;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\307\310\311\312\313\314\313\315\316\317\316\320\316\321& \210\322\323\324\325\326DD\327\313\310\330\331&\210\322\332\324\325\333DD\334\313\310\330\335&\210\322\336\324\325\337DD\340\313\310\330\341&\210\322\342\324\325\343DD\344\313\310\330\345&\210\322\346\324\325\347DD\350\313\310\330\351&\210\322\352\324\325\353DD\354\313\310\330\355&\210\322\356\324\325\357DD\360\313\310\330\335\361\362& \210\322\363\324\325\364DD\365\313\310\330\335&\210\322\366\324\325\367DD\370\313\310\330\371&\210\322\372\324\325\373DD\374\313\310\330\375&\210\322\376\324\325\377DD\201@\313\310\330\201A&\210\201B\376\201C\201D#\210\322\201E\324\325\201FDD\201G\313\310\330\201A&\210\322\201H\324\325\201IDD\201J\313\310\330\201A&\210\322\201K\324\325\201LDD\201M\313\310\330\201A&\210\322\201N\324\325\201ODD\201P\313\310\330\201Q\361\201R& \210\322\201S\324\325\201TDD\201U\313\310\330\201V&\210\322\201W\324\325\201XDD\201Y\313\310\330\335&\210\322\201Z\324\325\201[DD\201\\\313\310\330\325&\210\322\201]\324\325\201^DD\201_\313\310\330\201A\361\201`& \210\322\201a\324\325\201bDD\201c\313\310\330\325\361\201d& \210\322\201e\324\325\201fDD\201g\313\310\330\201h&\210\322\201i\324\325\201jDD\201k\313\310\330\201l&\210\322\201m\324\325\201nDD\201o\313\310\330\201p&\210\201q\201r\201s\311#\210\201t\211\2034\211@\201rN\203-\201sN\204-\201u\201s\201rN#\210A\266\202\202 \210\201B\201r\201s\201v#\210\322\201s\324\325\201wDD\201x\313\310\330\201y&\210\322\201z\324\325\201{DD\201|\313\310\330\201}\361\201~& \210\322\201\324\325\201\200DD\201\201\313\310\330\201\202&\210\322\201\203\324\325\201\204DD\201\205\313\310\330\201\206\361\201\207& \210\322\201\210\324\325\201\211DD\201\212\313\310\330\201\213&\210\322\201\214\324\325\201\215DD\201\216\201\217\201\220\313\310\330\201\221& \210\322\201\222\324\325\201\223DD\201\224\313\310\330\201\225\361\201\226& \210\322\201\227\324\325\201\230DD\201\231\313\310\330\201\232&\210\322\201\233\324\325\201\234DD\201\235\313\310\330\201\236\361\201\237& \210\322\201\240\324\325\201\241DD\201\242\313\310\330\201\243&\210\322\201\244\324\325\201\245DD\201\246\313\310\330\201\243&\210\322\201\247\324\325\201\250DD\201\251\313\310\330\325&\210\322\201\252\324\325\201\253DD\201\254\313\310\330\335&\210\322\201\255\324\325\201\256DD\201\257\313\310\330\335&\210\322\201\260\324\325\201\261DD\201\262\313\310\330\201\243\361\201\263& \210\322\201\264\324\325\201\265DD\201\266\313\310\330\325&\210\322\201\267\324\325\201\270DD\201\271\313\310\330\325&\210\322\201\272\324\325\201\273DD\201\274\313\310\330\325&\210\322\201\275\324\325\201\276DD\201\277\313\310\330\335\361\201\300& \210\322\201\301\324\325\201\302DD\201\303\313\310\330\325\361\201\304& \207" [require cl-lib thingatpt ibuffer ibuf-ext compile grep custom-declare-group projectile nil "Manage and navigate projects easily." :group tools convenience :link (url-link :tag "GitHub" "https://github.com/bbatsov/projectile") (url-link :tag "Online Manual" "https://docs.projectile.mx/") (emacs-commentary-link :tag "Commentary" "projectile") custom-declare-variable projectile-indexing-method funcall function #[0 "\301=\203\302\207\303\207" [system-type windows-nt native alien] 2] "Specifies the indexing method used by Projectile.\n\nThere are three indexing methods - native, hybrid and alien.\n\nThe native method is implemented in Emacs Lisp (therefore it is\nnative to Emacs). Its advantage is that it is portable and will\nwork everywhere that Emacs does. Its disadvantage is that it is a\nbit slow (especially for large projects). Generally it's a good\nidea to pair the native indexing method with caching.\n\nThe hybrid indexing method uses external tools (e.g. git, find,\netc) to speed up the indexing process. Still, the files will be\npost-processed by Projectile for sorting/filtering purposes.\nIn this sense that approach is a hybrid between native indexing\nand alien indexing.\n\nThe alien indexing method optimizes to the limit the speed\nof the hybrid indexing method. This means that Projectile will\nnot do any processing of the files returned by the external\ncommands and you're going to get the maximum performance\npossible. This behaviour makes a lot of sense for most people,\nas they'd typically be putting ignores in their VCS config and\nwon't care about any additional ignores/unignores/sorting that\nProjectile might also provide.\n\nThe disadvantage of the hybrid and alien methods is that they are not well\nsupported on Windows systems. That's why by default alien indexing is the\ndefault on all operating systems, except Windows." :type (radio (const :tag "Native" native) (const :tag "Hybrid" hybrid) (const :tag "Alien" alien)) projectile-enable-caching #[0 "\301=\207" [projectile-indexing-method native] 2] "When t enables project files caching.\n\nProject caching is automatically enabled by default if you're\nusing the native indexing method." boolean projectile-kill-buffers-filter #[0 "\300\207" [kill-all] 1] "Determine which buffers are killed by `projectile-kill-buffers'.\n\nWhen the kill-all option is selected, kills each buffer.\n\nWhen the kill-only-files option is selected, kill only the buffer\nassociated to a file.\n\nOtherwise, it should be a predicate that takes one argument: the buffer to\nbe killed." (radio (const :tag "All project buffers" kill-all) (const :tag "Project file buffers" kill-only-files) (function :tag "Predicate")) projectile-file-exists-local-cache-expire #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Number of seconds before the local file existence cache expires.\nLocal refers to a file on a local file system.\n\nA value of nil disables this cache.\nSee `projectile-file-exists-p' for details." (choice (const :tag "Disabled" nil) (integer :tag "Seconds")) projectile-file-exists-remote-cache-expire #[0 "\300\207" [300] 1] "Number of seconds before the remote file existence cache expires.\nRemote refers to a file on a remote file system such as tramp.\n\nA value of nil disables this cache.\nSee `projectile-file-exists-p' for details." (choice (const :tag "Disabled" nil) (integer :tag "Seconds")) projectile-files-cache-expire #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Number of seconds before project files list cache expires.\n\nA value of nil means the cache never expires." (choice (const :tag "Disabled" nil) (integer :tag "Seconds")) projectile-auto-discover #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to discover projects when `projectile-mode' is activated." :package-version (projectile . "2.3.0") projectile-auto-update-cache #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether the cache should automatically be updated when files are opened or deleted." projectile-require-project-root #[0 "\300\207" [prompt] 1] "Require the presence of a project root to operate when true.\nWhen set to 'prompt Projectile will ask you to select a project\ndirectory if you're not in a project.\n\nWhen nil Projectile will consider the current directory the project root." (choice (const :tag "No" nil) (const :tag "Yes" t) (const :tag "Prompt for project" prompt)) projectile-completion-system #[0 "\300\207" [auto] 1] "The completion system to be used by Projectile." (radio (const :tag "Auto-detect" auto) (const :tag "Ido" ido) (const :tag "Helm" helm) (const :tag "Ivy" ivy) (const :tag "Default" default) (function :tag "Custom function")) projectile-keymap-prefix #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Projectile keymap prefix." string make-obsolete-variable "Use (define-key projectile-mode-map (kbd ...) 'projectile-command-map) instead." "2.0.0" projectile-cache-file #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [user-emacs-directory expand-file-name "projectile.cache"] 3] "The name of Projectile's cache file." projectile-tags-file-name #[0 "\300\207" [#1="TAGS"] 1 #1#] "The tags filename Projectile's going to use." projectile-tags-command #[0 "\300\207" [#2="ctags -Re -f \"%s\" %s \"%s\""] 1 #2#] "The command Projectile's going to use to generate a TAGS file." projectile-tags-backend #[0 "\300\207" [auto] 1] "The tag backend that Projectile should use.\n\nIf set to 'auto', `projectile-find-tag' will automatically choose\nwhich backend to use. Preference order is ggtags -> xref\n-> etags-select -> `find-tag'. Variable can also be set to specify which\nbackend to use. If selected backend is unavailable, fall back to\n`find-tag'.\n\nIf this variable is set to 'auto' and ggtags is available, or if\nset to 'ggtags', then ggtags will be used for\n`projectile-regenerate-tags'. For all other settings\n`projectile-tags-command' will be used." (radio (const :tag "auto" auto) (const :tag "xref" xref) (const :tag "ggtags" ggtags) (const :tag "etags" etags-select) (const :tag "standard" find-tag)) (projectile . "0.14.0") projectile-sort-order #[0 "\300\207" [default] 1] "The sort order used for a project's files.\n\nNote that files aren't sorted if `projectile-indexing-method'\nis set to 'alien'." (radio (const :tag "Default (no sorting)" default) (const :tag "Recently opened files" recentf) (const :tag "Recently active buffers, then recently opened files" recently-active) (const :tag "Access time (atime)" access-time) (const :tag "Modification time (mtime)" modification-time)) projectile-verbose #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Echo messages that are not errors." projectile-buffers-filter-function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A function used to filter the buffers in `projectile-project-buffers'.\n\nThe function should accept and return a list of Emacs buffers.\nTwo example filter functions are shipped by default -\n`projectile-buffers-with-file' and\n`projectile-buffers-with-file-or-process'." projectile-project-name #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If this value is non-nil, it will be used as project name.\n\nIt has precedence over function `projectile-project-name-function'." (projectile . "0.14.0") projectile-project-name-function #[0 "\300\207" [projectile-default-project-name] 1] "A function that receives the project-root and returns the project name.\n\nIf variable `projectile-project-name' is non-nil, this function will not be used." (projectile . "0.14.0") projectile-project-root-files #[0 "\300\207" [("GTAGS" "TAGS" "configure.ac" "configure.in" "cscope.out")] 1] "A list of files considered to mark the root of a project.\nThe topmost match has precedence.\nSee `projectile-register-project-type'." (repeat string) projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up #[0 "\300\207" [(".projectile" ".git" ".hg" ".fslckout" "_FOSSIL_" ".bzr" "_darcs")] 1] "A list of files considered to mark the root of a project.\nThe bottommost (parentmost) match has precedence." (repeat string) projectile-project-root-files-top-down-recurring #[0 "\300\207" [(".svn" "CVS" "Makefile")] 1] "A list of files considered to mark the root of a project.\nThe search starts at the top and descends down till a directory\nthat contains a match file but its parent does not. Thus, it's a\nbottommost match in the topmost sequence of directories\ncontaining a root file." (repeat string) defvaralias projectile-project-root-files-functions projectile-project-root-functions (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put "2.4" #[0 "\300\207" [(projectile-root-local projectile-root-bottom-up projectile-root-top-down projectile-root-top-down-recurring)] 1] "A list of functions for finding project root folders.\nThe functions will be ran until one of them returns a project folder.\nReordering the default functions will alter the project discovery\nalgorithm." (repeat function) projectile-dirconfig-comment-prefix #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Projectile config file (.projectile) comment start marker.\nIf specified, starting a line in a project's .projectile file with this\ncharacter marks that line as a comment instead of a pattern.\nSimilar to '#' in .gitignore files." character (projectile . "2.2.0") projectile-globally-ignored-files #[0 "C\207" [projectile-tags-file-name] 1] "A list of files globally ignored by projectile.\nNote that files aren't filtered if `projectile-indexing-method'\nis set to 'alien'." (repeat string) projectile-globally-unignored-files #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of files globally unignored by projectile.\nRegular expressions can be used.\nNote that files aren't filtered if `projectile-indexing-method'\nis set to 'alien'." (repeat string) (projectile . "0.14.0") projectile-globally-ignored-file-suffixes #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of file suffixes globally ignored by projectile.\nNote that files aren't filtered if `projectile-indexing-method'\nis set to 'alien'." (repeat string) projectile-globally-ignored-directories #[0 "\300\207" [(".idea" ".vscode" ".ensime_cache" ".eunit" ".git" ".hg" ".fslckout" "_FOSSIL_" ".bzr" "_darcs" ".tox" ".svn" ".stack-work" ".ccls-cache" ".cache" ".clangd")] 1] "A list of directories globally ignored by projectile.\nRegular expressions can be used.\n\nStrings that don't start with * are only ignored at the top level\nof the project. Strings that start with * are ignored everywhere\nin the project, as if there was no *. So note that * when used as\na prefix is not a wildcard; it is an indicator that the directory\nshould be ignored at all levels, not just root.\n\nExamples: \"tmp\" ignores only ./tmp at the top level of the\nproject, but not ./src/tmp. \"*tmp\" will ignore both ./tmp and\n./src/tmp, but not ./not-a-tmp or ./src/not-a-tmp.\n\nNote that files aren't filtered if `projectile-indexing-method'\nis set to 'alien'." :safe #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\"?\207" [remq t mapcar stringp] 6 "\n\n(fn X)"] (repeat string) projectile-globally-unignored-directories #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of directories globally unignored by projectile.\nNote that files aren't filtered if `projectile-indexing-method'\nis set to 'alien'." (repeat string) (projectile . "0.14.0") projectile-globally-ignored-modes #[0 "\300\207" [("erc-mode" "help-mode" "completion-list-mode" "Buffer-menu-mode" "gnus-.*-mode" "occur-mode")] 1] "A list of regular expressions for major modes ignored by projectile.\n\nIf a buffer is using a given major mode, projectile will ignore\nit for functions working with buffers." (repeat string) projectile-globally-ignored-buffers #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of buffer-names ignored by projectile.\n\nYou can use either exact buffer names or regular expressions.\nIf a buffer is in the list projectile will ignore it for\nfunctions working with buffers." (repeat string) (projectile . "0.12.0") projectile-find-file-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Hooks run when a file is opened with `projectile-find-file'." hook projectile-find-dir-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Hooks run when a directory is opened with `projectile-find-dir'." projectile-switch-project-action #[0 "\300\207" [projectile-find-file] 1] "Action invoked after switching projects with `projectile-switch-project'.\n\nAny function that does not take arguments will do." projectile-find-dir-includes-top-level #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If true, add top-level dir to options offered by `projectile-find-dir'." projectile-use-git-grep #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "If true, use `vc-git-grep' in git projects." projectile-grep-finished-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Hooks run when `projectile-grep' finishes." (projectile . "0.14.0") projectile-test-prefix-function #[0 "\300\207" [projectile-test-prefix] 1] "Function to find test files prefix based on PROJECT-TYPE." projectile-test-suffix-function #[0 "\300\207" [projectile-test-suffix] 1] "Function to find test files suffix based on PROJECT-TYPE." projectile-related-files-fn-function #[0 "\300\207" [projectile-related-files-fn] 1] "Function to find related files based on PROJECT-TYPE." projectile-dynamic-mode-line #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "If true, update the mode-line dynamically.\nOnly file buffers are affected by this, as the update happens via\n`find-file-hook'.\n\nSee also `projectile-mode-line-function' and `projectile-update-mode-line'." (projectile . "2.0.0") projectile-mode-line-function #[0 "\300\207" [projectile-default-mode-line] 1] "The function to use to generate project-specific mode-line.\nThe default function adds the project name and type to the mode-line.\nSee also `projectile-update-mode-line'." (projectile . "2.0.0")] 14) #@74 The timer object created when `projectile-enable-idle-timer' is non-nil. (defvar projectile-idle-timer nil (#$ . 16442)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\307\310\315&\210\300\316\302\303\317DD\320\306\307\321\322\310\323& \207" [custom-declare-variable projectile-idle-timer-seconds funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [30] 1] "The idle period to use when `projectile-enable-idle-timer' is non-nil." :group projectile :type number projectile-idle-timer-hook #[0 "\300\207" [(projectile-regenerate-tags)] 1] "The hook run when `projectile-enable-idle-timer' is non-nil." (repeat symbol) projectile-enable-idle-timer #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Enables idle timer hook `projectile-idle-timer-functions'.\n\nWhen `projectile-enable-idle-timer' is non-nil, the hook\n`projectile-idle-timer-hook' is run each time Emacs has been idle\nfor `projectile-idle-timer-seconds' seconds and we're in a\nproject." :set #[514 "L\210\203\f\303!\210\304 \205\305\n\306\307#\211\207" [projectile-idle-timer projectile-enable-idle-timer projectile-idle-timer-seconds cancel-timer nil run-with-idle-timer t #[0 "\300 \205\301\302!\207" [projectile-project-p run-hooks projectile-idle-timer-hook] 2]] 6 "\n\n(fn SYMBOL VALUE)"] boolean] 10) #@76 A hashmap used to cache project file names to speed up related operations. (defvar projectile-projects-cache nil (#$ . 17731)) #@73 A hashmap used to record when we populated `projectile-projects-cache'. (defvar projectile-projects-cache-time nil (#$ . 17864)) #@53 Cached value of function `projectile-project-root`. (defvar projectile-project-root-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 17999)) #@70 A hashmap used to cache project type to speed up related operations. (defvar projectile-project-type-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 18140)) #@248 List of locations where we have previously seen projects. The list of projects is ordered by the time they have been accessed. See also `projectile-remove-known-project', `projectile-cleanup-known-projects' and `projectile-clear-known-projects'. (defvar projectile-known-projects nil (#$ . 18299)) #@158 List of known projects reference point. Contains a copy of `projectile-known-projects' when it was last synchronized with `projectile-known-projects-file'. (defvar projectile-known-projects-on-file nil (#$ . 18605)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\307\310\315\316\317& \210\300\320\302\303\321DD\322\306\307\310\323\316\324& \210\300\325\302\303\326DD\327\306\307\310\330\316\331& \210\300\332\302\303\333DD\334\306\307\310\335\316\336& \210\300\337\302\303\340DD\341\306\307\310\311&\210\300\342\302\303\343DD\344\306\307\310\311&\210\300\345\302\303\346DD\347\306\307\310\311\316\350& \210\300\351\302\303\352DD\353\306\307\310\311&\210\300\354\302\303\355DD\356\306\307\310\311&\210\300\357\302\303\360DD\361\306\307\310\311&\210\300\362\302\303\363DD\364\306\307\310\311&\210\300\365\302\303\366DD\367\306\307\310\311&\210\300\370\302\303\371DD\372\306\307\310\311&\210\300\373\302\303\374DD\375\306\307\310\376\316\377& \210\300\201@\302\303\201ADD\201B\310\201C%\210\300\201D\302\303\201EDD\201F\306\307\310\330&\210\300\201G\302\303\201HDD\201I\306\307\310\201J&\210\300\201K\302\303\201LDD\201M\306\307\310\201J&\210\300\201N\302\303\201ODD\201P\306\307\310\201Q&\210\300\201R\302\303\201SDD\201T\306\307\310\201U\316\201V& \207" [custom-declare-variable projectile-known-projects-file funcall function #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [user-emacs-directory expand-file-name "projectile-bookmarks.eld"] 3] "Name and location of the Projectile's known projects file." :group projectile :type string projectile-ignored-projects #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "A list of projects not to be added to `projectile-known-projects'." (repeat :tag "Project list" directory) :package-version (projectile . "0.11.0") projectile-ignored-project-function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Function to decide if a project is added to `projectile-known-projects'.\n\nCan be either nil, or a function that takes the truename of the\nproject root as argument and returns non-nil if the project is to\nbe ignored or nil otherwise.\n\nThis function is only called if the project is not listed in\n`projectile-ignored-projects'.\n\nA suitable candidate would be `file-remote-p' to ignore remote\nprojects." (choice (const :tag "Nothing" nil) (const :tag "Remote files" file-remote-p) function) (projectile . "0.13.0") projectile-track-known-projects-automatically #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Controls whether Projectile will automatically register known projects.\n\nWhen set to nil you'll have always add projects explicitly with\n`projectile-add-known-project'." boolean (projectile . "1.0.0") projectile-project-search-path #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "List of folders where projectile is automatically going to look for projects.