;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@68 Location of the perl binary to invoke notesinit (must be perl v5). (defvar notes-first-perl5-binary "perl" (#$ . 87)) #@54 Set up notes mode for the first time for a new user. (defalias 'notes-first-use-init #[nil "\301\302!\203 \303 \207\304\305\306Q!\207" [notes-utility-dir y-or-n-p "Setup notes-mode with defaults? " notes-first-run-notes-init error "Please run " "/notesinit by hand in a shell to customize defaults."] 4 (#$ . 211)]) #@30 Run notesinit with defaults. (defalias 'notes-first-run-notes-init #[nil "\304\305\"\306\307!P\nB\310\311 \312R!\210\313 \314\211\211 \315&\210*\310\316!\207" [notes-utility-dir notes-init-cmd process-environment notes-first-perl5-binary expand-file-name "notesinit" "NOTES_BIN_DIR=" directory-file-name message "Running \"" "\" to set up notes-mode." call-process nil "-D" "Notes are now set up. Run M-x notes-index-todays-link to start."] 7 (#$ . 535)]) (provide 'notes-first)