;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@171 Actual implementation for autoloaded omnisharp-start-omnisharp-server. Will query user for a path to project/solution file to start the server with. (fn NO-AUTODETECT) (defalias 'omnisharp--start-omnisharp-server #[257 "\300 \301 \2050\204\211\203\302\303\304\305\306$!\207\307\310!\311!\203(\302!\202.\312\313\314\"!\262\207" [omnisharp--resolve-omnisharp-server-executable-path omnisharp--resolve-sln-candidates omnisharp--do-server-start completing-read "Omnisharp - Start Server" nil t read-file-name "Start OmniSharp for project folder or solution file: " file-exists-p error format "Path does not lead to a valid project directory or solution file path: %s"] 9 (#$ . 88)]) #@60 Actual implementation for autoloaded omnisharp-stop-server (defalias 'omnisharp--stop-server #[0 "\301=?\205 \302\303\236A!\207" [omnisharp--server-info nil kill-process :process] 3 (#$ . 789)]) #@64 Actual implementation for autoloaded omnisharp-reload-solution (defalias 'omnisharp--reload-solution #[0 "\303=\204 \303=\204\304\305\306 \236A!\207\307\310!\207" [omnisharp--last-project-path omnisharp--server-info omnisharp--restart-server-on-stop nil t kill-process :process message "Cannot reload project in Omnisharp - no project previously loaded"] 3 (#$ . 993)]) #@67 Actual implementation for autoloaded omnisharp-check-alive-status (defalias 'omnisharp--check-alive-status #[0 "\300\301\302\303#\207" [omnisharp--send-command-to-server "checkalivestatus" nil omnisharp--check-alive-status-worker] 4 (#$ . 1375)]) #@18 (fn ALIVE\=\?) (defalias 'omnisharp--check-alive-status-worker #[257 "\211\203\300\301!\207\300\302!\207" [message "Server is alive and well. Happy coding!" "Server is not alive"] 3 (#$ . 1628)]) #@68 Actual implementation for autoloaded omnisharp--check-ready-status (defalias 'omnisharp--check-ready-status #[0 "\300\301\302\303#\207" [omnisharp--send-command-to-server "checkreadystatus" nil #[257 "\211\203\300\301!\207\300\302!\207" [message "Server is ready" "Server is not ready yet"] 3 "\n\n(fn READY\\=\\?)"]] 4 (#$ . 1834)]) (provide 'omnisharp-server-actions)