\nYou can think of something like $PATH, but for projects instead of executables.\nExamples of such paths might be ~/projects, ~/work, etc." (repeat directory) (projectile . "1.0.0") projectile-git-command #[0 "\300\207" [#1="git ls-files -zco --exclude-standard"] 1 #1#] "Command used by projectile to get the files in a git project." projectile-git-submodule-command #[0 "\300\207" [#2="git submodule --quiet foreach 'echo $displaypath' | tr '\\n' '\\0'"] 1 #2#] "Command used by projectile to list submodules of a given git repository.\nSet to nil to disable listing submodules contents." projectile-git-ignored-command #[0 "\300\207" [#3="git ls-files -zcoi --exclude-standard"] 1 #3#] "Command used by projectile to get the ignored files in a git project." (projectile . "0.14.0") projectile-hg-command #[0 "\300\207" [#4="hg locate -f -0 -I ."] 1 #4#] "Command used by projectile to get the files in a hg project." projectile-fossil-command #[0 "\301\302\230\205\303\304Q\207" [system-type "fossil ls | " "windows-nt" "dos2unix | " "tr '\\n' '\\0'"] 3] "Command used by projectile to get the files in a fossil project." projectile-bzr-command #[0 "\300\207" [#5="bzr ls -R --versioned -0"] 1 #5#] "Command used by projectile to get the files in a bazaar project." projectile-darcs-command #[0 "\300\207" [#6="darcs show files -0 . "] 1 #6#] "Command used by projectile to get the files in a darcs project." projectile-svn-command #[0 "\300\207" [#7="svn list -R . | grep -v '$/' | tr '\\n' '\\0'"] 1 #7#] "Command used by projectile to get the files in a svn project." projectile-generic-command #[0 "\300\301!\203\302\207\303\207" [executable-find "fd" "fd . -0 --type f --color=never" "find . -type f -print0"] 2] "Command used by projectile to get the files in a generic project." projectile-vcs-dirty-state #[0 "\300\207" [("edited" "unregistered" "needs-update" "needs-merge" "unlocked-changes" "conflict")] 1] "List of states checked by `projectile-browse-dirty-projects'.\nPossible checked states are:\n\"edited\", \"unregistered\", \"needs-update\", \"needs-merge\",\n\"unlocked-changes\" and \"conflict\",\nas defined in `vc.el'." (repeat (string)) (projectile . "1.0.0") projectile-other-file-alist #[0 "\300\207" [(("cpp" "h" "hpp" "ipp") ("ipp" "h" "hpp" "cpp") ("hpp" "h" "ipp" "cpp" "cc") ("cxx" "h" "hxx" "ixx") ("ixx" "h" "hxx" "cxx") ("hxx" "h" "ixx" "cxx") ("c" "h") ("m" "h") ("mm" "h") ("h" "c" "cc" "cpp" "ipp" "hpp" "cxx" "ixx" "hxx" "m" "mm") ("cc" "h" "hh" "hpp") ("hh" "cc") ("ml" "mli") ("mli" "ml" "mll" "mly") ("mll" "mli") ("mly" "mli") ("eliomi" "eliom") ("eliom" "eliomi") ("vert" "frag") ("frag" "vert") (nil "lock" "gpg") ("lock" #8="") ("gpg" #8#))] 1] "Alist of extensions for switching to file with the same name,\n using other extensions based on the extension of current\n file." alist projectile-create-missing-test-files #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "During toggling, if non-nil enables creating test files if not found.\n\nWhen not-nil, every call to projectile-find-implementation-or-test-*\ncreates test files if not found on the file system. Defaults to nil.\nIt assumes the test/ folder is at the same level as src/." projectile-after-switch-project-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Hooks run right after project is switched." hook projectile-before-switch-project-hook #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Hooks run when right before project is switched." projectile-current-project-on-switch #[0 "\300\207" [remove] 1] "Determines whether to display current project when switching projects.\n\nWhen set to 'remove current project is not included, 'move-to-end\nwill display current project and the end of the list of known\nprojects, 'keep will leave the current project at the default\nposition." (radio (const :tag "Remove" remove) (const :tag "Move to end" move-to-end) (const :tag "Keep" keep)) projectile-max-file-buffer-count #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Maximum number of file buffers per project that are kept open.\n\nIf the value is nil, there is no limit to the opend buffers count." integer (projectile . "2.2.0")] 10) #@453 Get the Projectile version as string. If called interactively or if SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo area and the messages buffer. The returned string includes both, the version from package.el and the library version, if both a present and different. If the version number could not be determined, signal an error, if called interactively, or if SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, otherwise just return nil. (fn &optional SHOW-VERSION) (defalias 'projectile-version #[256 "\300\301\302\303#\203\304\305!\203\306\307\"\210\207\310\311!\207" [require pkg-info nil t pkg-info-version-info projectile message "Projectile %s" error "Cannot determine version without package pkg-info"] 5 (#$ . 25461) (list t)]) #@20 (fn LIST1 LIST2) (defalias 'projectile-difference #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [cl-remove-if make-closure #[257 "\211\300\235\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"]] 6 (#$ . 26195)]) #@53 Check to see if unixy text utilities are installed. (defalias 'projectile-unixy-system-p #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [cl-every #[257 "\300!\207" [executable-find] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] ("grep" "cut" "uniq")] 3 (#$ . 26375)]) #@43 Get the symbol or selected text at point. (defalias 'projectile-symbol-or-selection-at-point #[0 "\300 \203\f\301\302 \303 \"\207\304 \207" [use-region-p buffer-substring-no-properties region-beginning region-end projectile-symbol-at-point] 3 (#$ . 26598)]) #@51 Get the symbol at point and strip its properties. (defalias 'projectile-symbol-at-point #[0 "\300\301\302!\206\303!\207" [substring-no-properties thing-at-point symbol ""] 3 (#$ . 26863)]) #@254 Infer the buffer name for PROCESS or generate a new one if MAKE-NEW is true. The function operates on the current project by default, but you can also specify a project explicitly via the optional PROJECT param. (fn PROCESS MAKE-NEW &optional PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-generate-process-name #[770 "\211\206\300 \301\302\303!#\203\304!\207\207" [projectile-acquire-root format "*%s %s*" projectile-project-name generate-new-buffer-name] 9 (#$ . 27061)]) #@112 Serialize DATA to FILENAME. The saved data can be restored with `projectile-unserialize'. (fn DATA FILENAME) (defalias 'projectile-serialize #[514 "\301!\205+\211\302\303\304\"\305\306\"\216r\211q\210\307\310!)c)rq\210\311\307\211\307\312%\210*\266\202\207" [print-length file-writable-p generate-new-buffer " *temp file*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] nil prin1-to-string write-region 0] 11 (#$ . 27535)]) #@78 Read data serialized by `projectile-serialize' from FILENAME. (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'projectile-unserialize #[257 "\3001$\301!\205\"\302\303\304\"r\211q\210\305\306\"\216\307!\210\310\311 !*\2620\207\312\313\"\210\314\207" [(debug error) file-exists-p generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] insert-file-contents read buffer-string message "Error during file deserialization: %S" nil] 5 (#$ . 28009)]) #@44 Cached `projectile-file-exists-p' results. (defvar projectile-file-exists-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 28499)) #@61 Timer for scheduling`projectile-file-exists-cache-cleanup'. (defvar projectile-file-exists-cache-timer nil (#$ . 28630)) #@104 Removed timed out cache entries and reschedules or remove the timer if no more items are in the cache. (defalias 'projectile-file-exists-cache-cleanup #[0 "\302 \303\304\305\"\"\210\306!\307V\205\310\311\312\313#\211\207" [projectile-file-exists-cache projectile-file-exists-cache-timer current-time maphash make-closure #[514 "\302A\300\"\205\f\303 \"\207" [V0 projectile-file-exists-cache time-less-p remhash] 5 "\n\n(fn KEY VALUE)"] hash-table-count 0 run-with-timer 10 nil projectile-file-exists-cache-cleanup] 5 (#$ . 28758)]) #@115 Return t if file FILENAME exist. A wrapper around `file-exists-p' with additional caching support. (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'projectile-file-exists-p #[257 "\305!\211\203\205 \306V\205 \202 \205 \306V\205 \211\203(\211\202)\n\211\2044\307!\202\215\310 \311 \"\211\205@\211@\205FA\203Q\312\"\202R\313\211\204Z\206f\307!\203e\314\202f\315\203n\203~\316 \317 \320\f!\"B #\210\f\204\210\321\322\323\324#\211\314=\266\206)\207" [projectile-file-exists-remote-cache-expire projectile-file-exists-local-cache-expire remote-file-name-inhibit-cache projectile-file-exists-cache projectile-file-exists-cache-timer file-remote-p 0 file-exists-p current-time gethash time-less-p t found notfound puthash time-add seconds-to-time run-with-timer 10 nil projectile-file-exists-cache-cleanup] 16 (#$ . 29306)]) #@177 Remove the current project's files from `projectile-projects-cache'. With a prefix argument PROMPT prompts for the name of the project whose cache to invalidate. (fn PROMPT) (defalias 'projectile-invalidate-cache #[257 "\211\203\305\306\307C\310\311\312\"\"\210\211\242\237\266\202\"\202\313 \314\315\316\"\317\n\"\210\317\"\210\317 \"\210\320 \210\f\203@\321\322\323\324\325#\"\210\210\326\327!\205I\327 \207" [projectile-projects-cache projectile-project-root-cache projectile-project-type-cache projectile-projects-cache-time projectile-verbose completing-read "Remove cache for: " nil maphash make-closure #[514 "\300\300\242B\240\207" [V0] 5 "\n\n(fn K --CL-VAR--)"] projectile-acquire-root make-hash-table :test equal remhash projectile-serialize-cache message "Invalidated Projectile cache for %s." propertize face font-lock-keyword-face fboundp recentf-cleanup] 9 (#$ . 30155) "P"]) #@52 Return the number of seconds since the unix epoch. (defalias 'projectile-time-seconds #[0 "\300 \211G\301U\203\211A\262\242\202\302\303\304GD\"\211A\262\242\305\211A\262\210\305\306\307\"\\\207" [current-time 4 signal wrong-number-of-arguments (high low _usec _psec) nil lsh 16] 8 (#$ . 31070)]) #@102 Cache PROJECTs FILES. The cache is created both in memory and on the hard drive. (fn PROJECT FILES) (defalias 'projectile-cache-project #[514 "\205\303 #\210\303\304 \n#\210\305 \207" [projectile-enable-caching projectile-projects-cache projectile-projects-cache-time puthash projectile-time-seconds projectile-serialize-cache] 6 (#$ . 31386)]) #@62 Purge FILE from the cache of the current project. (fn FILE) (defalias 'projectile-purge-file-from-cache #[257 "\302 \303\"\304\"\203\"\305\306\"#\210\307 \210 \205&\310\311\"\207\312\313\"\207" [projectile-projects-cache projectile-verbose projectile-project-root gethash projectile-file-cached-p puthash remove projectile-serialize-cache message "%s removed from cache" error "%s is not in the cache"] 8 (#$ . 31744) (byte-code "\300\301\302 \"C\207" [projectile-completing-read "Remove file from cache: " projectile-current-project-files] 3)]) #@60 Purge DIR from the cache of the current project. (fn DIR) (defalias 'projectile-purge-dir-from-cache #[257 "\301 \302\"\303\304\305\306\"\"#\207" [projectile-projects-cache projectile-project-root gethash puthash cl-remove-if make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 string-prefix-p] 4 "\n\n(fn STR)"]] 9 (#$ . 32309) (byte-code "\300\301\302 \"C\207" [projectile-completing-read "Remove directory from cache: " projectile-current-project-dirs] 3)]) #@63 Check if FILE is already in PROJECT cache. (fn FILE PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-file-cached-p #[514 "\301\"\235\207" [projectile-projects-cache gethash] 6 (#$ . 32773)]) #@46 Add the currently visited file to the cache. (defalias 'projectile-cache-current-file #[0 "\301 \302 \205L\303\301 \"\205L\304\302 !\305\"\306\"\206)\307\310!!\206)\311!?\205J\312\303\"B#\210\313 \210\314\315\316\317\320#\316\317\320##\266\202\207" [projectile-projects-cache projectile-project-root buffer-file-name gethash file-truename file-relative-name projectile-file-cached-p projectile-ignored-directory-p file-name-directory projectile-ignored-file-p puthash projectile-serialize-cache message "File %s added to project %s cache." propertize face font-lock-keyword-face] 10 (#$ . 32956) nil]) #@51 Function for caching files with `find-file-hook'. (defalias 'projectile-cache-files-find-file-hook #[0 "\301 \205\211\205\302!?\205\303 \207" [projectile-enable-caching projectile-project-p projectile-ignored-project-p projectile-cache-current-file] 3 (#$ . 33585)]) #@54 Function for caching projects with `find-file-hook'. (defalias 'projectile-track-known-projects-find-file-hook #[0 "\205 \301 \205 \302\303 !\207" [projectile-track-known-projects-automatically projectile-project-p projectile-add-known-project projectile-project-root] 2 (#$ . 33866)]) #@74 Invalidate if FORCE or project's dirconfig newer than cache. (fn FORCE) (defalias 'projectile-maybe-invalidate-cache #[257 "\211\204\f\301\302 \"\205\303\304!\207" [projectile-cache-file file-newer-than-file-p projectile-dirconfig-file projectile-invalidate-cache nil] 4 (#$ . 34161)]) #@186 Discover any projects in DIRECTORY and add them to the projectile cache. This function is not recursive and only adds projects with roots at the top level of DIRECTORY. (fn DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile-discover-projects-in-directory #[257 "\300!\203\301\302\"\303\304\"\207\305\306\"\207" [file-exists-p directory-files t mapcar #[257 "\300!\205\301!\302\235?\205\303!\205\304!\207" [file-directory-p file-name-nondirectory (".." ".") projectile-project-p projectile-add-known-project] 3 "\n\n(fn DIR)"] message "Project search path directory %s doesn't exist"] 5 (#$ . 34459) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [read-directory-name "Starting directory: "] 2)]) #@113 Discover projects in `projectile-project-search-path'. Invoked automatically when `projectile-mode' is enabled. (defalias 'projectile-discover-projects-in-search-path #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [projectile-project-search-path mapcar projectile-discover-projects-in-directory] 3 (#$ . 35142) nil]) #@33 (fn FILENAME &optional TRASH) (defalias 'delete-file-projectile-remove-from-cache #[513 "\205\" \205\"\302 \205\"\303 \304!\305\"\306\"\205 \307!\266\203\207" [projectile-enable-caching projectile-auto-update-cache projectile-project-p projectile-project-root file-truename file-relative-name projectile-file-cached-p projectile-purge-file-from-cache] 8 (#$ . 35440)]) #@123 Return the parent directory of PATH. PATH may be a file or directory and directory paths may end with a slash. (fn PATH) (defalias 'projectile-parent #[257 "\300\301\300\302!!!!\207" [directory-file-name file-name-directory expand-file-name] 6 (#$ . 35829)]) #@371 Look up the directory hierarchy from FILE for a directory containing NAME. Stop at the first parent directory containing a file NAME, and return the directory. Return nil if not found. Instead of a string, NAME can also be a predicate taking one argument (a directory) and returning a non-nil value if that directory is the one for which we're looking. (fn FILE NAME) (defalias 'projectile-locate-dominating-file #[514 "\301!\262\302\211\204H\203H\303\"\204H;\203%\304\305\"!\202(!\262\211\2034\262\202\306\307!!\211\262\232\203\302\262\202\205Q\305\310!!\207" [locate-dominating-stop-dir-regexp abbreviate-file-name nil string-match projectile-file-exists-p expand-file-name file-name-directory directory-file-name file-name-as-directory] 8 (#$ . 36097)]) #@97 Defines a custom Projectile project root. This is intended to be used as a file local variable. (defvar projectile-project-root nil (#$ . 36897)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'projectile-project-root) #@62 A simple wrapper around `projectile-project-root'. (fn DIR) (defalias 'projectile-root-local #[257 "\207" [projectile-project-root] 2 (#$ . 37103)]) #@222 Identify a project root in DIR by top-down search for files in LIST. If LIST is nil, use `projectile-project-root-files' instead. Return the first (topmost) matched directory or nil if not found. (fn DIR &optional LIST) (defalias 'projectile-root-top-down #[513 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [projectile-locate-dominating-file make-closure #[257 "\302\303\304\"\300\206\n \"\207" [V0 projectile-project-root-files cl-find-if make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300\"!\207" [V0 projectile-file-exists-p expand-file-name] 5 "\n\n(fn F)"]] 5 "\n\n(fn DIR)"]] 7 (#$ . 37261)]) #@236 Identify a project root in DIR by bottom-up search for files in LIST. If LIST is nil, use `projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up' instead. Return the first (bottommost) matched directory or nil if not found. (fn DIR &optional LIST) (defalias 'projectile-root-bottom-up #[513 "\301\302\303\"\206\n\"\207" [projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up cl-some make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 projectile-locate-dominating-file] 4 "\n\n(fn NAME)"]] 6 (#$ . 37833)]) #@297 Identify a project root in DIR by recurring top-down search for files in LIST. If LIST is nil, use `projectile-project-root-files-top-down-recurring' instead. Return the last (bottommost) matched directory in the topmost sequence of matched directories. Nil otherwise. (fn DIR &optional LIST) (defalias 'projectile-root-top-down-recurring #[513 "\301\302\303\"\206\n\"\207" [projectile-project-root-files-top-down-recurring cl-some make-closure #[257 "\301\300\302\303\"\"\207" [V0 projectile-locate-dominating-file make-closure #[257 "\302\303\300\"!\205\304 \305!\"\206\302\303\300\305!\"!?\207" [V0 locate-dominating-stop-dir-regexp projectile-file-exists-p expand-file-name string-match projectile-parent] 6 "\n\n(fn DIR)"]] 6 "\n\n(fn F)"]] 6 (#$ . 38313)]) #@145 Retrieves the root directory of a project if available. If DIR is not supplied its set to the current directory by default. (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'projectile-project-root #[256 "\211\206C\302\303!\203\304\242!\203\211\305\303\242!!\240\210\306\307\310\311\242!?\311\242\307\312#\2042\211\205:\313\314\315\" \"\266\202\206@\310#\207" [default-directory projectile-project-root-functions fboundp tramp-archive-file-name-archive tramp-archive-file-name-p file-name-directory cl-subst nil none file-remote-p t cl-some make-closure #[257 "\302\303\300\242#\304 \"\211\203\305!\203\207\306\300\242!!\307 #\210\207" [V0 projectile-project-root-cache format "%s-%s" gethash file-exists-p file-truename puthash] 8 "\n\n(fn FUNC)"]] 11 (#$ . 39098)]) #@184 Ensure that DIR is non-nil. Useful for commands that expect the presence of a project. Controlled by `projectile-require-project-root'. See also `projectile-acquire-root'. (fn DIR) (defalias 'projectile-ensure-project #[257 "\211\203\207\303=\203\304\305 \"\207\203\306\307\n\"\207\n\207" [projectile-require-project-root projectile-known-projects default-directory prompt projectile-completing-read "Switch to project: " error "Projectile cannot find a project definition in %s"] 4 (#$ . 39881)]) #@220 Find the current project root, and prompts the user for it if that fails. Provides the common idiom (projectile-ensure-project (projectile-project-root)). Starts the search for the project with DIR. (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'projectile-acquire-root #[256 "\300\301!!\207" [projectile-ensure-project projectile-project-root] 4 (#$ . 40396)]) #@110 Check if DIR is a project. Defaults to the current directory if not provided explicitly. (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'projectile-project-p #[256 "\301\206!\207" [default-directory projectile-project-root] 3 (#$ . 40750)]) #@114 Default function used create project name to be displayed based on the value of PROJECT-ROOT. (fn PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile-default-project-name #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [file-name-nondirectory directory-file-name] 4 (#$ . 40985)]) #@103 Return project name. If PROJECT is not specified acts on the current project. (fn &optional PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-project-name #[256 "\206\211\206\n\302 \211\203 !\202\303\262\207" [projectile-project-name projectile-project-name-function projectile-project-root "-"] 4 (#$ . 41234)]) #@93 Get the list of PROJECT-DIR directories that are of interest to the user. (fn PROJECT-DIR) (defalias 'projectile-get-project-directories #[257 "\300\301\302\"\303 @\206\f\304\"\207" [mapcar make-closure #[257 "\300P\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn SUBDIR)"] projectile-parse-dirconfig-file ("")] 5 (#$ . 41545)]) #@80 Checks if DIRECTORY is a string designating a valid directory. (fn DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile--directory-p #[257 "\211;\205\300!\207" [file-directory-p] 3 (#$ . 41857)]) #@124 List the files in DIRECTORY and in its sub-directories. Files are returned as relative paths to DIRECTORY. (fn DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile-dir-files #[257 "\303!\204 \304\305\"\210\205\306 \"\211\206=\307!\n\310\267\2027\311!\202;\312\313!#\202;\313!\202;\314\315\n\"\262\207" [projectile-enable-caching projectile-projects-cache projectile-indexing-method projectile--directory-p error "Directory %S does not exist" gethash projectile-project-vcs #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (native 32 hybrid 38 alien 49)) projectile-dir-files-native projectile-adjust-files projectile-dir-files-alien user-error "Unsupported indexing method `%S'"] 8 (#$ . 42044)]) #@79 Get the files for ROOT under DIRECTORY using just Emacs Lisp. (fn DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile-dir-files-native #[257 "\300\301\302\303\304\305#\"!