;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305#\207" [require ol org-link-set-parameters "w3m" :store org-w3m-store-link] 4) #@31 Store a link to a w3m buffer. (defalias 'org-w3m-store-link #[0 "\303=\205\304\305\306\307 \310\311\312!\313\n\206 &\207" [major-mode w3m-current-url w3m-current-title w3m-mode org-link-store-props :type "w3m" :link :url url-view-url t :description] 9 (#$ . 528)]) #@274 Copy current buffer content or active region with Org style links. This will encode `link-title' and `link-location' with `org-link-make-string', and insert the transformed test into the kill ring, so that it can be yanked into an Org buffer with links working correctly. (defalias 'org-w3m-copy-for-org-mode #[0 "\300 ed\301\211\211\211\211\203\302 \262\303 \262\304\305!\203\305 \210\306\307!\210\212b\210\211\204|\310 \204|`\262\311`\312\"\204>\313 \210`X\203s`V\203R`{P\262\311`\312\"\262`\314 {\262\315!\203l\316\"\202mP\262\202(b\210\317\262\202(`W\203\213`{P\262\320!\210\306\321!\210\306\322!)\207" [org-region-active-p nil region-beginning region-end fboundp deactivate-mark message "Transforming links..." org-w3m-no-next-link-p get-text-property w3m-href-anchor org-w3m-get-next-link-start org-w3m-get-anchor-end org-string-nw-p org-link-make-string t org-kill-new "Transforming links...done, use C-y to insert text into Org file" "Copy with link transformation complete."] 12 (#$ . 806) nil]) #@60 Move cursor to the start of current anchor. Return point. (defalias 'org-w3m-get-anchor-start #[0 "\300`\301\"\206`b\207" [previous-single-property-change w3m-anchor-sequence] 3 (#$ . 1862)]) #@58 Move cursor to the end of current anchor. Return point. (defalias 'org-w3m-get-anchor-end #[0 "\300`\301\"\206`b\207" [next-single-property-change w3m-anchor-sequence] 3 (#$ . 2063)]) #@55 Move cursor to the start of next link. Return point. (defalias 'org-w3m-get-next-link-start #[0 "\3002!\301`\302\"\205 \301`\302\"b\210\303`\304\"\203\305\300\306\"\210\2020\210`\207" [reach next-single-property-change w3m-anchor-sequence get-text-property w3m-href-anchor throw nil] 3 (#$ . 2256)]) #@59 Move cursor to the start of previous link. Return point. (defalias 'org-w3m-get-prev-link-start #[0 "\3002!\301`\302\"\205 \301`\302\"b\210\303`\304\"\203\305\300\306\"\210\2020\210`\207" [reach previous-single-property-change w3m-anchor-sequence get-text-property w3m-href-anchor throw nil] 3 (#$ . 2569)]) #@107 Whether there is no next link after the cursor. Return t if there is no next link; otherwise, return nil. (defalias 'org-w3m-no-next-link-p #[0 "\212`\300 \232)\207" [org-w3m-get-next-link-start] 2 (#$ . 2891)]) #@115 Whether there is no previous link after the cursor. Return t if there is no previous link; otherwise, return nil. (defalias 'org-w3m-no-prev-link-p #[0 "\212`\300 \232)\207" [org-w3m-get-prev-link-start] 2 (#$ . 3110)]) (byte-code "\302\300!\203\303!\203\304\305\306#\210\304\307\306#\210\302\301!\2030\303 !\2030\304 \305\306#\210\304 \307\306#\210\310\311\312\"\210\310\313\314\"\210\315\316!\207" [w3m-mode-map w3m-minor-mode-map boundp keymapp define-key "\367" org-w3m-copy-for-org-mode "" add-hook w3m-mode-hook #[0 "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\303#\207" [w3m-mode-map define-key "\367" org-w3m-copy-for-org-mode ""] 4] w3m-minor-mode-hook #[0 "\301\302\303#\210\301\304\303#\207" [w3m-minor-mode-map define-key "\367" org-w3m-copy-for-org-mode ""] 4] provide ol-w3m] 4)