;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\301\302!\210\301\303!\210\304\305\"\204\306\300\307\"\210\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317&\210\320\321\322\323\316\311\324\325&\210\320\326\327\330\316\311\324\331&\210\320\332\333\334\316\311\324\335&\210\320\336\337\340\316\311\324\325&\210\320\341\337\342\316\311\324\325&\210\320\343\337\344\316\311\324\325\345\346& \210\320\347\337\350\316\311\324\325\345\346& \210\320\351\337\352\316\311\324\325&\210\320\353\337\354\316\311\324\325&\210\320\355\337\356\316\311\324\325&\210\320\357\337\360\316\311\324\325&\210\320\361\337\362\316\311\324\325&\210\320\363\312\364\316\311\324\365&\210\320\366\367\370\324\371\316\311&\210\320\372\312\373\316\311\324\365&\210\320\374\367\375\316\311\324\376&\210\320\377\312\201@\316\311\324\365&\210\320\201A\312\201B\316\311\324\365\345\201C& \210\320\201D\312\201E\316\311\324\365\345\201C& \210\320\201F\312\201G\316\311\324\365&\210\320\201H\367\201I\316\311\324\365&\210\320\201J\305\201K\316\311\324\325&\210\320\201L\367\201M\316\311\324\365&\210\320\201N\312\201O\316\311\324\365&\207" [org-latex-classes require cl-lib ox-latex assoc "default-koma-letter" add-to-list ("default-koma-letter" "\\documentclass[11pt]{scrlttr2}") custom-declare-group org-export-koma-letter nil "Options for exporting to KOMA scrlttr2 class in LaTeX export." :tag "Org Koma-Letter" :group org-export custom-declare-variable org-koma-letter-class-option-file "NF" "Letter Class Option File.\nThis option can also be set with the LCO keyword." :type string org-koma-letter-author 'user-full-name "Sender's name.\n\nThis variable defaults to calling the function `user-full-name'\nwhich just returns the current function `user-full-name'.\nAlternatively a string, nil or a function may be given.\nFunctions must return a string.\n\nThis option can also be set with the AUTHOR keyword." (radio (function-item user-full-name) (string) (function) (const :tag "Do not export author" nil)) org-koma-letter-email 'org-koma-letter-email "Sender's email address.\n\nThis variable defaults to the value `org-koma-letter-email' which\nreturns `user-mail-address'. Alternatively a string, nil or\na function may be given. Functions must return a string.\n\nThis option can also be set with the EMAIL keyword." (radio (function-item org-koma-letter-email) (string) (function) (const :tag "Do not export email" nil)) org-koma-letter-from-address "" "Sender's address, as a string.\nThis option can also be set with one or more FROM_ADDRESS\nkeywords." org-koma-letter-phone-number "Sender's phone number, as a string.\nThis option can also be set with the PHONE_NUMBER keyword." org-koma-letter-url "Sender's URL, e. g., the URL of her homepage.\nThis option can also be set with the URL keyword." :safe stringp org-koma-letter-from-logo "Commands for inserting the sender's logo, e. g., \\includegraphics{logo}.\nThis option can also be set with the FROM_LOGO keyword." org-koma-letter-place "Place from which the letter is sent, as a string.\nThis option can also be set with the PLACE keyword." org-koma-letter-location "Sender's extension field, as a string.\n\nThis option can also be set with the LOCATION keyword.\nMoreover, when:\n (1) Either `org-koma-letter-prefer-special-headings' is non-nil\n or there is no LOCATION keyword or the LOCATION keyword is\n empty;\n (2) the letter contains a headline with the special\n tag \"location\";\nthen the location will be set as the content of the location\nspecial heading.\n\nThe location field is typically printed right of the address\nfield (See Figure 4.9. in the English manual of 2015-10-03)." org-koma-letter-opening "Letter's opening, as a string.\n\nThis option can also be set with the OPENING keyword. Moreover,\nwhen:\n (1) Either `org-koma-letter-prefer-special-headings' is non-nil\n or the CLOSING keyword is empty\n (2) `org-koma-letter-headline-is-opening-maybe' is non-nil;\n (3) the letter contains a headline without a special\n tag (e.g. \"to\" or \"ps\");\nthen the opening will be implicitly set as the untagged headline title." org-koma-letter-closing "Letter's closing, as a string.