;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file contains utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so cannot be loaded into Emacs 22 or earlier. (and (boundp 'emacs-version) (< (aref emacs-version (1- (length emacs-version))) ?A) (string-lessp emacs-version "23") (error "`%s' was compiled for Emacs 23 or later" #$)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require ert phps-mode phps-mode-test] 2) #@21 Run test for lexer. (defalias 'phps-mode-test-lexer--script-boundaries #[0 "\302\303!\304!\210\305c\210\306b\210\307 \210\310C\3111 \312 )\313D0\202+\314\240\210\211@AD\262\315C\316C\317\306\320\321\322$\323\"\324$\216\325\242\"\240)\204R\326\242!\210\266\327!\210\330\331\332\"\266\302\303!\304!\210\333c\210\306b\210\307 \210\310C\3341~\312 )\335D0\202\211\314\240\210\211@AD\262\336C\316C\317\306\320\321\322$\337\"\324$\216\325\242\"\240)\204\260\326\242!\210\266\327!\210\330\331\340\"\266\302\303!\304!\210\341c\210\306b\210\307 \210\310C\3421\334\312 )\343D0\202\347\314\240\210\211@AD\262\344C\316C\317\306\320\321\322$\345\"\324$\216\325\242\"\240)\204\326\242!\210\266\327!\210\330\331\346\"\266\302\303!\304!\210\347c\210\306b\210\307 \210\310C\3501:\312 )\351D0\202E\314\240\210\211@AD\262\352C\316C\317\306\320\321\322$\353\"\324$\216\325\242\"\240)\204l\326\242!\210\266\327!\210\330\331\354\"\266\302\303!\304!\210\355c\210\306b\210\307 \210\310C\3561\230\312 )\357D0\202\243\314\240\210\211@AD\262\360C\316C\317\306\320\321\322$\361\"\324$\216\325\242\"\240)\204\312\326\242!\210\266\327!\210\330\331\362\"\266\302\303!\304!\210\363c\210\306b\210\307 \210\310C\3641\366\312 )\365D0\202\314\240\210\211@AD\262\366C\316C\317\306\320\321\322$\367\"\324$\216\325\242\"\240)\204(\326\242!\210\266\327!\210\330\331\370\"\207" [signal-hook-function phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens generate-new-buffer "test" switch-to-buffer "" 0 phps-mode equal (error) ert--should-signal-hook #2=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 11) ("=" 11 . 12) (T_LNUMBER 12 . 13) (";" 13 . 14) (T_EXIT 15 . 19) (T_VARIABLE 20 . 24) (";" 24 . 25) (T_CLOSE_TAG 26 . 28)) signal #1=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9017 nil make-byte-code "\303\304C\305\300\242\301BD\244\306\302\242\307\"?\205\310\302\242D\244\311\312N\211\205%\313\314\301\"D\262\244\240\210\315\303\242!\207" vconcat vector [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#2#)) :form eql #1# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] 7 apply ert-fail kill-buffer message "\nPassed tests for '%s'\n" "Simple PHP with two expression" "" (error) #4=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_EXIT 7 . 11) (";" 11 . 12) (T_CLOSE_TAG 13 . 15)) #3=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9022 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#4#)) :form eql #3# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Minimal PHP expression" "" (error) #6=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_EXIT 7 . 11) (";" 11 . 12) (T_CLOSE_TAG 13 . 15)) #5=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9027 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#6#)) :form eql #5# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Small PHP file" "blabla\n\n \n\n" (error) #8=((T_INLINE_HTML 1 . 35) (T_OPEN_TAG 35 . 41) (T_EXIT 41 . 45) (";" 45 . 46) (T_CLOSE_TAG 47 . 49) (T_INLINE_HTML 49 . 65)) #7=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9032 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#8#)) :form eql #7# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Mixed inline HTML and PHP" "\n\n echo \"Blaha\";\n\n" (error) #10=((T_INLINE_HTML 1 . 39) (T_OPEN_TAG 39 . 45) (T_EXIT 47 . 51) (T_CLOSE_TAG 51 . 53) (T_INLINE_HTML 53 . 78) (T_OPEN_TAG 78 . 84) (T_EXIT 84 . 88) (T_CLOSE_TAG 89 . 91)) #9=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9037 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#10#)) :form eql #9# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Another mixed inline HTML and PHP" " '123');" (error) #8=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_ECHO 7 . 11) (T_VARIABLE 12 . 16) ("=" 17 . 18) (T_ARRAY 19 . 24) ("(" 24 . 25) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 25 . 30) (T_DOUBLE_ARROW 31 . 33) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 34 . 39) (")" 39 . 40) (";" 40 . 41)) #7=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9062 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#8#)) :form eql #7# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Simple PHP with associative array assignment" "" (error) #22=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_COMMENT 7 . 24) (T_CLOSE_TAG 24 . 26) (T_INLINE_HTML 26 . 