\306\307\310\"\311\312 #\"\207" [make-progress-reporter format "Projectile is indexing %s" propertize face font-lock-keyword-face mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 file-relative-name] 4 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] projectile-index-directory projectile-filtering-patterns] 8 (#$ . 42784)]) #@393 Index DIRECTORY taking into account PATTERNS. The function calls itself recursively until all sub-directories have been indexed. The PROGRESS-REPORTER is updated while the function is executing. The list of IGNORED-FILES and IGNORED-DIRECTORIES may optionally be provided. (fn DIRECTORY PATTERNS PROGRESS-REPORTER &optional IGNORED-FILES IGNORED-DIRECTORIES GLOBALLY-IGNORED-DIRECTORIES) (defalias 'projectile-index-directory #[1539 "\206\300 \206\f\301 \206\302 \303\304\305\306\307   \n\n\n&\310 \311\"\"\"\207" [projectile-ignored-files projectile-ignored-directories projectile-globally-ignored-directory-names apply append mapcar make-closure #[257 "\306\307!!\301\203\310\300\301#\206\211\311\235?\205T\302\312\211\247\203'@Y\205,\313#\266\314!\203J\315\316!\304\305$?\205T\317\301\302\303\304\305&\207\320\303\"?\205TC\207" [V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 file-name-nondirectory directory-file-name projectile-ignored-rel-p ("." "..") nil progress-reporter-do-update file-directory-p projectile-ignored-directory-p file-name-as-directory projectile-index-directory projectile-ignored-file-p] 9 "\n\n(fn F)"] directory-files t] 20 (#$ . 43239)]) #@67 Get the files for DIRECTORY using external tools. (fn DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile-dir-files-alien #[257 "\300!\211\301=\203\302\303!\"\304\"\244\207\302\303!\"\207" [projectile-project-vcs git projectile-files-via-ext-command projectile-get-ext-command projectile-get-sub-projects-files] 6 (#$ . 44430)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\302\305#\210\300\306\302\303#\210\304\306\302\305#\207" [defalias projectile-dir-files-external projectile-dir-files-alien nil make-obsolete "2.0.0" projectile-get-repo-files] 4) #@150 Determine which external command to invoke based on the project's VCS. Fallback to a generic command when not in a VCS-controlled project. (fn VCS) (defalias 'projectile-get-ext-command #[257 "\211\306\267\202\207 \207\n\207 \207\f\207 \207\207" [projectile-git-command projectile-hg-command projectile-fossil-command projectile-bzr-command projectile-darcs-command projectile-svn-command #s(hash-table size 6 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (git 6 hg 8 fossil 10 bzr 12 darcs 14 svn 16)) projectile-generic-command] 3 (#$ . 44978)]) #@133 Get the sub-projects command for VCS. Currently that's supported just for Git (sub-projects being Git sub-modules there). (fn VCS) (defalias 'projectile-get-sub-projects-command #[257 "\211\301=\203\207\302\207" [projectile-git-submodule-command git ""] 3 (#$ . 45557)]) #@82 Determine which external command to invoke based on the project's VCS. (fn VCS) (defalias 'projectile-get-ext-ignored-command #[257 "\211\301=\205\207" [projectile-git-ignored-command git] 3 (#$ . 45838)]) #@82 Take a nested list LST and return its contents as a single, flat list. (fn LST) (defalias 'projectile-flatten #[257 "\211<\203\211A<\203\300\301\"\207\211C\207" [cl-mapcan projectile-flatten] 4 (#$ . 46054)]) #@113 Get all sub-projects for a given project. PROJECT is base directory to start search recursively. (fn PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-get-all-sub-projects #[257 "\300!\211\204 \301\207\211\302\303\304\"!\244\207" [projectile-get-immediate-sub-projects nil projectile-flatten mapcar #[257 "\300!\207" [projectile-get-all-sub-projects] 3 "\n\n(fn S)"]] 7 (#$ . 46276)]) #@341 Get immediate sub-projects for a given project without recursing. PATH is the vcs root or project root from which to start searching, and should end with an appropriate path delimiter, such as '/' or a '\'. If the vcs get-sub-projects query returns results outside of path, they are excluded from the results of this function. (fn PATH) (defalias 'projectile-get-immediate-sub-projects #[257 "\300!\301\302\303\"\304\305!\"\"\306\307!P\310\302\311\"\"\207" [projectile-project-vcs mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300\"!\207" [V0 file-name-as-directory expand-file-name] 5 "\n\n(fn S)"] projectile-files-via-ext-command projectile-get-sub-projects-command "\\`" regexp-quote cl-remove-if-not #[257 "\300\302\303\304#)\207" [V0 inhibit-changing-match-data nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn SUBMODULE)"]] 8 (#$ . 46655)]) #@82 Get files from sub-projects for PROJECT-ROOT recursively. (fn PROJECT-ROOT VCS) (defalias 'projectile-get-sub-projects-files #[514 "\300\301\302\303\"\304!\"!\207" [projectile-flatten mapcar make-closure #[257 "\302\303\300\"!\304\305\306\"\307 \"\"\207" [V0 projectile-git-command file-name-as-directory file-relative-name mapcar make-closure #[257 "\300P\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] projectile-files-via-ext-command] 7 "\n\n(fn SUB-PROJECT)"] projectile-get-all-sub-projects] 7 (#$ . 47497)]) #@77 Get a list of the files ignored in the PROJECT using VCS. (fn PROJECT VCS) (defalias 'projectile-get-repo-ignored-files #[514 "\300!\211\205 \301\"\207" [projectile-get-ext-ignored-command projectile-files-via-ext-command] 6 (#$ . 48006)]) #@123 Get a list of the files ignored in the PROJECT in the directory DIR. VCS is the VCS of the project. (fn PROJECT DIR VCS) (defalias 'projectile-get-repo-ignored-directory #[771 "\300!\211\205\301\302Q\"\207" [projectile-get-ext-ignored-command projectile-files-via-ext-command " "] 9 (#$ . 48258)]) #@244 Get a list of relative file names in the project ROOT by executing COMMAND. If `command' is nil or an empty string, return nil. This allows commands to be disabled. Only text sent to standard output is taken into account. (fn ROOT COMMAND) (defalias 'projectile-files-via-ext-command #[514 "\211;\205*\301\302\303\"r\211q\210\304\305\"\216\306\303\307#\210ed{\310\311!\312\303#\262*\262)\207" [default-directory generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] shell-command "*projectile-files-errors*" split-string string-trim ""] 8 (#$ . 48571)]) #@95 First remove ignored files from FILES, then add back unignored files. (fn PROJECT VCS FILES) (defalias 'projectile-adjust-files #[771 "\300\301!#\207" [projectile-add-unignored projectile-remove-ignored] 8 (#$ . 49201)]) #@211 Remove ignored files and folders from FILES. If ignored directory prefixed with '*', then ignore all directories/subdirectories with matching filename, otherwise operates relative to project root. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-remove-ignored #[257 "\300 \301 \302\303\304#\"\207" [projectile-ignored-files-rel projectile-ignored-directories-rel cl-remove-if make-closure #[257 "\303\304\305\"\300\"\206\303\304\306\"\301\"\206\303\304\307\"\n\"\207" [V0 V1 projectile-globally-ignored-file-suffixes cl-some make-closure #[257 "\211\301\300!\230\207" [V0 file-name-nondirectory] 4 "\n\n(fn F)"] #[257 "\301\302\"\203(\211\303\304\305O\306\232\205\304O\307\310\311\"\312\313\314\315\300!\206#\313\306\"\"\"\207\301\300\"\207" [V0 string-prefix-p "*" 1 -1 nil "/" cl-some make-closure #[257 "\300\230\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn P)"] delete "" split-string file-name-directory] 9 "\n\n(fn DIR)"] #[257 "\301\300\302#\207" [V0 string-suffix-p t] 5 "\n\n(fn SUF)"]] 5 "\n\n(fn FILE)"]] 8 (#$ . 49433)]) #@77 Filter FILES to retain only those that are ignored. (fn PROJECT VCS FILES) (defalias 'projectile-keep-ignored-files #[771 "\211\205\300\301\302\"\303\"\"\207" [cl-remove-if-not make-closure #[257 "\301\302\303\"\300\"\207" [V0 cl-some make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 string-prefix-p] 4 "\n\n(fn F)"]] 5 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] projectile-get-repo-ignored-files] 8 (#$ . 50455)]) #@77 Get ignored files within each of DIRECTORIES. (fn PROJECT VCS DIRECTORIES) (defalias 'projectile-keep-ignored-directories #[771 "\211\205#\300\211\203\211@\301\302 #\"\262A\266\202\202\210\211\262\207" [nil append projectile-get-repo-ignored-directory] 12 (#$ . 50849)]) #@179 This adds unignored files to FILES. Useful because the VCS may not return ignored files at all. In this case unignored files will be absent from FILES. (fn PROJECT VCS FILES) (defalias 'projectile-add-unignored #[771 "\300\301 #\302\303\304 #!\305#\207" [projectile-keep-ignored-files projectile-unignored-files-rel projectile-remove-ignored projectile-keep-ignored-directories projectile-unignored-directories-rel append] 9 (#$ . 51142)]) #@58 Return only those BUFFERS backed by files. (fn BUFFERS) (defalias 'projectile-buffers-with-file #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [cl-remove-if-not #[257 "\300!\207" [buffer-file-name] 3 "\n\n(fn B)"]] 4 (#$ . 51598)]) #@71 Return only those BUFFERS backed by files or processes. (fn BUFFERS) (defalias 'projectile-buffers-with-file-or-process #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [cl-remove-if-not #[257 "\300!\206 \301!\207" [buffer-file-name get-buffer-process] 3 "\n\n(fn B)"]] 4 (#$ . 51815)]) #@129 Get a list of a project's buffers. If PROJECT is not specified the command acts on the current project. (fn &optional PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-project-buffers #[256 "\211\206\301 \302\303\304\"\305 \"\203!\207\207" [projectile-buffers-filter-function projectile-acquire-root cl-remove-if-not make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 projectile-project-buffer-p] 4 "\n\n(fn BUFFER)"] buffer-list] 6 (#$ . 52088)]) #@66 Process the current project's buffers using ACTION. (fn ACTION) (defalias 'projectile-process-current-project-buffers #[257 "\300 \211\211\205\211@!\210A\266\202\202\207" [projectile-project-buffers] 6 (#$ . 52522)]) #@114 Invoke ACTION on every project buffer with that buffer current. ACTION is called without arguments. (fn ACTION) (defalias 'projectile-process-current-project-buffers-current #[257 "\300 \211\211\205\211@r\211q\210 \210)A\266\202\202\207" [projectile-project-buffers] 5 (#$ . 52754)]) #@134 Get a list of a project's buffer files. If PROJECT is not specified the command acts on the current project. (fn &optional PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-project-buffer-files #[256 "\211\206\300 \301\302\303\"\304\305!!\"\207" [projectile-project-root mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\302!\300\"\207" [V0 file-relative-name buffer-file-name] 4 "\n\n(fn BUFFER)"] projectile-buffers-with-file projectile-project-buffers] 7 (#$ . 53052)]) #@66 Check if BUFFER is under PROJECT-ROOT. (fn BUFFER PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile-project-buffer-p #[514 "rq\210\303\304\305!\"?\205=\306!?\205=\205=\307!\307!\230\205=\310\311\312\313#)\266\203?\205=\303\314!\n\315=#)\207" [default-directory inhibit-changing-match-data system-type string-prefix-p " " buffer-name projectile-ignored-buffer-p file-remote-p "^http\\(s\\)?://" nil t string-match file-truename windows-nt] 9 (#$ . 53500)]) #@82 Check if BUFFER should be ignored. Regular expressions can be use. (fn BUFFER) (defalias 'projectile-ignored-buffer-p #[257 "r\211q\210\302\303\")\206r\211q\210\302\304 \")\207" [projectile-globally-ignored-buffers projectile-globally-ignored-modes cl-some #[257 "\211\301 \302\303\304#)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data buffer-name nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn NAME)"] #[257 "\302\303Q\304!\305\306\307#)\207" [major-mode inhibit-changing-match-data "^" "$" symbol-name nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn MODE)"]] 4 (#$ . 53967)]) #@132 Get list of recently active files. Files are ordered by recently active buffers, and then recently opened through use of recentf. (defalias 'projectile-recently-active-files #[0 "\300 \301\302\303 \"\"\207" [projectile-project-buffer-files append projectile-difference projectile-recentf-files] 6 (#$ . 54520)]) #@37 Get a list of project buffer names. (defalias 'projectile-project-buffer-names #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [mapcar buffer-name projectile-project-buffers] 3 (#$ . 54841)]) #@60 Prepend the current project's name to STRING. (fn STRING) (defalias 'projectile-prepend-project-name #[257 "\300\301\302 #\207" [format "[%s] %s" projectile-project-name] 5 (#$ . 55017)]) #@146 Read the name of a buffer to switch to, prompting with PROMPT. This function excludes the current buffer from the offered choices. (fn PROMPT) (defalias 'projectile-read-buffer-to-switch #[257 "\300\301\302p!\303 \"\"\207" [projectile-completing-read delete buffer-name projectile-project-buffer-names] 6 (#$ . 55214)]) #@29 Switch to a project buffer. (defalias 'projectile-switch-to-buffer #[0 "\300\301\302!!\207" [switch-to-buffer projectile-read-buffer-to-switch "Switch to buffer: "] 3 (#$ . 55543) nil]) #@59 Switch to a project buffer and show it in another window. (defalias 'projectile-switch-to-buffer-other-window #[0 "\300\301\302!!\207" [switch-to-buffer-other-window projectile-read-buffer-to-switch "Switch to buffer: "] 3 (#$ . 55735) nil]) #@58 Switch to a project buffer and show it in another frame. (defalias 'projectile-switch-to-buffer-other-frame #[0 "\300\301\302!!\207" [switch-to-buffer-other-frame projectile-read-buffer-to-switch "Switch to buffer: "] 3 (#$ . 55983) nil]) #@66 Display a project buffer in another window without selecting it. (defalias 'projectile-display-buffer #[0 "\300\301\302\303 \"!\207" [display-buffer projectile-completing-read "Display buffer: " projectile-project-buffer-names] 4 (#$ . 56228) nil]) #@111 Switch to the most recently selected buffer project buffer. Only buffers not visible in windows are returned. (defalias 'projectile-project-buffers-other-buffer #[0 "\300\301 @!\210\302\207" [switch-to-buffer projectile-project-buffers-non-visible t] 2 (#$ . 56484) nil]) #@44 Get a list of non visible project buffers. (defalias 'projectile-project-buffers-non-visible #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [cl-remove-if-not #[257 "\300\301\"?\207" [get-buffer-window visible] 4 "\n\n(fn BUFFER)"] projectile-project-buffers] 3 (#$ . 56762)]) #@117 Do a `multi-occur' in the project's buffers. With a prefix argument, show NLINES of context. (fn &optional NLINES) (defalias 'projectile-multi-occur #[256 "\300 \301\302!\303 @#\207" [projectile-acquire-root multi-occur projectile-project-buffers occur-read-primary-args] 6 (#$ . 57025) "P"]) #@66 Remove leading `/' from the elements of PATTERNS. (fn PATTERNS) (defalias 'projectile-normalise-paths #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\"\207" [delq nil mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\205 \211\302\303O\207" [string-prefix-p "/" 1 nil] 4 "\n\n(fn PAT)"]] 6 (#$ . 57327)]) #@197 Expand the elements of PATHS. Elements containing wildcards are expanded and spliced into the resulting paths. The returned PATHS are absolute, based on the projectile project root. (fn PATHS) (defalias 'projectile-expand-paths #[257 "\301 \302\303\304\"!)\207" [default-directory projectile-project-root projectile-flatten mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\206\n\302!\207" [file-expand-wildcards t projectile-expand-root] 4 "\n\n(fn PATTERN)"]] 5 (#$ . 57595)]) #@44 Remove paths from PATTERNS. (fn PATTERNS) (defalias 'projectile-normalise-patterns #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [cl-remove-if #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [string-prefix-p "/"] 4 "\n\n(fn PAT)"]] 4 (#$ . 58063)]) #@54 Make FILES relative to the project root. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-make-relative-to-root #[257 "\300 \301\302\303\"\"\207" [projectile-project-root mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 file-relative-name] 4 "\n\n(fn F)"]] 6 (#$ . 58273)]) #@296 Check if DIRECTORY should be ignored. Regular expressions can be used. Pre-computed lists of IGNORED-DIRECTORIES and GLOBALLY-IGNORED-DIRECTORIES and the LOCAL-DIRECTORY name may optionally be provided. (fn DIRECTORY &optional IGNORED-DIRECTORIES LOCAL-DIRECTORY GLOBALLY-IGNORED-DIRECTORIES) (defalias 'projectile-ignored-directory-p #[1025 "\206\300 \206\f\301 \206\302\303!!\304\305\306 \"\"\206(\304\305\307\"\"\207" [projectile-ignored-directories projectile-globally-ignored-directory-names file-name-nondirectory directory-file-name cl-some make-closure #[257 "\211\300\302\303\304#)\207" [V0 inhibit-changing-match-data nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn NAME)"] #[257 "\211\300\302\303\304#)\207" [V0 inhibit-changing-match-data nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn NAME)"]] 11 (#$ . 58540)]) #@169 Check if FILE should be ignored. Regular expressions can be used. A pre-computed list of IGNORED-FILES may optionally be provided. (fn FILE &optional IGNORED-FILES) (defalias 'projectile-ignored-file-p #[513 "\300\301\302\"\206 \303 \"\207" [cl-some make-closure #[257 "\211\300\302\303\304#)\207" [V0 inhibit-changing-match-data nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn NAME)"] projectile-ignored-files] 6 (#$ . 59364)]) #@49 Check if FILE meets PATTERN. (fn FILE PATTERN) (defalias 'projectile-check-pattern-p #[514 "\300\301!\301!\"\206\302\303\"\235\207" [string-suffix-p directory-file-name file-expand-wildcards t] 6 (#$ . 59792)]) #@130 Check if FILE should be ignored relative to DIRECTORY according to PATTERNS: (ignored . unignored) (fn FILE DIRECTORY PATTERNS) (defalias 'projectile-ignored-rel-p #[771 "\301\302\303\"@\"\205\302\304\"A\305\306\301$?\266\203)\207" [default-directory cl-some make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 projectile-check-pattern-p] 4 "\n\n(fn PAT)"] #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 projectile-check-pattern-p] 4 "\n\n(fn PAT)"] nil apply] 11 (#$ . 60017)]) #@31 Return list of ignored files. (defalias 'projectile-ignored-files #[0 "\301\302\303\304\305 \"\"\306 \"\207" [projectile-globally-ignored-files projectile-difference mapcar projectile-expand-root append projectile-project-ignored-files projectile-unignored-files] 6 (#$ . 60484)]) #@41 Return list of ignored directory names. (defalias 'projectile-globally-ignored-directory-names #[0 "\302 \"\207" [projectile-globally-ignored-directories projectile-globally-unignored-directories projectile-difference] 3 (#$ . 60772)]) #@37 Return list of ignored directories. (defalias 'projectile-ignored-directories #[0 "\301\302\303\302\304\305\306 \"\"\"\307 \"\207" [projectile-globally-ignored-directories projectile-difference mapcar file-name-as-directory projectile-expand-root append projectile-project-ignored-directories projectile-unignored-directories] 8 (#$ . 61015)]) #@59 Return list of ignored directories, relative to the root. (defalias 'projectile-ignored-directories-rel #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [projectile-make-relative-to-root projectile-ignored-directories] 2 (#$ . 61366)]) #@53 Return list of ignored files, relative to the root. (defalias 'projectile-ignored-files-rel #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [projectile-make-relative-to-root projectile-ignored-files] 2 (#$ . 61580)]) #@73 Return list of project ignored files. Unignored files are not included. (defalias 'projectile-project-ignored-files #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [cl-remove-if file-directory-p projectile-project-ignored] 3 (#$ . 61776)]) #@85 Return list of project ignored directories. Unignored directories are not included. (defalias 'projectile-project-ignored-directories #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [cl-remove-if-not file-directory-p projectile-project-ignored] 3 (#$ . 62000)]) #@41 Return a list of ignored project paths. (defalias 'projectile-paths-to-ignore #[0 "\300\301 A@!\207" [projectile-normalise-paths projectile-parse-dirconfig-file] 2 (#$ . 62246)]) #@42 Return a list of relative file patterns. (defalias 'projectile-patterns-to-ignore #[0 "\300\301 A@!\207" [projectile-normalise-patterns projectile-parse-dirconfig-file] 2 (#$ . 62431)]) #@97 Return list of project ignored files/directories. Unignored files/directories are not included. (defalias 'projectile-project-ignored #[0 "\300 \301!\207" [projectile-paths-to-ignore projectile-expand-paths] 3 (#$ . 62623)]) #@33 Return list of unignored files. (defalias 'projectile-unignored-files #[0 "\301\302\303\304 \"\"\207" [projectile-globally-unignored-files mapcar projectile-expand-root append projectile-project-unignored-files] 5 (#$ . 62855)]) #@39 Return list of unignored directories. (defalias 'projectile-unignored-directories #[0 "\301\302\301\303\304\305 \"\"\"\207" [projectile-globally-unignored-directories mapcar file-name-as-directory projectile-expand-root append projectile-project-unignored-directories] 7 (#$ . 63091)]) #@61 Return list of unignored directories, relative to the root. (defalias 'projectile-unignored-directories-rel #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [projectile-make-relative-to-root projectile-unignored-directories] 2 (#$ . 63384)]) #@55 Return list of unignored files, relative to the root. (defalias 'projectile-unignored-files-rel #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [projectile-make-relative-to-root projectile-unignored-files] 2 (#$ . 63604)]) #@41 Return list of project unignored files. (defalias 'projectile-project-unignored-files #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [cl-remove-if file-directory-p projectile-project-unignored] 3 (#$ . 