\nThis option can also be set with the CLOSING keyword. Moreover,\nwhen:\n (1) Either `org-koma-letter-prefer-special-headings' is non-nil\n or the CLOSING keyword is empty;\n (2) `org-koma-letter-headline-is-opening-maybe' is non-nil;\n (3) the letter contains a headline with the special\n tag \"closing\";\nthen the opening will be set as the title of the closing special\nheading title." org-koma-letter-signature "Signature, as a string.\nThis option can also be set with the SIGNATURE keyword.\nMoreover, when:\n (1) Either `org-koma-letter-prefer-special-headings' is non-nil\n or there is no CLOSING keyword or the CLOSING keyword is empty;\n (2) `org-koma-letter-headline-is-opening-maybe' is non-nil;\n (3) the letter contains a headline with the special\n tag \"closing\";\nthen the signature will be set as the content of the\nclosing special heading.\n\nNote if the content is empty the signature will not be set." org-koma-letter-prefer-special-headings "Non-nil means prefer headlines over keywords for TO and FROM.\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"special-headings:t\"." boolean org-koma-letter-subject-format t "Non-nil means include the subject.\n\nSupport formatting options.\n\nWhen t, insert a subject using default options. When nil, do not\ninsert a subject at all. It can also be a list of symbols among\nthe following ones:\n\n `afteropening' Subject after opening\n `beforeopening' Subject before opening\n `centered' Subject centered\n `left' Subject left-justified\n `right' Subject right-justified\n `titled' Add title/description to subject\n `underlined' Set subject underlined\n `untitled' Do not add title/description to subject\n\nPlease refer to the KOMA-script manual (Table 4.16. in the\nEnglish manual of 2012-07-22).\n\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"subject:(underlined centered)\"." (choice (const :tag "No export" nil) (const :tag "Default options" t) (set :tag "Configure options" (const :tag "Subject after opening" afteropening) (const :tag "Subject before opening" beforeopening) (const :tag "Subject centered" centered) (const :tag "Subject left-justified" left) (const :tag "Subject right-justified" right) (const :tag "Add title or description to subject" underlined) (const :tag "Set subject underlined" titled) (const :tag "Do not add title or description to subject" untitled))) org-koma-letter-use-backaddress "Non-nil prints return address in line above to address.\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"backaddress:t\"." org-koma-letter-use-foldmarks "Configure appearance of folding marks.\n\nWhen t, activate default folding marks. When nil, do not insert\nfolding marks at all. It can also be a list of symbols among the\nfollowing ones:\n\n `B' Activate upper horizontal mark on left paper edge\n `b' Deactivate upper horizontal mark on left paper edge\n\n `H' Activate all horizontal marks on left paper edge\n `h' Deactivate all horizontal marks on left paper edge\n\n `L' Activate left vertical mark on upper paper edge\n `l' Deactivate left vertical mark on upper paper edge\n\n `M' Activate middle horizontal mark on left paper edge\n `m' Deactivate middle horizontal mark on left paper edge\n\n `P' Activate punch or center mark on left paper edge\n `p' Deactivate punch or center mark on left paper edge\n\n `T' Activate lower horizontal mark on left paper edge\n `t' Deactivate lower horizontal mark on left paper edge\n\n `V' Activate all vertical marks on upper paper edge\n `v' Deactivate all vertical marks on upper paper edge\n\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"foldmarks:(b l m t)\"." (choice (const :tag "Activate default folding marks" t) (const :tag "Deactivate folding marks" nil) (set :tag "Configure folding marks" (const :tag "Activate upper horizontal mark on left paper edge" B) (const :tag "Deactivate upper horizontal mark on left paper edge" b) (const :tag "Activate all horizontal marks on left paper edge" H) (const :tag "Deactivate all horizontal marks on left paper edge" h) (const :tag "Activate left vertical mark on upper paper edge" L) (const :tag "Deactivate left vertical mark on upper paper edge" l) (const :tag "Activate middle horizontal mark on left paper edge" M) (const :tag "Deactivate middle horizontal mark on left paper edge" m) (const :tag "Activate punch or center mark on left paper edge" P) (const :tag "Deactivate punch or center mark on left paper edge" p) (const :tag "Activate lower horizontal mark on left paper edge" T) (const :tag "Deactivate lower horizontal mark on left paper edge" t) (const :tag "Activate all vertical marks on upper paper edge" V) (const :tag "Deactivate all vertical marks on upper paper edge" v))) org-koma-letter-use-phone "Non-nil prints sender's phone number.\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"phone:t\"." org-koma-letter-use-url "Non-nil prints sender's URL.\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"url:t\"." booleanp org-koma-letter-use-from-logo "Non-nil prints sender's FROM_LOGO.\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"from-logo:t\"." org-koma-letter-use-email "Non-nil prints sender's email address.\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"email:t\"." org-koma-letter-use-place "Non-nil prints the letter's place next to the date.\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword, e.g.:\n\"place:nil\"." org-koma-letter-default-class "Default class for `org-koma-letter'.\nThe value must be a member of `org-latex-classes'." org-koma-letter-headline-is-opening-maybe "Non-nil means a headline may be used as an opening and closing.\nSee also `org-koma-letter-opening' and\n`org-koma-letter-closing'." org-koma-letter-prefer-subject "Non-nil means title should be interpreted as subject if subject is missing.\nThis option can also be set with the OPTIONS keyword,\ne.g. \"title-subject:t\"."] 10) #@43 Header tags related to the letter itself. (defconst org-koma-letter-special-tags-in-letter '(to from closing location) (#$ . 10322)) #@57 Header tags to be inserted in the letter after closing. (defconst org-koma-letter-special-tags-after-closing '(after_closing ps encl cc) (#$ . 10461)) #@38 Header tags to be inserted as macros (defconst org-koma-letter-special-tags-as-macro '(ps encl cc) (#$ . 10618)) #@46 Header tags to be inserted after the letter. (defconst org-koma-letter-special-tags-after-letter '(after_letter) (#$ . 10737)) #@36 Holds special content temporarily. (defvar org-koma-letter-special-contents nil (#$ . 10870)) (org-export-define-derived-backend 'koma-letter 'latex :options-alist '((:latex-class "LATEX_CLASS" nil org-koma-letter-default-class t) (:lco "LCO" nil org-koma-letter-class-option-file) (:author "AUTHOR" nil (org-koma-letter--get-value org-koma-letter-author) parse) (:author-changed-in-buffer-p "AUTHOR" nil nil t) (:from-address "FROM_ADDRESS" nil org-koma-letter-from-address newline) (:phone-number "PHONE_NUMBER" nil org-koma-letter-phone-number) (:url "URL" nil org-koma-letter-url) (:from-logo "FROM_LOGO" nil org-koma-letter-from-logo) (:email "EMAIL" nil (org-koma-letter--get-value org-koma-letter-email) t) (:to-address "TO_ADDRESS" nil nil newline) (:place "PLACE" nil org-koma-letter-place) (:location "LOCATION" nil org-koma-letter-location) (:subject "SUBJECT" nil nil parse) (:opening "OPENING" nil org-koma-letter-opening parse) (:closing "CLOSING" nil org-koma-letter-closing parse) (:signature "SIGNATURE" nil org-koma-letter-signature newline) (:special-headings nil "special-headings" org-koma-letter-prefer-special-headings) (:special-tags-as-macro nil nil org-koma-letter-special-tags-as-macro) (:special-tags-in-letter nil nil org-koma-letter-special-tags-in-letter) (:special-tags-after-closing nil "after-closing-order" org-koma-letter-special-tags-after-closing) (:special-tags-after-letter nil "after-letter-order" org-koma-letter-special-tags-after-letter) (:with-backaddress nil "backaddress" org-koma-letter-use-backaddress) (:with-email nil "email" org-koma-letter-use-email) (:with-foldmarks