* Other Packages *Names* isn't the first package to try patching up namespaces in Emacs. Here we link to descriptions and provide short comparisons of previous packages attempting similar things. ** [[https://github.com/Wilfred/with-namespace.el][with-namespace]] The closest to *Names* in terms of ideology. It performs simple namespacing of symbols inside =defun= forms and alike. The difference is that *Names* performs intelligent namespacing (it understand which symbols are vars, which are functions, and which are not fit for namespacing) and applies to any form under the sun. ** [[https://github.com/sigma/codex][Codex]] A robust and somewhat similar option. Notable differences are that *Names* does have edebug integration (which greatly facilitates actual development) and is generally more focused on being practical (write code as you would, just without the prefix). ** [[https://github.com/skeeto/elisp-fakespace/][Fakespace]] Focuses on the global obarray clobbering, not on code clobbering. It uninterns defined symbols, while *Names* actually simplifies the code that you write. ** [[https://github.com/chrisbarrett/elisp-namespaces][elisp-namespaces]] Possibly the safest and faciest of the bunch. It's a great way to avoid clobbering the global obarray if you're willing to use its syntax. Like above, the difference it that *Names* actually simplifies that you type.