;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require parseclj-parser parseclj-ast] 2) #@540 Parse Clojure source to AST. Reads either from the current buffer, starting from point, until `point-max', or reads from the optional string argument. STRING-AND-OPTIONS can be an optional string, followed by key-value pairs to specify parsing options. - `:lexical-preservation' Retain whitespace, comments, and discards. Defaults to nil. - `:fail-fast' Raise an error when encountering invalid syntax. Defaults to t. - `:read-one' Read a single form. Defaults to false: parse the complete input. (fn &rest STRING-AND-OPTIONS) (defalias 'parseclj-parse-clojure #[128 "\211@;\203!\300\301\302\"r\211q\210\303\304\"\216@c\210\305b\210\306\307A\"*\207\310\306\311\312$\313\314\"\315\2035\316\2026\317\203>\320\202?\321#\207" [generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] 1 apply parseclj-parse-clojure #[257 "\300!\205\f\301!\302>?\207" [parseclj-ast-node-p parseclj-ast-node-type (:whitespace :comment :discard)] 3 "\n\n(fn E)"] a-list :value-p a-get :lexical-preservation parseclj-parser parseclj-ast--reduce-leaf-with-lexical-preservation parseclj-ast--reduce-leaf parseclj-ast--reduce-branch-with-lexical-preservation parseclj-ast--reduce-branch] 8 (#$ . 170)]) #@193 Parse Clojure AST to source code. Given an abstract syntax tree AST (as returned by `parseclj-parse-clojure'), turn it back into source code, and insert it into the current buffer. (fn AST) (defalias 'parseclj-unparse-clojure #[257 "\300!\203\f\301\302\"c\207\303!\304=\203\305!\207\306!\207" [parseclj-ast-leaf-node-p a-get :form parseclj-ast-node-type :tag parseclj-ast--unparse-tag parseclj-ast--unparse-collection] 4 (#$ . 1436)]) #@189 Parse Clojure AST to a source code string. Given an abstract syntax tree AST (as returned by `parseclj-parse-clojure'), turn it back into source code, and return it as a string (fn AST) (defalias 'parseclj-unparse-clojure-to-string #[257 "\300\301\302\"r\211q\210\303\304\"\216\305!\210\306ed\"*\207" [generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] parseclj-unparse-clojure buffer-substring-no-properties] 5 (#$ . 1888)]) (provide 'parseclj)