63806)]) #@47 Return list of project unignored directories. (defalias 'projectile-project-unignored-directories #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [cl-remove-if-not file-directory-p projectile-project-unignored] 3 (#$ . 64002)]) #@43 Return a list of unignored project paths. (defalias 'projectile-paths-to-ensure #[0 "\300\301\302 8!\207" [projectile-normalise-paths 2 projectile-parse-dirconfig-file] 3 (#$ . 64214)]) (defalias 'projectile-files-to-ensure #[0 "\300\301\302\303 \"!\207" [projectile-flatten mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [file-expand-wildcards t] 4 "\n\n(fn PAT)"] projectile-patterns-to-ensure] 4]) #@42 Return a list of relative file patterns. (defalias 'projectile-patterns-to-ensure #[0 "\300\301\302 8!\207" [projectile-normalise-patterns 2 projectile-parse-dirconfig-file] 3 (#$ . 64605)]) (defalias 'projectile-filtering-patterns #[0 "\300 \301 B\207" [projectile-patterns-to-ignore projectile-patterns-to-ensure] 2]) #@51 Return list of project ignored files/directories. (defalias 'projectile-project-unignored #[0 "\300\301\302\303 !\302\304 !\"!\207" [delete-dups append projectile-expand-paths projectile-paths-to-ensure projectile-files-to-ensure] 5 (#$ . 64931)]) #@59 Return the absolute path to the project's dirconfig file. (defalias 'projectile-dirconfig-file #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\207" [expand-file-name ".projectile" projectile-project-root] 3 (#$ . 65185)]) #@544 Parse project ignore file and return directories to ignore and keep. The return value will be a list of three elements, the car being the list of directories to keep, the cadr being the list of files or directories to ignore, and the caddr being the list of files or directories to ensure. Strings starting with + will be added to the list of directories to keep, and strings starting with - will be added to the list of directories to ignore. For backward compatibility, without a prefix the string will be assumed to be an ignore string. (defalias 'projectile-parse-dirconfig-file #[0 "\301\211\211\302 \303!\205\216\304\305\306\"r\211q\210\307\310\"\216\311!\210m\204m\301f\211\205+\312\"\262\204f\211\313\267\202^`T\314 {B\262\210\202g`T\314 {B\262\210\202g`T\314 {B\262\210\202g`\314 {B\262\210\301y\210\202*\210\315\316\317\320\321!\"\"\315\322\317\320\321!\"\"\315\322\317\320\321!\"\"E\207" [projectile-dirconfig-comment-prefix nil projectile-dirconfig-file projectile-file-exists-p generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] insert-file-contents eql #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (43 54 45 68 33 81)) line-end-position mapcar #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [file-name-as-directory string-trim] 4 "\n\n(fn F)"] delete "" reverse string-trim] 12 (#$ . 65387)]) #@131 Expand NAME to project root. Never use on many files since it's going to recalculate the project-root for every file. (fn NAME) (defalias 'projectile-expand-root #[257 "\300\301 \"\207" [expand-file-name projectile-project-root] 4 (#$ . 66814)]) #@96 Present a project tailored PROMPT with CHOICES. (fn PROMPT CHOICES &key INITIAL-INPUT ACTION) (defalias 'projectile-completing-read #[642 "\304\305\"A@\304\306\"A@\211\2037\211@\307>\203 \211AA\262\202 \310>A@\203.\311\262\202 \312\313@\"\210\202 \210\314!\311\315=\203p\316\301!\203P \203P\317\202q\316\302!\203^\n\203^\320\202q\316\303!\203l \203l\321\202q\322\202q\211\323\267\202\347\324\311\211 %\202\354\325\311\211 %\202\354\326\320!\203\301\326\327!\203\301\320\330\327\331\332\333\f\306 \203\261 \311\262 \202\262\334&\335\336\n\337\340&\202\354\341\342!\202\354\326\343!\203\341\343\305\306 \311\262 \344\345&\202\354\341\346!\202\354\"\262\262\203\370!\207\207" [projectile-completion-system ido-mode helm-mode ivy-mode plist-member :initial-input :action (:initial-input :action :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:initial-input :action)" projectile-prepend-project-name auto boundp ido helm ivy default #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (default 119 ido 131 helm 143 ivy 199)) completing-read ido-completing-read fboundp helm-make-source :sources "Projectile" helm-source-sync :candidates identity :prompt :input :buffer "*helm-projectile*" user-error "Please install helm" ivy-read :caller projectile-completing-read "Please install ivy"] 18 (#$ . 67069)]) #@65 Return a list of files for the PROJECT-ROOT. (fn PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile-project-files #[257 "\305\203!\306 \"\211\203\211\\\307 W\203 \310\n\"\210\310 \"\210\210 \203+\306\n\"\262\211\204X \2038\311\312\"\210\f\313=\203D\314!\202M\315\316\317\"\320!\"\262 \203X\321\"\210\f\313=\203_\207\322!\207" [projectile-files-cache-expire projectile-projects-cache-time projectile-projects-cache projectile-enable-caching projectile-indexing-method nil gethash projectile-time-seconds remhash message "Projectile is initializing cache for %s ..." alien projectile-dir-files-alien cl-mapcan make-closure #[257 "\301\302\303\300#\304!\"\207" [V0 mapcar make-closure #[257 "\302\301P\300\"\207" [V0 V1 file-relative-name] 4 "\n\n(fn F)"] projectile-dir-files] 6 "\n\n(fn DIR)"] projectile-get-project-directories projectile-cache-project projectile-sort-files] 6 (#$ . 68515)]) #@52 Return a list of the files in the current project. (defalias 'projectile-current-project-files #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [projectile-project-files projectile-acquire-root] 2 (#$ . 69429)]) #@64 Process the current project's files using ACTION. (fn ACTION) (defalias 'projectile-process-current-project-files #[257 "\301 \302 \211\211\205\211@!\210A\266\202\202\262)\207" [default-directory projectile-current-project-files projectile-project-root] 6 (#$ . 69619)]) #@50 Return a list of dirs for PROJECT. (fn PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-project-dirs #[257 "\300\301\302\303\304\305!\"\"!\207" [delete-dups delq nil mapcar file-name-directory projectile-project-files] 8 (#$ . 69906)]) #@48 Return a list of dirs for the current project. (defalias 'projectile-current-project-dirs #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [projectile-project-dirs projectile-acquire-root] 2 (#$ . 70133)]) #@241 Return a list of other files for FILE-NAME. The list depends on `:related-files-fn' project option and `projectile-other-file-alist'. For the latter, FLEX-MATCHING can be used to match any basename. (fn FILE-NAME &optional FLEX-MATCHING) (defalias 'projectile-get-other-files #[513 "\300\301\"\211\203\f\302!\207\303\304 #\207" [projectile--related-files-plist-by-kind :other projectile--related-files-from-plist projectile--other-extension-files projectile-current-project-files] 7 (#$ . 70318)]) #@440 Switch between files with the same name but different extensions. With FLEX-MATCHING, match any file that contains the base name of current file. Other file extensions can be customized with the variable `projectile-other-file-alist'. With FF-VARIANT set to a defun, use that instead of `find-file'. A typical example of such a defun would be `find-file-other-window' or `find-file-other-frame' (fn &optional FLEX-MATCHING FF-VARIANT) (defalias 'projectile--find-other-file #[512 "\211\206\300\301\302 \"\211\203\303!\304\305 \"!\207\306\307!\207" [find-file projectile-get-other-files buffer-file-name projectile--choose-from-candidates expand-file-name projectile-project-root error "No other file found"] 9 (#$ . 70830)]) #@266 Switch between files with the same name but different extensions. With FLEX-MATCHING, match any file that contains the base name of current file. Other file extensions can be customized with the variable `projectile-other-file-alist'. (fn &optional FLEX-MATCHING) (defalias 'projectile-find-other-file #[256 "\300!\207" [projectile--find-other-file] 3 (#$ . 71574) "P"]) #@282 Switch between files with the same name but different extensions in other window. With FLEX-MATCHING, match any file that contains the base name of current file. Other file extensions can be customized with the variable `projectile-other-file-alist'. (fn &optional FLEX-MATCHING) (defalias 'projectile-find-other-file-other-window #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile--find-other-file find-file-other-window] 4 (#$ . 71954) "P"]) #@281 Switch between files with the same name but different extensions in other frame. With FLEX-MATCHING, match any file that contains the base name of current file. Other file extensions can be customized with the variable `projectile-other-file-alist'. (fn &optional FLEX-MATCHING) (defalias 'projectile-find-other-file-other-frame #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile--find-other-file find-file-other-frame] 4 (#$ . 72391) "P"]) #@154 Return FILE-NAME sans any extensions. The extensions, in a filename, are what follows the first '.', with the exception of a leading '.' (fn FILE-NAME) (defalias 'projectile--file-name-sans-extensions #[257 "\300!\262\211\301\302\303\304#O\207" [file-name-nondirectory 0 string-match "\\..*" 1] 7 (#$ . 72825)]) #@147 Return FILE-NAME's extensions. The extensions, in a filename, are what follows the first '.', with the exception of a leading '.' (fn FILE-NAME) (defalias 'projectile--file-name-extensions #[257 "\300!\262\301\302\303\304#\211\262\203T\202G\301O\207" [file-name-nondirectory nil string-match "\\..*" 1] 7 (#$ . 73148)]) #@253 Return projectile-other-file-extensions associated to FILE-NAME's extensions. If no associated other-file-extensions for the complete (nested) extension are found, remove subextensions from FILENAME's extensions until a match is found. (fn FILE-NAME) (defalias 'projectile-associated-file-name-extensions #[257 "\301\302!!\303\3042*\305\230?\205)\306\"A\211\262\203!\307\304\"\210\301!\262\202\n0\207" [projectile-other-file-alist projectile--file-name-extensions file-name-nondirectory nil break "" assoc throw] 6 (#$ . 73487)]) #@258 Narrow to files with the same names but different extensions. Returns a list of possible files for users to choose. With FLEX-MATCHING, match any file that contains the base name of current file (fn CURRENT-FILE PROJECT-FILE-LIST &optional FLEX-MATCHING) (defalias 'projectile--other-extension-files #[770 "\300!\301!\203\301!\202\302\303\304!!\305\306!!\307\310\311#\"\312\310\313\"\"\314\307\310\315\"\"!\312\316\"\317\320!\310\321\n\n#\"\207" [projectile-associated-file-name-extensions file-name-directory "./" file-name-nondirectory directory-file-name regexp-quote projectile--file-name-sans-extensions mapcar make-closure #[257 "\300\203\f\302\301\303\304\260\207\305\301\306\232?\205\307P\304R\207" [V0 V1 ".*" ".*." "\\'" "^" "" "."] 6 "\n\n(fn EXT)"] cl-remove-if-not #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 string-match] 4 "\n\n(fn PROJECT-FILE)"] projectile-flatten #[257 "\301\302\303\"\300\"\207" [V0 cl-remove-if-not make-closure #[257 "\301\300\302!\303!\304=?\205\305\303!PP\"\207" [V0 string-match file-name-base file-name-extension nil "."] 7 "\n\n(fn PROJECT-FILE)"]] 5 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] #[257 "\300!?\207" [backup-file-name-p] 3 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] cl-sort copy-sequence #[514 "\302\303\304!!!\300\304!\232?\205\301\232\207" [V0 V1 file-name-nondirectory directory-file-name file-name-directory] 6 "\n\n(fn FILE _)"]] 17 (#$ . 74037)]) #@164 Select a list of files based on filename at point. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. (fn PROJECT-FILES &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-select-files #[513 "\300!\210\301 \203\302 \303 {\202\304\305!\206\306\307\310\"\203)\311\312!\313 \"\202*\211\211\2055\314\315\316\"\"\207" [projectile-maybe-invalidate-cache region-active-p region-beginning region-end thing-at-point filename "" string-match "\\.?\\./" file-relative-name file-truename projectile-project-root cl-remove-if-not make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 string-match] 4 "\n\n(fn PROJECT-FILE)"]] 8 (#$ . 75429)]) #@410 Jump to a project's files using completion based on context. With a INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. With FF-VARIANT set to a defun, use that instead of `find-file'. A typical example of such a defun would be `find-file-other-window' or `find-file-other-frame' Subroutine for `projectile-find-file-dwim' and `projectile-find-file-dwim-other-window' (fn INVALIDATE-CACHE &optional FF-VARIANT) (defalias 'projectile--find-file-dwim #[513 "\300 \301!\302\"\211G\303U\203\211@\202'\211G\303V\203#\304\305\"\202'\304\305\"\206,\306\211\307\"!\210\310\311!\207" [projectile-acquire-root projectile-project-files projectile-select-files 1 projectile-completing-read "Switch to: " find-file expand-file-name run-hooks projectile-find-file-hook] 11 (#$ . 76080)]) #@1285 Jump to a project's files using completion based on context. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. If point is on a filename, Projectile first tries to search for that file in project: - If it finds just a file, it switches to that file instantly. This works even if the filename is incomplete, but there's only a single file in the current project that matches the filename at point. For example, if there's only a single file named "projectile/projectile.el" but the current filename is "projectile/proj" (incomplete), `projectile-find-file-dwim' still switches to "projectile/projectile.el" immediately because this is the only filename that matches. - If it finds a list of files, the list is displayed for selecting. A list of files is displayed when a filename appears more than one in the project or the filename at point is a prefix of more than two files in a project. For example, if `projectile-find-file-dwim' is executed on a filepath like "projectile/", it lists the content of that directory. If it is executed on a partial filename like "projectile/a", a list of files with character 'a' in that directory is presented. - If it finds nothing, display a list of all files in project for selecting. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-file-dwim #[256 "\300!\207" [projectile--find-file-dwim] 3 (#$ . 76875) "P"]) #@1325 Jump to a project's files using completion based on context in other window. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. If point is on a filename, Projectile first tries to search for that file in project: - If it finds just a file, it switches to that file instantly. This works even if the filename is incomplete, but there's only a single file in the current project that matches the filename at point. For example, if there's only a single file named "projectile/projectile.el" but the current filename is "projectile/proj" (incomplete), `projectile-find-file-dwim-other-window' still switches to "projectile/projectile.el" immediately because this is the only filename that matches. - If it finds a list of files, the list is displayed for selecting. A list of files is displayed when a filename appears more than one in the project or the filename at point is a prefix of more than two files in a project. For example, if `projectile-find-file-dwim-other-window' is executed on a filepath like "projectile/", it lists the content of that directory. If it is executed on a partial filename like "projectile/a", a list of files with character 'a' in that directory is presented. - If it finds nothing, display a list of all files in project for selecting. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-file-dwim-other-window #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile--find-file-dwim find-file-other-window] 4 (#$ . 78273) "P"]) #@1322 Jump to a project's files using completion based on context in other frame. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. If point is on a filename, Projectile first tries to search for that file in project: - If it finds just a file, it switches to that file instantly. This works even if the filename is incomplete, but there's only a single file in the current project that matches the filename at point. For example, if there's only a single file named "projectile/projectile.el" but the current filename is "projectile/proj" (incomplete), `projectile-find-file-dwim-other-frame' still switches to "projectile/projectile.el" immediately because this is the only filename that matches. - If it finds a list of files, the list is displayed for selecting. A list of files is displayed when a filename appears more than one in the project or the filename at point is a prefix of more than two files in a project. For example, if `projectile-find-file-dwim-other-frame' is executed on a filepath like "projectile/", it lists the content of that directory. If it is executed on a partial filename like "projectile/a", a list of files with character 'a' in that directory is presented. - If it finds nothing, display a list of all files in project for selecting. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-file-dwim-other-frame #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile--find-file-dwim find-file-other-frame] 4 (#$ . 79752) "P"]) #@302 Jump to a project's file using completion. With INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. With FF-VARIANT set to a defun, use that instead of `find-file'. A typical example of such a defun would be `find-file-other-window' or `find-file-other-frame' (fn INVALIDATE-CACHE &optional FF-VARIANT) (defalias 'projectile--find-file #[513 "\300!\210\301 \302\303\304!\"\206\305\205\211\306\"!\210\307\310!\207" [projectile-maybe-invalidate-cache projectile-acquire-root projectile-completing-read "Find file: " projectile-project-files find-file expand-file-name run-hooks projectile-find-file-hook] 9 (#$ . 81225) "P"]) #@141 Jump to a project's file using completion. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-file #[256 "\300!\207" [projectile--find-file] 3 (#$ . 81864) "P"]) #@172 Jump to a project's file using completion and show it in another window. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-file-other-window #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile--find-file find-file-other-window] 4 (#$ . 82107) "P"]) #@171 Jump to a project's file using completion and show it in another frame. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-file-other-frame #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile--find-file find-file-other-frame] 4 (#$ . 82422) "P"]) #@27 Toggle project read only. (defalias 'projectile-toggle-project-read-only #[0 "\304?\305 \306\307\300#\210\310 \210\311 \210 \2052\312\203!\313\202\"\314!\210\315\316\317 \2030\320\2021\321#*\207" [buffer-read-only default-directory inhibit-read-only buffer-file-name t projectile-acquire-root add-dir-local-variable nil save-buffer kill-buffer read-only-mode 1 -1 message "[%s] read-only-mode is %s" projectile-project-name "on" "off"] 6 (#$ . 82733) nil]) #@62 Sort FILES according to `projectile-sort-order'. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-sort-files #[257 "\301\267\202\207\302!\207\303!\207\304!\207\305!\207\306\207" [projectile-sort-order #s(hash-table size 5 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (default 6 recentf 7 recently-active 11 modification-time 15 access-time 19)) projectile-sort-by-recentf-first projectile-sort-by-recently-active-first projectile-sort-by-modification-time projectile-sort-by-access-time nil] 3 (#$ . 83208)]) #@50 Sort FILES by a recent first scheme. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-sort-by-recentf-first #[257 "\300 \301\302\"\"\207" [projectile-recentf-files append projectile-difference] 7 (#$ . 83734)]) #@73 Sort FILES by most recently active buffers or opened files. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-sort-by-recently-active-first #[257 "\300 \301\302\"\"\207" [projectile-recently-active-files append projectile-difference] 7 (#$ . 83939)]) #@46 Sort FILES by modification time. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-sort-by-modification-time #[257 "\301 \302\303!\304\")\207" [default-directory projectile-project-root cl-sort copy-sequence #[514 "\300\301!8\300\301!8\302\"?\207" [5 file-attributes time-less-p] 7 "\n\n(fn FILE1 FILE2)"]] 4 (#$ . 84183)]) #@40 Sort FILES by access time. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-sort-by-access-time #[257 "\301 \302\303!\304\")\207" [default-directory projectile-project-root cl-sort copy-sequence #[514 "\300\301!8\300\301!8\302\"?\207" [4 file-attributes time-less-p] 7 "\n\n(fn FILE1 FILE2)"]] 4 (#$ . 84503)]) #@301 Jump to a project's directory using completion. With INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. With DIRED-VARIANT set to a defun, use that instead of `dired'. A typical example of such a defun would be `dired-other-window' or `dired-other-frame' (fn INVALIDATE-CACHE &optional DIRED-VARIANT) (defalias 'projectile--find-dir #[513 "\300!\210\301 \302!\206\303\211\304\"!\210\305\306!\207" [projectile-maybe-invalidate-cache projectile-acquire-root projectile-complete-dir dired expand-file-name run-hooks projectile-find-dir-hook] 9 (#$ . 84812)]) #@147 Jump to a project's directory using completion. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-dir #[256 "\300!\207" [projectile--find-dir] 3 (#$ . 85381) "P"]) #@163 Jump to a project's directory in other window using completion. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-dir-other-window #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile--find-dir dired-other-window] 4 (#$ . 85628) "P"]) #@162 Jump to a project's directory in other frame using completion. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-dir-other-frame #[256 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile--find-dir dired-other-frame] 4 (#$ . 