;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\210\300\310!\210\300\311!\207" [require easymenu outline thingatpt cl-lib url-parse button color rx subr-x] 2) #@31 Markdown mode version number. (defconst markdown-mode-version "2.5-dev" (#$ . 298)) #@55 Name of temporary buffer for markdown command output. (defconst markdown-output-buffer-name "*markdown-output*" (#$ . 388)) #@35 History of used reference labels. (defvar markdown-reference-label-history nil (#$ . 518)) #@61 Sentinel variable for command `markdown-live-preview-mode'. (defvar markdown-live-preview-mode nil (#$ . 615)) #@74 History list of languages used in the current buffer in GFM code blocks. (defvar markdown-gfm-language-history nil (#$ . 732)) #@39 Hook run when entering Markdown mode. (defvar markdown-mode-hook nil (#$ . 865)) #@165 Hook run before running Markdown to export XHTML output. The hook may modify the buffer, which will be restored to it's original state after exporting is complete. (defvar markdown-before-export-hook nil (#$ . 953)) #@111 Hook run after XHTML output has been saved. Any changes to the output buffer made by this hook will be saved. (defvar markdown-after-export-hook nil (#$ . 1176)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311& \210\312\313\314\315\316DD\317\306\301\320\321&\210\312\322\314\315\323DD\324\306\301\320\325&\210\312\326\314\315\327DD\330\306\301\320\331&\210\312\332\314\315\333DD\334\306\301\320\335&\210\312\336\314\315\337DD\340\306\301\320\341&\210\312\342\314\315\343DD\344\306\301\320\325&\210\312\345\314\315\346DD\347\306\301\320\325&\210\312\350\314\315\351DD\352\306\301\320\325\353\354\355\356&\210\312\357\314\315\360DD\361\306\301\320\362\353\362\355\363&\210\312\364\314\315\365DD\366\306\301\320\325&\210\312\367\314\315\370DD\371\306\301\320\315&\210\312\372\314\315\373DD\374\306\301\320\375&\210\312\376\314\315\377DD\201@ \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201A &\210\312\201B \314\315\201C DD\201D \306\301\320\325\353\354& \210\312\201E \314\315\201F DD\201G \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201H &\210\312\201I \314\315\201J DD\201K \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201L &\210\312\201M \314\315\201N DD\201O \306\301\320\201P \355\201Q & \210\201R \201E \201M \201S #\210\201R \201I \201M \201S #\210\312\201T \314\315\201U DD\201V \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201W &\210\312\201X \314\315\201Y DD\201Z \306\301\320\201[ &\210\312\201\\ \314\315\201] DD\201^ \320\201_ \355\201` &\210\312\201a \314\315\201b DD\201c \320\201d \320\201e \355\201f & \210\312\201g \314\315\201h DD\201i \306\301\320\201j \355\201k & \210\312\201l \314\315\201m DD\201n \320\201o \355\201p &\210\312\201q \314\315\201r DD\201s \306\301\320\325\353\354& \210\201t \201q !\210\312\201u \314\315\201v DD\201w \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201x &\210\312\201y \314\315\201z DD\201{ \306\301\320\201| &\210\312\201} \314\315\201~ DD\201 \306\301\320\201d &\210\312\201\200 \314\315\201\201 DD\201\202 \306\301\320\201\203 &\210\312\201\204 \314\315\201\205 DD\201\206 \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201\207 &\210\312\201\210 \314\315\201\211 DD\201\212 \306\301\320\201d &\210\312\201\213 \314\315\201\214 DD\201\215 \306\301\320\201d \353\201\216 \355\201\217 &\210\312\201\220 \314\315\201\221 DD\201\222 \306\301\320\201d \353\201\216 \355\201\223 &\210\312\201\224 \314\315\201\225 DD\201\226 \306\301\320\201\227 &\210\312\201\230 \314\315\201\231 DD\201\232 \306\301\320\201d &\210\312\201\233 \314\315\201\234 DD\201\235 \306\301\320\201\236 &\210\312\201\237 \314\315\201\240 DD\201\241 \306\301\320\201\242 &\210\312\201\243 \314\315\201\244 DD\201\245 \306\301\320\201\246 \355\201\247 & \210\312\201\250 \314\315\201\251 DD\201\252 \306\301\320\201\253 \355\201\254 & \210\312\201\255 \314\315\201\256 DD\201\257 \306\301\320\201d &\210\312\201\260 \314\315\201\261 DD\201\262 \306\301\320\325\355\201\263 & \210\312\201\264 \314\315\201\265 DD\201\266 \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201\267 &\210\312\201\270 \314\315\201\271 DD\201\272 \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201\273 &\210\312\201\274 \314\315\201\275 DD\201\276 \306\301\320\325&\210\312\201\277 \314\315\201\300 DD\201\301 \306\301\320\325&\210\312\201\302 \314\315\201\303 DD\201\304 \306\301\320\201\305 \355\201\306 & \210\312\201\307 \314\315\201\310 DD\201\311 \306\301\320\315&\210\312\201\312 \314\315\201\313 DD\201\314 \306\301\320\201\315 &\210\312\201\316 \314\315\201\317 DD\201\320 \306\301\320\201\321 &\210\312\201\322 \314\315\201\323 DD\201\324 \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201\325 &\210\312\201\326 \314\315\201\327 DD\201\330 \306\301\320\201\331 &\210\312\201\332 \314\315\201\333 DD\201\334 \306\301\320\325&\210\312\201\335 \314\315\201\336 DD\201\337 \306\301\320\325&\210\312\201\340 \314\315\201\341 DD\201\342 \306\301\320\201\343 \355\201\344 & \210\312\201\345 \314\315\201\346 DD\201\347 \306\301\320\325\353\354& \210\312\201\350 \314\315\201\351 DD\201\352 \306\301\320\325\353\354\355\201\353 &\210\201t \201\350 !\210\312\201\354 \314\315\201\355 DD\201\356 \306\301\320\315\201\357 \201\360 \355\201\361 &\210\312\201\362 \314\315\201\363 DD\201\364 \306\301\355\201\365 \320\201\366 & \210\312\201\367 \314\315\201\370 DD\201\371 \306\301\320\201\372 \353\354\355\201\373 &\207" [custom-declare-group markdown nil "Major mode for editing text files in Markdown format." :prefix "markdown-" :group text :link (url-link "https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/") custom-declare-variable markdown-command funcall function #[0 "\300\301\211\211:\203- @\262\302!\211\203 \303!\262\301\211\262\202! \304\262\203- A\262\202 \266\203\211\2064 \305\207" [("markdown" "pandoc" "markdown_py") nil executable-find file-name-nondirectory t "markdown"] 7] "Command to run markdown." :type (choice (string :tag "Shell command") (repeat (string)) function) markdown-command-needs-filename #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Set to non-nil if `markdown-command' does not accept input from stdin.\nInstead, it will be passed a filename as the final command line\noption. As a result, you will only be able to run Markdown from\nbuffers which are visiting a file." boolean markdown-open-command #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Command used for opening Markdown files directly.\nFor example, a standalone Markdown previewer. This command will\nbe called with a single argument: the filename of the current\nbuffer. It can also be a function, which will be called without\narguments." (choice file function (const :tag "None" nil)) markdown-open-image-command #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Command used for opening image files directly.\nThis is used at `markdown-follow-link-at-point'." (choice file function (const :tag "None" nil)) markdown-hr-strings #[0 "\300\207" [("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" "---------------------------------------" "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" "---------" "* * * * *")] 1] "Strings to use when inserting horizontal rules.\nThe first string in the list will be the default when inserting a\nhorizontal rule. Strings should be listed in decreasing order of\nprominence (as in headings from level one to six) for use with\npromotion and demotion functions." (repeat string) markdown-bold-underscore #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Use two underscores when inserting bold text instead of two asterisks." markdown-italic-underscore #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Use underscores when inserting italic text instead of asterisks." markdown-marginalize-headers #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, put opening atx header markup in a left margin.\n\nThis setting goes well with `markdown-asymmetric-header'. But\nsadly it conflicts with `linum-mode' since they both use the\nsame margin." :safe booleanp :package-version (markdown-mode . "2.4") markdown-marginalize-headers-margin-width #[0 "\300\207" [6] 1] "Character width of margin used for marginalized headers.