nil "foldmarks" org-koma-letter-use-foldmarks) (:with-phone nil "phone" org-koma-letter-use-phone) (:with-url nil "url" org-koma-letter-use-url) (:with-from-logo nil "from-logo" org-koma-letter-use-from-logo) (:with-place nil "place" org-koma-letter-use-place) (:with-subject nil "subject" org-koma-letter-subject-format) (:with-title-as-subject nil "title-subject" org-koma-letter-prefer-subject) (:with-headline-opening nil nil org-koma-letter-headline-is-opening-maybe) (:inbuffer-author "AUTHOR" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-from "FROM" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-email "EMAIL" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-phone-number "PHONE_NUMBER" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-url "URL" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-from-logo "FROM_LOGO" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-place "PLACE" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-location "LOCATION" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-signature "SIGNATURE" nil 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-with-backaddress nil "backaddress" 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-with-email nil "email" 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-with-foldmarks nil "foldmarks" 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-with-phone nil "phone" 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-with-url nil "url" 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-with-from-logo nil "from-logo" 'koma-letter:empty) (:inbuffer-with-place nil "place" 'koma-letter:empty)) :translate-alist '((export-block . org-koma-letter-export-block) (export-snippet . org-koma-letter-export-snippet) (headline . org-koma-letter-headline) (keyword . org-koma-letter-keyword) (template . org-koma-letter-template)) :menu-entry '(107 "Export with KOMA Scrlttr2" ((76 "As LaTeX buffer" org-koma-letter-export-as-latex) (108 "As LaTeX file" org-koma-letter-export-to-latex) (112 "As PDF file" org-koma-letter-export-to-pdf) (111 "As PDF file and open" (lambda (a s v b) (if a (org-koma-letter-export-to-pdf t s v b) (org-open-file (org-koma-letter-export-to-pdf nil s v b)))))))) #@41 Return the current `user-mail-address'. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-email #[nil "\207" [user-mail-address] 1 (#$ . 14436)]) #@109 Get contents from a headline tagged with KEY. The contents is stored in `org-koma-letter-special-contents'. (defalias 'org-koma-letter--get-tagged-contents #[(key) "\303\304! \"A\211\205$\305\n\306\307\203\310\202\311\312\307\313\312##\266\202!)\207" [key org-koma-letter-special-contents value assoc-string org-koma-letter--get-value org-string-nw-p nil replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\([ ]*\n\\)+" "\\`[ \n ]+" "" "[ \n ]+\\'"] 11 (#$ . 14567)]) #@134 Turn value into a string whenever possible. Determines if VALUE is nil, a string, a function or a symbol and return a string or nil. (defalias 'org-koma-letter--get-value #[(value) "\205;\203 \207\301!\203 \2079\203\302!\207\207" [value functionp symbol-name] 2 (#$ . 15034)]) #@235 Process KEYWORDS members of `org-koma-letter-special-contents'. KEYWORDS is a list of symbols. Return them as a string to be formatted. The function is used for inserting content of special headings such as the one tagged with PS. (defalias 'org-koma-letter--special-contents-inline #[(keywords info) "\301\302\303#\207" [keywords mapconcat #[(keyword) "\305!\306 !\307 \310\">\n\204\311\202$\f\203#\312\313 \n#\202$\n+\207" [keyword name value info macrop org-koma-letter--get-value org-koma-letter--get-tagged-contents plist-get :special-tags-as-macro nil format "\\%s{%s}\n"] 4] "\n"] 4 (#$ . 15333)]) #@58 Replace regular newlines with LaTeX newlines (i.e. `\\') (defalias 'org-koma-letter--add-latex-newlines #[(string) "\302\303\203 \304\202\f\305\306\303\307\306##\266\202\310 !\205\"\303\311\312 #)\207" [string str nil replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\([ ]*\n\\)+" "\\`[ \n ]+" "" "[ \n ]+\\'" org-string-nw-p "\n" "\\\\\\\\\n"] 9 (#$ . 