;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require matlab matlab-shell] 2) #@63 *Variable for the file which saves the region for publishing. (defvar matlab-temp-region-file "region.m" (#$ . -160)) #@65 * t means the matlab buffer shell is shown when running matlab. (defvar matlab-show-matlab-shell t (#$ . -284)) #@83 This function allows to publish the m file, either as in LaTeX or in HTML format. (defalias 'matlab-select-publish-form #[(ch) "\227\301\302\267\202\303\202\304\202\305\306\307\"!\207" [ch call-interactively #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (49 10 50 14)) matlab-publish-file-latex matlab-publish-file-html error args-out-of-range (1 2 ch)] 4 (#$ . 402) "c1: LaTeX, 2: HTML "]) #@44 Publish a matlab file in the LaTeX format. (defalias 'matlab-publish-file-latex #[nil "\302\303 !\304\305\306\"!\210) \205\307 \207" [pub matlab-show-matlab-shell file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name matlab-shell-run-command format "publish('%s','latex')" matlab-show-matlab-shell-buffer] 4 (#$ . 847) nil]) #@43 Publish a matlab file in the html format. (defalias 'matlab-publish-file-html #[nil "\302\303 !\304\305\306\"!\210) \205\307 \207" [pub matlab-show-matlab-shell file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name matlab-shell-run-command format "publish('%s','html')" matlab-show-matlab-shell-buffer] 4 (#$ . 1168) nil]) #@140 Inserts structured text. This results in LaTeX mode in title, sections, description, boldified text, unnumbered equations and bullet list. (defalias 'matlab-select-environment #[(ch) "\227\301\302\267\202\"\303\202&\304\202&\305\202&\306\202&\307\202&\310\202&\311\312\313\"!\207" [ch call-interactively #s(hash-table size 6 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (49 10 50 14 51 18 52 22 53 26 54 30)) matlab-insert-title matlab-insert-section matlab-insert-description-text matlab-boldify matlab-insert-equation matlab-insert-bullet-list error args-out-of-range (1 2 3 5 6 ch)] 4 (#$ . 1488) "c1: title, 2: section, 3:descrip, 4:boldify, 5:equation, 6:list "]) (defalias 'matlab-insert-title #[nil "eb\210\300c\210\301y\210\302u\207" ["%% TITLE\n" -1 3] 1 nil nil]) (defalias 'matlab-insert-section #[nil "\300c\210\301y\210\302u\207" ["%% Section\n" -1 3] 1 nil nil]) (defalias 'matlab-insert-description-text #[nil "\300c\210\301c\210\302y\210\303u\207" ["%%\n" "% DESCRIPTIVE TEXT\n" -1 2] 1 nil nil]) #@86 Insert either %%\n % *BOLD TEXT*\n or, when mark is active, surrounds region by * *. (defalias 'matlab-boldify #[nil "\303\300!\203\n\204\303\301!\203' \203'\n\203'\212`b\210\304c\210\305 b\210\304c)\207\306c\210\307c\210\310u\207" [zmacs-region-active-p transient-mark-mode mark-active boundp "*" mark "\n%%\n" "% *BOLD TEXT*\n" -2] 2 (#$ . 2536) nil]) (defalias 'matlab-insert-bold-text #[nil "\300c\210\301c\210\302y\210\303u\207" ["%%\n" "% *BOLD TEXT*\n" -1 2] 1 nil nil]) (defalias 'matlab-insert-monospaces-text #[nil "\300c\210\301c\210\302y\210\303u\207" ["%%\n" "% |MONOSPACED TEXT|\n" -1 2] 1 nil nil]) (defalias 'matlab-insert-preformated-text #[nil "\300c\210\301c\210\302c\210\303c\210\304c\210\305y\210\306u\207" ["%%\n" "%\n" "% PREFORMATTED\n" "% TEXT\n" "% \n" -3 3] 1 nil nil]) (defalias 'matlab-insert-equation #[nil "\300c\210\301c\210\302c\210\301c\210\303y\210\304u\207" ["%%\n" "% \n" "% $$e^{pi i} + 1 = 0$$\n" -2 4] 1 nil nil]) (defalias 'matlab-insert-bullet-list #[nil "\300c\210\301c\210\302c\210\303c\210\301c\210\304y\210\305u\207" ["%%\n" "% \n" "% * ITEM1\n" "% * ITEM2\n" -3 4] 1 nil nil]) (defalias 'matlab-write-region #[(start end) "\303 \304\n!\305\211\211\211&\210\306\n!\207" [start end matlab-temp-region-file write-region expand-file-name nil find-file] 8 nil "r"]) (defalias 'matlab-write-region-novisit #[(start end) "\303 \304\n!\305\211\211\211&\207" [start end matlab-temp-region-file write-region expand-file-name nil] 8 nil "r"]) (defalias 'matlab-publish-region #[(start end ch) "\227\304 \n\305 !\306\211\211\211&\210\307\310\267\202\311\202#\312\202#\313\314\315\"!\207" [ch start end matlab-temp-region-file write-region expand-file-name nil call-interactively #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (49 23 50 27)) matlab-publish-region-latex matlab-publish-region-html error args-out-of-range (1 2 ch)] 8 nil "r\nc1: LaTeX, 2: HTML "]) (defalias 'matlab-publish-region-latex #[nil "\302\303\304\"!\210 \205 \305 \207" [matlab-temp-region-file matlab-show-matlab-shell matlab-shell-run-command format "publish('%s','latex')" matlab-show-matlab-shell-buffer] 4 nil nil]) (defalias 'matlab-publish-region-html #[nil "\302\303\304\"!\210 \205 \305 \207" [matlab-temp-region-file matlab-show-matlab-shell matlab-shell-run-command format "publish('%s','html')" matlab-show-matlab-shell-buffer] 4 nil nil]) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\301!\207" [provide matlab-publish] 2)