39)) #21=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9097 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#22#)) :form eql #21# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Commented out PHP expression and inline-html" "" (error) #24=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_COMMENT 7 . 32) (T_CLOSE_TAG 32 . 34) (T_INLINE_HTML 34 . 47)) #23=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9102 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#24#)) :form eql #23# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Commented out PHP expression and inline-html 2" "" (error) #26=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_ECHO 7 . 11) (T_ISSET 12 . 17) ("(" 17 . 18) (T_VARIABLE 18 . 28) ("[" 28 . 29) (T_LNUMBER 29 . 30) ("]" 30 . 31) ("[" 31 . 32) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 32 . 38) ("]" 38 . 39) (")" 39 . 40) ("?" 41 . 42) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 43 . 48) (":" 49 . 50) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 51 . 55) (";" 55 . 56) (T_COMMENT 57 . 75) (T_COMMENT 76 . 101) (T_DOC_COMMENT 102 . 134) (T_ECHO 135 . 139) (T_VARIABLE 140 . 150) (";" 150 . 151) (T_CLOSE_TAG 152 . 154)) #25=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9107 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#26#)) :form eql #25# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Conditional echo, comment and doc-comment block" "request->data['comments']['user_id'] ??= 'value';\n" (error) #30=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 16) ("=" 17 . 18) (T_VARIABLE 19 . 24) ("[" 24 . 25) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 25 . 31) ("]" 31 . 32) (T_COALESCE 33 . 35) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 36 . 44) (";" 44 . 45) (T_VARIABLE 46 . 51) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 51 . 53) (T_STRING 53 . 60) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 60 . 62) (T_STRING 62 . 66) ("[" 66 . 67) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 67 . 77) ("]" 77 . 78) ("[" 78 . 79) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 79 . 88) ("]" 88 . 89) (T_COALESCE_EQUAL 90 . 93) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 94 . 101) (";" 101 . 102)) #29=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9117 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#30#)) :form eql #29# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Coalescing comparison operator and coalescing assignment operator" " \"Oh no!\",\n 8.0 => \"This is what I expected\",\n};\n//> This is what I expected" (error) #44=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_ECHO 7 . 11) (T_STRING 12 . 17) ("(" 18 . 19) (T_DNUMBER 19 . 22) (")" 22 . 23) ("{" 24 . 25) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 28 . 33) (T_DOUBLE_ARROW 34 . 36) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 37 . 45) ("," 45 . 46) (T_DNUMBER 49 . 52) (T_DOUBLE_ARROW 53 . 55) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 56 . 81) ("," 81 . 82) ("}" 83 . 84) (";" 84 . 85) (T_COMMENT 86 . 113)) #43=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9152 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#44#)) :form eql #43# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "PHP 8.0 Match expression" "user?->getAddress()?->country;\n" (error) #46=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 8 . 16) ("=" 17 . 18) (T_VARIABLE 19 . 27) (T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR 27 . 30) (T_STRING 30 . 34) (T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR 34 . 37) (T_STRING 37 . 47) ("(" 47 . 48) (")" 48 . 49) (T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR 49 . 52) (T_STRING 52 . 59) (";" 59 . 60)) #45=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9157 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#46#)) :form eql #45# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "PHP 8.0 Nullsafe operator" "property;" 0 phps-mode equal (error) ert--should-signal-hook #2=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 11) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 11 . 13) (T_STRING 13 . 21) (";" 21 . 22)) signal #1=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9177 nil make-byte-code "\303\304C\305\300\242\301BD\244\306\302\242\307\"?\205\310\302\242D\244\311\312N\211\205%\313\314\301\"D\262\244\240\210\315\303\242!\207" vconcat vector [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#2#)) :form eql #1# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] 7 apply ert-fail kill-buffer message "\nPassed tests for '%s'\n" "Object property" "\n" (error) #11=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9202 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens nil)) :form eql #11# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Example #1 Invalid example (HEREDOC)" "\n" (error) #13=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_CLASS 7 . 