;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@37 Location of notes utility programs. (defconst notes-utility-dir (file-name-directory load-file-name) (#$ . 87)) (byte-code "r\306\307\310\"!\204\311\312!\210\307\313!\307\314!\306 !\204' \204'\315\316!\210\317 \210\320\321\322\"r\fq\210\323\216\306\n!\203Z\306 !\203E\324\n \"\202F\322\203Z\324\n\307\310\"\"\203Z\325\n!\210\202p\326\307\310\"\327\322\327\330%\210\331ed\n#\210\332\n\333\"\210\334 \210.\335\336 \337\"\340R\341B\"\207" [notes-utility-dir source-file cache-file noninteractive #1=#:temp-buffer notes-int-glob file-exists-p expand-file-name "mkconfig" error "Notes-mode is incorrectly installed." "~/.notesrc" "~/.notesrc.el" require notes-first notes-first-use-init generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t #[nil "\301!\205 \302!\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] file-newer-than-file-p insert-file-contents call-process nil "elisp" write-region set-file-modes 420 eval-buffer add-to-list auto-mode-alist "/" ".?\\'" notes-mode notes-file-glob] 6) #@176 * A function to call when notes-w3-url cannot handle a complex URL. It now goes through the Emacs `browse-url' package, but you could also set it manually (say, to w3-fetch). (defvar notes-w3-alternate-url 'browse-url (#$ . -1074)) #@31 * Enable notes fontification. (defvar notes-use-font-lock t (#$ . -1312)) #@53 * Enable `outline-minor-mode' in all notes buffers? (defvar notes-use-outline-mode t (#$ . -1392)) #@104 * Fontify dates in notes-index-mode. Turning this off for large notes-index's can improve performance. (defvar notes-index-fontify-dates nil (#$ . -1498)) #@100 * Face to use for notes-index-mode and notes-mode subjects. The default face is copied from 'bold. (defvar notes-bold-face 'notes-bold-face (#$ . -1660)) #@38 * Font-lock keywords for notes mode. (defvar notes-font-lock-keywords '(("^\\* .*$" . notes-bold-face) ("^\\-+$" . notes-bold-face)) (#$ . -1820)) #@44 * Font-lock keywords for notes-index mode. (defvar notes-index-font-lock-keywords '(("^[^:]*:" . notes-bold-face) ("\\<[0-9]*\\>" . mouse-face)) (#$ . -1973)) #@44 * Enable subject completion in notes mode? (defvar notes-mode-complete-subjects t (#$ . -2138)) #@58 * Should notes-w3-follow-link-mouse open another window? (defvar notes-w3-follow-link-mouse-other-window t (#$ . -2240)) #@97 List of notes-subjects needed for subject completion. Reloaded by loading the notes-index file. (defvar notes-subject-table nil (#$ . 2367)) #@110 Program to run to initialize a new notes file. Must be in notes-bin-dir. If nil, no initialization is done. (defvar notes-mode-initialization-program "mknew" (#$ . 2515)) #@127 Keyid of PGP key for the current user. Useful if your \[user-full-name] doesn't match a unique key. Should have a leading 0x. (defvar notes-encryption-key-id nil (#$ . 2694)) #@186 Amount of electricity in prevnext for notes-mode. nil: don't auto-update anything. 1: update prevnext, but don't autosave the old buffer 2: update prevnext and autosave the old buffer. (defvar notes-electric-prevnext 2 (#$ . 2876)) (require 'notes-emacs) #@45 Have we inited our platform (XEmacs/Emacs)? (defvar notes-platform-inited nil (#$ . 3137)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303!\207" [run-hooks notes-variables-load-hooks provide notes-variables] 2)