15958)]) #@127 Transcode an EXPORT-BLOCK element into KOMA Scrlttr2 code. CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist used as a communication channel. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-export-block #[(export-block contents info) "\301\211;\203\302\303#\266\202\202\304A@\"\266\202\305\235\2059\306\307\211;\2030\302\303#\266\202\2028\304A@\"\266\202!\207" [export-block :type get-text-property 0 plist-get ("KOMA-LETTER" "LATEX") org-remove-indentation :value] 7 (#$ . 16319)]) #@128 Transcode an EXPORT-SNIPPET object into KOMA Scrlttr2 code. CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist used as a communication channel. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-export-snippet #[(export-snippet contents info) "\301!\302>\205\303\211;\203\304\305#\207\306A@\"\266\202\207" [export-snippet org-export-snippet-backend (latex koma-letter) :value get-text-property 0 plist-get] 6 (#$ . 16789)]) #@121 Transcode a KEYWORD element into KOMA Scrlttr2 code. CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist used as a communication channel. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-keyword #[(keyword contents info) "\305\211;\203\306\307#\266\202\202\310A@\"\266\202\311\211;\203*\306\307#\266\202\2022\310A@\"\266\202\211\312\232\203> \202D\313\314 \f$*\207" [keyword value key contents info :key get-text-property 0 plist-get :value "KOMA-LETTER" org-export-with-backend latex] 8 (#$ . 17189)]) #@338 Transcode a HEADLINE element from Org to LaTeX. CONTENTS holds the contents of the headline. INFO is a plist holding contextual information. Note that if a headline is tagged with a tag from `org-koma-letter-special-tags' it will not be exported, but stored in `org-koma-letter-special-contents' and included at the appropriate place. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-headline #[(headline contents info) "\305 \"\211\204 \202\n B\fB\306)\207" [headline info special-tag contents org-koma-letter-special-contents org-koma-letter--special-tag ""] 4 (#$ . 17680)]) #@128 Non-nil if HEADLINE is a special headline. INFO is a plist holding contextual information. Return first special tag headline. (defalias 'org-koma-letter--special-tag #[(headline info) "\303\304\305\"\304\306\"\304\307\"#\310\311\312\n\"\")\207" [info special-tags headline append plist-get :special-tags-in-letter :special-tags-after-closing :special-tags-after-letter cl-some #[(tag) "\302 \"\205\207" [tag special-tags assoc-string] 3] org-export-get-tags] 6 (#$ . 18252)]) #@364 Return the correct version of opening or closing. PLIST-KEY should be a key in info, typically :opening or :closing. PRED is a predicate run on headline to determine which title to use which takes two arguments, a headline element and an info plist. INFO is a plist holding contextual information. Return the preferred candidate for the exported of PLIST-KEY. (defalias 'org-koma-letter--keyword-or-headline #[(plist-key pred info) "\304 \"\304\305\"\205\"\304\306\"\204\n?\205\"\307\304\310\"\311\312\313%\314 \206-\n\206-\315\"*\207" [info plist-key keyword-candidate headline-candidate plist-get :with-headline-opening :special-headings org-element-map :parse-tree headline #[(h) " \n\"\205\303 \211;\203\304\305#\207\306A@\"\266\202\207" [pred h info :title get-text-property 0 plist-get] 6] t org-export-data ""] 6 (#$ . 18745)]) #@150 Return complete document string after KOMA Scrlttr2 conversion. CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist holding export options. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-template #[(contents info) "\306\307\"\205\n\310\311!\312!\313!\314\315\"\316\317\320\306\321\"\206\322!\322#\314\323\"\324\325\326\327!\"\"\306\330\"\306\331\" \205A\306\332\"\333\326\306\334\"\"!\n\205Y\333\326\306\335\"\"! \204b\336\202o \203n\f\206o \202o\f?\n\204y\336\202\206 \203\205\f\205\206 \202\206 @\306\337\"A\340\341@\206\233?\206\233\322BC\342!\"B \205\277 \343=?