;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\207" [require srecode srecode/dictionary srecode/semantic matlab] 2) #@518 Add macros into the dictionary DICT based on the current MATLAB buffer. Adds the following: FILE_SYMBOL - The file name as a symbol. FILE_DOC_SYMBOL - The file name as a symbol for doc strings. PACKAGE - The package this file is in, or empty if none. FILE_CLASS - Show section if filename should be a class. FILE_FUNCTION - Show setion if filename is a function. On class prediction - when filling in an empty file, if the filename and directory it is in match, for example @foo/foo.m then foo should be a classdef. (defalias 'srecode-semantic-handle-:matlab #[(dict) "\306=\204\n\307\310!\210\311\312\313 !!\314\315\313 !!\312\n!\316\f\317 #\210\316\f\320 \226#\210 \321 P\230\2039\322\f\323\"\210\202>\322\f\324\"\210\325\312\n!\315\n!\nG\326V\203\203\327\330\n\"\203\203 \326H \331\332O\211 \333U\203s\334Q\202u\325\314\211\n!!\312\n!*\202I\316\f\335#-\207" [major-mode fsym dir dsym dict next matlab-mode error "Wrong mode for :matlab argument" file-name-sans-extension file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name directory-file-name file-name-directory srecode-dictionary-set-value "FILE_SYMBOL" "FILE_DOC_SYMBOL" "@" srecode-dictionary-show-section "FILE_CLASS" "FILE_FUNCTION" "" 0 string-match "/\\+\\w" 1 nil 43 "." "PACKAGE" package rest first] 5 (#$ . 218)]) (provide 'srecode-matlab)