85928) "P"]) #@16 (fn PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-complete-dir #[257 "\301!\302\303\203\304\305\"\202\"\207" [projectile-find-dir-includes-top-level projectile-project-dirs projectile-completing-read "Find dir: " append ("./")] 7 (#$ . 86224)]) #@147 Jump to a project's test file using completion. With a prefix arg INVALIDATE-CACHE invalidates the cache first. (fn &optional INVALIDATE-CACHE) (defalias 'projectile-find-test-file #[256 "\300!\210\301\302\303 \"\304\305\306 \"!\207" [projectile-maybe-invalidate-cache projectile-completing-read "Find test file: " projectile-current-project-test-files find-file expand-file-name projectile-project-root] 6 (#$ . 86471) "P"]) #@41 Return only the test FILES. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-test-files #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [cl-remove-if-not projectile-test-file-p] 4 (#$ . 86907)]) #@77 Merge multiple RELATED-FILES-FNS into one function. (fn RELATED-FILES-FNS) (defalias 'projectile--merge-related-files-fns #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [make-closure #[257 "\301\300\211\203\\\211@\211!\211\301\211\211:\203S\262\211A\262\242\262\211@\262:\203,\202.C\302 \"\203B\303 \"\244\266\202K\304 #\262 \210AA\262\202\266A\266\202\202\207" [V0 nil plist-member plist-get plist-put] 14 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]] 4 (#$ . 87069)]) #@107 Return a plist containing all related files information for FILE in PROJECT-ROOT. (fn PROJECT-ROOT FILE) (defalias 'projectile--related-files-plist #[514 "\301!\203 \302\"\202\211\211\205\303 !\211\2054\304!\203$\211\2022\211:\203/\305!\2022\306\307!!\207" [projectile-related-files-fn-function file-name-absolute-p file-relative-name projectile-project-type functionp projectile--merge-related-files-fns error "Unsupported value type of :related-files-fn"] 6 (#$ . 87531)]) #@86 Return a plist containing :paths and/or :predicate of KIND for FILE. (fn FILE KIND) (defalias 'projectile--related-files-plist-by-kind #[514 "\300 \211\205\n\301\"\211\205\302\"\211\205d\303\"\211;\204%\304!\203*\211C\202+\211\305\306\307\"!\305\306\304\"!\310\204A?\205K\311\306\312\313 \"\"D\205a\314G\315U\203\\@\202`\312\316\"D\"\266\204\207" [projectile-project-root projectile--related-files-plist plist-member plist-get functionp delete-dups cl-remove-if-not stringp append :paths make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300\"!\207" [V0 projectile-file-exists-p expand-file-name] 5 "\n\n(fn F)"] :predicate 1 #[257 "\301\302\303\"\300\"\207" [V0 cl-some make-closure #[257 "\211\300!\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn PREDICATE)"]] 5 "\n\n(fn OTHER-FILE)"]] 15 (#$ . 88030)]) #@82 Return a list of files matching to PLIST from current project files. (fn PLIST) (defalias 'projectile--related-files-from-plist #[257 "\300\301\"\300\302\"\303\304\205\305\306 \"\"!\207" [plist-get :predicate :paths delete-dups append cl-remove-if-not projectile-current-project-files] 9 (#$ . 88827)]) #@79 Return a list o keywords meaning available related kinds for FILE. (fn FILE) (defalias 'projectile--related-files-kinds #[257 "\300 \211\205\n\301\"\211\205+\211\302\211:\203'@\262B\262AA\262\202\211\237\266\203\207" [projectile-project-root projectile--related-files-plist nil] 8 (#$ . 89144)]) #@66 Return a list of related files of KIND for FILE. (fn FILE KIND) (defalias 'projectile--related-files #[514 "\300\301\"!\207" [projectile--related-files-from-plist projectile--related-files-plist-by-kind] 6 (#$ . 89462)]) #@142 Choose a file from files related to FILE as KIND. If KIND is not provided, a list of possible kinds can be chosen. (fn FILE &optional KIND) (defalias 'projectile--find-related-file #[513 "\211\204)\300!\211\203$\211G\301U\203\211@\266\202\202)\302\303\304\"!\266\202\202)\305\306!\266\307\"\211\2037\310\311!!\207\305\312\313 #\207" [projectile--related-files-kinds 1 intern projectile-completing-read "Kind :" error "No related files found" projectile--related-files projectile-expand-root projectile--choose-from-candidates "No matching related file as `%s' found for project type `%s'" projectile-project-type] 7 (#$ . 89693)]) #@36 Open related file in other window. (defalias 'projectile-find-related-file-other-window #[0 "\300\301\302 !!\207" [find-file-other-window projectile--find-related-file buffer-file-name] 3 (#$ . 90345) nil]) #@35 Open related file in other frame. (defalias 'projectile-find-related-file-other-frame #[0 "\300\301\302 !!\207" [find-file-other-frame projectile--find-related-file buffer-file-name] 3 (#$ . 90558) nil]) #@20 Open related file. (defalias 'projectile-find-related-file #[0 "\300\301\302 !!\207" [find-file projectile--find-related-file buffer-file-name] 3 (#$ . 90768) nil]) #@98 Generate a related-files-fn which relates as KIND for files in each of GROUPS. (fn KIND GROUPS) (defalias 'projectile-related-files-fn-groups #[514 "\300\301#\207" [make-closure #[257 "\302\303\304\"\301\"\211\205\300\305\306\307$D\207" [V0 V1 cl-find-if make-closure #[257 "\300\235\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn GROUP)"] cl-remove :test equal] 8 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]] 6 (#$ . 90939)]) #@102 Generate a related-files-fn which relates as KIND for files having EXTENSIONS. (fn KIND EXTENSIONS) (defalias 'projectile-related-files-fn-extensions #[514 "\300\301#\207" [make-closure #[257 "\302!\303!\304!\301\235\205\300\305\306\301%D\207" [V0 V1 file-name-extension file-name-base regexp-quote make-closure #[257 "\303\305\306\307#)\266\203\205'\302\310!\232\205'\311!\211\300\235\205%\211\301\232?\262\207" [V0 V1 V2 V3 inhibit-changing-match-data nil t string-match file-name-base file-name-extension] 8 "\n\n(fn OTHER-PATH)"]] 11 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]] 6 (#$ . 91329)]) #@133 Generate a related-files-fn which relates tests and impl for files with EXTENSION based on TEST-PREFIX. (fn EXTENSION TEST-PREFIX) (defalias 'projectile-related-files-fn-test-with-prefix #[514 "\300\301#\207" [make-closure #[257 "\302!\300\232\205.\303!\304\301\"\211\203\301G\305O\202\301P\203&\306\202'\307\310\311\"D\266\203\207" [V0 V1 file-name-extension file-name-nondirectory string-prefix-p nil :impl :test make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\205\f\302!\300\232\207" [V0 string-suffix-p file-name-nondirectory] 4 "\n\n(fn OTHER-PATH)"]] 8 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]] 6 (#$ . 91935)]) #@133 Generate a related-files-fn which relates tests and impl for files with EXTENSION based on TEST-SUFFIX. (fn EXTENSION TEST-SUFFIX) (defalias 'projectile-related-files-fn-test-with-suffix #[514 "\300\301#\207" [make-closure #[257 "\302!\300\232\205<\303!\304\300P\301P\305\"\211\203$\306G[OP\202,\306G[OP\2034\307\2025\310\311\312\"D\266\205\207" [V0 V1 file-name-extension file-name-nondirectory "." string-suffix-p 0 :impl :test make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\205\f\302!\300\232\207" [V0 string-suffix-p file-name-nondirectory] 4 "\n\n(fn OTHER-PATH)"]] 10 "\n\n(fn PATH)"]] 6 (#$ . 92539)]) #@42 Check if FILE is a test file. (fn FILE) (defalias 'projectile-test-file-p #[257 "\302!\303>\203 \304\207\305>\203\306\207\307\310\311\"\312\306\313 !C\"\"\2062\307\310\314\"\312\306 \313 !C\"\"\207" [projectile-test-prefix-function projectile-test-suffix-function projectile--related-files-kinds :impl t :test nil cl-some make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300!\"\207" [V0 string-prefix-p file-name-nondirectory] 5 "\n\n(fn PAT)"] delq projectile-project-type #[257 "\301\302\303\300!!\"\207" [V0 string-suffix-p file-name-sans-extension file-name-nondirectory] 6 "\n\n(fn PAT)"]] 8 (#$ . 93162)]) #@54 Return a list of test files for the current project. (defalias 'projectile-current-project-test-files #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [projectile-test-files projectile-current-project-files] 2 (#$ . 93773)]) #@179 An alist holding all project types that are known to Projectile. The project types are symbols and they are linked to plists holding the properties of the various project types. (defvar projectile-project-types nil (#$ . 93977)) #@324 Create a single property list from all plists in PLISTS. The process starts by copying the first list, and then setting properties from the other lists. Settings in the last list are the most significant ones and overrule settings in the other lists. nil values are ignored in all but the first plist. (fn &rest PLISTS) (defalias 'projectile--combine-plists #[128 "\300\211A\262\242!\301\211\211\2039\211A\262\242\262\211\203 \211A\262\242\262\211A\262\242\262\203\302#\262\202\207" [copy-sequence nil plist-put] 9 (#$ . 94213)]) #@1519 Return a project type plist with the provided arguments. A project type is defined by PROJECT-TYPE, a set of MARKER-FILES, and optional keyword arguments: PROJECT-FILE the main project file in the root project directory. COMPILATION-DIR the directory to run the tests- and compilations in, CONFIGURE which specifies a command that configures the project `%s' in the command will be substituted with (projectile-project-root) before the command is run, COMPILE which specifies a command that builds the project, INSTALL which specifies a command to install the project. PACKAGE which specifies a command to package the project. TEST which specified a command that tests the project, RUN which specifies a command that runs the project, TEST-SUFFIX which specifies test file suffix, and TEST-PREFIX which specifies test file prefix. SRC-DIR which specifies the path to the source relative to the project root. TEST-DIR which specifies the path to the tests relative to the project root. RELATED-FILES-FN which specifies a custom function to find the related files such as test/impl/other files as below: CUSTOM-FUNCTION accepts FILE as relative path from the project root and returns a plist containing :test, :impl or :other as key and the relative path/paths or predicate as value. PREDICATE accepts a relative path as the input. (fn MARKER-FILES &key PROJECT-FILE COMPILATION-DIR CONFIGURE COMPILE INSTALL PACKAGE TEST RUN TEST-SUFFIX TEST-PREFIX SRC-DIR TEST-DIR RELATED-FILES-FN) (defalias 'projectile--build-project-plist #[385 "\301\302\"A@\301\303\"A@\301\304\"A@\301\305\"A@\301\306\"A@\301\307\"A@\301\310\"A@\301\311\"A@\301 \312\"A@\301\n\313\"A@\301 \314\"A@\301\f\315\"A@\301 \316\"A@ \211\203\203\211@\317>\203k\211AA\262\202X\320>A@\203z\321\262\202X\322\323@\"\210\202X\210\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\257 \203\276 \235\204\276 \235\203\271\210\202\276 B\203\311\335\336#\210\203\324\335\337#\210\203\337\335\340#\210\203\351\335\341#\210\203\363\335\342#\210\207" [projectile-project-root-files plist-member :project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn (:project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn)" marker-files project-file compilation-dir configure-command compile-command test-command install-command package-command run-command plist-put test-suffix test-prefix src-dir test-dir related-files-fn] 33 (#$ . 94778)]) #@1516 Register a project type with projectile. A project type is defined by PROJECT-TYPE, a set of MARKER-FILES, and optional keyword arguments: PROJECT-FILE the main project file in the root project directory. COMPILATION-DIR the directory to run the tests- and compilations in, CONFIGURE which specifies a command that configures the project `%s' in the command will be substituted with (projectile-project-root) before the command is run, COMPILE which specifies a command that builds the project, INSTALL which specifies a command to install the project. PACKAGE which specifies a command to package the project. TEST which specified a command that tests the project, RUN which specifies a command that runs the project, TEST-SUFFIX which specifies test file suffix, and TEST-PREFIX which specifies test file prefix. SRC-DIR which specifies the path to the source relative to the project root. TEST-DIR which specifies the path to the tests relative to the project root. RELATED-FILES-FN which specifies a custom function to find the related files such as test/impl/other files as below: CUSTOM-FUNCTION accepts FILE as relative path from the project root and returns a plist containing :test, :impl or :other as key and the relative path/paths or predicate as value. PREDICATE accepts a relative path as the input. (fn PROJECT-TYPE MARKER-FILES &key PROJECT-FILE COMPILATION-DIR CONFIGURE COMPILE INSTALL PACKAGE TEST RUN TEST-SUFFIX TEST-PREFIX SRC-DIR TEST-DIR RELATED-FILES-FN) (defalias 'projectile-register-project-type #[642 "\301\302\"A@\301\303\"A@\301\304\"A@\301\305\"A@\301\306\"A@\301\307\"A@\301\310\"A@\301\311\"A@\301 \312\"A@\301\n\313\"A@\301 \314\"A@\301\f\315\"A@\301 \316\"A@ \211\203\203\211@\317>\203k\211AA\262\202X\320>A@\203z\321\262\202X\322\323@\"\210\202X\210\324\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316&BB\211\207" [projectile-project-types plist-member :project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn (:project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn)" projectile--build-project-plist] 45 (#$ . 97668)]) #@1823 Update an existing projectile project type. Non-nil passed items will override existing values for the project type given by PROJECT-TYPE. Raise an error if PROJECT-TYPE is not already registered with projectile. The arguments to this function are as for projectile-register-project-type: A project type is defined by PROJECT-TYPE, a set of MARKER-FILES, and optional keyword arguments: MARKER-FILES a set of indicator files for PROJECT-TYPE. PROJECT-FILE the main project file in the root project directory. COMPILATION-DIR the directory to run the tests- and compilations in, CONFIGURE which specifies a command that configures the project `%s' in the command will be substituted with (projectile-project-root) before the command is run, COMPILE which specifies a command that builds the project, INSTALL which specifies a command to install the project. PACKAGE which specifies a command to package the project. TEST which specified a command that tests the project, RUN which specifies a command that runs the project, TEST-SUFFIX which specifies test file suffix, and TEST-PREFIX which specifies test file prefix. SRC-DIR which specifies the path to the source relative to the project root. TEST-DIR which specifies the path to the tests relative to the project root. RELATED-FILES-FN which specifies a custom function to find the related files such as test/impl/other files as below: CUSTOM-FUNCTION accepts FILE as relative path from the project root and returns a plist containing :test, :impl or :other as key and the relative path/paths or predicate as value. PREDICATE accepts a relative path as the input. (fn PROJECT-TYPE &key MARKER-FILES PROJECT-FILE COMPILATION-DIR CONFIGURE COMPILE INSTALL PACKAGE TEST RUN TEST-SUFFIX TEST-PREFIX SRC-DIR TEST-DIR RELATED-FILES-FN) (defalias 'projectile-update-project-type #[385 "\301\302\"A@\301\303\"A@\301\304\"A@\301\305\"A@\301\306\"A@\301\307\"A@\301\310\"A@\301\311\"A@\301 \312\"A@\301\n\313\"A@\301 \314\"A@\301\f\315\"A@\301 \316\"A@\301\317\"A@\211\203\212\211@\320>\203r\211AA\262\202_\321>A@\203\201\322\262\202_\323\324@\"\210\202_\210\325\326\327\"\"\211\205\303\330\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317&\211\205\314\331A\"\211\205\324B\211\203\344\332\326\333#\"\211\207\323\334\"\207" [projectile-project-types plist-member :marker-files :project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn (:marker-files :project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:marker-files :project-file :compilation-dir :configure :compile :install :package :test :run :test-suffix :test-prefix :src-dir :test-dir :related-files-fn)" cl-find-if make-closure #[257 "\300@=\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn P)"] projectile--build-project-plist projectile--combine-plists mapcar #[257 "\300@=\203 \301\207\207" [V0 V1] 3 "\n\n(fn P)"] "No existing project found for: %s"] 45 (#$ . 100229)]) #@67 Check if a project contains *.cabal files but no stack.yaml file. (defalias 'projectile-cabal-project-p #[0 "\300\301!\205\n\302\303!?\207" [projectile-verify-file-wildcard "?*.cabal" projectile-verify-file "stack.yaml"] 2 (#$ . 103460)]) #@52 Check if a project contains a .NET project marker. (defalias 'projectile-dotnet-project-p #[0 "\300\301!\206 \300\302!\207" [projectile-verify-file-wildcard "?*.csproj" "?*.fsproj"] 2 (#$ . 103706)]) #@46 Check if a project contains Go source files. (defalias 'projectile-go-project-p #[0 "\300\301!\206 \302\303!\207" [projectile-verify-file "go.mod" projectile-verify-file-wildcard "*.go"] 2 (#$ . 103913)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\303\311\312& \207" [custom-declare-variable projectile-go-project-test-function funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [projectile-go-project-p] 1] "Function to determine if project's type is go." :group projectile :type :package-version (projectile . "1.0.0")] 10) (defconst projectile--cmake-no-preset "*no preset*") #@24 Compute CMake version. (defalias 'projectile--cmake-version #[0 "\300\301!\302\303\"\211\205\304\305\306\"!\207" [shell-command-to-string "cmake --version" string-match "^cmake version \\(.*\\)$" version-to-list match-string 1] 6 (#$ . 104488)]) #@59 Check if CMake version is at least VERSION. (fn VERSION) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-check-version #[257 "\300\301 \"\207" [version-list-<= projectile--cmake-version] 4 (#$ . 104744)]) (defconst projectile--cmake-command-presets-minimum-version-alist '((:configure-command 3 19) (:compile-command 3 20) (:test-command 3 20))) #@70 Check if CMake supports presets for COMMAND-TYPE. (fn COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-command-presets-supported #[257 "\301\"A\302!\207" [projectile--cmake-command-presets-minimum-version-alist assoc projectile--cmake-check-version] 4 (#$ . 105079)]) #@49 Read CMake preset from FILENAME. (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-read-preset #[257 "\300!\205$\301\302\303\"r\211q\210\304\305\"\216\306!\210\307\310!\205!\310\311\312\"*\262\207" [file-exists-p generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] insert-file-contents functionp json-parse-buffer :array-type list] 5 (#$ . 105351)]) (defconst projectile--cmake-command-preset-array-id-alist '((:configure-command . "configurePresets") (:compile-command . "buildPresets") (:test-command . "testPresets"))) #@89 Map from COMMAND-TYPE to id of command preset array in CMake preset. (fn COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-command-preset-array-id #[257 "\301\"A\207" [projectile--cmake-command-preset-array-id-alist assoc] 4 (#$ . 105939)]) #@75 Get CMake COMMAND-TYPE presets from FILENAME. (fn FILENAME COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-command-presets #[514 "\300\301!!\211\205\302\303\304\305!\"\"\207" [projectile--cmake-read-preset projectile-expand-root cl-remove-if #[257 "\300\301\"\302=\207" [gethash "hidden" t] 4 "\n\n(fn PRESET)"] gethash projectile--cmake-command-preset-array-id] 8 (#$ . 106182)]) #@68 Get CMake user and system COMMAND-TYPE presets. (fn COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-all-command-presets #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\304\"!\207" [projectile-flatten mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 projectile--cmake-command-presets] 4 "\n\n(fn FILENAME)"] ("CMakeUserPresets.json" "CMakeSystemPresets.json")] 6 (#$ . 106571)]) #@77 Get names of CMake user and system COMMAND-TYPE presets. (fn COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-command-preset-names #[257 "\300\301\302!\"\207" [mapcar #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [gethash "name"] 4 "\n\n(fn PRESET)"] projectile--cmake-all-command-presets] 5 (#$ . 106929)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \207" [custom-declare-variable projectile-enable-cmake-presets funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Enables configuration with CMake presets.\n\nWhen `projectile-enable-cmake-presets' is non-nil, CMake projects can\nbe configured, built and tested using presets." :group projectile :type boolean :package-version (projectile . "2.4.0")] 10) #@231 Test whether or not to use command presets for COMMAND-TYPE. Presets are used if `projectile-enable-cmake-presets' is non-nil, and CMake supports presets for COMMAND-TYPE, and `json-parse-buffer' is available. (fn COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-use-command-presets #[257 "\205 \301!\205 \302\303!\207" [projectile-enable-cmake-presets projectile--cmake-command-presets-supported functionp json-parse-buffer] 3 (#$ . 107628)]) #@424 Select a CMake command preset or a manual CMake command. The selection is done like this: - If `projectile--cmake-use-commands-presets' for COMMAND-TYPE returns true, and there is at least one preset available for COMMAND-TYPE, the user is prompted to select a name of a command preset, or opt a manual command by selecting `projectile--cmake-no-preset'. - Else `projectile--cmake-no-preset' is used. (fn COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-select-command #[257 "\301!\211\205\n\302!\211\203\303\304\305C\"\"\207\207" [projectile--cmake-no-preset projectile--cmake-use-command-presets projectile--cmake-command-preset-names projectile-completing-read "Use preset: " append] 8 (#$ . 