;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@212 Display information of the current type under point. With prefix argument, add the displayed result to the kill ring. This can be used to insert the result in code, for example. (fn &optional ADD-TO-KILL-RING) (defalias 'omnisharp-current-type-information #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [omnisharp-current-type-information-worker Type] 4 (#$ . 88) "P"]) #@214 Display documentation of the current type under point. With prefix argument, add the displayed result to the kill ring. This can be used to insert the result in code, for example. (fn &optional ADD-TO-KILL-RING) (defalias 'omnisharp-current-type-documentation #[256 "\300\301!\207" [omnisharp-current-type-information-worker Documentation] 3 (#$ . 443) "P"]) #@275 Get type info from the API and display a part of the response as a message. TYPE-PROPERTY-NAME is a symbol in the type lookup response from the server side, i.e. 'Type or 'Documentation that will be displayed to the user. (fn TYPE-PROPERTY-NAME &optional ADD-TO-KILL-RING) (defalias 'omnisharp-current-type-information-worker #[513 "\300\301\302 \303\304##\207" [omnisharp--send-command-to-server "typelookup" omnisharp--get-typelookup-request-object make-closure #[257 "\302\300\"A\303!\210\301\205\304!\207" [V0 V1 assoc omnisharp--message-at-point kill-new] 4 "\n\n(fn RESPONSE)"]] 9 (#$ . 810)]) #@73 Shows the information of the current type and adds it to the kill ring. (defalias 'omnisharp-current-type-information-to-kill-ring #[0 "\300\301!\207" [omnisharp-current-type-information t] 2 (#$ . 1426) nil]) #@40 Find usages for the symbol under point (defalias 'omnisharp-find-usages #[0 "\300\301!\210\302\303\304 \305#\207" [omnisharp--message "Finding usages..." omnisharp--send-command-to-server "findusages" omnisharp--get-request-object #[257 "\300\236A\301!\207" [QuickFixes omnisharp--find-usages-show-response] 4 "\n\n(fn INPUT0)"]] 4 (#$ . 1642) nil]) #@19 (fn QUICKFIXES) (defalias 'omnisharp--find-usages-show-response #[257 "\211G\302=\203 \303\304!\207\305 #\207" [omnisharp--find-usages-buffer-name omnisharp-find-usages-header 0 omnisharp--message-at-point "No usages found." omnisharp--write-quickfixes-to-compilation-buffer] 5 (#$ . 2000)]) #@31 (fn &optional OTHER-WINDOW) (defalias 'omnisharp-find-implementations-with-ido #[256 "\300\301\302 \303\304\"#\207" [omnisharp--send-command-to-server-sync "findimplementations" omnisharp--get-request-object make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 omnisharp--show-or-navigate-to-quickfixes-with-ido] 4 "\n\n(fn QUICKFIX-RESPONSE)"]] 7 (#$ . 2303) "P"]) #@49 (fn QUICKFIX-RESPONSE &optional OTHER-WINDOW) (defalias 'omnisharp--show-or-navigate-to-quickfixes-with-ido #[513 "\300\236A\211G\301=\203\302\303!\207\211G\304=\203\305\306!@\"\207\307\"\207" [QuickFixes 0 omnisharp--message "No implementations found." 1 omnisharp-go-to-file-line-and-column omnisharp--vector-to-list omnisharp--choose-and-go-to-quickfix-ido] 7 (#$ . 2666)]) #@31 (fn &optional OTHER-WINDOW) (defalias 'omnisharp-find-usages-with-ido #[256 "\300\301\302 \303\304\"#\207" [omnisharp--send-command-to-server "findusages" omnisharp--get-request-object make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 omnisharp--show-or-navigate-to-quickfixes-with-ido] 4 "\n\n(fn QUICKFIX-RESPONSE)"]] 7 (#$ . 3061) "P"]) #@174 Show a buffer containing all implementations of the interface under point, or classes derived from the class under point. Allow the user to select one (or more) to jump to. (defalias 'omnisharp-find-implementations #[0 "\300\301!\210\302\303 \304\"\207" [omnisharp--message "Finding implementations..." omnisharp-find-implementations-worker omnisharp--get-request-object #[257 "\211G\302=\203 \303\304!\207\211G\305=\203\306@!\207\307 #\207" [omnisharp--find-implementations-buffer-name omnisharp-find-implementations-header 0 omnisharp--message "No implementations found." 1 omnisharp-go-to-file-line-and-column omnisharp--write-quickfixes-to-compilation-buffer] 5 "\n\n(fn QUICKFIXES)"]] 3 (#$ . 3402) nil]) #@187 Gets a list of QuickFix lisp objects from a findimplementations api call asynchronously. On completions, CALLBACK is run with the quickfixes as its only argument. (fn REQUEST CALLBACK) (defalias 'omnisharp-find-implementations-worker #[514 "\300\301\302\303\"#\207" [omnisharp--send-command-to-server "findimplementations" make-closure #[257 "\301\236A\302\300\303!C\"\207" [V0 QuickFixes apply omnisharp--vector-to-list] 6 "\n\n(fn INPUT0)"]] 8 (#$ . 4125)]) #@133 Rename the current symbol to a new name. Lets the user choose what name to rename to, defaulting to the current name of the symbol. (defalias 'omnisharp-rename #[0 "\300\301!\302\303\"\304\305B\306 BB\307 \310\311\312\313\"#\207" [thing-at-point symbol read-string "Rename to: " (WantsTextChanges . true) RenameTo omnisharp--get-request-object omnisharp--get-request-object-for-emacs-side-use omnisharp--send-command-to-server-sync "rename" make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 omnisharp--rename-worker] 4 "\n\n(fn RENAME-RESPONSE)"]] 10 (#$ . 4597) nil]) #@47 (fn RENAME-RESPONSE LOCATION-BEFORE-RENAME) (defalias 'omnisharp--rename-worker #[514 "\300\236A\211\203\f\301!\207\302\236A\303\304!\210\305\306\"\210\307!\210\301\310\311\312\313\314\"\"\"\207" [ErrorMessage omnisharp--message Changes save-some-buffers t -map omnisharp--apply-text-changes omnisharp-go-to-file-line-and-column "Rename complete in files: \n%s" -interpose "\n" mapcar #[257 "\300!\207" [omnisharp--get-filename] 3 "\n\n(fn IT)"]] 12 (#$ . 5167)]) #@31 (fn MODIFIED-FILE-RESPONSE) (defalias 'omnisharp--apply-text-changes #[257 "\211\300\236A\301\302!\303!\"\207" [Changes omnisharp--update-files-with-text-changes omnisharp--get-filename omnisharp--vector-to-list] 7 (#$ . 5649)]) #@193 Rename the current symbol to a new name. Lets the user choose what name to rename to, defaulting to the current name of the symbol. Any renames require interactive confirmation from the user. (defalias 'omnisharp-rename-interactively #[0 "\301\302!\303\304\"\305\306!\307 \310 \311\300$\210\312!\207" [omnisharp--current-solution-files thing-at-point symbol read-string "Rename to: " y-or-n-p "Only rename full words?" omnisharp--get-solution-files-list-of-strings omnisharp--get-request-object-for-emacs-side-use tags-query-replace omnisharp-go-to-file-line-and-column] 10 (#$ . 5890) nil]) (provide 'omnisharp-current-symbol-actions)