;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require nix nix-search nix-instantiate] 2) #@94 Open the nix log. FILE nix file to parse. ATTR attribute to load the log of. (fn FILE ATTR) (defalias 'nix-log #[514 "\211\204 \302!\262\303\"\304\305\306\"\"\210\307\310\"\305\311 \312\313O$\314!\203,\315!\207\316\317!\207" [nix-store-dir nix-state-dir nix-read-attr nix-instantiate string-match format "^%s/\\(.*\\)$" match-string 1 "%s/log/nix/drvs/%s/%s.bz2" 0 2 file-exists-p find-file error "No log is available for derivation"] 10 (#$ . 184) (byte-code "\300 \301D\207" [nix-read-file nil] 2)]) (provide 'nix-log)