;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable nix-nixfmt-bin funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="nixfmt"] 1 #1#] "Path to nixfmt executable." :group nix :type string] 8) #@36 Format BUF using nixfmt. (fn BUF) (defalias 'nix--format-call #[257 "r\301\302!q\210\303 \210\304!\210\305ed\306\211\307&\310U\2033\311 rq\210\311 )\230\204.\312ed#\210\313 \2026\314\315!)\207" [nix-nixfmt-bin get-buffer-create "*nixfmt*" erase-buffer insert-buffer-substring call-process-region t nil 0 buffer-string copy-to-buffer kill-buffer error "Nixfmt failed, see *nixfmt* buffer for details"] 8 (#$ . 299)]) #@41 Format the current buffer using nixfmt. (defalias 'nix-format-buffer #[0 "\301!\204 \302\303\"\210\304p!\210\305\306!\207" [nix-nixfmt-bin executable-find error "Could not locate executable \"%s\"" nix--format-call message "Formatted buffer with nixfmt."] 3 (#$ . 730) nil]) (provide 'nix-format)