\205\277\324\344 9\203\271 \202\276\316\345 \346#\"A;\205\313\347AB\"\350?\205\326\324\351?\"@\205\340\324\352@\"\333@!\204\356\333?!\205\357\353\260. \306\354\"\355\356!CD\324\357\360\306\361\"\203C\206D\202D\206C\206\362!\"*\324\363\364\365\366#\"E\324\367\364\370\371#\"\372\306\373\"\"\374\372\306\375\"\"\376\260\207" [info with-subject with-title title-as-subject subject* title* plist-get :time-stamp-file format-time-string "%% Created %Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M\n" org-latex--insert-compiler org-latex-make-preamble org-koma-letter--build-settings global mapconcat #[(file) "\301\302\"\207" [file format "\\LoadLetterOption{%s}\n"] 3] split-string :lco "" buffer format "\\date{%s}\n" org-export-data org-export-get-date :with-subject :with-title :with-title-as-subject org-string-nw-p :subject :title nil :latex-hyperref-template append 116 org-latex--format-spec t "\\KOMAoption{subject}{%s}\n" symbol-name "," format-spec "\\begin{document}\n\n" "\\setkomavar{subject}{%s}\n" "\\setkomavar{title}{%s}\n" "\n" :to-address org-koma-letter--get-tagged-contents to "\\begin{letter}{%%\n%s}\n\n" org-koma-letter--add-latex-newlines :special-headings "\\mbox{}" "\\opening{%s}\n\n" org-koma-letter--keyword-or-headline :opening #[(h i) "\302 \"?\207" [h i org-koma-letter--special-tag] 3] "\\closing{%s}\n" :closing #[(h i) "\303 \"\211\205\f\n\304\230)\207" [h i special-tag org-koma-letter--special-tag "closing"] 4] org-koma-letter--special-contents-inline :special-tags-after-closing "\n\\end{letter}\n" :special-tags-after-letter "\n\\end{document}" subject title hyperref-template spec heading-val keyword-val contents] 18 (#$ . 19613)]) #@130 Build settings string according to type. SCOPE is either `global' or `buffer'. INFO is a plist used as a communication channel. (defalias 'org-koma-letter--build-settings #[(scope info) "\306\307\310\n\311\"\211\205\303!\205\312\313\314 \n\"\") \304\315\"\211\205*\312\316\317\f!\")\310\n\320\"\211\205>\305!\205>\312\321 \")\322!\205T\312\323\310\n\324\"\203R\325\202S\326\"\310\n\327\"\330!\205l\331!\205l\312\332\")\333!\205\202\312\334\310\n\335\"\203\200\325\202\201\326\"\310\n\336\"\330!\205\232\337!\205\232\312\340\")\341!\205\260\312\342\310\n\343\"\203\256\325\202\257\326\"\310\n\344\"%\330%!\205\310\345!\205\310\312\346%\")\347!\205\336\312\350\310\n\351\"\203\334\325\202\335\326\"\310\n\352\"\205 \353\354!@\330@!\205\f@\211,\355\356\203\357\202\360\361\356\362\361##\266\202))A\330\310\n\363\"!4\364!B4\203&B\204+A\205GC\365=\2054A?\205G\312\366B\203D4\202FA\"+\367!\205]\312\370\310\n\371\"\203[\325\202\\\326\"\372!\373!D\211E\203pD\204\201C\374=\205\223E\204\201D\205\223\312\375\310\n\376\"\203\221\310\n\377\"\202\222\361\"* \201F\201H\"\211F\205\251\312\201IF\")\201J!\205\340\310\n\201K\"\211G:\203\321\312\201L\201M\201NG\361#\"\202\337G\203\334\201O\202\337\201P)\260*\207" [check-scope heading-or-key-value info author from email #[(setting) "\304\305\306\"!\n\307=\203\310 \"\311=\202\310 \"\311=?)\207" [setting property scope info intern format ":inbuffer-%s" global plist-get koma-letter:empty] 4] #[(heading key &optional scoped) "\306!\307\310\n \"! \n\206! \f\203 \204\" \2058\f\311=\205* ?\2058 \2037\f\2028 +\207" [heading heading-val info key key-val check-scope org-koma-letter--get-tagged-contents org-string-nw-p plist-get global scoped scopedp scope] 4] plist-get :author format "\\setkomavar{fromname}{%s}\n" org-export-data :from-address "\\setkomavar{fromaddress}{%s}\n" org-koma-letter--add-latex-newlines :email "\\setkomavar{fromemail}{%s}\n" with-email "\\KOMAoption{fromemail}{%s}\n" :with-email "true" "false" :phone-number org-string-nw-p phone-number "\\setkomavar{fromphone}{%s}\n" with-phone "\\KOMAoption{fromphone}{%s}\n" :with-phone :url url "\\setkomavar{fromurl}{%s}\n" with-url "\\KOMAoption{fromurl}{%s}\n" :with-url :from-logo from-logo "\\setkomavar{fromlogo}{%s}\n" with-from-logo "\\KOMAoption{fromlogo}{%s}\n" :with-from-logo :with-headline-opening org-koma-letter--get-tagged-contents closing nil replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\([ ]*\n\\)+" "\\`[ \n ]+" "" "[ \n ]+\\'" :signature signature global "\\setkomavar{signature}{%s}\n" with-backaddress "\\KOMAoption{backaddress}{%s}\n" :with-backaddress with-place place buffer "\\setkomavar{place}{%s}\n" :with-place :place #1=#:val heading-val signature-scope scope place-set with-place-set location foldmarks :location "\\setkomavar{location}{%s}\n" with-foldmarks :with-foldmarks "\\KOMAoptions{foldmarks=true,foldmarks=%s}\n" mapconcat symbol-name "\\KOMAoptions{foldmarks=true}\n" "\\KOMAoptions{foldmarks=false}\n"] 21 (#$ . 