12) (T_STRING 13 . 16) ("{" 17 . 18) (T_PUBLIC 23 . 29) (T_VARIABLE 30 . 34) ("=" 35 . 36) (T_START_HEREDOC 37 . 44) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 44 . 47) (T_END_HEREDOC 47 . 51) (";" 51 . 52) ("}" 53 . 54) (T_CLOSE_TAG 55 . 57) (T_INLINE_HTML 57 . 58)) #12=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9207 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#13#)) :form eql #12# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Example #2 Valid example (HEREDOC)" "foo = 'Foo';\n $this->bar = array('Bar1', 'Bar2', 'Bar3');\n }\n}\n\n$foo = new foo();\n$name = 'MyName';\n\necho <<foo.\nNow, I am printing some {$foo->bar[1]}.\nThis should print a capital 'A': A\nEOT;\n?>\n" (error) #15=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 11) ("=" 12 . 13) (T_START_HEREDOC 14 . 21) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 21 . 84) (T_END_HEREDOC 84 . 88) (";" 88 . 89) (T_COMMENT 91 . 134) (T_CLASS 135 . 140) (T_STRING 141 . 144) ("{" 145 . 146) (T_VAR 151 . 154) (T_VARIABLE 155 . 159) (";" 159 . 160) (T_VAR 165 . 168) (T_VARIABLE 169 . 173) (";" 173 . 174) (T_FUNCTION 180 . 188) (T_STRING 189 . 200) ("(" 200 . 201) (")" 201 . 202) ("{" 207 . 208) (T_VARIABLE 217 . 222) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 222 . 224) (T_STRING 224 . 227) ("=" 228 . 229) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 230 . 235) (";" 235 . 236) (T_VARIABLE 245 . 250) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 250 . 252) (T_STRING 252 . 255) ("=" 256 . 257) (T_ARRAY 258 . 263) ("(" 263 . 264) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 264 . 270) ("," 270 . 271) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 272 . 278) ("," 278 . 279) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 280 . 286) (")" 286 . 287) (";" 287 . 288) ("}" 293 . 294) ("}" 295 . 296) (T_VARIABLE 298 . 302) ("=" 303 . 304) (T_NEW 305 . 308) (T_STRING 309 . 312) ("(" 312 . 313) (")" 313 . 314) (";" 314 . 315) (T_VARIABLE 316 . 321) ("=" 322 . 323) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 324 . 332) (";" 332 . 333) (T_ECHO 335 . 339) (T_START_HEREDOC 340 . 347) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 347 . 359) (T_VARIABLE 359 . 364) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 364 . 386) (T_VARIABLE 386 . 390) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 390 . 392) (T_STRING 392 . 395) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 395 . 421) (T_CURLY_OPEN 421 . 422) (T_VARIABLE 422 . 426) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 426 . 428) (T_STRING 428 . 431) ("[" 431 . 432) (T_LNUMBER 432 . 433) ("]" 433 . 434) ("}" 434 . 435) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 435 . 471) (T_END_HEREDOC 471 . 475) (";" 475 . 476) (T_CLOSE_TAG 477 . 479) (T_INLINE_HTML 479 . 480)) #14=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9212 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#15#)) :form eql #14# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Example #3 Heredoc string quoting example" "\n" (error) #17=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_STRING 7 . 15) ("(" 15 . 16) (T_ARRAY 16 . 21) ("(" 21 . 22) (T_START_HEREDOC 22 . 29) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 29 . 36) (T_END_HEREDOC 36 . 40) (")" 41 . 42) (")" 42 . 43) (";" 43 . 44) (T_CLOSE_TAG 45 . 47) (T_INLINE_HTML 47 . 48)) #16=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9217 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#17#)) :form eql #16# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Example #4 Heredoc in arguments example" "\n" (error) #19=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_COMMENT 7 . 26) (T_FUNCTION 27 . 35) (T_STRING 36 . 39) ("(" 39 . 40) (")" 40 . 41) ("{" 42 . 43) (T_STATIC 48 . 54) (T_VARIABLE 55 . 59) ("=" 60 . 61) (T_START_HEREDOC 62 . 71) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 71 . 89) (T_END_HEREDOC 89 . 95) (";" 95 . 96) ("}" 97 . 98) (T_COMMENT 100 . 129) (T_CLASS 130 . 135) (T_STRING 136 . 139) ("{" 140 . 141) (T_CONST 146 . 151) (T_STRING 152 . 155) ("=" 156 . 157) (T_START_HEREDOC 158 . 168) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 168 . 184) (T_END_HEREDOC 184 . 191) (";" 191 . 192) (T_PUBLIC 198 . 204) (T_VARIABLE 205 . 209) ("=" 210 . 211) (T_START_HEREDOC 212 . 222) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 222 . 238) (T_END_HEREDOC 238 . 245) (";" 245 . 246) ("}" 247 . 248) (T_CLOSE_TAG 249 . 251) (T_INLINE_HTML 251 . 252)) #18=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9222 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#19#)) :form eql #18# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Example #5 Using Heredoc to initialize static values" "\n" (error) #21=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_ECHO 7 . 