Hey Emacs, this is a -*-text-*- file! To Do List for MMM Mode ======================= Custom mode functions like `mason-mode'. Make Mason work a little better with PSGML. The fix I've found works, but it would be nifty if MMM could do it automatically. Maybe the custom-mode thing could set the variables, or a hook somewhere. Apostrophes mess up Perl parsing in XEmacs but not Emacs. I thought it was because XEmacs sets `font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function' after MMM does, but changing that that didn't fix it. Support for: ASP DEB and/or RPM packages would be nice. The local-variables improvements can probably be used to set minor modes locally to submode regions. This could replace tmmofl, especially if we search for regions other than by regexps, say by syntax properties. Trap paragraph motion commands to stop at submode boundaries? It would be nice if C-j ended a Mason one-liner and began a new one on the next line. This is a rather Mason-specific thing, but other classes might have similar single-line regions. Add a new submode class argument, such as KEYMAP, or even ONE-LINE? Allow a submode class to specify its allowable "parent" submode classes. This could also be used to implement htp.p, by first scanning for the function calls as a major-mode submode region, then requiring that parent type for the HTML mode class. Nested submodes alternate highlight colors, say with `mmm-secondary-submode-face'. Ought %text in Mason to be a non-submode, since any Mason tags inside it will probably be /edited/ as Perl (being, say, code examples)? Only problem is it might confuse the programmer into thinking that code will get executed. Maybe use a different face. Could do that with another grouping class, say uneval-mason, that overrides the faces of mason and has :parent mason-text, and allow a mode to specify what about it changes depending on its parent, or a parent to specify changes to its children, or a group to specify changes to its members. Port or generalize the relevant bits from ERB indentation code to similar packages for other languages. Make re-parsing the buffer into regions incremental: take the position of the most early change, see the submodes nesting there, and resume parsing with that data. Shouldn't be too hard, conceptually. Maybe even ignore the nesting, backtrack to a position where there are no overlays, and re-parse from there (see mmm-parse-apply as a starting point). Remember to handle delimiter inclusion and offsets as best possible. Thus, make re-parsing automatic (from syntax-propertize-function, probably), making manual control unnecessary. Remove XEmacs stuff?