;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'semantic/wisent/grammar) #@33 A hash-table with all settings. (defvar phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-CG-data (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 443)) #@75 Return and optionally set VALUE of SUBJECT. (fn SUBJECT &optional VALUE) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-CG #[513 "\211\203\n\301#\207\302\"\207" [phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-CG-data puthash gethash] 6 (#$ . 571)]) #@67 Create AST SYMBOL with VALUE. (fn SYMBOL VALUE &rest ATTRIBUTES) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE #[642 "\300\301BBBD\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag] 8 (#$ . 812)]) #@52 Create AST assignment. (fn SYMBOL SUBJECT OBJECT) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE_ASSIGN_OP #[771 "\300\301\302\303\304\257D\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag 'ZEND_AST_ASSIGN_OP :object :subject] 11 (#$ . 1015)]) #@52 Create AST assignment. (fn SYMBOL SUBJECT OBJECT) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE_BINARY_OP #[771 "\300\301\302\303\304\257D\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag 'ZEND_AST_BINARY_OP :object :subject] 11 (#$ . 1267)]) #@35 Create cast. (fn SYMBOL SUBJECT) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE_CAST #[514 "\300\301\302\303\257D\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag 'ZEND_AST_CAST :subject] 8 (#$ . 1519)]) #@64 Create stuff. (fn SYMBOL OPERATOR &optional SUBJECT SUBJECT2) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE_EX #[1026 "\300D\203 \301\302#\210\203\301\303#\210\304\305\306BBBD\207" [:operator plist-put :subject :subject2 wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag 'ZEND_AST_EX] 10 (#$ . 1729)]) #@16 (fn SUBJECT) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_LIST_RTRIM #[257 "\300\301\302BBD\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag ('ZEND_AST_LIST_RTRIM)] 5 (#$ . 2041)]) #@33 (fn SIZE TYPE &rest ELEMENTS) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE_LIST #[642 "\300\301\302\303\304\305 \257D\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag "" :elements @elements :size] 11 (#$ . 2222)]) #@26 (fn ARRAY NEW-ELEMENT) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_LIST_ADD #[514 "\300\301\302\303\257D\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag 'ZEND_AST_LIST_ADD :new-element] 8 (#$ . 2445)]) #@19 (fn NUM-STRING) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_NEGATE_NUM_STRING #[257 "\300\301D\302BB\207" [* string-to-number (-1)] 4 (#$ . 2651)]) #@22 (fn OBJECT MEMBER) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE_CLASS_CONST_OR_NAME #[514 "\300\301\302\303\257D\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag 'ZEND_AST_CLASS_CONST_OR_NAME :member] 8 (#$ . 2811)]) #@49 Convert string to symbol. (fn CALLBACK STRING) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZVAL_INTERNED_STR #[514 "\300\301\302DDC\303BB\207" [let symbol quote ((funcall callback symbol))] 6 (#$ . 3037)]) #@23 (fn SUBJECT SYMBOL) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE_ZVAL_EX #[514 "\300\301ED\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag] 6 (#$ . 3249)]) #@16 (fn SUBJECT) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_AST_CREATE_ZVAL #[257 "\300\301\302BBD\207" [wisent-raw-tag semantic-tag ('ZEND_AST_ZVAL :attr 0)] 5 (#$ . 3414)]) #@17 (fn CALLBACK) (defalias 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro-ZEND_LEX_TSTRING #[257 "\300`d\301\302$!\207" [semantic-lex nil 1] 6 (#$ . 3598)]) (provide 'phps-mode-parser-grammar-macro)