11) (T_START_HEREDOC 12 . 24) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 24 . 36) (T_END_HEREDOC 36 . 43) (";" 43 . 44) (T_CLOSE_TAG 45 . 47) (T_INLINE_HTML 47 . 48)) #20=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9227 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#21#)) :form eql #20# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Example #6 Using double quotes in Heredoc" "foo = 'Foo';\n $this->bar = array('Bar1', 'Bar2', 'Bar3');\n }\n}\n\n$foo = new foo();\n$name = 'MyName';\n\necho <<<'EOT'\nMy name is \"$name\". I am printing some $foo->foo.\nNow, I am printing some {$foo->bar[1]}.\nThis should not print a capital 'A': A\nEOT;\n?>\n" (error) #25=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_CLASS 7 . 12) (T_STRING 13 . 16) ("{" 17 . 18) (T_PUBLIC 23 . 29) (T_VARIABLE 30 . 34) (";" 34 . 35) (T_PUBLIC 40 . 46) (T_VARIABLE 47 . 51) (";" 51 . 52) (T_FUNCTION 58 . 66) (T_STRING 67 . 78) ("(" 78 . 79) (")" 79 . 80) ("{" 85 . 86) (T_VARIABLE 95 . 100) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 100 . 102) (T_STRING 102 . 105) ("=" 106 . 107) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 108 . 113) (";" 113 . 114) (T_VARIABLE 123 . 128) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 128 . 130) (T_STRING 130 . 133) ("=" 134 . 135) (T_ARRAY 136 . 141) ("(" 141 . 142) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 142 . 148) ("," 148 . 149) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 150 . 156) ("," 156 . 157) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 158 . 164) (")" 164 . 165) (";" 165 . 166) ("}" 171 . 172) ("}" 173 . 174) (T_VARIABLE 176 . 180) ("=" 181 . 182) (T_NEW 183 . 186) (T_STRING 187 . 190) ("(" 190 . 191) (")" 191 . 192) (";" 192 . 193) (T_VARIABLE 194 . 199) ("=" 200 . 201) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 202 . 210) (";" 210 . 211) (T_ECHO 213 . 217) (T_START_HEREDOC 218 . 227) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 227 . 355) (T_END_HEREDOC 355 . 359) (";" 359 . 360) (T_CLOSE_TAG 361 . 363) (T_INLINE_HTML 363 . 364)) #24=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9237 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#25#)) :form eql #24# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Example #8 Nowdoc string quoting example with variables" "\n" (error) #27=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_CLASS 7 . 12) (T_STRING 13 . 16) ("{" 17 . 18) (T_PUBLIC 23 . 29) (T_VARIABLE 30 . 34) ("=" 35 . 36) (T_START_HEREDOC 37 . 46) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 46 . 49) (T_END_HEREDOC 49 . 53) (";" 53 . 54) ("}" 55 . 56) (T_CLOSE_TAG 57 . 59) (T_INLINE_HTML 59 . 60)) #26=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9242 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#27#)) :form eql #26# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Example #9 Static data example (Nowdoc)" "posts; ?>" (error) #33=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 12) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 12 . 14) (T_STRING 14 . 19) (";" 19 . 20) (T_CLOSE_TAG 21 . 23)) #32=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9257 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#33#)) :form eql #32# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Wordpress example object operator" "posts WHERE ID = '\".$id.\"'\"; ?>" (error) #35=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 11) ("=" 12 . 13) ("\"" 14 . 15) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 15 . 39) (T_VARIABLE 39 . 44) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 44 . 46) (T_STRING 46 . 51) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 51 . 64) ("\"" 64 . 65) ("." 65 . 66) (T_VARIABLE 66 . 69) ("." 69 . 70) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 70 . 73) (";" 73 . 74) (T_CLOSE_TAG 75 . 77)) #34=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9262 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#35#)) :form eql #34# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Wordpress example SQL query in double-quoted string with variables" "get_var(\"SELECT post_parent FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = '\".$id.\"'\"); ?>" (error) #37=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 12) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 12 . 14) (T_STRING 14 . 21) ("(" 21 . 22) ("\"" 22 . 23) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 23 . 47) (T_VARIABLE 47 . 52) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 52 . 54) (T_STRING 54 . 59) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 59 . 72) ("\"" 72 . 73) ("." 73 . 74) (T_VARIABLE 74 . 77) ("." 77 . 78) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 78 . 81) (")" 81 . 82) (";" 82 . 83) (T_CLOSE_TAG 84 . 86)) #36=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9267 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#37#)) :form eql #36# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Wordpress example object operator with sql in double quotes with variable inside" "add($option['style']['selectors'], array('background' => \"{$value['color']} url('{$value['image']}')\"));" (error) #39=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 12) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 12 . 14) (T_STRING 14 . 17) ("(" 17 . 18) (T_VARIABLE 18 . 25) ("[" 25 . 26) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 26 . 33) ("]" 33 . 34) ("[" 34 . 35) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 35 . 46) ("]" 46 . 47) ("," 47 . 48) (T_ARRAY 49 . 54) ("(" 54 . 55) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 55 . 67) (T_DOUBLE_ARROW 68 . 70) ("\"" 71 . 72) (T_CURLY_OPEN 72 . 73) (T_VARIABLE 73 . 79) ("[" 79 . 80) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 80 . 87) ("]" 87 . 88) ("}" 88 . 89) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 89 . 95) (T_CURLY_OPEN 95 . 96) (T_VARIABLE 96 . 102) ("[" 102 . 103) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 103 . 110) ("]" 110 . 111) ("}" 111 . 112) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 112 . 114) ("\"" 114 . 115) (")" 115 . 116) (")" 116 . 117) (";" 117 . 118)) #38=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9272 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#39#)) :form eql #38# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Complex tokens with tokens inside double-quoted string" "property} again {$value->head()}; random\nEOD;\n" (error) #41=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 7 . 11) ("=" 12 . 13) (T_START_HEREDOC 14 . 21) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 21 . 28) (T_CURLY_OPEN 28 . 29) (T_VARIABLE 29 . 35) ("[" 35 . 36) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 36 . 43) ("]" 43 . 44) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 44 . 46) (T_STRING 46 . 54) ("}" 54 . 55) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 55 . 62) (T_CURLY_OPEN 62 . 63) (T_VARIABLE 63 . 69) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 69 . 71) (T_STRING 71 . 75) ("(" 75 . 76) (")" 76 . 77) ("}" 77 . 78) (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE 78 . 86) (T_END_HEREDOC 86 . 90) (";" 90 . 91)) #40=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9277 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#41#)) :form eql #40# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Complex tokens with tokens inside HEREDOC string" " 25\n);\n$field = 'random';\necho $object->{\"field_$field\"};" (error) #47=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_VARIABLE 8 . 15) ("=" 16 . 17) (T_OBJECT_CAST 18 . 26) (T_ARRAY 27 . 32) ("(" 32 . 33) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 38 . 52) (T_DOUBLE_ARROW 53 . 55) (T_LNUMBER 56 . 58) (")" 59 . 60) (";" 60 . 61) (T_VARIABLE 62 . 68) ("=" 69 . 70) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 71 . 79) (";" 79 . 80) (T_ECHO 81 . 85) (T_VARIABLE 86 . 93) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 93 . 95) ("{" 95 . 96) ("\"" 96 . 97) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 97 . 103) (T_VARIABLE 103 . 109) ("\"" 109 . 110) ("}" 110 . 111) (";" 111 . 112)) #46=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9292 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#47#)) :form eql #46# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Dynamic object property" "{\"my$function\"}();" (error) #49=((T_OPEN_TAG 1 . 7) (T_CLASS 7 . 12) (T_STRING 13 . 20) ("{" 21 . 22) (T_FUNCTION 23 . 31) (T_STRING 32 . 42) ("(" 42 . 43) (")" 43 . 44) ("{" 45 . 46) (T_RETURN 47 . 53) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 54 . 61) (";" 61 . 62) ("}" 63 . 64) ("}" 64 . 65) (T_VARIABLE 66 . 72) ("=" 73 . 74) (T_NEW 75 . 78) (T_STRING 79 . 86) ("(" 86 . 87) (")" 87 . 88) (";" 88 . 89) (T_VARIABLE 90 . 99) ("=" 100 . 101) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 102 . 112) (";" 112 . 113) (T_ECHO 114 . 118) (T_VARIABLE 119 . 125) (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR 125 . 127) ("{" 127 . 128) ("\"" 128 . 129) (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING 129 . 131) (T_VARIABLE 131 . 140) ("\"" 140 . 141) ("}" 141 . 142) ("(" 142 . 143) (")" 143 . 144) (";" 144 . 145)) #48=#:ert-form-evaluation-aborted-9297 [(should (equal phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens '#49#)) :form eql #48# :value equal ert-explainer :explanation apply ert--signal-should-execution] "Dynamic object method" "