;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50
;;; with all optimizations.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312&\210\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322&\210\323\324\325\326\321\314\327\330&\210\323\331\315\332\321\314\327\330&\210\323\333\334\335\321\314\327\330&\210\323\336\337\340\321\314\327\341&\210\323\342\343\344\321\314\327\345&\207" [require ox-html org-export-define-derived-backend s5 html :menu-entry (115 "Export to S5 HTML Presentation" ((72 "To temporary buffer" org-s5-export-as-html) (104 "To file" org-s5-export-to-html) (111 "To file and open" (lambda (a s v b) (if a (org-s5-export-to-html t s v b) (org-open-file (org-s5-export-to-html nil s v b))))))) :options-alist ((:html-link-home "HTML_LINK_HOME" nil nil) (:html-link-up "HTML_LINK_UP" nil nil) (:s5-postamble "S5_POSTAMBLE" nil org-s5-postamble newline) (:s5-preamble "S5_PREAMBLE" nil org-s5-preamble newline) (:html-head-include-default-style "HTML_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_STYLE" nil nil) (:html-head-include-scripts "HTML_INCLUDE_SCRIPTS" nil nil) (:s5-version "S5_VERSION" nil org-s5-version) (:s5-theme-file "S5_THEME_FILE" nil org-s5-theme-file) (:s5-ui-url "S5_UI_URL" nil org-s5-ui-url) (:s5-default-view "S5_DEFAULT_VIEW" nil org-s5-default-view) (:s5-control-visibility "S5_CONTROL_VISIBILITY" nil org-s5-control-visibility)) :translate-alist ((headline . org-s5-headline) (plain-list . org-s5-plain-list) (inner-template . org-s5-inner-template) (template . org-s5-template)) custom-declare-group org-export-s5 nil "Options for exporting Org mode files to S5 HTML Presentations." :tag "Org Export S5" :group org-export-html custom-declare-variable org-s5-version "1.2a2" "Version of s5 being used (for version metadata.) Defaults to\ns5 v2 alpha 2.\nCan be overridden with S5_VERSION." :type string org-s5-theme-file "Url to S5 theme (slides.css) file. Can be overridden with the\nS5_THEME_FILE property. If nil, defaults to\n`org-s5-ui-url'/default/slides.css. If it starts with anything but\n\"http\" or \"/\", it is used as-is. Otherwise the link in generated\nrelative to `org-s5-ui-url'.\nThe links for all other required stylesheets and scripts will be\ngenerated relative to `org-s5-ui-url'/default." org-s5-ui-url "ui" "Base url to directory containing S5 \"default\" subdirectory\nand the \"s5-notes.html\" file.\nCan be overridden with the S5_UI_URL property." org-s5-default-view 'slideshow "Setting for \"defaultView\" meta info." (choice (const slideshow) (const outline)) org-s5-control-visibility 'hidden "Setting for \"controlVis\" meta info." (choice (const hidden) (const visibile))] 9)
#@431 Alist of the three section elements for HTML export.
The car of each entry is one of 'preamble, 'content or 'postamble.
The cdrs of each entry are the ELEMENT_TYPE and ID for each
section of the exported document.
If you set `org-html-container-element' to "li", "ol" will be
uses as the content ELEMENT_TYPE, generating an XOXO format
Note that changing the preamble or postamble will break the
core S5 stylesheets.
