;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (require 'ox-html) #@30 Current version of ox-wp.el. (defconst ox-wp-version "1.1.11" (#$ . 106)) #@663 Export current buffer to a text buffer by delegation. Delegating: ASYNC, SUTREEP, and EXT-PLIST. If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its narrowed part. If a region is active, export that region. A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen asynchronously. The resulting buffer should be accessible through the `org-export-stack' interface. When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline properties first. When `org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer' is non-nil display a buffer with the export value. (fn &optional ASYNC SUBTREEP EXT-PLIST) (defalias 'ox-wp-export-as-wordpress #[768 "\300\301\302\303\304\305&\207" [org-export-to-buffer wp "*Org WordPress Export*" nil t #[0 "\300 \207" [html-mode] 1]] 12 (#$ . 187) nil]) #@187 Get exported buffer text as a string by delegation. delegating: ASYNC, SUBTREEP, and EXT-PLIST. Delegates work to `ox-wp-export-as-wordpress'. (fn &optional ASYNC SUBTREEP EXT-PLIST) (defalias 'ox-wp-export-as-string #[768 "r\300#q\210\301 \302 \210\211\262)\207" [ox-wp-export-as-wordpress buffer-string kill-buffer] 7 (#$ . 1044) nil]) (org-export-define-derived-backend 'wp 'html :translate-alist '((src-block . ox-wp-src-block) (example-block . ox-wp-src-block) (latex-environment . ox-wp-latex-environment) (latex-fragment . ox-wp-latex-fragment) (export-block . ox-wp-export-block) (export-snippet . ox-wp-export-snippet)) :filters-alist '((:filter-paragraph . ox-wp-filter-paragraph))) #@73 When INFO, filter newlines from PARAGRAPH. (fn PARAGRAPH BACKEND INFO) (defalias 'ox-wp-filter-paragraph #[771 "\300\301\"\211\203\n\207\302\303\304\305\306#\307\304\203\310\202\311\312\304\313\312##\266\202\"\207" [plist-get :wp-keep-new-lines format "%s\n\n" replace-regexp-in-string " *\n" " " nil "\\`\\([ ]*\n\\)+" "\\`[ \n ]+" "" "[ \n ]+\\'"] 15 (#$ . 1750)]) #@86 Delegate transcoding of SRC-BLOCK, CONTENTS, and INFO. (fn SRC-BLOCK CONTENTS INFO) (defalias 'ox-wp-src-block #[771 "\300\301\"\211\203\302#\207\303#\207" [plist-get :wp-shortcode ox-wp-src-block-shortcode ox-wp-src-block-html] 8 (#$ . 2139)]) #@116 Create the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved sourceblock with SRC-BLOCK, CONTENTS, and INFO. (fn SRC-BLOCK CONTENTS INFO) (defalias 'ox-wp-src-block-shortcode #[771 "\300\211;\203\301\302#\266\202\202\303A@\"\266\202\303\304\"\305\"A\206/\203.\227\206/\306\307\211;\203A\301\302#\266\202\202I\303A@\"\266\202\310!\205m\311\310!\"\312\313\203b\314\202c\315\316\313\317\316##\266\202\205u\320\321\"\205\203\320\322\205\200\323P\"P\324\325\n\326#\206\216\316\327\n \"\320\330%\207" [:language get-text-property 0 plist-get :wp-shortcode-langs-map assoc "text" :name org-export-get-caption org-export-data nil replace-regexp-in-string "\\`\\([ ]*\n\\)+" "\\`[ \n ]+" "" "[ \n ]+\\'" format "Name: %s." "%s." " " org-export-read-attribute :attr_wp :syntaxhl org-export-format-code-default "[sourcecode language=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" %s]\n%s[/sourcecode]"] 17 (#$ . 2401)]) #@95 Create the HTML sourceblock with SRC-BLOCK, CONTENTS, and INFO. (fn SRC-BLOCK CONTENTS INFO) (defalias 'ox-wp-src-block-html #[771 "\3012\226\302\303\304#\203\305!\306\301\"\266\307\211;\203&\310\311#\266\202\202.\312A@\"\266\202\313\314!\"\315\211;\203E\310\311#\266\202\202M\312A@\"\266\202\316\"\205Z\317\320\"\321\322\323\324#)\266\204?\205p\317\325\"P\204\202\317\326$\306\301\"\266\317\327\"\317\330$\317\331#\266\2070\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data return org-export-read-attribute :attr_html :textarea org-html--textarea-block throw :name get-text-property 0 plist-get org-export-data org-export-get-caption :language org-html-format-code format " Name: %s." "\\`[ \n ]*\\'" nil t string-match " %s." "%s\n
