;;; ox-gfm-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; ;;; Code: (add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))) ;;;### (autoloads nil "ox-gfm" "ox-gfm.el" (0 0 0 0)) ;;; Generated autoloads from ox-gfm.el (autoload 'org-gfm-export-as-markdown "ox-gfm" "\ Export current buffer to a Github Flavored Markdown buffer. If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its narrowed part. If a region is active, export that region. A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen asynchronously. The resulting buffer should be accessible through the `org-export-stack' interface. When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline properties first. When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export contents of hidden elements. Export is done in a buffer named \"*Org GFM Export*\", which will be displayed when `org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer' is non-nil. \(fn &optional ASYNC SUBTREEP VISIBLE-ONLY)" t nil) (autoload 'org-gfm-convert-region-to-md "ox-gfm" "\ Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to Github Flavored Markdown. This can be used in any buffer. For example, you can write an itemized list in org-mode syntax in a Markdown buffer and use this command to convert it." t nil) (autoload 'org-gfm-export-to-markdown "ox-gfm" "\ Export current buffer to a Github Flavored Markdown file. If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its narrowed part. If a region is active, export that region. A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen asynchronously. The resulting file should be accessible through the `org-export-stack' interface. When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree at point, extracting information from the headline properties first. When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export contents of hidden elements. Return output file's name. \(fn &optional ASYNC SUBTREEP VISIBLE-ONLY)" t nil) (autoload 'org-gfm-publish-to-gfm "ox-gfm" "\ Publish an org file to Markdown. FILENAME is the filename of the Org file to be published. PLIST is the property list for the given project. PUB-DIR is the publishing directory. Return output file name. \(fn PLIST FILENAME PUB-DIR)" nil nil) (register-definition-prefixes "ox-gfm" '("gfm-table-" "org-gfm-" "width-cookies")) ;;;*** ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; coding: utf-8 ;; End: ;;; ox-gfm-autoloads.el ends here