;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302\303\304#\210\300\305!\210\306\307\303\310\311\312\313\314\313\315\313\316\317\320\321\322\321\323&\210\324\325\303\326\327\330\321\307&\210\324\331\332\333\327\334\321\307&\210\335\336\337\340\321\307%\207" [require cl pulse nil t compile custom-declare-group nav-flash "Briefly highlight the current line." :version "1.1.0" :link (emacs-commentary-link :tag "Commentary" "nav-flash") (url-link :tag "GitHub" "http://github.com/rolandwalker/nav-flash") (url-link :tag "EmacsWiki" "http://emacswiki.org/emacs/NavFlash") :prefix "nav-flash-" :group navigation extensions custom-declare-variable nav-flash-use-pulse "Use the `pulse' library if present." :type (choice (const :tag "Never" nil) (const :tag "GUI Only" gui-only) (const :tag "Always" t)) nav-flash-delay 0.5 "How many seconds to flash `nav-flash-face' after navigation.\n\nSetting this to nil or 0 will turn off the indicator." number custom-declare-face nav-flash-face ((t (:inherit highlight))) "Face to flash the current line."] 18) #@38 Return t if pulse.el should be used. (defalias 'nav-flash-use-pulse-p #[nil "\301\302!\205\302 \205\303=\206\304=\205\305 \207" [nav-flash-use-pulse fboundp pulse-available-p t gui-only display-graphic-p] 2 (#$ . 1120)]) #@522 Flash a temporary highlight to help the user find something. POS is optional, and defaults to the current point. If optional END-POS is set, flash the characters between the two points, otherwise flash the entire line in which POS is found. The flash is normally not inclusive of END-POS. However, when POS is equal to END-POS, the single character at POS will flash. Optional FACE defaults to `nav-flash-face'. Optional DELAY defaults to `nav-flash-delay' seconds. Setting DELAY to 0 makes this function a no-op. (defalias 'nav-flash-show #[(&optional pos end-pos face delay) "\206` \204\212\306b\210\307 \210`\310 \210`T* =\203% T \206*\f \2060\311 \247\205\245 \312V\205\245\313 \203l\314 \315\"\210\316\315\317\320\321 \320\317\306$$\210\322 \323\245!\324\"\211#\312X\203e\325#\326 \315#*\207\327$!\203x\330$!\210%\206\201\331ee\"%\332%\305 #\210\332%\333\334#\210\335% #\210\336\337\340\"\210\341 \317\340#\211$\207" [pos end-pos inhibit-point-motion-hooks delay nav-flash-delay face t beginning-of-visual-line end-of-visual-line nav-flash-face 0 nav-flash-use-pulse-p copy-face nav-flash-pulse-face set-face-attribute nil :background face-attribute round 0.15 0.01 1 pulse-momentary-highlight-region timerp cancel-timer make-overlay overlay-put priority 10000 move-overlay add-hook pre-command-hook compilation-goto-locus-delete-o run-at-time pulse-delay pulse-iterations next-error-highlight-timer compilation-highlight-overlay] 10 (#$ . 1358)]) (provide 'nav-flash)