;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\301%\210\311\312\313\314\315DD\316\317\320\310\305&\210\311\321\313\314\322DD\323\317\324\310\305&\210\311\325\313\314\326DD\327\317\324\310\305&\210\311\330\313\314\331DD\332\317\333\310\305&\210\311\334\313\314\335DD\336\317\333\310\305&\207" [require nix nix-instantiate nix-store custom-declare-group nix-shell nil "All nix-shell options." :group custom-declare-variable nix-shell-inputs funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [(buildInputs depsBuildBuild depsBuildBuildPropagated nativeBuildInputs propagatedNativeBuildInputs depsBuildTarget depsBuildTargetPropagated)] 1] "List of inputs to collect for nix-shell." :type list nix-shell-clear-environment #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to clear the old ‘exec-path’ & environment.\nSimilar to ‘--pure’ argument in command line nix-shell." boolean nix-shell-auto-realise #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether we can realise paths in the built .drv file." nix-file #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Nix file to build expressions from.\nShould only be set in dir-locals.el file." stringp nix-attr #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Nix attribute path to use.\nShould only be set in dir-locals.el file."] 8) #@108 Run Nix’s unpackPhase. FILE is the file to unpack from. ATTR is the attribute to unpack. (fn FILE ATTR) (defalias 'nix-shell-unpack #[514 "\211\204 \300!\262\301\302#\207" [nix-read-attr nix-shell--run-phase "unpack"] 6 (#$ . 1300) (byte-code "\300 \301D\207" [nix-read-file nil] 2)]) #@38 Get nix attribute from user. (fn _) (defalias 'nix-read-attr #[257 "\300\301!\207" [read-string "Nix attr: "] 3 (#$ . 1599)]) #@25 Get nix file from user. (defalias 'nix-read-file #[0 "\203\207\301\302!\203\302\207\301\303!\203\303\207\304\305\306\307#\207" [nix-file file-exists-p "shell.nix" "default.nix" read-file-name "Nix file: " nil ""] 4 (#$ . 1732)]) #@117 Run Nix’s configurePhase. FILE is the file to configure from. ATTR is the attribute to configure. (fn FILE ATTR) (defalias 'nix-shell-configure #[514 "\211\204 \300!\262\301\302#\207" [nix-read-attr nix-shell--run-phase "configure"] 6 (#$ . 1985) (byte-code "\300 \301D\207" [nix-read-file nil] 2)]) #@105 Run Nix’s buildPhase. FILE is the file to build from. ATTR is the attribute to build. (fn FILE ATTR) (defalias 'nix-shell-build #[514 "\211\204 \300!\262\301\302#\207" [nix-read-attr nix-shell--run-phase "build"] 6 (#$ . 2300) (byte-code "\300 \301D\207" [nix-read-file nil] 2)]) #@163 Get source from a Nix derivation. PHASE phase to run. FILE used for base of Nix expresions. ATTR from NIX-FILE to get Nix expressions from. (fn PHASE FILE ATTR) (defalias 'nix-shell--run-phase #[771 "\301\302\303\211\211&!\207" [nix-shell-executable shell-command format "%s '%s' -A '%s' --run 'if [ -z \"$%sPhase\" ]; then eval %sPhase; else eval \"$%sPhase\"; fi' &"] 12 (#$ . 2595)]) #@109 Run the nix-shell callback to setup the buffer. The BUFFER to run in. The DRV file to use. (fn BUFFER DRV) (defalias 'nix-shell--callback #[514 "\306\307\"\306\310\"\306\311\"\312\313\314\315\316\317\320 \"\"\"\"\321!\204&\322\323\211#\210\324 \230\2044\322\325\324 #\210rq\210 \203H\326\302!\210\313\326\303!\210\327\211\211\203\300\211@\321!\204]\f\203]\330!\210\331\332\"\331\333\"\331\334\"\335\302\"\210\326\303!\210\336\337 # \235\203\203 \210\202\207 B\335\340\"\210\211%\235\203\231%\210\202\237\211%B%\336\341\"\211&\235\203\261&\266\202\271\211&B&\266A\266\202\202I\210\342\343!