;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@90 Format the TIME up to be a notes-format date. If no TIME is specified, use today's date. (defalias 'notes-format-date #[(&optional time) "\302\303!\210\204 \304 \305 \"\207" [time notes-file-form require notes-variables current-time format-time-string] 3 (#$ . 87)]) #@40 Convert a notes FILE to an epoch time. (defalias 'notes-file-to-epoch #[(file) "\305 \"\210\306\307\310 \"!\306\307\311 \"!\306\307\312 \"!\211\313W\203$\f\313\\\f\314W\203.\f\315\\\316\317\211\320\n \f&+\207" [notes-file-regexp file d m y string-match string-to-number match-string 1 2 3 1900 1970 100 encode-time 0 12] 8 (#$ . 364)]) #@53 Convert a notes FILE to a URL with an optional TAG. (defalias 'notes-file-to-url #[(file &optional tag) "\306!\n\307 \"\310\307\f \" \203\311\202\312 \260)\207" [file epoch notes-url-prefix notes-int-form notes-file-form tag notes-file-to-epoch format-time-string "/" "#* " ""] 6 (#$ . 715)]) (provide 'notes-aux)