;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@42 Makes sure omnisharp-host is ended by /  (defalias 'omnisharp--get-host #[0 "\301\302O\303\230\203 \207\303P\207" [omnisharp-host -1 nil "/"] 3 (#$ . 87)]) #@17 (fn API-NAME) (defalias 'omnisharp--get-api-url #[257 "\300 P\207" [omnisharp--get-host] 3 (#$ . 253)]) #@87 Post http request to server. Return result. (fn URL CALLBACK &optional PARAMS ASYNC) (defalias 'omnisharp-post-http-message #[1026 "\300\301!$\207" [omnisharp--submit-request omnisharp--get-api-url] 9 (#$ . 366)]) #@44 (fn URL CALLBACK &optional PARAMS ASYNC) (defalias 'omnisharp--submit-request #[1026 "\300\301\302\303#\203+\304\305 \301\306\307\310\311\312 ?\313\314 !\315\316\317\"\320\321\322\323\324\325&\"\207\326\327!\207" [require request nil noerror lexical-let* (c callback) :type "POST" :parser json-read :sync :data json-encode :error make-closure #[128 "\301\302\"A@\303\304\300#\207" [V0 plist-member :error-thrown message "Error from %s : %S"] 6 "\n\n(fn &rest ARGS &key ERROR-THROWN &allow-other-keys)"] :complete #[128 "\205\301\302!\207" [omnisharp-debug message "Request completed"] 3 "\n\n(fn &rest _)"] :success #[128 "\302\303\"A@\203!\210 \205\304\305!\207" [c omnisharp-debug plist-member :data message "Request succeeded"] 4 "\n\n(fn &key DATA &allow-other-keys)"] :status-code ((404 lambda (&rest _) (message (format "Endpoint %s does not exist." url))) (500 lambda (&rest _) (message (format "Error from %s." url)))) message "ERROR: You must install 'request-deferred' package"] 24 (#$ . 591)]) (provide 'omnisharp-http-utils)