;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require mmm-compat mmm-vars mmm-auto] 2) (defvar mmm-myghty-python-tags '("python" "init" "cleanup" "once" "filter" "shared" "global" "threadlocal" "requestlocal" "python_init" "python_cleanup" "python_once" "python_filter")) (defvar mmm-myghty-pseudo-python-tags '("args" "python_args" "attr" "flags")) (defvar mmm-myghty-non-python-tags '("doc" "python_doc" "text" "python_text" "def" "python_def" "method")) #@99 Matches tags beginning Myghty sections containing Python code. Saves the name of the tag matched. (defvar mmm-myghty-python-tags-regexp (byte-code "\301\302\303\"\304Q\207" [mmm-myghty-python-tags "<%" mmm-regexp-opt t ">"] 4) (#$ . 552)) #@107 Match tags beginning Myghty sections that look like Python but aren't. Saves the name of the tag matched. (defvar mmm-myghty-pseudo-python-tags-regexp (byte-code "\301\302\303\"\304Q\207" [mmm-myghty-pseudo-python-tags "<%" mmm-regexp-opt t ">"] 4) (#$ . 799)) #@107 Matches any Myghty tag name after the "<%". Used to verify that a "<%" sequence starts an inline section. (defvar mmm-myghty-tag-names-regexp (byte-code "\302\303 \"\304\"\207" [mmm-myghty-python-tags mmm-myghty-non-python-tags regexp-opt append t] 4) (#$ . 1068)) (defalias 'mmm-myghty-verify-inline #[nil "\301!?\207" [mmm-myghty-tag-names-regexp looking-at] 2]) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314BBBBBBB\315\307\310\316\317\313 \320BBBBBBB\321BBBB\"\207" [mmm-myghty-python-tags-regexp mmm-myghty-pseudo-python-tags-regexp mmm-add-group myghty (myghty-text :submode nil :front "<%text>" :back "" :insert ((116 myghty-<%text> nil @ "<%text>" @ "\n" _ "\n" @ "" @))) (myghty-doc :submode text-mode :face mmm-comment-submode-face :front "<%doc>" :back "" :face nil :insert ((100 myghty-<%doc> nil @ "<%doc>" @ "\n" _ "\n" @ "" @))) myghty-python :submode python :match-face (("<%python>" . mmm-code-submode-face) ("<%init>" . mmm-init-submode-face) ("<%cleanup>" . mmm-cleanup-submode-face) ("<%once>" . mmm-init-submode-face) ("<%global>" . mmm-init-submode-face) ("<%filter>" . mmm-special-submode-face) ("<%shared>" . mmm-init-submode-face) ("<%threadlocal>" . mmm-init-submode-face) ("<%requestlocal>" . mmm-init-submode-face)) :front (:back "" :save-matches 1 :match-name "~1" :save-name 1 :insert ((44 myghty-<%TAG> "Python section: " @ "<%" str ">" @ ";\n" _ "\n" @ "" @) (60 myghty-<%TAG> 44) (112 myghty-<%python> 44 . "python") (105 myghty-<%init> 44 . "init") (99 myghty-<%cleanup> 44 . "cleanup") (111 myghty-<%once> 44 . "once") (103 myghty-<%global> 44 . "global") (116 myghty-<%threadlocal> 44 . "threadlocal") (101 myghty-<%requestlocal> 44 . "requestlocal") (108 myghty-<%filter> 44 . "filter") (115 myghty-<%shared> 44 . "shared"))) myghty-pseudo-python :face mmm-declaration-submode-face (:back "" :save-matches 1 :insert ((46 myghty-pseudo-<%TAG> "Pseudo-python section: " @ "<%" str ">" @ "\n" _ "\n" @ "" @) (62 myghty-pseudo-<%TAG> 44) (97 myghty-<%args> 46 . "args") (102 myghty-<%flags> 46 . "flags") (114 myghty-<%attr> 46 . "attr"))) ((myghty-inline :submode python :face mmm-output-submode-face :front "<%" :front-verify mmm-myghty-verify-inline :back "%>" :insert ((37 myghty-<%-%> nil @ "<%" @ " " _ " " @ "%>" @) (53 myghty-<%-%> 37))) (myghty-call :submode python :face mmm-special-submode-face :front "<&" :back "&>" :insert ((38 myghty-<&-&> nil @ "<&" @ " " _ " " @ "&>" @) (55 myghty-<&-&> 37))) (myghty-one-line-comment :submode text-mode :face mmm-comment-submode-face :front "^%#" :back "\n" :insert ((35 myghty-%-comment nil (mmm-myghty-start-line) @ "%" @ "# " _ @ '(mmm-myghty-end-line) "\n" @) (51 myghty-%-comment 35))) (myghty-one-line :submode python :face mmm-code-submode-face :front "^%" :back "\n" :insert ((return myghty-%-line nil (mmm-myghty-start-line) @ "%" @ " " _ @ '(mmm-myghty-end-line) "\n" @))))] 13) (defalias 'mmm-myghty-start-line #[nil "n\203\300\207\301\207" ["" "\n"] 1]) (defalias 'mmm-myghty-end-line #[nil "l\205\300\301!\207" [delete-char 1] 2]) (defalias 'mmm-myghty-set-mode-line #[nil "\301\211\207" [mmm-buffer-mode-display-name "Myghty"] 2]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304!\207" [add-hook mmm-myghty-class-hook mmm-myghty-set-mode-line provide mmm-myghty] 3)