;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\"\207" [require ob add-to-list org-babel-tangle-lang-exts ("spice" . "cir")] 3) #@73 Concatenate elements of a `WORDLIST' into a string separated by spaces. (defalias 'ob-spice-concat #[(wordlist) "@A\211\304\211\203 @ \305\nQ A\211\204\304 *\207" [wordlist newtext word --dolist-tail-- nil " "] 4 (#$ . 205)]) #@60 Expand BODY according to PARAMS, return the expanded body. (defalias 'org-babel-expand-body:spice #[(body params) "\306\307\310\311\"\"\312\313 \314\"\211\315\211\203\377@\313 \316\" \317! \315\"\211\203\361@\"\320\321\"\"\203r\322\317\"\"#\322\323\"\"$\324$!\325# \326#@8\211%\315=\204r%;\204n\327%!\"\202r%\"\320\330\"\"\203\247\322\317\"\"#\325# \331#\211%\315=\204\247%;\204\233\327%!%\332%\333P\315\211\"$\"\320\334\"\"\203\327\322\317\"\"#\325# \335#\211%\315=\204\327%;\204\323\327%!\"\202\327%\"\n!\317=?\205\341\316\"Q\336!A\211\2040*\n\314PA\211\204\315\n+\207" [params vars newbody body bodylinelist line mapcar cdr org-babel-get-header :var "" split-string "\n" nil " " 1 string-match "\\$\\(.*\\)\\[\\(.*\\)\\]" match-string 2 string-to-number assoc-default #[(key candidate) " \230\207" [key candidate] 2] number-to-string "\\$\\(.*\\)\\." #[(key candidate) " \230\207" [key candidate] 2] replace-match "." "\\$\\(.*\\)" #[(key candidate) " \230\207" [key candidate] 2] 0 --dolist-tail-- wordlist firstword word varname varindex newword] 6 (#$ . 451)]) #@67 Execute a block of Spice code `BODY' with org-babel and `PARAMS'. (defalias 'org-babel-execute:spice #[(body params) "\306 \"\307\310\311 \312\"\"\313\314\n\"\210\315\316\"\210\313\317\n\"\210\320 !\2031\321 !\322\323\324\f#\325\f\326\"\320!\203M\327\330Q\211 \235\204L\331 C\") *\207" [body params vars textfile rawtext result org-babel-expand-body:spice mapcar cdr org-babel-get-header :var mapc #[(pair) "@\303\230\205A\304PA\305P\211\207" [pair textfile imagefile "file" ".txt" ".png"] 2] org-babel-eval "ngspice -b " #[(pair) "@\303\230\205A\304PA\305P\211\207" [pair textfile imagefile "file" ".txt" ".png"] 2] file-readable-p get-string-from-file replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "" split-string "," "[[file:./" "]]" append imagefile #1=#:x] 7 (#$ . 1611)]) (provide 'ob-spice)