108079)]) (defconst projectile--cmake-manual-command-alist '((:configure-command . "cmake -S . -B build") (:compile-command . "cmake --build build") (:test-command . "cmake --build build --target test"))) #@63 Create maunual CMake COMMAND-TYPE command. (fn COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-manual-command #[257 "\301\"A\207" [projectile--cmake-manual-command-alist assoc] 4 (#$ . 108991)]) (defconst projectile--cmake-preset-command-alist '((:configure-command . "cmake . --preset %s") (:compile-command . "cmake --build --preset %s") (:test-command . "ctest --preset %s"))) #@75 Create CMake COMMAND-TYPE command using PRESET. (fn COMMAND-TYPE PRESET) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-preset-command #[514 "\301\302\"A\"\207" [projectile--cmake-preset-command-alist format assoc] 6 (#$ . 109375)]) #@369 Create a CMake COMMAND-TYPE command. The command is created like this: - If `projectile--cmake-select-command' returns `projectile--cmake-no-preset' a manual COMMAND-TYPE command is created with `projectile--cmake-manual-command'. - Else a preset COMMAND-TYPE command using the selected preset is created with `projectile--cmake-preset-command'. (fn COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile--cmake-command #[257 "\301!\211\232\203 \302!\207\303\"\207" [projectile--cmake-no-preset projectile--cmake-select-command projectile--cmake-manual-command projectile--cmake-preset-command] 5 (#$ . 109601)]) #@26 CMake configure command. (defalias 'projectile--cmake-configure-command #[0 "\300\301!\207" [projectile--cmake-command :configure-command] 2 (#$ . 110211)]) #@24 CMake compile command. (defalias 'projectile--cmake-compile-command #[0 "\300\301!\207" [projectile--cmake-command :compile-command] 2 (#$ . 110374)]) #@21 CMake test command. (defalias 'projectile--cmake-test-command #[0 "\300\301!\207" [projectile--cmake-command :test-command] 2 (#$ . 110531)]) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314&\n\210\302\315\316\305\317\311\320\307\321&\210\302\322\305\323\307\324\313\325&\210\302\326\327\330\331\305\332\307\333\313\334&\n\210\302\335\336\330\337\340\341\342\343\305\344\307\345&\f\210\302\346\347\330\350\305\351\307\351&\210\302\352\353\330\354\305\355\307\356\311\357&\n\210\302\360\361\330\362\305\363&\210\302\364\365\330\366\305\367\307\370\371\372&\n\210\302\373\374\330\375\342\376\305\377\307\201@\371\201A\201B\201C&\210\302\201D\201E\330\201F\305\201G\307\201H\313\201I&\n\210\302\201J\201K\330\201L\305\201M\307\201N\313\201O&\n\210\302\201P\201Q\330\201R\305\201S\201T\201U\307\201V\313\325&\f\210\302\201W\201X\330\201Y\305\201Z\307\201[&\210\302\201\\\201]\330\201^\305\201_\307\201`&\210\302\201a\201b\330\201c\305\201d\307\201e\313\201f&\n\210\302\201g\201h\330\201i\305\201j\311\201k\307\201l\313\201m&\f\210\302\201n\201o\330\201p\305\201q\307\201r\201s\201t\313\325&\f\210\302\201u\201v\330\201w\305\201x\307\201y\201s\201t\313\325&\f\210\302\201z\201{\330\201|\305\201x\307\201y\201s\201t\313\325&\f\210\302\201}\201~\330\201\305\201\200\307\201\201\201s\201t\313\325&\f\210\302\201\202\201\203\330\201\204\305\201\205\307\201\206\201s\201t\313\325&\f\210\302\201\207\201\210\330\201\211\305\201\212\307\201\213\201s\201t\313\325&\f\210\302\201\214\201\215\330\201\216\305\201\217\307\201\220\313\201I\201T\201\221\201\222\201\223&\210\302\201\224\201\225\330\201\226\305\201\227\307\201\230\313\314&\n\210\302\201\231\201\232\330\201\233\305\201\234\307\201\235\313\314&\n\210\302\201\236\201\237\330\201\240\305\201\241\307\201\242\313\314&\n\210\302\201\243\201\244\330\201\245\305\201\246\307\201\247\313\314&\n\210\302\201\250\201\251\330\201\252\305\201\253\307\201\254\313\201I&\n\210\302\201\255\201\256\330\201\257\305\201\260\307\201\261\313\325&\n\210\302\201\262\201\263\330\201\257\305\201\260\307\201\264\201s\201\265&\n\210\302\201\266\201\267\330\201\270\305\201\271\307\201\272\313\325&\n\210\302\201\273\201\274\330\201\275\313\325&\210\302\201\276\201\277\330\201\300\305\201\301\307\201\302\201T\201\303\201\222\201\304\313\314&\210\302\201\305\201\306\330\201\307\305\201\310\201T\201U\307\201\311\201\222\201\312\313\201\313&\210\302\201\314\201\315\330\201\307\305\201\310\201T\201U\307\201\316\313\325&\f\210\302\201\317\201\320\330\201\307\305\201\321\201T\201U\307\201\316\313\325&\f\210\302\201\322\201\323\330\201\307\305\201\321\201T\201U\307\201\311\201\222\201\312\313\201\313&\210\302\201\324\201\325\330\201\326\201T\201\327\307\201\330\201\222\201\312\313\201\313&\f\210\302\201\331\201\332\330\201\333\305\201\334\201s\201\335\313\201\336&\n\210\302\201\337\201\340\330\201\341\305\201\342\307\201\343\311\201\344\201B\201\345&\f\210\302\201\346\201\347\330\201\350\305\201\351\307\201\352 \201\353Q&\210\302\201\354\201\355\330\201\356\305\201\357\307\201\360\313\314&\n\210\302\201\361\201\362\330\201\363\305\201\364\307\201\365\311\201\366&\n\210\302\201\367\201\370\330\201\371\307\201\372\371\201\373\201B\201\374&\n\210\302\201\375\201\376\330\201\377\305\201\307\201\311\201\313\201&\f\210\302\201\201\330\201\305\201\307\201&\207" [projectile-go-project-test-function temporary-file-directory projectile-register-project-type haskell-cabal projectile-cabal-project-p :compile "cabal build" :test "cabal test" :run "cabal run" :test-suffix "Spec" dotnet projectile-dotnet-project-p "dotnet build" "dotnet run" "dotnet test" go "go build" "go test ./..." "_test" scons ("SConstruct") :project-file "SConstruct" "scons" "scons test" "test" meson ("meson.build") "meson.build" :compilation-dir "build" :configure "meson %s" "ninja" "ninja test" nix ("default.nix") "default.nix" "nix-build" bazel ("WORKSPACE") "WORKSPACE" "bazel build" "bazel test" "bazel run" debian ("debian/control") "debian/control" "debuild -uc -us" make ("Makefile") "Makefile" "make" "make test" :install "make install" cmake ("CMakeLists.txt") "CMakeLists.txt" projectile--cmake-configure-command projectile--cmake-compile-command projectile--cmake-test-command "cmake --build build --target install" :package "cmake --build build --target package" php-symfony ("composer.json" "app" "src" "vendor") "composer.json" "app/console server:run" "phpunit -c app " "Test" rebar ("rebar.config") "rebar.config" "rebar3 compile" "rebar3 do eunit,ct" "_SUITE" elixir ("mix.exs") "mix.exs" "mix compile" :src-dir "lib/" "mix test" grunt ("Gruntfile.js") "Gruntfile.js" "grunt" "grunt test" gulp ("gulpfile.js") "gulpfile.js" "gulp" "gulp test" npm ("package.json") "package.json" "npm install" "npm test" ".test" angular ("angular.json" ".angular-cli.json") "angular.json" "ng build" "ng serve" "ng test" ".spec" django ("manage.py") "manage.py" "python manage.py runserver" "python manage.py test" :test-prefix "test_" python-pip ("requirements.txt") "requirements.txt" "python setup.py build" "python -m unittest discover" python-pkg ("setup.py") "setup.py" python-tox ("tox.ini") "tox.ini" "tox -r --notest" "tox" python-pipenv ("Pipfile") "Pipfile" "pipenv run build" "pipenv run test" python-poetry ("poetry.lock") "poetry.lock" "poetry build" "poetry run python -m unittest discover" maven ("pom.xml") "pom.xml" "mvn -B clean install" "mvn -B test" "main/src/" :test-dir "main/test/" gradle ("build.gradle") "build.gradle" "gradle build" "gradle test" gradlew ("gradlew") "gradlew" "./gradlew build" "./gradlew test" grails ("application.properties" "grails-app") "application.properties" "grails package" "grails test-app" sbt ("build.sbt") "build.sbt" "sbt compile" "sbt test" mill ("build.sc") "build.sc" "mill all __.compile" "mill all __.test" lein-test ("project.clj") "project.clj" "lein compile" "lein test" lein-midje ("project.clj" ".midje.clj") "lein midje" "t_" boot-clj ("build.boot") "build.boot" "boot aot" "boot test" clojure-cli ("deps.edn") "deps.edn" bloop (".bloop") ".bloop" "bloop compile root" "bloop test --propagate --reporter scalac root" "src/main/" "src/test/" ruby-rspec ("Gemfile" "lib" "spec") "Gemfile" "bundle exec rake" "bundle exec rspec" "spec/" "_spec" ruby-test ("Gemfile" "lib" "test") "bundle exec rake test" rails-test ("Gemfile" "app" "lib" "db" "config" "test") "bundle exec rails server" rails-rspec ("Gemfile" "app" "lib" "db" "config" "spec") crystal-spec ("shard.yml") "shard.yml" "src/" "crystal spec" emacs-cask ("Cask") "Cask" "cask install" "test-" "-test" emacs-eldev #[0 "\300\301!\206 \300\302!\207" [projectile-verify-file "Eldev" "Eldev-local"] 2] "Eldev" "eldev compile" "eldev test" "eldev emacs" "eldev package" r ("DESCRIPTION") "DESCRIPTION" "R CMD INSTALL --with-keep.source ." "R CMD check -o " " ." haskell-stack ("stack.yaml") "stack.yaml" "stack build" "stack build --test" rust-cargo ("Cargo.toml") "Cargo.toml" "cargo build" "cargo test" "cargo run" racket ("info.rkt") "info.rkt" "raco test ." "raco pkg install" "raco pkg create --source $(pwd)" dart ("pubspec.yaml") "pubspec.yaml" "pub get" "pub run test" "dart" "_test.dart" ocaml-dune ("dune-project") "dune-project" "dune build" "dune runtest"] 15) #@110 Buffer local var for overriding the auto-detected project type. Normally you'd set this from .dir-locals.el. (defvar projectile-project-type nil (#$ . 118026)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local projectile-project-type put safe-local-variable symbolp] 4) #@112 Detect the type of the current project. Fallsback to a generic project type when the type can't be determined. (defalias 'projectile-detect-project-type #[0 "\302\303\"@\206 \304\305\306  #\210\207" [projectile-project-types projectile-project-type-cache cl-find-if #[257 "\211@\300A\301\"\302!\203\211 \205\207\303!\205\207" [plist-get marker-files functionp projectile-verify-files] 5 "\n\n(fn PROJECT-TYPE-RECORD)"] generic puthash projectile-project-root] 5 (#$ . 118329)]) #@204 Determine a project's type based on its structure. When DIR is specified it checks it, otherwise it acts on the current project. The project type is cached for improved performance. (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'projectile-project-type #[256 "\203\207\211\206 \303!\211\205\304\n\"\206\305 \207" [projectile-project-type default-directory projectile-project-type-cache projectile-project-root gethash projectile-detect-project-type] 6 (#$ . 118828)]) #@35 Display info for current project. (defalias 'projectile-project-info #[0 "\300\301\302 \303 \304 $\207" [message "Project dir: %s ## Project VCS: %s ## Project type: %s" projectile-acquire-root projectile-project-vcs projectile-project-type] 5 (#$ . 119299) nil]) #@67 Check whether all FILES exist in the current project. (fn FILES) (defalias 'projectile-verify-files #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [cl-every projectile-verify-file] 4 (#$ . 119569)]) #@62 Check whether FILE exists in the current project. (fn FILE) (defalias 'projectile-verify-file #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [file-exists-p projectile-expand-root] 4 (#$ . 119752)]) #@127 Check whether FILE exists in the current project. Expands wildcards using `file-expand-wildcards' before checking. (fn FILE) (defalias 'projectile-verify-file-wildcard #[257 "\300\301!!\207" [file-expand-wildcards projectile-expand-root] 4 (#$ . 119935)]) #@156 Determine the VCS used by the project if any. PROJECT-ROOT is the targeted directory. If nil, use `projectile-project-root'. (fn &optional PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile-project-vcs #[256 "\211\204\300 \262\301\302\303\"!\203\304\207\301\302\305\"!\203\306\207\301\302\307\"!\203)\310\207\301\302\311\"!\2034\310\207\301\302\312\"!\203?\313\207\301\302\314\"!\203J\315\207\301\302\316\"!\203U\317\207\320\303\"\203^\304\207\320\305\"\203g\306\207\320\307\"\203p\310\207\320\311\"\203y\310\207\320\312\"\203\202\313\207\320\314\"\203\213\315\207\320\316\"\203\224\317\207\321\207" [projectile-acquire-root projectile-file-exists-p expand-file-name ".git" git ".hg" hg ".fslckout" fossil "_FOSSIL_" ".bzr" bzr "_darcs" darcs ".svn" svn projectile-locate-dominating-file none] 5 (#$ . 120200)]) #@78 Determine the name of the test file for IMPL-FILE-PATH. (fn IMPL-FILE-PATH) (defalias 'projectile--test-name-for-impl-name #[257 "\302 \303\304!!\305!! !\203\306R\207\211\203$\306R\207\307\310\"\207" [projectile-test-prefix-function projectile-test-suffix-function projectile-project-type file-name-sans-extension file-name-nondirectory file-name-extension "." error "Project type `%s' not supported!"] 10 (#$ . 121038)]) #@61 Create a test file for IMPL-FILE-PATH. (fn IMPL-FILE-PATH) (defalias 'projectile-create-test-file-for #[257 "\300!\301 \302\303\"!\304\305 !\306\305 !\307\310#\"\307\"\311!?\2054\311!\2043\312\313\"\210\211\207" [projectile--test-name-for-impl-name projectile-project-root file-name-directory file-relative-name projectile-src-directory projectile-project-type projectile-test-directory expand-file-name replace-regexp-in-string file-exists-p make-directory :create-parents] 11 (#$ . 121484)]) #@173 Given a FILE-NAME return the matching implementation or test filename. If `projectile-create-missing-test-files' is non-nil, create the missing test file. (fn FILE-NAME) (defalias 'projectile-find-implementation-or-test #[257 "\211\204\301\302!\210\303!\203\304!\211\203\305!\207\301\306\307 \"\207\310!\211\203*\305!\207\2032\311!\207\301\312\307 \"\207" [projectile-create-missing-test-files error "The current buffer is not visiting a file" projectile-test-file-p projectile-find-matching-file projectile-expand-root "No matching source file found for project type `%s'" projectile-project-type projectile-find-matching-test projectile-create-test-file-for "No matching test file found for project type `%s'"] 5 (#$ . 122002)]) #@60 Open matching implementation or test file in other window. (defalias 'projectile-find-implementation-or-test-other-window #[0 "\300\301\302 !!\207" [find-file-other-window projectile-find-implementation-or-test buffer-file-name] 3 (#$ . 122756) nil]) #@59 Open matching implementation or test file in other frame. (defalias 'projectile-find-implementation-or-test-other-frame #[0 "\300\301\302 !!\207" [find-file-other-frame projectile-find-implementation-or-test buffer-file-name] 3 (#$ . 123013) nil]) #@58 Toggle between an implementation file and its test file. (defalias 'projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test #[0 "\300\301\302 !!\207" [find-file projectile-find-implementation-or-test buffer-file-name] 3 (#$ . 123267) nil]) #@165 Return the value of some PROJECT-TYPE attribute identified by KEY. Fallback to DEFAULT-VALUE for missing attributes. (fn PROJECT-TYPE KEY &optional DEFAULT-VALUE) (defalias 'projectile-project-type-attribute #[770 "\301\"\211\203\302\"\203\303\"\207\207" [projectile-project-types alist-get plist-member plist-get] 7 (#$ . 123508)]) #@74 Find default test files prefix based on PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-test-prefix #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-project-type-attribute test-prefix] 4 (#$ . 123859)]) #@74 Find default test files suffix based on PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-test-suffix #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-project-type-attribute test-suffix] 4 (#$ . 124062)]) #@62 Find relative file based on PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-related-files-fn #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-project-type-attribute related-files-fn] 4 (#$ . 124265)]) #@70 Find default src directory based on PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-src-directory #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [projectile-project-type-attribute src-dir "src/"] 5 (#$ . 124466)]) #@71 Find default test directory based on PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-test-directory #[257 "\300\301\302#\207" [projectile-project-type-attribute test-dir "test/"] 5 (#$ . 124673)]) #@68 Count matching dirnames ascending file paths in A and B. (fn A B) (defalias 'projectile-dirname-matching-count #[514 "\300\301\302!\206 \303\304\305#!\262\300\301\302!\206\303\304\305#!\262\306\203>\203>\211A\262\242\211A\262\242\230\203>\211T\262\202\207" [reverse split-string file-name-directory "" "/" t 0] 7 (#$ . 124884)]) #@72 Group file candidates by dirname matching count. (fn FILE CANDIDATES) (defalias 'projectile-group-file-candidates #[514 "\300\301\302\211\211A\262\242\211\262\2032\303\"\304\"\211\203(\211AB\241\266\202DB\266\203\202\305\306\237\"\266\202!\307\"\207" [cl-sort copy-sequence nil projectile-dirname-matching-count assoc mapcar #[257 "\211@A\237B\207" #1=[] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] #[514 "@@V\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"]] 11 (#$ . 125239)]) #@109 Return a list containing the best one one for FILE from CANDIDATES or all CANDIDATES. (fn FILE CANDIDATES) (defalias 'projectile--best-or-all-candidates-based-on-parents-dirs #[514 "\300\"\211@G\301U\203\302@!@C\207\303\304\305\306\"\"\207" [projectile-group-file-candidates 2 last apply append mapcar cdr] 8 (#$ . 125700)]) #@87 Return a predicate, which returns t for any test files for IMPL-FILE. (fn IMPL-FILE) (defalias 'projectile--impl-to-test-predicate #[257 "\302\303!!\304 ! \304 !\205P\205P\305\306#\207" [projectile-test-prefix-function projectile-test-suffix-function file-name-sans-extension file-name-nondirectory projectile-project-type make-closure #[257 "\302\303!!\300\230\206\301\230\207" [V0 V1 file-name-sans-extension file-name-nondirectory] 4 "\n\n(fn CURRENT-FILE)"]] 10 (#$ . 126038)]) #@60 Return a list of test files for IMPL-FILE. (fn IMPL-FILE) (defalias 'projectile--find-matching-test #[257 "\300\301\"\211\203\f\302!\207\303!\211\205\304\305\306 \"\"\207" [projectile--related-files-plist-by-kind :test projectile--related-files-from-plist projectile--impl-to-test-predicate projectile--best-or-all-candidates-based-on-parents-dirs cl-remove-if-not projectile-current-project-files] 8 (#$ . 126546)]) #@87 Return a predicate, which returns t for any impl files for TEST-FILE. (fn TEST-FILE) (defalias 'projectile--test-to-impl-predicate #[257 "\302\303!!\304 ! \304 !\305\306$\207" [projectile-test-prefix-function projectile-test-suffix-function file-name-sans-extension file-name-nondirectory projectile-project-type make-closure #[257 "\303\304!!\301\203\301P\300\230\206\302\205\211\302P\300\230\207" [V0 V1 V2 file-name-nondirectory file-name-sans-extension] 4 "\n\n(fn CURRENT-FILE)"]] 9 (#$ . 126978)]) #@66 Return a list of impl files tested by TEST-FILE. (fn TEST-FILE) (defalias 'projectile--find-matching-file #[257 "\300\301\"\211\203\f\302!\207\303!\211\205\304\305\306 \"\"\207" [projectile--related-files-plist-by-kind :impl projectile--related-files-from-plist projectile--test-to-impl-predicate projectile--best-or-all-candidates-based-on-parents-dirs cl-remove-if-not projectile-current-project-files] 8 (#$ . 127502)]) #@51 Choose one item from CANDIDATES. (fn CANDIDATES) (defalias 'projectile--choose-from-candidates #[257 "\211G\300U\203\n\211@\207\301\302\"\207" [1 projectile-completing-read "Switch to: "] 4 (#$ . 127940)]) #@66 Compute the name of the test matching IMPL-FILE. (fn IMPL-FILE) (defalias 'projectile-find-matching-test #[257 "\300!\211\205\n\301!\207" [projectile--find-matching-test projectile--choose-from-candidates] 4 (#$ . 128155)]) #@64 Compute the name of a file matching TEST-FILE. (fn TEST-FILE) (defalias 'projectile-find-matching-file #[257 "\300!\211\205\n\301!\207" [projectile--find-matching-file projectile--choose-from-candidates] 4 (#$ . 128389)]) #@193 Try to find a default pattern for `projectile-grep'. This is a subset of `grep-read-files', where either a matching entry from `grep-files-aliases' or file name extension pattern is returned. (defalias 'projectile-grep-default-files #[0 "\205N\302!\303\304\305 \" \"\306\2037@\262A\262\307\310\311\312A\306\313#\314#\"\2031\306\262\202\306\262\202\211A\266\202\315!\211\205E\316P\262\206L\211\266\203\207" [buffer-file-name grep-files-aliases file-name-nondirectory remove assoc "all" nil string-match mapconcat wildcard-to-regexp split-string t "\\|" file-name-extension "*."] 10 (#$ . 128622)]) #@58 Return ignored file suffixes as a list of glob patterns. (defalias 'projectile--globally-ignored-file-suffixes-glob #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [projectile-globally-ignored-file-suffixes mapcar #[257 "\300P\207" ["*"] 3 "\n\n(fn PAT)"]] 3 (#$ . 129249)]) #@21 (fn PREFIX-LABEL) (defalias 'projectile--read-search-string-with-default #[257 "\300!\301 \211\203\211\302\230\203\302\202\303\304\"\305\303\306#\307\211$\207" [projectile-prepend-project-name projectile-symbol-or-selection-at-point "" format " (default %s)" read-string "%s%s: " nil] 9 (#$ . 129505)]) #@182 Compute the command for \[rgrep] to use by default. Extension of the Emacs 25.1 implementation of `rgrep-default-command', with which it shares its arglist. (fn REGEXP FILES DIR) (defalias 'projectile-rgrep-default-command #[771 "\306\307!\210\310\311\312!\313 \313\314\311\315 !\316 \313Q#\313\311\317!\260\n\205>\320\311\312!\321\314\322\323\324\325\326\327\"\n\"\"\330#\313\311\317!\331\260 \205Z\311\332!\333\311\312!\334\314\326\335 \" \336#\313\311\317!\331\260\f\205n\311\312!\321\314\337\f\330#\313\311\317!\331\260 \205\322\311\312!%\204&\205\204\313\311\312!P\321\314\340 \330#%\204\224&\205\313\313\311\317!\341\311\332!\313\311\312!%\205\255\321\314\342%\330#P%\205\270&\205\270\343&\205\305\321\314\344&\330#P\313\311\317!\260 \313\311\317!\331\260R%\207" [grep-find-template find-name-arg grep-find-ignored-directories grep-find-ignored-files projectile-grep-find-ignored-paths projectile-grep-find-ignored-patterns require find-dired grep-expand-template shell-quote-argument "(" " " mapconcat split-string " -o " ")" "-type d " " -path " identity delq nil mapcar make-closure #[257 "\211;\203 \301\302P!\207\211:\205\211@\300!\205\301\302AP!