;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (require 'cl-lib) #@117 Return bibliography file as a string. KEYWORD is a "BIBLIOGRAPHY" keyword. If no file is found, return nil instead. (defalias 'org-bibtex-get-file #[(keyword) "\302\211;\203 \303\304#\266\202\202 \305A@\"\266\202\211\205) \306\307 \"\205) \310\311 \")\207" [keyword value :value get-text-property 0 plist-get string-match "\\(\\S-+\\)[ ]+\\(\\S-+\\)\\(.*\\)" match-string 1] 7 (#$ . 106)]) #@119 Return bibliography style as a string. KEYWORD is a "BIBLIOGRAPHY" keyword. If no style is found, return nil instead. (defalias 'org-bibtex-get-style #[(keyword) "\302\211;\203 \303\304#\266\202\202 \305A@\"\266\202\211\205) \306\307 \"\205) \310\311 \")\207" [keyword value :value get-text-property 0 plist-get string-match "\\(\\S-+\\)[ ]+\\(\\S-+\\)\\(.*\\)" match-string 2] 7 (#$ . 512)]) #@284 Return "bibtex2html" arguments specified by the user. KEYWORD is a "BIBLIOGRAPHY" keyword. Return value is a plist containing `:options' and `:limit' properties. The former contains a list of strings to be passed as options to "bibtex2html" process. The latter contains a boolean. (defalias 'org-bibtex-get-arguments #[(keyword) "\306\211;\203 \307\310#\266\202\202 \311A@\"\266\202\211\205l \312\313 \"\205l \314\211\315\316\317 \"!\314\211\203c @\315\f\320\"\211@A@\321\267\202[ \322\232?\202[ B+ A\211\2046 \314\323\237\324\nF,)\207" [keyword value limit options arg --dolist-tail-- :value get-text-property 0 plist-get string-match "\\(\\S-+\\)[ ]+\\(\\S-+\\)\\(.*\\)" nil split-string match-string 3 ":" #s(hash-table size 2 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("limit" 79 "option" 87)) "nil" :options :limit s key] 7 (#$ . 921)]) #@36 Non-nil when OBJECT is a citation. (defalias 'org-bibtex-citation-p #[(object) "\211:\204 \211;\205 \302\262\202 \211@9\205 \211@\262\211\303\267\202_ \304\211;\2033 \305\306#\266\202\202; \307A@\"\266\202\310\232\202` \311\312\313\211;\203S \305\306#\266\202\202[ \307A@\"\266\202\"\202` \314)\207" [object #1=#:temp plain-text #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (link 34 latex-fragment 64)) :type get-text-property 0 plist-get "cite" string-match "\\`\\\\cite{" :value nil] 9 (#$ . 1828)]) #@149 Return key for a given citation, as a string. CITATION is a `latex-fragment' or `link' type object satisfying to `org-bibtex-citation-p' predicate. (defalias 'org-bibtex-get-citation-key #[(citation) "\211:\204 \211;\205 \302\262\202 \211@9\205 \211@\262\303=\2034 \304\211;\203- \305\306#\207\307A@\"\207\310\211;\203E \305\306#\266\202\202M \307A@\"\266\202\311\312 \"\205Z \306\225\313O)\207" [citation value plain-text link :path get-text-property 0 plist-get :value string-match "\\`\\\\cite{" -1] 6 (#$ . 2395)]) #@29 Org file of BibTeX entries. (defvar org-bibtex-file nil (#$ . 2939)) #@32 Visit a citation given its ID. (defalias 'org-bibtex-goto-citation #[(&optional citation) "\206 \303\304\305 \"\306 \206 \307\310!!\210\311\312\"\211\205! \nb\210\313*\207" [citation org-bibtex-file position completing-read "Citation: " obe-citations find-file error "`org-bibtex-file' has not been configured" org-find-property "CUSTOM_ID" t] 4 (#$ . 3014) nil]) (byte-code "\301\302\303\"@\304\305\"\210)\301\207" [jump-fn cl-remove-if-not fboundp (ebib org-bibtex-goto-citation) org-add-link-type "cite"] 3) #@87 Send each bibliography in parse tree to "bibtex2html" process. Return new parse tree. (defalias 'org-bibtex-process-bib-files #[(tree backend info) "\304\305\306#\203 \307\211\310\311\312#\210\207" [backend org-bibtex-html-entries-alist org-bibtex-html-keywords-alist tree org-export-derived-backend-p ascii html nil org-element-map keyword #[(keyword) "\306\211;\203 \307\310#\266\202\202 \311A@\"\266\202\312\232\205\273\313!\314!\315\211\316!\317\232\2038 \320!\2029 \320\321!!\311\f\322\"\203\211 \323 \324\325#@\326\327!\211\330\331\332\"AB\333\216rAq\210\334\335@\336#c\210)rAq\210\337\315\211B\315\310%\210,\340\f\341\342\311\f\341\"\343\nD\"#)\344\345\342\346\347\350\351!!\211C\205\235 \352CD)\311\f\341\"\353PC%\"\310=\204\261 \354\355!\210\n\203\271 \356\n!\210\330\357\332\"DrDq\210\360\216\361 \362P!\210eb\210\363\364\315\332#\203\346 \365\366!\365\367!BEBE\202\317 +\330\357\332\"FrFq\210\370\216\371G\372\"\203\373\374\375\376\377H#\"c\210\361 \362P!\210db\210\201J c\210\202\255\371G\201K \"\203\255\345\201L \315\211\211 \362P\201M \201N P&\310=\204A\354\201O !\210\373\201P \375\376\201Q \373\201R \311H\201S \"\"!H#\"c\210\361 \201N P!\210eb\210\363\201T \315\332#\203}\201U \201V !\210\202heb\210\363\201W \315\332#\203\225\201U \201V !\210\202\200eb\210\363\201X \315\332#\203\255\201U \201Y !\210\202\230\201Z BIB\211I.\207" [keyword out-file temp-file file arguments tree :key get-text-property 0 plist-get "BIBLIOGRAPHY" org-bibtex-get-arguments org-bibtex-get-file nil file-name-extension "bib" file-name-sans-extension file-name-nondirectory :limit org-element-map (latex-fragment link) #[(object) "\301!\205 \302!\207" [object org-bibtex-citation-p org-bibtex-get-citation-key] 2] make-temp-file "ox-bibtex" generate-new-buffer " *temp file*" t #[nil "\301!\205 \302!\207" [#1=#:temp-buffer buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] mapconcat identity "\n" write-region plist-put :options append "-citefile" apply call-process ("bibtex2html" nil nil nil) ("-a" "-nodoc" "-noheader" "-nofooter") org-not-nil org-bibtex-get-style "--style" ".bib" error "Executing bibtex2html failed" delete-file " *temp*" #[nil "\301!\205 \302!\207" [#2=#:temp-buffer buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] insert-file-contents ".html" re-search-forward "a name=\"\\([-_a-zA-Z0-9:]+\\)\">\\([^<]+\\)" match-string 1 2 #[nil "\301!\205 \302!\207" [#3=#:temp-buffer buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] org-export-derived-backend-p html format "