" "" "
" "
"] 16 (#$ . 3323)]) #@189 Transcode a LATEX-ENVIRONMENT element from Org to WP HTML. CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding contextual information. (fn LATEX-ENVIRONMENT CONTENTS INFO) (defalias 'ox-wp-latex-environment #[771 "\300\301\"\204 \302#\207\303\211;\203\304\305#\266\202\202&\300A@\"\266\202\306!\207" [plist-get :wp-latex org-html-latex-environment :value get-text-property 0 ox-wp-latex-to-wp] 9 (#$ . 4325)]) #@183 Transcode a LATEX-FRAGMENT element from Org to WP HTML. CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding contextual information. (fn LATEX-FRAGMENT CONTENTS INFO) (defalias 'ox-wp-latex-fragment #[771 "\300\301\"\204 \302#\207\303\211;\203\304\305#\266\202\202&\300A@\"\266\202\306!\207" [plist-get :wp-latex org-html-latex-fragment :value get-text-property 0 ox-wp-latex-to-wp] 9 (#$ . 4772)]) #@80 Convert latex fragments or environments in TEXT to WP LaTeX blocks. (fn TEXT) (defalias 'ox-wp-latex-to-wp #[257 "\302\303\" \304\305\306\"r\211q\210\307\310\"\216c\210eb\210@\203\301\211A\262\242\211@A@\235\203\274\311 \307\312\"\216\313\314\306#\203\272\315\267\202\272\316\317\320!\321\317\322!\323\317\324!\260\314\306#\210\202\272\316\317\320!\321\317\325!\320\326O\323\317\327!\260\314\306#\210\202\272\316\321\317\330!\325\331O\323Q\314\306#\210\202\272\316\332\317\330!\325\331O\333Q\314\306#\210\202\272\316\332\317\330!\325\331O\333Q\314\306#\210\202\272\317\325!\334\232\203\272\316\332\317\320!\335\336O\333Q\314\306#\210)\210\266\202\337\340\341\342 #\211\262*\207" [org-format-latex-options org-latex-regexps plist-get :matchers generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] match-data #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] re-search-forward nil #s(hash-table size 6 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data ("$" 68 "$1" 89 "\\(" 113 "\\[" 130 "$$" 147 "begin" 164)) replace-match match-string 1 "$latex " 4 "$" 6 2 -1 3 0 -2 "

$latex " "$

" "equation" 16 -14 replace-regexp-in-string " *\n" " " buffer-string] 15 (#$ . 5206)]) #@427 Transcode a EXPORT-SNIPPET object from Org to WordPress. CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information. `ox-wp' initially relied upon `ox-html' to satisfy this function's responsibility. Consequently, it used the `html' tag. When `ox-wp' implemented its export function, it switched over to using the `wp' tag instead. However, it needs to continue supporting both tags. (fn EXPORT-SNIPPET CONTENTS INFO) (defalias 'ox-wp-export-snippet #[771 "\300!\301>\205\302\211;\203\303\304#\207\305A@\"\266\202\207" [org-export-snippet-backend (wp html) :value get-text-property 0 plist-get] 9 (#$ . 6532)]) #@424 Transcode a EXPORT-BLOCK element from Org to WordPress. CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information. `ox-wp' initially relied upon `ox-html' to satisfy this function's responsibility. Consequently, it used the `html' tag. When `ox-wp' implemented its export function, it switched over to using the `wp' tag instead. However, it needs to continue supporting both tags. (fn EXPORT-BLOCK CONTENTS INFO) (defalias 'ox-wp-export-block #[771 "\300\211;\203\301\302#\266\202\202\303A@\"\266\202\304\230\204<\300\211;\203/\301\302#\266\202\2027\303A@\"\266\202\305\230\205W\306\307\211;\203N\301\302#\266\202\202V\303A@\"\266\202!\207" [:type get-text-property 0 plist-get "WP" "HTML" org-remove-indentation :value] 10 (#$ . 7168)]) (provide 'ox-wp)