\207" [V0 shell-quote-argument "*/"] 4 "\n\n(fn IGNORE)"] " -o -path " " -prune -o " "!" " -type d " " -name " #[257 "\211;\203 \301!\207\211:\205\211@\300!\205\301A!\207" [V0 shell-quote-argument] 3 "\n\n(fn IGNORE)"] " -o -name " #[257 "\300\301P!\207" [shell-quote-argument "./"] 4 "\n\n(fn IGNORE)"] #[257 "\300\301\302\"\203\f\202\303P!\207" [shell-quote-argument string-prefix-p "*" "*/"] 5 "\n\n(fn IGNORE)"] " -a " #[257 "\300\301P!\207" [shell-quote-argument "./"] 4 "\n\n(fn IGNORE)"] " -o" #[257 "\300\301\302\"\203\f\202\303P!\207" [shell-quote-argument string-prefix-p "*" "*/"] 5 "\n\n(fn IGNORE)"] projectile-grep-find-unignored-paths projectile-grep-find-unignored-patterns] 28 (#$ . 129828)]) #@294 Perform rgrep in the project. With a prefix ARG asks for files (globbing-aware) which to grep in. With prefix ARG of `-' (such as `M--'), default the files (without prompt), to `projectile-grep-default-files'. With REGEXP given, don't query the user for a regexp. (fn &optional REGEXP ARG) (defalias 'projectile-grep #[512 "\306\307!\210\310\311 !\206\312\313!\205%\314=\203\315 \206%\316\317\320!\315 \"\211\203\270\211@\306\321!\210\322 \323=\203N \203N\324\325!\203N\325\206H\326#\210\202\261\327\330 \n\"\331\332\333\334\"\335 \"\332\333\336\"\337 \"\"\331\332\333\340\"\341 \"\332\333\342\"\343 \"\"\344 \345 3\346 \210\347K\333\350\"\216\347\351M\210\352\206\231\353#\210\354\355!\203\256r\355q\210\356\357\360Q!\210))\210-A\266\202\202&\210\361\362!\207" [current-prefix-arg projectile-use-git-grep grep-find-ignored-files projectile-grep-find-unignored-patterns projectile-grep-find-ignored-patterns projectile-grep-find-unignored-paths require grep projectile-get-project-directories projectile-acquire-root projectile--read-search-string-with-default "Grep for" - projectile-grep-default-files read-string projectile-prepend-project-name "Grep in: " vc-git projectile-project-vcs git fboundp vc-git-grep "" cl-union projectile--globally-ignored-file-suffixes-glob append mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\302\300\"!\207" [V0 directory-file-name file-relative-name] 5 "\n\n(fn F)"] projectile-ignored-directories #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 file-relative-name] 4 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] projectile-ignored-files #[257 "\301\302\300\"!\207" [V0 directory-file-name file-relative-name] 5 "\n\n(fn F)"] projectile-unignored-directories #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 file-relative-name] 4 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] projectile-unignored-files projectile-patterns-to-ignore projectile-patterns-to-ensure grep-compute-defaults rgrep-default-command #[0 "\301\300M\207" [V0 rgrep-default-command] 2] projectile-rgrep-default-command rgrep "* .*" get-buffer "*grep*" rename-buffer "*grep <" ">*" run-hooks projectile-grep-finished-hook projectile-grep-find-ignored-paths] 15 (#$ . 131767) "i\nP"]) #@173 Run an ag search with SEARCH-TERM in the project. With an optional prefix argument ARG SEARCH-TERM is interpreted as a regular expression. (fn SEARCH-TERM &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-ag #[513 "\304\305\306\307#\2036\211\203\310\202\305\311\306\312\313\314 \315 \316=?\205)\313\317 \320 \n\306%#!\"\306\211\321 \"*\207\322\323!\207" [ag-ignore-list grep-find-ignored-files grep-find-ignored-directories current-prefix-arg require ag nil noerror ag-regexp delq delete-dups append projectile--globally-ignored-file-suffixes-glob projectile-project-vcs git projectile-ignored-files-rel projectile-ignored-directories-rel projectile-acquire-root error "Package 'ag' is not available"] 15 (#$ . 133897) (byte-code "\301\302\303\203 \304\202\f\305\"!D\207" [current-prefix-arg projectile--read-search-string-with-default format "Ag %ssearch for" "regexp " ""] 4)]) #@188 Run a Ripgrep search with `SEARCH-TERM' at current project root. With an optional prefix argument ARG SEARCH-TERM is interpreted as a regular expression. (fn SEARCH-TERM &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-ripgrep #[513 "\302\303\304\305#\203 \306\307\310 \"\"\311\312 \203\202\313B#\207\314\315!\207" [projectile-globally-ignored-files projectile-globally-ignored-directories require ripgrep nil noerror mapcar #[257 "\300P\207" ["--glob !"] 3 "\n\n(fn VAL)"] append ripgrep-regexp projectile-acquire-root "--fixed-strings" error "Package `ripgrep' is not available"] 8 (#$ . 134788) (byte-code "\301\302\303\203 \304\202\f\305\"!D\207" [current-prefix-arg projectile--read-search-string-with-default format "Ripgrep %ssearch for" "regexp " ""] 4)]) #@50 Return a string with exclude patterns for ctags. (defalias 'projectile-tags-exclude-patterns #[0 "\300\301\302\303 \304 \"\305#\207" [mapconcat #[257 "\300\301\302!\"\207" [format "--exclude=\"%s\"" directory-file-name] 5 "\n\n(fn PATTERN)"] append projectile-ignored-directories-rel projectile-patterns-to-ignore " "] 5 (#$ . 135563)]) #@37 Regenerate the project's [e|g]tags. (defalias 'projectile-regenerate-tags #[0 "\304\305!\203\306>\203\307 \211\310 \210\311\312!)\207\307 \313 \314\n!\315 \316 !$\317\211\320\321\312\"r\211q\210\322\323\"\216\324\317p#\262\325ed{!\262*\210\211\326U\204R\327!\210\330!\210\331\332\")\207" [projectile-tags-backend default-directory projectile-tags-file-name projectile-tags-command boundp ggtags-mode (auto ggtags) projectile-acquire-root ggtags-ensure-project ggtags-update-tags t projectile-tags-exclude-patterns expand-file-name format directory-file-name nil generate-new-buffer " *temp*" make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] call-process-shell-command string-trim 0 error visit-tags-table message "Regenerated %s"] 11 (#$ . 135907) nil]) #@41 Visit the current project's tags table. (defalias 'projectile-visit-project-tags-table #[0 "\301 \205$\302!\303!\205\"\3041\305\306\"0\202\"\307\310\"\210\311\262\262\207" [projectile-tags-file-name projectile-project-p projectile-expand-root file-exists-p (debug error) visit-tags-table t message "Error loading tags-file: %s" nil] 5 (#$ . 136716)]) #@70 Determine which function to use for a call to `projectile-find-tag'. (defalias 'projectile-determine-find-tag-fn #[0 "\301\267\2026\302\303!\203\303\207\302\304!\203\304\207\302\305!\2036\305\207\302\304!\2036\304\207\302\303!\2036\303\207\302\305!\2036\305\207\306\207" [projectile-tags-backend #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (auto 6 xref 30 ggtags 38 etags-select 46)) fboundp ggtags-find-tag-dwim xref-find-definitions etags-select-find-tag find-tag] 2 (#$ . 137084)]) #@22 Find tag in project. (defalias 'projectile-find-tag #[0 "\300 \210\301 \302!\207" [projectile-visit-project-tags-table projectile-determine-find-tag-fn call-interactively] 3 (#$ . 137626) nil]) #@46 Invoke in DIR the BODY. (fn DIR &rest BODY) (defalias 'projectile-with-default-dir '(macro . #[385 "\300\301DCBB\207" [let default-directory] 5 (#$ . 137827)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\306#\300\207" [put projectile-with-default-dir edebug-form-spec t function-put lisp-indent-function 1] 4) #@58 Invoke `execute-extended-command' in the project's root. (defalias 'projectile-run-command-in-root #[0 "\301 \302\303!)\207" [default-directory projectile-acquire-root call-interactively execute-extended-command] 2 (#$ . 138149) nil]) #@47 Invoke `shell-command' in the project's root. (defalias 'projectile-run-shell-command-in-root #[0 "\301 \302\303!)\207" [default-directory projectile-acquire-root call-interactively shell-command] 2 (#$ . 138391) nil]) #@53 Invoke `async-shell-command' in the project's root. (defalias 'projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root #[0 "\301 \302\303!)\207" [default-directory projectile-acquire-root call-interactively async-shell-command] 2 (#$ . 138617) nil]) #@37 Invoke `gdb' in the project's root. (defalias 'projectile-run-gdb #[0 "\301 \302\303!)\207" [default-directory projectile-acquire-root call-interactively gdb] 2 (#$ . 138861) nil]) #@200 Invoke `shell' in the project's root. Switch to the project specific shell buffer if it already exists. Use a prefix argument ARG to indicate creation of a new process instead. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-run-shell #[256 "\301 \211\302\303\304#!)\207" [default-directory projectile-acquire-root shell projectile-generate-process-name "shell"] 7 (#$ . 139050) "P"]) #@202 Invoke `eshell' in the project's root. Switch to the project specific eshell buffer if it already exists. Use a prefix argument ARG to indicate creation of a new process instead. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-run-eshell #[256 "\302 \211\303\304#\305 *\207" [default-directory eshell-buffer-name projectile-acquire-root projectile-generate-process-name "eshell" eshell] 6 (#$ . 139441) "P"]) #@198 Invoke `ielm' in the project's root. Switch to the project specific ielm buffer if it already exists. Use a prefix argument ARG to indicate creation of a new process instead. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-run-ielm #[256 "\301 \302\303#\304!\203\305!\207\306 \210)\307!\207" [default-directory projectile-acquire-root projectile-generate-process-name "ielm" get-buffer switch-to-buffer ielm rename-buffer] 6 (#$ . 139857) "P"]) #@198 Invoke `term' in the project's root. Switch to the project specific term buffer if it already exists. Use a prefix argument ARG to indicate creation of a new process instead. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-run-term #[256 "\302 \303\304#\206\305\306!\206\305\307!\206\310\311!\2046\312\313!\210\314\315\"\316\"q\210\317 \210\320 \210)\210\321!\207" [explicit-shell-file-name default-directory projectile-acquire-root projectile-generate-process-name "term" getenv "ESHELL" "SHELL" "/bin/sh" get-buffer require term read-from-minibuffer "Run program: " term-ansi-make-term term-mode term-char-mode switch-to-buffer] 8 (#$ . 140314) "P"]) #@199 Invoke `vterm' in the project's root. Switch to the project specific term buffer if it already exists. Use a prefix argument ARG to indicate creation of a new process instead. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-run-vterm #[256 "\301 \302\303#\304\305!!\204\"\306\307\310\311#\204\312\313!\210\307!\210)\314!\207" [default-directory projectile-acquire-root projectile-generate-process-name "vterm" buffer-live-p get-buffer require vterm nil noerror error "Package 'vterm' is not available" switch-to-buffer] 7 (#$ . 140987) "P"]) #@54 Return a list of files in DIRECTORY. (fn DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile-files-in-project-directory #[257 "\300 \301\302!\"\303\304\305\"\306!\"\207" [projectile-acquire-root file-relative-name expand-file-name cl-remove-if-not make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 string-prefix-p] 4 "\n\n(fn F)"] projectile-project-files] 7 (#$ . 141541)]) #@243 Use a grep-like CMD to search for files within DIRECTORY. CMD should include the necessary search params and should output equivalently to grep -HlI (only unique matching filenames). Returns a list of expanded filenames. (fn CMD DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile-files-from-cmd #[514 "\211\301\302\303\"\304\305\306!!\307\310#\")\207" [default-directory mapcar make-closure #[257 "\300\301\302\"\203\303\304O\202P\207" [V0 string-prefix-p "./" 2 nil] 5 "\n\n(fn STR)"] split-string string-trim shell-command-to-string "\n+" t] 8 (#$ . 141900)]) (defvar projectile-files-with-string-commands '((rg . "rg -lF --no-heading --color never -- ") (ag . "ag --literal --nocolor --noheading -l -- ") (ack . "ack --literal --nocolor -l -- ") (git . "git grep -HlI ") (grep . "grep -rHlI %s ."))) #@240 Return a list of all files containing STRING in DIRECTORY. Tries to use rg, ag, ack, git-grep, and grep in that order. If those are impossible (for instance on Windows), returns a list of all files in the project. (fn STRING DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile-files-with-string #[514 "\301 \203W\302!\303\304!\203\305\236AP\202R\303\306!\203&\307\236AP\202R\303\310!\2035\311\236AP\202R\303\312!\203K\313 \314=\203K\314\236AP\202R\315\316\236A\"\317\"\207\320\321\322\323\324\"\325!\"\"\207" [projectile-files-with-string-commands projectile-unixy-system-p shell-quote-argument executable-find "rg" rg "ag" ag "ack" ack "git" projectile-project-vcs git format grep projectile-files-from-cmd cl-remove-if file-directory-p mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 expand-file-name] 4 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] projectile-dir-files] 8 (#$ . 142705)]) #@183 Replace literal string in project using non-regexp `tags-query-replace'. With a prefix argument ARG prompts you for a directory on which to run the replacement. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-replace #[256 "\211\203\f\302\303\304!!\202\305 \306\307\310!\311 \"\306\307\312\313\"!!\314\"\315\316!\2031\317\320$\210\316 \207\321\211\227\232?\205;\322\323\324\325D\326BB\327BBE\330\325D\325D\331BBB\332\333B\206]\334!\207" [tags-loop-scan tags-loop-operate file-name-as-directory read-directory-name "Replace in directory: " projectile-acquire-root read-string projectile-prepend-project-name "Replace: " projectile-symbol-or-selection-at-point format "Replace %s with: " projectile-files-with-string fboundp fileloop-continue fileloop-initialize-replace default let ((case-fold-search nil)) if search-forward quote (nil t) ((goto-char (match-beginning 0))) perform-replace (t nil nil nil multi-query-replace-map) tags-loop-continue list t] 11 (#$ . 143585) "P"]) #@170 Replace a regexp in the project using `tags-query-replace'. With a prefix argument ARG prompts you for a directory on which to run the replacement. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-replace-regexp #[256 "\211\203\f\300\301\302!!\202\303 \304\305\306!\307 \"\304\305\310\311\"!!\312\313\314\315\316\"\317!\"\"\320\321\322B$\207" [file-name-as-directory read-directory-name "Replace regexp in directory: " projectile-acquire-root read-string projectile-prepend-project-name "Replace regexp: " projectile-symbol-or-selection-at-point format "Replace regexp %s with: " cl-remove-if file-directory-p mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 expand-file-name] 4 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] projectile-dir-files tags-query-replace nil list] 11 (#$ . 144585) "P"]) #@106 Kill project buffers. The buffer are killed according to the value of `projectile-kill-buffers-filter'. (defalias 'projectile-kill-buffers #[0 "\301 \302!\303!\304\305\306G#!\205O\211\211\205M\211@\307!\204F\310!\203,!\202?\311\267\202;\202B\312!\202?\313\314\"\203F\315!\210A\266\202\202\262\207" [projectile-kill-buffers-filter projectile-acquire-root projectile-project-name projectile-project-buffers yes-or-no-p format "Are you sure you want to kill %s buffers for '%s'? " buffer-base-buffer functionp #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (kill-all 50 kill-only-files 53)) buffer-file-name user-error "Invalid projectile-kill-buffers-filter value: %S" kill-buffer] 8 (#$ . 145365) nil]) #@27 Save all project buffers. (defalias 'projectile-save-project-buffers #[0 "\300 \301!\302\303\304!\"\211\204\305\306\"\207\211\211\203*\211@r\211q\210\307 \210)A\266\202\202\210\305\310G#\207" [projectile-acquire-root projectile-project-name cl-remove-if-not #[257 "\300!\205 \301!\207" [buffer-file-name buffer-modified-p] 3 "\n\n(fn BUF)"] projectile-project-buffers message "[%s] No buffers need saving" save-buffer "[%s] Saved %d buffers"] 7 (#$ . 146137) nil]) #@42 Open `dired' at the root of the project. (defalias 'projectile-dired #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [dired projectile-acquire-root] 2 (#$ . 146622) nil]) #@61 Open `dired' at the root of the project in another window. (defalias 'projectile-dired-other-window #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [dired-other-window projectile-acquire-root] 2 (#$ . 146772) nil]) #@59 Open `dired' at the root of the project in another frame. (defalias 'projectile-dired-other-frame #[0 "\300\301 !\207" [dired-other-frame projectile-acquire-root] 2 (#$ . 146967) nil]) #@398 Open `vc-dir' at the root of the project. For git projects `magit-status-internal' is used if available. For hg projects `monky-status' is used if available. If PROJECT-ROOT is given, it is opened instead of the project root directory of the current buffer file. If interactively called with a prefix argument, the user is prompted for a project directory to open. (fn &optional PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile-vc #[256 "\211\204\300 \262\301!\211\302\267\2027\303\304!\203\304!\207\303\305!\203%\305!\207\306!\207\303\307!\2033\307!\207\306!\207\306!\207" [projectile-acquire-root projectile-project-vcs #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (git 17 hg 41)) fboundp magit-status-internal magit-status vc-dir monky-status] 4 (#$ . 147159) (byte-code "\205 \302\303 \"C\207" [current-prefix-arg projectile-known-projects projectile-completing-read "Open project VC in: "] 3)]) #@53 Show a list of recently visited files in a project. (defalias 'projectile-recentf #[0 "\300\301!\203\302\303\304\305\306 \"!!\207\307\310!\207" [boundp recentf-list find-file projectile-expand-root projectile-completing-read "Recently visited files: " projectile-recentf-files message "recentf is not enabled"] 5 (#$ . 148113) nil]) #@55 Return a list of recently visited files in a project. (defalias 'projectile-recentf-files #[0 "\301\300!\205\302 \303\304\305\"\306\304\307\"\"\"\262\207" [recentf-list boundp projectile-acquire-root mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 file-relative-name] 4 "\n\n(fn F)"] cl-remove-if-not #[257 "\301\300\302!\"\207" [V0 string-prefix-p expand-file-name] 5 "\n\n(fn F)"]] 7 (#$ . 148454)]) #@48 Serializes the memory cache to the hard drive. (defalias 'projectile-serialize-cache #[0 "\302 \"\207" [projectile-projects-cache projectile-cache-file projectile-serialize] 3 (#$ . 148869)]) #@73 A mapping between projects and the last configure command used on them. (defvar projectile-configure-cmd-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 149068)) #@75 A mapping between projects and the last compilation command used on them. (defvar projectile-compilation-cmd-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 149229)) #@71 A mapping between projects and the last install command used on them. (defvar projectile-install-cmd-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 149394)) #@71 A mapping between projects and the last package command used on them. (defvar projectile-package-cmd-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 149551)) #@68 A mapping between projects and the last test command used on them. (defvar projectile-test-cmd-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 149708)) #@67 A mapping between projects and the last run command used on them. (defvar projectile-run-cmd-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 149859)) #@167 The command to use with `projectile-configure-project'. It takes precedence over the default command for the project type when set. Should be set via .dir-locals.el. (defvar projectile-project-configure-cmd nil (#$ . 150009)) #@165 The command to use with `projectile-compile-project'. It takes precedence over the default command for the project type when set. Should be set via .dir-locals.el. (defvar projectile-project-compilation-cmd nil (#$ . 150242)) #@143 The directory to use with `projectile-compile-project'. The directory path is relative to the project root. Should be set via .dir-locals.el. (defvar projectile-project-compilation-dir nil (#$ . 150475)) #@162 The command to use with `projectile-test-project'. It takes precedence over the default command for the project type when set. Should be set via .dir-locals.el. (defvar projectile-project-test-cmd nil (#$ . 150686)) #@165 The command to use with `projectile-install-project'. It takes precedence over the default command for the project type when set. Should be set via .dir-locals.el. (defvar projectile-project-install-cmd nil (#$ . 150909)) #@165 The command to use with `projectile-package-project'. It takes precedence over the default command for the project type when set. Should be set via .dir-locals.el. (defvar projectile-project-package-cmd nil (#$ . 151138)) #@161 The command to use with `projectile-run-project'. It takes precedence over the default command for the project type when set. Should be set via .dir-locals.el. (defvar projectile-project-run-cmd nil (#$ . 151367)) #@272 Generic retrieval of COMMAND-TYPEs default cmd-value for PROJECT-TYPE. If found, checks if value is symbol or string. In case of symbol resolves to function `funcall's. Return value of function MUST be string to be executed as command. (fn PROJECT-TYPE COMMAND-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-default-generic-command #[514 "\301\302\"\"\211\204 \303\207\211;\203\207\304!\203#\305!\205(\211K \207\306\307#\207" [projectile-project-types plist-get alist-get nil functionp fboundp error "The value for: %s in project-type: %s was neither a function nor a string"] 7 (#$ . 151588)]) #@73 Retrieve default configure command for PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-default-configure-command #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-default-generic-command configure-command] 4 (#$ . 152186)]) #@75 Retrieve default compilation command for PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-default-compilation-command #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-default-generic-command compile-command] 4 (#$ . 