21910)]) #@960 Export current buffer as a KOMA Scrlttr2 letter. If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its narrowed part. If a region is active, export that region. A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen asynchronously. The resulting buffer should be accessible through the `org-export-stack' interface. When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline properties first. When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export contents of hidden elements. When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only write code between "\begin{letter}" and "\end{letter}". EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to file-local settings. Export is done in a buffer named "*Org KOMA-LETTER Export*". It will be displayed if `org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer' is non-nil. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-export-as-latex #[(&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "\306\307\310\311 \n \f \312&)\207" [org-koma-letter-special-contents async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist nil org-export-to-buffer koma-letter "*Org KOMA-LETTER Export*" #[nil "\300 \207" [LaTeX-mode] 1]] 9 (#$ . 25029) nil]) #@927 Export current buffer as a KOMA Scrlttr2 letter (tex). If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its narrowed part. If a region is active, export that region. A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen asynchronously. The resulting file should be accessible through the `org-export-stack' interface. When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline properties first. When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export contents of hidden elements. When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only write code between "\begin{letter}" and "\end{letter}". EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to file-local settings. When optional argument PUB-DIR is set, use it as the publishing directory. Return output file's name. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-export-to-latex #[(&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "\306\307\"\310\311\312\n \f  &*\207" [subtreep org-koma-letter-special-contents outfile async visible-only body-only org-export-output-file-name ".tex" nil org-export-to-file koma-letter ext-plist] 8 (#$ . 26340) nil]) #@848 Export current buffer as a KOMA Scrlttr2 letter (pdf). If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its narrowed part. If a region is active, export that region. A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen asynchronously. The resulting file should be accessible through the `org-export-stack' interface. When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline properties first. When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export contents of hidden elements. When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only write code between "\begin{letter}" and "\end{letter}". EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to file-local settings. Return PDF file's name. (defalias 'org-koma-letter-export-to-pdf #[(&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "\306\307\"\310\311\312\n \f \f\313&*\207" [subtreep org-koma-letter-special-contents file async visible-only body-only org-export-output-file-name ".tex" nil org-export-to-file koma-letter #[(file) "\301!\207" [file org-latex-compile] 2] ext-plist] 9 (#$ . 27604) nil]) (provide 'ox-koma-letter)