;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\207" [require format-spec ox ht op-util op-vars] 2) #@49 Return the resource storage directory of THEME. (defalias 'op/get-theme-dir #[(theme) "\302\303\304\305\306!\" \"!\207" [theme op/load-directory file-name-as-directory expand-file-name format "themes/%s/resources" symbol-name] 6 (#$ . 213)]) #@35 Copy theme files to PUB-ROOT-DIR. (defalias 'op/prepare-theme #[(pub-root-dir) "\304\305\"\306 !\307\n!\204\310\311\312 !\"\210\313\306\313!\314 !\210\307 !\203+\315 \316\"\210\317\n \316\211\211%*\207" [pub-root-dir op/theme theme-dir pub-theme-dir expand-file-name "media/" op/get-theme-dir file-directory-p message "Theme %s not found, use default theme `mdo' instead." symbol-name mdo op/update-theme delete-directory t copy-directory] 6 (#$ . 462)]) #@93 Update theme related variable(s), to make it(them) take effect after user used a new theme. (defalias 'op/update-theme #[(theme) "\204\303\304! \305\306\"P\211\207" [theme op/load-directory op/template-directory mdo symbol-name format "themes/%s/templates/"] 4 (#$ . 931)]) (provide 'op-enhance)