;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@157 Execute BODY if in a valid buffer for MMM Mode to be enabled. This means not hidden, not a minibuffer, not in batch mode, and not in of `mmm-never-modes'. (defalias 'mmm-valid-buffer '(macro . #[(&rest body) "\301\302BB\207" [body unless (or (eq (aref (buffer-name) 0) 32) (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window)) (memq major-mode mmm-never-modes) noninteractive mmm-in-temp-buffer)] 3 (#$ . 88)])) #@95 Execute BODY forms, then restoring point, mark, current buffer, restrictions, and match data. (defalias 'mmm-save-all '(macro . #[(&rest body) "\301\302\303BDD\207" [body save-excursion save-restriction save-match-data] 4 (#$ . 494)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put mmm-save-all lisp-indent-function 1 put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@195 Format STRING by replacing arguments as specified by ARG-PAIRS. Each element of ARG-PAIRS is (REGEXP . STR) where each STR is to be substituted for the corresponding REGEXP wherever it matches. (defalias 'mmm-format-string #[(string arg-pairs) "\306\307 \310\216\n\306\211\2039\f@\311 @ \"\2032\312\313\314!\203(\314 A!\202* A\315\211 $\202\fA\211\204- \207" [case-fold-search save-match-data-internal arg-pairs pair --dolist-tail-- string nil match-data #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3] string-match replace-match fboundp format-mode-line t] 6 (#$ . 867)]) #@304 Format STRING by matches from the current match data. Strings like ~N are replaced by the Nth subexpression from the last global match. Does nothing if STRING is not a string. ON-STRING, if supplied, means to use the match data from a `string-match' on that string, rather than the global match data. (defalias 'mmm-format-matches #[(string &optional on-string) ";\203k\305 \306\305 \307\216\310\311\"\203j\312\313\224\2054\211\203.\314\224\225#\266\202\2026\315\224\225\"\266\202!\316\305 \317\216\320\n!\210 \f\224\205_\211\203Y\314\224\225#\266\202\202a\315\224\225\"\266\202*\321\211$\202,\207" [string subexp old-data save-match-data-internal on-string match-data nil #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3] string-match "~\\([0-9]\\)" string-to-number 1 substring-no-properties buffer-substring-no-properties replace-match #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3] set-match-data t] 7 (#$ . 1493)]) #@174 If the value of PARAM as a variable is non-nil, return the list (:PARAM (symbol-value PARAM)), otherwise NIL. Best used only when it is important that nil values disappear. (defalias 'mmm-save-keyword '(macro . #[(param) "\301\302\303\304DDE\305\306\307\310\311\304DDEDE\312BBB\207" [param if and boundp quote list intern concat ":" symbol-name (nil)] 9 (#$ . 2516)])) #@314 Return a list saving the non-nil elements of PARAMS. E.g. (let ((a 1) (c 2)) (mmm-save-keywords a b c)) ==> (:a 1 :c 2) Use of this macro can make code more readable when there are a lot of PARAMS, but less readable when there are only a few. Also best used only when it is important that nil values disappear. (defalias 'mmm-save-keywords '(macro . #[(&rest params) "\301\302\303\"B\207" [params append mapcar #[(param) "\301\302D!\207" [param macroexpand mmm-save-keyword] 3]] 4 (#$ . 2896)])) #@258 Return t if text before point matches REGEXP. Modifies the match data. If supplied, BOUND means not to look farther back that that many characters before point. Otherwise, it defaults to (length REGEXP), which is good enough when REGEXP is a simple string. (defalias 'mmm-looking-back-at #[(regexp &optional bound) "`\212\302` \206 GZ\303#\205\304\225)=\207" [regexp bound re-search-backward t 0] 5 (#$ . 3403)]) #@262 Make, and return, a marker at POS that is or isn't sticky. BEG-P represents whether the marker delimits the beginning of a region (or the end of it). STICKY-P is whether it should be sticky, i.e. whether text inserted at the marker should be inside the region. (defalias 'mmm-make-marker #[(pos beg-p sticky-p) "\304 \305\223\306 \n\203 ?\202 \"\210 )\207" [pos mkr beg-p sticky-p make-marker nil set-marker-insertion-type] 3 (#$ . 3828)]) (provide 'mmm-utils)