\nThe default value is based on there being six heading levels\ndefined by Markdown and HTML. Increasing this produces extra\nwhitespace on the left. Decreasing it may be preferred when\nfewer than six nested heading levels are used." natnump (markdown-mode . "2.4") markdown-asymmetric-header #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Determines if atx header style will be asymmetric.\nSet to a non-nil value to use asymmetric header styling, placing\nheader markup only at the beginning of the line. By default,\nbalanced markup will be inserted at the beginning and end of the\nline around the header title." markdown-indent-function #[0 "\300\207" [markdown-indent-line] 1] "Function to use to indent." markdown-indent-on-enter #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Determines indentation behavior when pressing \\[newline].\nPossible settings are nil, t, and 'indent-and-new-item.\n\nWhen non-nil, pressing \\[newline] will call `newline-and-indent'\nto indent the following line according to the context using\n`markdown-indent-function'. In this case, note that\n\\[electric-newline-and-maybe-indent] can still be used to insert\na newline without indentation.\n\nWhen set to 'indent-and-new-item and the point is in a list item\nwhen \\[newline] is pressed, the list will be continued on the next\nline, where a new item will be inserted.\n\nWhen set to nil, simply call `newline' as usual. In this case,\nyou can still indent lines using \\[markdown-cycle] and continue\nlists with \\[markdown-insert-list-item].\n\nNote that this assumes the variable `electric-indent-mode' is\nnon-nil (enabled). When it is *disabled*, the behavior of\n\\[newline] and `\\[electric-newline-and-maybe-indent]' are\nreversed." (choice (const :tag "Don't automatically indent" nil) (const :tag "Automatically indent" t) (const :tag "Automatically indent and insert new list items" indent-and-new-item)) markdown-enable-wiki-links #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Syntax highlighting for wiki links.\nSet this to a non-nil value to turn on wiki link support by default.\nSupport can be toggled later using the `markdown-toggle-wiki-links'\nfunction or \\[markdown-toggle-wiki-links]." (markdown-mode . "2.2") markdown-wiki-link-alias-first #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "When non-nil, treat aliased wiki links like [[alias text|PageName]].\nOtherwise, they will be treated as [[PageName|alias text]]." markdown-wiki-link-search-subdirectories #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, search for wiki link targets in subdirectories.\nThis is the default search behavior for GitHub and is\nautomatically set to t in `gfm-mode'." (markdown-mode . "2.2") markdown-wiki-link-search-parent-directories #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, search for wiki link targets in parent directories.\nThis is the default search behavior of Ikiwiki." (markdown-mode . "2.2") markdown-wiki-link-search-type #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Searching type for markdown wiki link.\n\nsub-directories: search for wiki link targets in sub directories\nparent-directories: search for wiki link targets in parent directories\nproject: search for wiki link targets under project root" (set (const :tag "search wiki link from subdirectories" sub-directories) (const :tag "search wiki link from parent directories" parent-directories) (const :tag "search wiki link under project root" project)) (markdown-mode . "2.5") make-obsolete-variable "2.5" markdown-wiki-link-fontify-missing #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "When non-nil, change wiki link face according to existence of target files.