\205\316#\205\316\344 )\207" [nix-shell-inputs nix-shell-clear-environment exec-path eshell-path-env nix-shell-auto-realise woman-manpath alist-get env stdenv system remove nil apply append mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300\"!\207" [V0 split-string alist-get] 5 "\n\n(fn PROP)"] file-directory-p error "Your stdenv at %s has not been built. Please run: nix-store -r %s" nix-system "Your system (%s) does not match .drv’s build system (%s)" make-local-variable "" nix-store-realise expand-file-name "bin" "share/man" "include" add-to-list format "%s:%s" ffap-c-path "-I%s" boundp flycheck-mode flycheck-buffer Man-header-file-path irony-additional-clang-options] 15 (#$ . 2996)]) #@177 Create a nix shell environment from the listed package. PACKAGES a list of packages to use. PKGS-FILE the Nix file to get the packages from. (fn PACKAGES &optional PKGS-FILE) (defalias 'nix-shell-with-packages #[513 "\300\301\302p\"\303\"\"\207" [nix-instantiate-async apply-partially nix-shell--callback nix-shell--with-packages-file] 7 (#$ . 4332)]) #@146 Get a .nix file from the packages list. PACKAGES to put in the .nix file. PKGS-FILE package set to pull from. (fn PACKAGES &optional PKGS-FILE) (defalias 'nix-shell--with-packages-file #[513 "\211\204\301\262\302\303\304\305#\211\306\307\310\"\311\312\"\216r\211q\210\313\314\"c\210\315c\210\316c\210\317\320\"\210\321c\210\322c\210)r\211q\210\323\304\211\304\324%\210*\266)\207" [nix-file "" make-temp-file "nix-shell" nil ".nix" generate-new-buffer " *temp file*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] format "with import %s { };\n" "runCommandCC \"shell\" {\n" " nativeBuildInputs = [\n" mapc #[257 "\300\301\"c\207" [format " %s\n"] 4 "\n\n(fn X)"] " ];\n" "} \"\"\n" write-region 0] 11 (#$ . 4694)]) #@183 Create an Eshell buffer that has the shell environment in it. PACKAGES a list of packages to pull in. PKGS-FILE a file to use to get the packages. (fn PACKAGES &optional PKGS-FILE) (defalias 'nix-eshell-with-packages #[513 "\301\302!\303!\210\304\300!\210\305\306 \210\307p\310\311\"\312\305#\"\210\207" [nix-shell-clear-environment generate-new-buffer "*nix-eshell*" pop-to-buffer-same-window make-local-variable t eshell-mode nix-shell--callback nix-instantiate nix-shell--with-packages-file nil] 9 (#$ . 5475)]) #@180 Create an Eshell buffer that has the shell environment in it. FILE the .nix expression to create a shell for. ATTR attribute to instantiate in NIX-FILE. (fn FILE &optional ATTR) (defalias 'nix-eshell #[513 "\211\204 \302!\262\303\304!\305!\210\306\301!\210\307\310 \210\311p\312\307#\"\210\207" [nix-file nix-shell-clear-environment nix-read-attr generate-new-buffer "*nix-eshell*" pop-to-buffer-same-window make-local-variable t eshell-mode nix-shell--callback nix-instantiate] 9 (#$ . 6004) (byte-code "\300 \301D\207" [nix-read-file nil] 2)]) #@93 A nix-shell emulator in Emacs from a string. STRING the nix expression to use. (fn STRING) (defalias 'nix-shell-with-string #[257 "\300\301\302\303#\211\304\305\306\"\307\310\"\216r\211q\210c\210)r\211q\210\311\302\211\302\312%\210*\266\313\314\315p\"\"\207" [make-temp-file "nix-shell" nil ".nix" generate-new-buffer " *temp file*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] write-region 0 nix-instantiate-async apply-partially nix-shell--callback] 10 (#$ . 6564)]) #@130 A nix-shell emulator in Emacs. FILE the file to instantiate. ATTR an attribute of the Nix file to use. (fn FILE &optional ATTR) (defalias 'nix-shell #[513 "\211\204 \300!\262\301\302\303p\"#\207" [nix-read-attr nix-instantiate-async apply-partially nix-shell--callback] 6 (#$ . 7083) (byte-code "\300 \301D\207" [nix-read-file nil] 2)]) (provide 'nix-shell)