;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312&\210\313\314\315\316\311\304\317\320&\210\313\321\305\322\311\304\317\323&\210\313\324\315\325\311\304\317\320&\210\313\326\327\330\311\304\317\331&\210\313\332\305\333\311\304\317\334&\210\313\335\305\336\311\304\317\337&\210\340\341\342\343\344\345%\207" [require org ol custom-declare-group org-mew nil "Options concerning the Mew link." :tag "Org Startup" :group org-link custom-declare-variable org-mew-link-to-refile-destination t "Create a link to the refile destination if the message is marked as refile." :type boolean org-mew-inbox-folder "The folder where new messages are incorporated.\nIf `org-mew-inbox-folder' is non-nil, `org-mew-open' locates the message\nin this inbox folder as well as the folder specified by the link." string org-mew-use-id-db "Use ID database to locate the message if id.db is created." org-mew-subject-alist (list (cons (concat "^\\(?:\\(?:re\\|fwd?\\): *\\)*" "\\(?:[[(][a-z0-9._-]+[:,]? [0-9]+[])]\\)? *" "\\(?:\\(?:re\\|fwd?\\): *\\)*" "\\(.*\\)[ ]*") 1)) "Alist of subject regular expression and matched group number for search." (repeat (cons (regexp) (integer))) org-mew-capture-inbox-folders "List of inbox folders whose messages need refile marked before capture.\n`org-mew-capture' will ask you to put the refile mark on the\nmessage if the message's folder is any of these folders and the\nmessage is not marked. Nil means `org-mew-capture' never ask you\ndestination folders before capture." (repeat string) org-mew-capture-guess-alist "Alist of the regular expression of the folder name and the capture\ntemplate selection keys.\n\nFor example,\n '((\"^%emacs-orgmode$\" . \"o\")\n (\"\" . \"t\"))\nthe messages in \"%emacs-orgmode\" folder will be captured with\nthe capture template associated with \"o\" key, and any other\nmessages will be captured with the capture template associated\nwith \"t\" key." (repeat (cons regexp string)) org-link-set-parameters "mew" :follow org-mew-open :store org-mew-store-link] 8) #@42 Store a link to a Mew folder or message. (defalias 'org-mew-store-link #[nil "\306 \307\216 \310=\203\311 \210 \312>\205}\313 \314 \315\316!\203(\316\n \"\210\202/\317\n \320#q\210\321\322!\321\323!\321\324!)\321\325!*\321\326!+\327\211,-\330\331\332\333 \334)\335*\336+\337\f&\f\210\340\341\342\f#\343 ,\344\n\345\fR-\346\347-\350,$\210-. *\207" [#1=#:wconfig major-mode folder-name msgnum message-id from current-window-configuration #[nil "\301!\207" [#1# set-window-configuration] 2] mew-message-mode mew-message-goto-summary (mew-summary-mode mew-virtual-mode) mew-summary-message-number2 org-mew-folder-name fboundp mew-summary-set-message-buffer mew-cache-hit t mew-header-get-value "Message-Id:" "From:" "To:" "Date:" "Subject:" nil org-store-link-props :type "mew" :from :to :date :subject :message-id org-unbracket-string "<" ">" org-email-link-description "mew:" "#" org-add-link-props :link :description to date subject desc link] 14 (#$ . 2147)]) #@48 Return the folder name of the current message. (defalias 'org-mew-folder-name #[nil "\306 \307\216 \310=\203\311 \210\312 \313 \f\203* \314=\203*\315\316 \317\n!A@\"\2022\320 \321 \322\"),\207" [#1=#:wconfig major-mode msgnum mark-info org-mew-link-to-refile-destination folder-or-path current-window-configuration #[nil "\301!\207" [#1# set-window-configuration] 2] mew-message-mode mew-message-goto-summary mew-summary-message-number2 mew-summary-get-mark 111 mew-case-folder mew-sinfo-get-case mew-refile-get mew-summary-folder-name mew-folder-path-to-folder t] 4 (#$ . 3138)]) #@48 Follow the Mew message link specified by PATH. (defalias 'org-mew-open #[(path _) "\306\211\307\310\n\"\203\311\312\n\"\311\313\n\"\202E\307\314\n\"\203,\311\312\n\"\311\315\n\"\202E \203A\307\316\n\"\203A\306\311\312\n\"\202E\317\320!\210\321\322!\210\323 \210\f\204S\324 \210 \204a\322\325!\210\326!\202\206\327 \"\206\206 \203y \230\204y\327 \"\206\206 \203\203\326!\206\206\317\330!*\207" [message-id folder path org-mew-use-id-db mew-init-p org-mew-inbox-folder nil string-match "\\`\\(+.*\\)+\\+\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" match-string 1 2 "\\`\\(\\(%#\\)?[^#]+\\)\\(#\\(.*\\)\\)?" 4 "\\`#\\(.+\\)" error "Error in Mew link" require mew mew-window-push mew-init t org-mew-open-by-message-id org-mew-follow-link "Message not found"] 3 (#$ . 3735)]) (defalias 'org-mew-follow-link #[(folder message-id) "\304!\204 \305\306\"\210\307!