\nThis is expensive because it requires checking for the file each time the buffer\nchanges or the user switches windows. It is disabled by default because it may\ncause lag when typing on slower machines." (markdown-mode . "2.2") markdown-uri-types #[0 "\300\207" [("acap" "cid" "data" "dav" "fax" "file" "ftp" "gopher" "http" "https" "imap" "ldap" "mailto" "mid" "message" "modem" "news" "nfs" "nntp" "pop" "prospero" "rtsp" "service" "sip" "tel" "telnet" "tip" "urn" "vemmi" "wais")] 1] "Link types for syntax highlighting of URIs." (repeat (string :tag "URI scheme")) markdown-url-compose-char #[0 "\300\207" [(8734 8230 8943 35 9733 9875)] 1] "Placeholder character for hidden URLs.\nThis may be a single character or a list of characters. In case\nof a list, the first one that satisfies `char-displayable-p' will\nbe used." (choice (character :tag "Single URL replacement character") (repeat :tag "List of possible URL replacement characters" character)) (markdown-mode . "2.3") markdown-blockquote-display-char #[0 "\300\207" [("▌" "┃" ">")] 1] "String to display when hiding blockquote markup.\nThis may be a single string or a list of string. In case of a\nlist, the first one that satisfies `char-displayable-p' will be\nused." string (choice (string :tag "Single blockquote display string") (repeat :tag "List of possible blockquote display strings" string)) (markdown-mode . "2.3") markdown-hr-display-char #[0 "\300\207" [(9472 9473 45)] 1] "Character for hiding horizontal rule markup.\nThis may be a single character or a list of characters. In case\nof a list, the first one that satisfies `char-displayable-p' will\nbe used." (choice (character :tag "Single HR display character") (repeat :tag "List of possible HR display characters" character)) (markdown-mode . "2.3") markdown-definition-display-char #[0 "\300\207" [(8280 8281 8801 8977 9674 58)] 1] "Character for replacing definition list markup.\nThis may be a single character or a list of characters. In case\nof a list, the first one that satisfies `char-displayable-p' will\nbe used." (choice (character :tag "Single definition list character") (repeat :tag "List of possible definition list characters" character)) (markdown-mode . "2.3") markdown-enable-math #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Syntax highlighting for inline LaTeX and itex expressions.\nSet this to a non-nil value to turn on math support by default.\nMath support can be enabled, disabled, or toggled later using\n`markdown-toggle-math' or \\[markdown-toggle-math]." make-variable-buffer-local markdown-enable-html #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Enable font-lock support for HTML tags and attributes." (markdown-mode . "2.4") markdown-css-paths #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "List of URLs of CSS files to link to in the output XHTML." (repeat (string :tag "CSS File Path")) markdown-content-type #[0 "\300\207" [#1="text/html"] 1 #1#] "Content type string for the http-equiv header in XHTML output.\nWhen set to an empty string, this attribute is omitted. Defaults to\n`text/html'." markdown-coding-system #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Character set string for the http-equiv header in XHTML output.\nDefaults to `buffer-file-coding-system' (and falling back to\n`utf-8' when not available). Common settings are `iso-8859-1'\nand `iso-latin-1'. Use `list-coding-systems' for more choices." coding-system markdown-export-kill-buffer #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Kill output buffer after HTML export.\nWhen non-nil, kill the HTML output buffer after\nexporting with `markdown-export'." (markdown-mode . "2.4") markdown-xhtml-header-content #[0 "\300\207" [#2=""] 1 #2#] "Additional content to include in the XHTML
block." markdown-xhtml-body-preamble #[0 "\300\207" [#2#] 1 #2#] "Content to include in the XHTML block, before the output." stringp (markdown-mode . "2.4") markdown-xhtml-body-epilogue #[0 "\300\207" [#2#] 1 #2#] "Content to include in the XHTML block, after the output." (markdown-mode . "2.4") markdown-xhtml-standalone-regexp #[0 "\300\207" [#3="^\\(<\\?xml\\| Links & Images menu." (markdown-mode . "2.3") markdown-translate-filename-function #[0 "\300\207" [identity] 1] "Function to use to translate filenames when following links.\n\\