;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\304\306&\210\307\310\311\312\313DD\314\304\301\315\316&\207" [custom-declare-group omnisharp nil "Omnisharp-emacs is a port of the awesome OmniSharp server to\nthe Emacs text editor. It provides IDE-like features for editing\nfiles in C# solutions in Emacs, provided by an OmniSharp server\ninstance that works in the background." :group external csharp custom-declare-variable omnisharp-host funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="http://localhost:2000/"] 1 #1#] "Currently expected to end with a / character." :type string] 8) #@95 The name of the temporary buffer that is used to display the results of a 'find usages' call. (defvar omnisharp--find-usages-buffer-name "* OmniSharp : Usages *" (#$ . 653)) #@62 When non-nil, omnisharp-emacs will write entries a debug log (defvar omnisharp-debug nil (#$ . 833)) #@104 The name of the temporary buffer that is used to display the results of a 'find implementations' call. (defvar omnisharp--find-implementations-buffer-name "* OmniSharp : Implementations *" (#$ . 941)) #@115 The name of the temporary buffer that is used to display any ambiguous unresolved symbols of a 'fix usings' call. (defvar omnisharp--ambiguous-symbols-buffer-name "* OmniSharp : Ambiguous unresolved symbols *" (#$ . 1149)) #@85 This is shown at the top of the result buffer when omnisharp-find-usages is called. (defvar omnisharp-find-usages-header "Usages in the current solution:\n\n" (#$ . 1378)) #@94 This is shown at the top of the result buffer when omnisharp-find-implementations is called. (defvar omnisharp-find-implementations-header "Implementations of the current interface / class:\n\n" (#$ . 1556)) #@126 This is shown at the top of the result buffer when there are ambiguous unresolved symbols after running omnisharp-fix-usings (defvar omnisharp-ambiguous-results-header "These results are ambiguous. You can run\n(omnisharp-run-code-action-refactoring) when point is on them to see\noptions for fixing them.\n\n" (#$ . 1771)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [custom-declare-variable omnisharp-code-format-expand-tab funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to expand tabs to spaces in code format requests." :group omnisharp :type (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil))] 8) #@28 Keymap for omnisharp-mode. (defvar omnisharp-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) (#$ . 2399)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\310\315%\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\306\307\310\321&\210\300\322\302\303\323DD\324\306\307\310\325&\210\300\326\302\303\327DD\330\306\307\310\331&\210\300\332\302\303\333DD\334\306\307\310\335&\210\300\336\302\303\337DD\340\306\307\310\341&\210\300\342\302\303\343DD\344\306\307\310\345&\210\300\346\302\303\347DD\350\306\307\310\351&\210\300\352\302\303\353DD\354\306\307\310\355&\210\300\356\302\303\357DD\360\306\307\310\361&\210\300\362\302\303\363DD\364\306\307\310\365&\210\300\366\302\303\367DD\370\306\307\310\371&\210\300\372\302\303\373DD\374\306\307\310\375&\210\300\376\302\303\377DD\201@\306\307\310\201A&\210\300\201B\302\303\201CDD\201D\306\307\310\201E&\210\300\201F\302\303\201GDD\201H\306\307\310\201I&\210\201J\201K!\207" [custom-declare-variable omnisharp-cache-directory funcall function #[0 "\300\301\302!\303\"\207" [f-join locate-user-emacs-file ".cache" "omnisharp"] 3] "Directory to store files that omnisharp produces." :group omnisharp :type directory omnisharp-server-executable-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Path to OmniSharp server override. Should be set to non-nil if server is installed locally.\nOtherwise omnisharp request the user to do M-x `omnisharp-install-server` and that server\nexecutable will be used instead." (choice (const :tag "Not Set" nil) string) omnisharp-expected-server-version #[0 "\300\207" [#1="1.26.3"] 1 #1#] "Version of the omnisharp-roslyn server that this omnisharp-emacs package\nis built for. Also used to select version for automatic server installation." string omnisharp-auto-complete-popup-help-delay #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "The timeout after which the auto-complete popup will show its help\n popup. Disabled by default because the help is often scrambled and\n looks bad." (choice (const :tag "disabled" nil) integer) omnisharp-auto-complete-popup-persist-help #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to keep the help window (accessed by pressing f1 while the\npopup window is active) open after any other key is\npressed. Defaults to true." (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-auto-complete-want-documentation #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to include auto-complete documentation for each and every\nresponse. This may be set to nil to get a speed boost for\ncompletions." (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-auto-complete-want-importable-types #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether to search for autocompletions in all available\nnamespaces. If a match is found for a new namespace, the namespace is\nautomatically imported. This variable may be set to nil to get a speed\nboost for completions." (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-company-do-template-completion #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Set to t if you want in-line parameter completion, nil\n otherwise." (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-company-template-use-yasnippet #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Set to t if you want completion to happen via yasnippet\n otherwise fall back on company's templating. Requires yasnippet\n to be installed" (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-company-ignore-case #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If t, case is ignored in completion matches." (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-company-strip-trailing-brackets #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If t, strips trailing <> and () from completions." (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-company-begin-after-member-access #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If t, begin completion when pressing '.' after a class, object\n or namespace" (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-company-sort-results #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If t, autocompletion results are sorted alphabetically" (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-imenu-support #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If t, activate imenu integration. Defaults to nil." (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-eldoc-support #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If t, activate eldoc integration - eldoc-mode must also be enabled for\n this to work. Defaults to t." (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) omnisharp-company-match-type #[0 "\300\207" [company-match-simple] 1] "Simple defaults to company's normal prefix matching (fast).\n Server allows the omnisharp-server to do the matching (slow but does fuzzy matching)." (choice (const :tag "Simple" 'company-match-simple) (const :tag "Server" 'company-match-server)) omnisharp-auto-complete-template-use-yasnippet #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Set to t if you want completion to happen via yasnippet\n otherwise fall back on auto-complete's templating. Requires yasnippet\n to be installed" (choice (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "No" nil)) provide omnisharp-settings] 8)