D\"\210\305\306\307%\310\300\"\"\207" [t signal wrong-number-of-arguments magit--overlay-at 4 cl-find-if make-closure #[257 "\304!\305\300\"\205\301?\206\303\206\306\307\300\"\302\"\207" [V0 V1 V2 V3 overlay-properties plist-member eql plist-get] 6 "\n\n(fn O)"] overlays-at] 13 (#$ . 66303)]) (byte-code "\300\301!\203$\301\302\303\"\210\301\304\305\"\210\301\306\307\"\210\301\310\311\"\210\301\312\313\"\210\301\314\315\"\210\316\317!\207" [fboundp define-fringe-bitmap magit-fringe-bitmap+ [0 24 24 126 126 24 24 0] magit-fringe-bitmap- [0 0 0 126 126 0 0 0] magit-fringe-bitmap> [96 48 24 12 24 48 96 0] magit-fringe-bitmapv [0 130 198 108 56 16 0 0] magit-fringe-bitmap-bold> [224 112 56 28 28 56 112 224] magit-fringe-bitmap-boldv [129 195 231 126 60 24 0 0] provide magit-section] 3)