(defvar org-s5--divs '((preamble "div" "header") (content "div" "content") (postamble "div" "footer")) (#$ . 2629))
(byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\300\310\311\312\304\305\306\313&\210\300\314\315\316\304\305\306\317&\207" [custom-declare-variable org-s5-postamble "
%a - %t
" "Preamble inserted into the S5 layout section.\nWhen set to a string, use this string as the postamble.\n\nWhen set to a function, apply this function and insert the\nreturned string. The function takes the property list of export\noptions as its only argument.\n\nSetting the S5_POSTAMBLE option -- or the :s5-postamble in publishing\nprojects -- will take precedence over this variable.\n\nNote that the default css styling will break if this is set to nil\nor an empty string." :group org-export-s5 :type (choice (const :tag "No postamble" " ") (string :tag "Custom formatting string") (function :tag "Function (must return a string)")) org-s5-preamble " " "Peamble inserted into the S5 layout section.\n\nWhen set to a string, use this string as the preamble.\n\nWhen set to a function, apply this function and insert the\nreturned string. The function takes the property list of export\noptions as its only argument.\n\nSetting S5_PREAMBLE option -- or the :s5-preamble in publishing\nprojects -- will take precedence over this variable.\n\nNote that the default css styling will break if this is set to nil\nor an empty string." (choice (const :tag "No preamble" " ") (string :tag "Custom formatting string") (function :tag "Function (must return a string)")) org-s5-title-slide-template "
" "Format template to specify title page section.\nSee `org-html-postamble-format' for the valid elements which\ncan be included.\n\nIt will be wrapped in the element defined in the :html-container\nproperty, and defaults to the value of `org-html-container-element',\nand have the id \"title-slide\"." string] 8)
#@219 Return an appropriate table of contents entry for HEADLINE.
Note that (currently) the S5 exporter does not support deep links,
so the table of contents is not "active".
INFO is a plist used as a communication channel.
(defalias 'org-s5--format-toc-headline #[(headline info) "\305 \"\306 \"?\205 \307 \"\205 \310\311\n\312#\313P\314 \315\"\316=\205) \317 \"\320\321 \" \"\f\2057 \322\323\f \"R+\207" [headline info headline-number section-number tags org-export-get-headline-number org-export-low-level-p org-export-numbered-headline-p mapconcat number-to-string "." ". " plist-get :with-tags t org-export-get-tags org-export-data org-export-get-alt-title " " org-html--tags] 6 (#$ . 5060)])
(defalias 'org-s5-toc #[(depth info) "\304 \"\305\306\304 \"\"\211\205- \307\310\311\312\"\"\307\313\314\315\"\"\316\317!\320\307\321\311\312\"\"\260*\207" [info depth headlines toc-entries org-export-collect-headlines mapcar #[(headline) "\302 \"\303 \"B\207" [headline info org-s5--format-toc-headline org-export-get-relative-level] 4] format "<%s id='table-of-contents' class='slide'>\n" plist-get :html-container "
\n" org-html--translate "Table of Contents" "
" org-html--toc-text "
\n" "%s>\n"] 11])
(defalias 'org-s5--build-head #[(info) "\304\305\"\304\306\"\206
\307\310\311\312\310\313\314\315\316E\317#\320\321\322\n\323\324\325#)\266\203\203/ \n\2023 \326\nQ\"\327\330 \331Q\257\317#*\207" [info dir theme inhibit-changing-match-data plist-get :s5-ui-url :s5-theme-file "default/slides.css" mapconcat identity "" #[(list) "\302\303 @ A@\304 8%\207" [dir list format "" 2] 7] ("outline.css" "screen" "outlineStyle") ("print.css" "print" "slidePrint") ("opera.css" "projection" "operaFix") "\n" format "" "^\\(http\\|/\\)" nil t string-match "/" "" ""] 13])
(defalias 'org-s5--build-meta-info #[(info) "\301!\302\303\304\305\"\"\302\306\304\307\"\"\302\310\304\311\"\"R\207" [info org-html--build-meta-info format "\n" plist-get :s5-version "\n" :s5-default-view "" :s5-control-visibility] 8])
(defalias 'org-s5-headline #[(headline contents info) "\306\307\211;\203 \310\311#\266\202\202 \312A@\"\266\202\206 \313\314 \"\n\306U\203^ \315\316\317\320#)\266\203\204^ \307\321P;\203P \322\316$\266\202^ A\323A@#\240\210\266\324 #+\207" [headline info level class org-html-toplevel-hlevel inhibit-changing-match-data 1 :HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS get-text-property 0 plist-get "" org-export-get-relative-level "\\" nil t string-match " slide" org-add-props plist-put org-html-headline contents] 8])
#@297 Transcode a PLAIN-LIST element from Org to HTML.
CONTENTS is the contents of the list. INFO is a plist holding
contextual information.
