;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [require multiple-cursors-core custom-declare-variable mc/edit-lines-empty-lines nil "What should be done by `mc/edit-lines' when a line is not long enough." :type (radio (const :tag "Pad the line with spaces." pad) (const :tag "Ignore the line." ignore) (const :tag "Signal an error." error) (const :tag "Nothing. Cursor is at end of line." nil)) :group multiple-cursors] 8) #@505 Add one cursor to each line of the active region. Starts from mark and moves in straight down or up towards the line point is on. What is done with lines which are not long enough is governed by `mc/edit-lines-empty-lines'. The prefix argument ARG can be used to override this. If ARG is a symbol (when called from Lisp), that symbol is used instead of `mc/edit-lines-empty-lines'. Otherwise, if ARG negative, short lines will be ignored. Any other non-nil value will cause short lines to be padded. (defalias 'mc/edit-lines #[(&optional arg) "\203 `\306 U\203\307\310!\210\311 \210i\312 \313 \210\312 \n W\203'\314\202(\315 \2036 9\2036 \202L\316 !\317W\203B\320\202L \203J\321\202L\322 \210\f\314=\203dn\203d\323\324\325\"\210\326 !\210\312 \n=\204\271\321=\203~i W\203~\327c\210\202r\307=\203\217 i\232\204\217\307\330!\210\320=\203\234 i\232\203\237\331 \210\f\314=\203\255\323\324\325\"\210\202\262\332\324\325\"\210\326 !\210\202d\333 -\207" [mark-active col point-line mark-line direction arg mark error "Mark a set of lines first" mc/remove-fake-cursors line-number-at-pos exchange-point-and-mark :up :down prefix-numeric-value 0 ignore pad deactivate-mark previous-logical-line 1 nil move-to-column " " "Short line encountered in `mc/edit-lines'" mc/create-fake-cursor-at-point next-logical-line multiple-cursors-mode mc/edit-lines-empty-lines style] 3 (#$ . 530) "P"]) #@62 Add one cursor to the end of each line in the active region. (defalias 'mc/edit-ends-of-lines #[nil "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [mc/edit-lines mc/execute-command-for-all-cursors end-of-line] 2 (#$ . 1959) nil]) #@68 Add one cursor to the beginning of each line in the active region. (defalias 'mc/edit-beginnings-of-lines #[nil "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [mc/edit-lines mc/execute-command-for-all-cursors beginning-of-line] 2 (#$ . 2173) nil]) (provide 'mc-edit-lines)