;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'ob) #@59 Default arguments for evaluating a plantuml source block. (defvar org-babel-default-header-args:plantuml '((:results . "file") (:exports . "results")) (#$ . 422)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\300\314\302\303\315DD\316\306\307\317\320\312\321\322\323& \210\300\324\302\303\325DD\326\306\307\317\327\312\313& \210\300\330\302\303\331DD\332\306\307\317\333\312\334& \207" [custom-declare-variable org-plantuml-jar-path funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1=""] 1 #1#] "Path to the plantuml.jar file." :group org-babel :version "24.1" :type string org-plantuml-exec-mode #[0 "\300\207" [jar] 1] "Method to use for PlantUML diagram generation.\n`jar' means to use java together with the JAR.\nThe JAR can be configured via `org-plantuml-jar-path'.\n\n`plantuml' means to use the PlantUML executable.\nThe executable can be configured via `org-plantuml-executable-path'.\nYou can also configure extra arguments via `org-plantuml-executable-args'." :package-version (Org . "9.4") symbol :options (jar plantuml) org-plantuml-executable-path #[0 "\300\207" [#2="plantuml"] 1 #2#] "File name of the PlantUML executable." (Org . "9.4") org-plantuml-executable-args #[0 "\300C\207" ["-headless"] 1] "The arguments passed to plantuml executable when executing PlantUML." (Org . "9.4") (repeat string)] 12) #@256 Return a list of PlantUML statements assigning the block's variables. PARAMS is a property list of source block parameters, which may contain multiple entries for the key `:var'. `:var' entries in PARAMS are expected to be scalar variables. (fn PARAMS) (defalias 'org-babel-variable-assignments:plantuml #[257 "\300\301\302!\"\207" [mapcar #[257 "\300\301@\302\303\304A##\207" [format "!define %s %s" replace-regexp-in-string "\"" ""] 8 "\n\n(fn PAIR)"] org-babel--get-vars] 5 (#$ . 1760)]) #@458 Return PlantUML input string. BODY is the content of the source block and PARAMS is a property list of source block parameters. This function relies on the `org-babel-expand-body:generic' function to extract `:var' entries from PARAMS and on the `org-babel-variable-assignments:plantuml' function to convert variables to PlantUML assignments. If BODY does not contain @startXXX ... @endXXX clauses, @startuml ... @enduml will be added. (fn BODY PARAMS) (defalias 'org-babel-plantuml-make-body #[514 "\300\301!#\302\303\304#\203\211\202\305\306\"\207" [org-babel-expand-body:generic org-babel-variable-assignments:plantuml string-prefix-p "@start" t format "@startuml\n%s\n@enduml"] 7 (#$ . 2264)]) #@126 Execute a block of plantuml code with org-babel. This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'. (fn BODY PARAMS) (defalias 'org-babel-execute:plantuml #[514 "\304\236A\206\n\305\306!\307\236A\310\311!\312\236A\206\313\314=\203# \202$\315\314=\203.\n\202O \313\230\203:\305\316!\202O\317 !\204G\305\320 \"\202O\321\322\323 !!E\324\"\325\326\327C\330\f!\211\331\232\203i\332\202\316\211\333\232\203s\334\202\316\211\335\232\203}\336\202\316\211\337\232\203\207\340\202\316\211\341\232\203\221\342\202\316\211\343\232\203\233\344\202\316\211\345\232\203\245\346\202\316\211\347\232\203\257\350\202\316\211\351\232\203\271\352\202\316\211\353\232\203\303\354\202\316\211\355\232\203\315\356\202\316\357\262\360\f\361\362!\363\362!\257$\364#\365\366\367!!\370\371\372\373\374!\375\"\376$\216r\211q\210c\210)r\211q\210\377\357\211\357\371%\210*\266\201@\201A\"\210\201B\313\"\210\357\207" [org-plantuml-exec-mode org-plantuml-executable-path org-plantuml-executable-args org-plantuml-jar-path :file error "PlantUML requires a \":file\" header argument" :cmdline org-babel-temp-file "plantuml-" :java "" plantuml "java" "`org-plantuml-jar-path' is not set" file-exists-p "Could not find plantuml.jar at %s" "-jar" shell-quote-argument expand-file-name org-babel-plantuml-make-body mapconcat identity append file-name-extension "png" ("-tpng") "svg" ("-tsvg") "eps" ("-teps") "pdf" ("-tpdf") "tex" ("-tlatex") "vdx" ("-tvdx") "xmi" ("-txmi") "scxml" ("-tscxml") "html" ("-thtml") "txt" ("-ttxt") "utxt" ("-utxt") nil "-p" "<" org-babel-process-file-name ">" " " get-buffer-create generate-new-buffer-name " *temp file*" make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" vconcat vector [buffer-name kill-buffer] 2 write-region message "%s" org-babel-eval] 22 (#$ . 2982)]) #@82 Return an error because plantuml does not support sessions. (fn SESSION PARAMS) (defalias 'org-babel-prep-session:plantuml #[514 "\300\301!\207" [error "Plantuml does not support sessions"] 4 (#$ . 4825)]) (provide 'ob-plantuml)