If a containing headline has the property :INCREMENTAL,
then the "incremental" class will be added to the to the list,
which will make the list into a "build".
(defalias 'org-s5-plain-list #[(plain-list contents info) "\304\211;\203 \305\306#\266\202\202 \307A@\"\266\202\211\310\267\202, \311\202- \312\202- \313\202- \314\315\316\315\317\n\211\320\321\322#\203@ \323\202A \324$\315\325\n\"$*\207" [plain-list type tag contents :type get-text-property 0 plist-get #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (ordered 32 unordered 36 descriptive 40)) "ol" "ul" "dl" nil format "%s\n%s%s" "<%s class='org-%s%s'>" org-export-get-node-property :INCREMENTAL t " incremental" "" "%s>"] 11 (#$ . 8076)])
#@140 Return body of document string after HTML conversion.
CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist
holding export options.
(defalias 'org-s5-inner-template #[(contents info) "\301P\207" [contents "\n"] 2 (#$ . 8971)])
#@141 Return complete document string after HTML conversion.
CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist
holding export options.
(defalias 'org-s5-template #[(contents info) "\306\211\211\307\310\311\"#\312\310\313\"#\314\310\315\"\316\232\203 \317 B\202! #\320\321\322!\323\324\310\325\"\310\325\"#\326\327!\330!\331!\332!\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\"\340\342\"\343\323\344\345\n\236A@\346\345\n\2368#\323\347\310\315\"\"\350\351!\"\323\352\310\315\"\"\310\353\"\211\205| \354\f\")
\323\352\345\n\236A@\"\355\356\257\357#)\207" [info org-s5--divs org-html-divs org-s5-title-slide-template depth contents plist-put :html-preamble plist-get :s5-preamble :html-postamble :s5-postamble :html-divs :html-container "li" (content "ol" "content") mapconcat identity org-html-doctype format "" :language "" org-s5--build-meta-info org-s5--build-head org-html--build-head org-html--build-mathjax-config "" "" "
" "<%s id=\"%s\" class=\"presentation\">" content 2 "<%s id='title-slide' class='slide'>" format-spec org-html-format-spec "%s>" :with-toc org-s5-toc "" "\n" "\n"] 28 (#$ . 9213)])
#@939 Export current buffer to an HTML buffer.
If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
narrowed part.
If a region is active, export that region.
A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen
asynchronously. The resulting buffer should be accessible
through the `org-export-stack' interface.
When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
at point, extracting information from the headline properties
When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
contents of hidden elements.
When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only write code
between "" and "" tags.
EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external
parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to
file-local settings.
Export is done in a buffer named "*Org S5 Export*", which
will be displayed when `org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer'
is non-nil.
(defalias 'org-s5-export-as-html #[(&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "\305\306\307 \n\f\310&\207" [async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist org-export-to-buffer s5 "*Org S5 Export*" #[nil "\300 \207" [nxml-mode] 1]] 9 (#$ . 10622) nil])
#@829 Export current buffer to a S5 HTML file.
If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
narrowed part.
If a region is active, export that region.
A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen
asynchronously. The resulting file should be accessible through
the `org-export-stack' interface.
When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
at point, extracting information from the headline properties
When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
contents of hidden elements.
When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, only write code
between "" and "" tags.
EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external
parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to
file-local settings.
Return output file's name.
(defalias 'org-s5-export-to-html #[(&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) "\306P\307 \n\"\f\310\311\n\n\f
&+\207" [org-html-extension extension subtreep file org-html-coding-system org-export-coding-system "." org-export-output-file-name org-export-to-file s5 async visible-only body-only ext-plist] 8 (#$ . 11840) nil])
#@220 Publish an org file to S5 HTML Presentation.
FILENAME is the filename of the Org file to be published. PLIST
is the property list for the given project. PUB-DIR is the
publishing directory.
Return output file name.
(defalias 'org-s5-publish-to-html #[(plist filename pub-dir) "\303\304\305 \n%\207" [filename plist pub-dir org-publish-org-to s5 ".html"] 6 (#$ . 13028)])
(provide 'ox-s5)