;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@76 URL of Nexus REST API. Customize if you use an private/custom Nexus server (custom-declare-variable 'nexus-ac-artifact-prefix-length 3 '(#$ . 87) :group 'nexus-ac) (defalias 'ac-source-nexus-complete #[(prefix) "\305\306\"\211@ A@\307\310\311 AA@\206\311#\312\313\314\n\315\316 \"\f\203,\315\316\f\"\202-\311\317\311%\",\207" [prefix parts group artifact version split-string "[[:space:]/]" replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" mapcar #[(lst) "\301\302\303\236A@\304\236A@\305\236A@$\207" [lst format "%s/%s \"%s\"" :groupId :artifactId :version] 6] nexus--search-coordinates-internal format "%s*" "jar"] 9]) #@79 Return a possibly-empty list of completions for the Lein dependency at point. (defalias 'ac-source-nexus-lein-candidates #[nil "\301!\207" [ac-prefix ac-source-nexus-complete] 2 (#$ . 710)]) #@49 Looking for Clojure Leiningen style dependencys (defalias 'ac-prefix-lein-dep #[nil "\302\303\304\"!\205(\305\224\211\205'\212\3061$\307\310!\210\302\311!\205 0\202&\210\312))\207" [nexus-ac-artifact-prefix-length m looking-back format "\\[\\([[:alnum:].]+/[[:alnum:][:space:]\".]\\{%d,\\}[^]]*\\)" 1 (error) up-list -2 ":dependencies[[:space:]]" nil] 5 (#$ . 908)]) (defvar ac-source-nexus-lein '((candidates . ac-source-nexus-lein-candidates) (prefix . ac-prefix-lein-dep) (cache))) #@136 Add an nexus completion source to the front of `ac-sources' for the current buffer, if the current `(buffer-filename)' = "project.clj" (defalias 'ac-source-lein-set-up #[nil "\302 \205'\303\302 !\304\230\205'\305>\203\210\202\305B\306\301!\210\307\310 \"\211\207" [ac-sources ac-disable-faces buffer-file-name file-name-base "project" ac-source-nexus-lein make-local-variable remove font-lock-string-face] 3 (#$ . 1408) nil]) (provide 'ac-nexus)