\210 \205'\310 \"\311\n!\205& \203%\312 \210\313)\207" [folder message-id msgnum mew-summary-goto-line-then-display org-mew-folder-exists-p error "No such folder or wrong folder %s" mew-summary-visit-folder org-mew-get-msgnum mew-summary-search-msg mew-summary-display t] 3]) (defalias 'org-mew-folder-exists-p #[(folder) "\302!\303!\203\304!\202' \204\305\202'\306\307!!\203$\310\202'\311 !)\207" [folder dir mew-expand-folder mew-folder-virtualp get-buffer nil mew-folder-remotep mew-case:folder-folder t file-directory-p] 3]) (defalias 'org-mew-get-msgnum #[(folder message-id) "\304\305\"\203 \207\306P\307 \n\310#\211@*\207" [message-id pattern folder msgs string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\'" "message-id=" mew-summary-pick-with-mewl nil] 5]) #@33 Open message using ID database. (defalias 'org-mew-open-by-message-id #[(message-id) "\302\303\304\"\305\306#\211\307=?\205\310\311!)\207" [message-id result mew-summary-diag-global format "<%s>" "-p" "Message" t error "Message not found"] 5 (#$ . 5365)]) #@571 Show all entries related to the message using `org-search-view'. It shows entries which contains the message ID, the reference IDs, or the subject of the message. With C-u prefix, search for the entries that contains the message ID or any of the reference IDs. With C-u C-u prefix, search for the message ID or the last reference ID. The search phase for the subject is extracted with `org-mew-subject-alist', which defines the regular expression of the subject and the group number to extract. You can get rid of "Re:" and some other prefix from the subject text. (defalias 'org-mew-search #[(&optional arg) "\306>\205\256 \307\232 ?\310 \311 \312\211\211\211)*+,\313 -\314\216\315\316!\2035\316)*\"\210\202>\317)*\320#q\210\321\322!\321\323!\321\324!*\325\326\327 !\",\203^\330\n!\202j\f\203j\331\332\333\f#\nB+\203\203 ;\203\203\3342~\335\336.\"0\210 \nB\n\204\216\337\340!\210\202\252\nG\341=\203\236\342\312\n@\"\210\202\252\342\312\343\344\345\346\n\347#\"\"\210.\350 \207" [major-mode arg id-list references message-id subject (mew-summary-mode mew-virtual-mode) (16) mew-summary-message-number2 mew-summary-folder-name nil current-window-configuration #[nil "\301!\207" [#1=#:wconfig set-window-configuration] 2] fboundp mew-summary-set-message-buffer mew-cache-hit t mew-header-get-value "Subject:" "Message-Id:" "References:" mapcar #[(id) "\301\302\303#\207" [id org-unbracket-string "<" ">"] 4] mew-idstr-to-id-list last org-unbracket-string "<" ">" matched mapc #[(elem) "@A\304\n \"\205\305 \"\306\307\310\"*\207" [elem num regexp subject string-match match-string throw matched t] 3] error "No message ID to search" 1 org-search-view format "{\\(%s\\)}" mapconcat regexp-quote "\\|" delete-other-windows folder-name msgnum by-subject last-reference-only #1# org-mew-subject-alist] 8 (#$ . 5632) "P"]) #@696 Guess the capture template from the folder name and invoke `org-capture'. This selects a capture template in `org-capture-templates' by searching for capture template selection keys defined in `org-mew-capture-guess-alist' which are associated with the regular expression that matches the message's folder name, and then invokes `org-capture'. If the message's folder is a inbox folder, you are prompted to put the refile mark on the message and the capture template is guessed from the refile destination folder. You can customize the inbox folders by `org-mew-capture-inbox-folders'. If ARG is non-nil, this does not guess the capture template but asks you to select the capture template. (defalias 'org-mew-capture #[(arg) "\306 \235\203(\307 \310=\204(\311 \312\216\n\313=\203\314 \210\315\316 +\204(\317\320!\210\321\306 ?\2056\322 !\323\324\"+\207" [org-mew-capture-inbox-folders #1=#:wconfig major-mode mew-mark-afterstep-spec org-mew-link-to-refile-destination folder-name org-mew-folder-name mew-summary-get-mark 111 current-window-configuration #[nil "\301!\207" [#1# set-window-configuration] 2] mew-message-mode mew-message-goto-summary ((111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) mew-summary-refile error "No refile folder selected" t org-mew-capture-guess-selection-keys org-capture nil arg keys] 3 (#$ . 7508) "P"]) (defalias 'org-mew-capture-guess-selection-keys #[(folder-name) "\3042&\211\205$ @\305\n@ \"\203\306\304\nA\"\210) A\211\204\n\307)0\207" [org-mew-capture-guess-alist alist elem folder-name found string-match throw nil] 4]) (provide 'ol-mew)