152409)]) #@77 Retrieve default compilation directory for PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-default-compilation-dir #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-default-generic-command compilation-dir] 4 (#$ . 152634)]) #@68 Retrieve default test command for PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-default-test-command #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-default-generic-command test-command] 4 (#$ . 152857)]) #@71 Retrieve default install command for PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-default-install-command #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-default-generic-command install-command] 4 (#$ . 153065)]) #@71 Retrieve default package command for PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-default-package-command #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-default-generic-command package-command] 4 (#$ . 153282)]) #@67 Retrieve default run command for PROJECT-TYPE. (fn PROJECT-TYPE) (defalias 'projectile-default-run-command #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [projectile-default-generic-command run-command] 4 (#$ . 153499)]) #@382 Retrieve the configure command for COMPILE-DIR. The command is determined like this: - first we check `projectile-configure-cmd-map' for the last configure command that was invoked on the project - then we check for `projectile-project-configure-cmd' supplied via .dir-locals.el - finally we check for the default configure command for a project of that type (fn COMPILE-DIR) (defalias 'projectile-configure-command #[257 "\302\"\206 \206\303\304 !\211\205\305\306 #\262\207" [projectile-configure-cmd-map projectile-project-configure-cmd gethash projectile-default-configure-command projectile-project-type format projectile-project-root] 6 (#$ . 153705)]) #@170 Meant to be used for `compilation-buffer-name-function`. Argument COMPILATION-MODE is the name of the major mode used for the compilation buffer. (fn COMPILATION-MODE) (defalias 'projectile-compilation-buffer-name #[257 "\300\227\300\301 \203\302\303 \304Q\202\305R\207" ["*" projectile-project-p "<" projectile-project-name ">" ""] 7 (#$ . 154386)]) #@202 Meant to be used for `compilation-save-buffers-predicate`. This indicates whether the current buffer is in the same project as the current window (including returning true if neither is in a project). (defalias 'projectile-current-project-buffer-p #[0 "r\300 q\210\301 )\211?\206\302p\"\207" [window-buffer projectile-project-root projectile-project-buffer-p] 4 (#$ . 154750)]) #@388 Retrieve the compilation command for COMPILE-DIR. The command is determined like this: - first we check `projectile-compilation-cmd-map' for the last compile command that was invoked on the project - then we check for `projectile-project-compilation-cmd' supplied via .dir-locals.el - finally we check for the default compilation command for a project of that type (fn COMPILE-DIR) (defalias 'projectile-compilation-command #[257 "\302\"\206 \206\303\304 !\207" [projectile-compilation-cmd-map projectile-project-compilation-cmd gethash projectile-default-compilation-command projectile-project-type] 4 (#$ . 155138)]) #@357 Retrieve the test command for COMPILE-DIR. The command is determined like this: - first we check `projectile-test-cmd-map' for the last test command that was invoked on the project - then we check for `projectile-project-test-cmd' supplied via .dir-locals.el - finally we check for the default test command for a project of that type (fn COMPILE-DIR) (defalias 'projectile-test-command #[257 "\302\"\206 \206\303\304 !\207" [projectile-test-cmd-map projectile-project-test-cmd gethash projectile-default-test-command projectile-project-type] 4 (#$ . 155775)]) #@372 Retrieve the install command for COMPILE-DIR. The command is determined like this: - first we check `projectile-install-cmd-map' for the last install command that was invoked on the project - then we check for `projectile-project-install-cmd' supplied via .dir-locals.el - finally we check for the default install command for a project of that type (fn COMPILE-DIR) (defalias 'projectile-install-command #[257 "\302\"\206 \206\303\304 !\207" [projectile-install-cmd-map projectile-project-install-cmd gethash projectile-default-install-command projectile-project-type] 4 (#$ . 156353)]) #@373 Retrieve the pacakge command for COMPILE-DIR. The command is determined like this: - first we check `projectile-packgage-cmd-map' for the last install command that was invoked on the project - then we check for `projectile-project-package-cmd' supplied via .dir-locals.el - finally we check for the default package command for a project of that type (fn COMPILE-DIR) (defalias 'projectile-package-command #[257 "\302\"\206 \206\303\304 !\207" [projectile-package-cmd-map projectile-project-package-cmd gethash projectile-default-package-command projectile-project-type] 4 (#$ . 156958)]) #@352 Retrieve the run command for COMPILE-DIR. The command is determined like this: - first we check `projectile-run-cmd-map' for the last run command that was invoked on the project - then we check for `projectile-project-run-cmd' supplied via .dir-locals.el - finally we check for the default run command for a project of that type (fn COMPILE-DIR) (defalias 'projectile-run-command #[257 "\302\"\206 \206\303\304 !\207" [projectile-run-cmd-map projectile-project-run-cmd gethash projectile-default-run-command projectile-project-type] 4 (#$ . 157564)]) #@63 Adapted from `compilation-read-command'. (fn PROMPT COMMAND) (defalias 'projectile-read-command #[514 "\301\302\303 !!\304@\232\203\305\202\300#)\207" [compile-history ring-elements projectile--get-command-history projectile-acquire-root read-shell-command (compile-history . 1)] 7 (#$ . 158132)]) #@54 Retrieve the compilation directory for this project. (defalias 'projectile-compilation-dir #[0 "\301 \206 \302!\211\203\303\304\305 !\304!P!\207\305 \207" [projectile-project-compilation-dir projectile-project-type projectile-default-compilation-dir file-truename file-name-as-directory projectile-project-root] 6 (#$ . 158446)]) #@95 Prompt user for command unless DEFAULT-CMD is an Elisp function. (fn ARG DEFAULT-CMD PROMPT) (defalias 'projectile-maybe-read-command #[771 ";\204 \204\204\203\301\"\207\207" [compilation-read-command projectile-read-command] 6 (#$ . 158788)]) #@58 Run external or Elisp compilation command CMD. (fn CMD) (defalias 'projectile-run-compilation #[257 "\300!\203 \211 \207\301!\207" [functionp compile] 3 (#$ . 159053)]) #@112 The history of last executed project commands, per project. Projects are indexed by their project-root value. (defvar projectile-project-command-history (make-hash-table :test 'equal) (#$ . 159233)) #@21 (fn PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile--get-command-history #[257 "\301\"\206\302\303\304!#\207" [projectile-project-command-history gethash puthash make-ring 16] 5 (#$ . 159439)]) #@522 Run a project COMMAND, typically a test- or compile command. Cache the COMMAND for later use inside the hash-table COMMAND-MAP. Normally you'll be prompted for a compilation command, unless variable `compilation-read-command'. You can force the prompt by setting SHOW-PROMPT. The prompt will be prefixed with PROMPT-PREFIX. If SAVE-BUFFERS is non-nil save all projectile buffers before running the command. The command actually run is returned. (fn COMMAND COMMAND-MAP &key SHOW-PROMPT PROMPT-PREFIX SAVE-BUFFERS) (defalias 'projectile--run-project-cmd #[642 "\302\303\"A@\302\304\"A@\302\305\"A@\211\203=\211@\306>\203&\211AA\262\202\307>A@\2034\310\262\202\311\312@\"\210\202\210\313 \314 \315#\203\\\316 #\210\317\320!\"\210\203i\321 ?\322\323\"\"\210\324!\204s\325!\210\326!\210)\207" [default-directory compilation-ask-about-save plist-member :show-prompt :prompt-prefix :save-buffers (:show-prompt :prompt-prefix :save-buffers :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:show-prompt :prompt-prefix :save-buffers)" projectile-project-root projectile-compilation-dir projectile-maybe-read-command puthash ring-insert projectile--get-command-history save-some-buffers make-closure #[0 "\301p\300\"\207" [V0 projectile-project-buffer-p] 3] file-directory-p mkdir projectile-run-compilation] 13 (#$ . 159636)]) #@187 Run project configure command. Normally you'll be prompted for a compilation command, unless variable `compilation-read-command'. You can force the prompt with a prefix ARG. (fn ARG) (defalias 'projectile-configure-project #[257 "\301\302 !\303\304\305\306\307\310&\207" [projectile-configure-cmd-map projectile-configure-command projectile-compilation-dir projectile--run-project-cmd :show-prompt :prompt-prefix "Configure command: " :save-buffers t] 11 (#$ . 161036) "P"]) #@189 Run project compilation command. Normally you'll be prompted for a compilation command, unless variable `compilation-read-command'. You can force the prompt with a prefix ARG. (fn ARG) (defalias 'projectile-compile-project #[257 "\301\302 !\303\304\305\306\307\310&\207" [projectile-compilation-cmd-map projectile-compilation-command projectile-compilation-dir projectile--run-project-cmd :show-prompt :prompt-prefix "Compile command: " :save-buffers t] 11 (#$ . 161525) "P"]) #@182 Run project test command. Normally you'll be prompted for a compilation command, unless variable `compilation-read-command'. You can force the prompt with a prefix ARG. (fn ARG) (defalias 'projectile-test-project #[257 "\301\302 !\303\304\305\306\307\310&\207" [projectile-test-cmd-map projectile-test-command projectile-compilation-dir projectile--run-project-cmd :show-prompt :prompt-prefix "Test command: " :save-buffers t] 11 (#$ . 162016) "P"]) #@185 Run project install command. Normally you'll be prompted for a compilation command, unless variable `compilation-read-command'. You can force the prompt with a prefix ARG. (fn ARG) (defalias 'projectile-install-project #[257 "\301\302 !\303\304\305\306\307\310&\207" [projectile-install-cmd-map projectile-install-command projectile-compilation-dir projectile--run-project-cmd :show-prompt :prompt-prefix "Install command: " :save-buffers t] 11 (#$ . 162480) "P"]) #@185 Run project package command. Normally you'll be prompted for a compilation command, unless variable `compilation-read-command'. You can force the prompt with a prefix ARG. (fn ARG) (defalias 'projectile-package-project #[257 "\301\302 !\303\304\305\306\307\310&\207" [projectile-package-cmd-map projectile-package-command projectile-compilation-dir projectile--run-project-cmd :show-prompt :prompt-prefix "Package command: " :save-buffers t] 11 (#$ . 162959) "P"]) #@181 Run project run command. Normally you'll be prompted for a compilation command, unless variable `compilation-read-command'. You can force the prompt with a prefix ARG. (fn ARG) (defalias 'projectile-run-project #[257 "\301\302 !\303\304\305\306&\207" [projectile-run-cmd-map projectile-run-command projectile-compilation-dir projectile--run-project-cmd :show-prompt :prompt-prefix "Run command: "] 9 (#$ . 163438) "P"]) #@335 Run last projectile external command. External commands are: `projectile-configure-project', `projectile-compile-project', `projectile-test-project', `projectile-install-project', `projectile-package-project', and `projectile-run-project'. If the prefix argument SHOW_PROMPT is non nil, the command can be edited. (fn SHOW-PROMPT) (defalias 'projectile-repeat-last-command #[257 "\302 \303!\304!\242\305\204\306\307!\210\310\305\311\312\313\314&\262\230?\205+\315\"*\207" [command-history compilation-read-command projectile-acquire-root projectile--get-command-history ring-elements nil user-error "No command has been run yet for this project" projectile--run-project-cmd :save-buffers t :prompt-prefix "Execute command: " ring-insert] 11 (#$ . 163872) "P"]) #@148 Try to find a buffer for FILENAME, if we cannot find it, fallback to the original function. (fn ORIG-FUN MARKER FILENAME DIRECTORY &rest FORMATS) (defalias 'compilation-find-file-projectile-find-compilation-buffer #[1156 "C\300\301\242!!\204.\302 \203.\303 \304\305 B\306\300\307\310\311#\"\"@\211\203,\240\210\266\312\242BBB\"\207" [file-exists-p expand-file-name projectile-project-p projectile-project-root "" projectile-current-project-dirs cl-remove-if-not mapcar make-closure #[257 "\302\300\242\302\301\"\"\207" [V0 V1 expand-file-name] 6 "\n\n(fn F)"] apply] 15 (#$ . 164659)]) #@89 Return a list of all open projects. An open project is a project with any open buffers. (defalias 'projectile-open-projects #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304\305 \"\"!\207" [delete-dups delq nil mapcar #[257 "r\211q\210\300 \205 \301\302 !)\207" [projectile-project-p abbreviate-file-name projectile-project-root] 3 "\n\n(fn BUFFER)"] buffer-list] 6 (#$ . 165275)]) #@79 Remove the current project (if any) from the list of PROJECTS. (fn PROJECTS) (defalias 'projectile--remove-current-project #[257 "\300 \211\203\301\302!C\"\207\207" [projectile-project-root projectile-difference abbreviate-file-name] 6 (#$ . 165640)]) #@90 Move current project (if any) to the end of list in the list of PROJECTS. (fn PROJECTS) (defalias 'projectile--move-current-project-to-end #[257 "\300 \211\203\301\302!\303!C\"\207\207" [projectile-project-root append projectile--remove-current-project abbreviate-file-name] 6 (#$ . 165904)]) #@34 Return a list of known projects. (defalias 'projectile-relevant-known-projects #[0 "\302\267\202\303 !\207\304 !\207 \207\305\207" [projectile-current-project-on-switch projectile-known-projects #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (remove 6 move-to-end 10 keep 14)) projectile--remove-current-project projectile--move-current-project-to-end nil] 2 (#$ . 166209)]) #@33 Return a list of open projects. (defalias 'projectile-relevant-open-projects #[0 "\301 \302\267\202\303!\207\304!\207\207\305\207" [projectile-current-project-on-switch projectile-open-projects #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (remove 8 move-to-end 12 keep 16)) projectile--remove-current-project projectile--move-current-project-to-end nil] 3 (#$ . 166631)]) #@241 Switch to a project we have visited before. Invokes the command referenced by `projectile-switch-project-action' on switch. With a prefix ARG invokes `projectile-commander' instead of `projectile-switch-project-action.' (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-switch-project #[256 "\300 \211\203\301\302\303\304\305\"$\207\306\307!\207" [projectile-relevant-known-projects projectile-completing-read "Switch to project: " :action make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 projectile-switch-project-by-name] 4 "\n\n(fn PROJECT)"] user-error "There are no known projects"] 9 (#$ . 167055) "P"]) #@243 Switch to a project we have currently opened. Invokes the command referenced by `projectile-switch-project-action' on switch. With a prefix ARG invokes `projectile-commander' instead of `projectile-switch-project-action.' (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-switch-open-project #[256 "\300 \211\203\301\302\303\304\305\"$\207\306\307!\207" [projectile-relevant-open-projects projectile-completing-read "Switch to open project: " :action make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 projectile-switch-project-by-name] 4 "\n\n(fn PROJECT)"] user-error "There are no open projects"] 9 (#$ . 167661) "P"]) #@268 Switch to project by project name PROJECT-TO-SWITCH. Invokes the command referenced by `projectile-switch-project-action' on switch. With a prefix ARG invokes `projectile-commander' instead of `projectile-switch-project-action.' (fn PROJECT-TO-SWITCH &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-switch-project-by-name #[513 "\304!\204\305!\204\306!\210\307\310\"\210\211\203\311\202\312\313!\210\314\315\316\"r\211q\210\317\320\"\216\321 \210\n! \210p+\262\322!\203I\323!\210)\210\312\324!\207" [projectile-switch-project-action default-directory projectile-project-name-function projectile-project-name file-remote-p projectile-project-p projectile-remove-known-project error "Directory %s is not a project" projectile-commander run-hooks projectile-before-switch-project-hook generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] hack-dir-local-variables-non-file-buffer buffer-live-p switch-to-buffer projectile-after-switch-project-hook] 7 (#$ . 168277)]) #@140 Jump to a file in a (maybe regular) DIRECTORY. This command will first prompt for the directory the file is in. (fn &optional DIRECTORY) (defalias 'projectile-find-file-in-directory #[256 "\301!\204 \302\303\"\210\211\304 \203'\305\306\307!\"\310\311\"!\210\312\313!\262\202)\314 )\207" [default-directory projectile--directory-p user-error "Directory %S does not exist" projectile-project-p projectile-completing-read "Find file: " projectile-dir-files find-file expand-file-name run-hooks projectile-find-file-hook projectile-find-file] 6 (#$ . 169319) "DFind file in directory: "]) #@42 Get a list of all files in all projects. (defalias 'projectile-all-project-files #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [projectile-known-projects cl-mapcan #[257 "\300!\205\301\302\303\"\304!\"\207" [file-exists-p mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301\300\"\207" [V0 expand-file-name] 4 "\n\n(fn FILE)"] projectile-project-files] 5 "\n\n(fn PROJECT)"]] 3 (#$ . 169922)]) #@46 Jump to a file in any of the known projects. (defalias 'projectile-find-file-in-known-projects #[0 "\300\301\302\303 \"!\207" [find-file projectile-completing-read "Find file in projects: " projectile-all-project-files] 4 (#$ . 170283) nil]) #@167 Determine whether we should cleanup (remove) PROJECT or not. It handles the case of remote projects as well. See `projectile--cleanup-known-projects'. (fn PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-keep-project-p #[257 "\300\301\302#\203\f\303!\207\300!\206\303!\207" [file-remote-p nil t file-readable-p] 5 (#$ . 170532)]) #@87 Remove known projects that don't exist anymore and return a list of projects removed. (defalias 'projectile--cleanup-known-projects #[0 "\301 \210\302\303\"\304\303\"\301 \210\207" [projectile-known-projects projectile-merge-known-projects cl-remove-if-not projectile-keep-project-p cl-remove-if] 4 (#$ . 170859)]) #@49 Remove known projects that don't exist anymore. (defalias 'projectile-cleanup-known-projects #[0 "\300 \211\203\301\302\303\304\305#\"\207\301\306!\207" [projectile--cleanup-known-projects message "Projects removed: %s" mapconcat identity ", " "No projects needed to be removed."] 7 (#$ . 171184) nil]) #@78 Clear both `projectile-known-projects' and `projectile-known-projects-file'. (defalias 'projectile-clear-known-projects #[0 "\301\302 \207" [projectile-known-projects nil projectile-save-known-projects] 1 (#$ . 171496) nil]) #@38 Clear known projects and rediscover. (defalias 'projectile-reset-known-projects #[0 "\300 \210\301 \207" [projectile-clear-known-projects projectile-discover-projects-in-search-path] 1 (#$ . 171728) nil]) #@73 Remove PROJECT from the list of known projects. (fn &optional PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-remove-known-project #[256 "\302\303!?\205\304\305\306\"\"\307 \210 \205\310\311\"\207" [projectile-known-projects projectile-verbose called-interactively-p any cl-remove-if make-closure #[257 "\300\230\207" [V0] 3 "\n\n(fn PROJ)"] projectile-merge-known-projects message "Project %s removed from the list of known projects."] 5 (#$ . 171939) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304$C\207" [projectile-known-projects projectile-completing-read "Remove from known projects: " :action projectile-remove-known-project] 5)]) #@61 Remove the current project from the list of known projects. (defalias 'projectile-remove-current-project-from-known-projects #[0 "\300\301\302 !!\207" [projectile-remove-known-project abbreviate-file-name projectile-acquire-root] 3 (#$ . 172559) nil]) #@76 A list of projects that should not be save in `projectile-known-projects'. (defalias 'projectile-ignored-projects #[0 "\301\302\"\207" [projectile-ignored-projects mapcar file-truename] 3 (#$ . 172817)]) #@97 Return t if PROJECT-ROOT should not be added to `projectile-known-projects'. (fn PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile-ignored-project-p #[257 "\211\301 \235\206\302!\205!\207" [projectile-ignored-project-function projectile-ignored-projects functionp] 3 (#$ . 173028)]) #@68 Add PROJECT-ROOT to the list of known projects. (fn PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile-add-known-project #[257 "\301!?\205\302\303\304!!B!\305 \207" [projectile-known-projects projectile-ignored-project-p delete-dups file-name-as-directory abbreviate-file-name projectile-merge-known-projects] 5 (#$ . 173311) (byte-code "\300\301!C\207" [read-directory-name "Add to known projects: "] 2)]) #@98 Load saved projects from `projectile-known-projects-file'. Also set `projectile-known-projects'. (defalias 'projectile-load-known-projects #[0 "\303!\304 !\205 \305 !\211\207" [projectile-known-projects-file projectile-known-projects projectile-known-projects-on-file projectile-unserialize sequencep copy-sequence] 2 (#$ . 173716)]) #@67 Save PROJECTILE-KNOWN-PROJECTS to PROJECTILE-KNOWN-PROJECTS-FILE. (defalias 'projectile-save-known-projects #[0 "\303 \"\210\304!\205\305!\211\207" [projectile-known-projects projectile-known-projects-file projectile-known-projects-on-file projectile-serialize sequencep copy-sequence] 3 (#$ . 174060)]) #@171 Merge any change from `projectile-known-projects-file' and save to disk. This enables multiple Emacs processes to make changes without overwriting each other's changes. (defalias 'projectile-merge-known-projects #[0 " \303\n!\304\"\304\"\305\304\306\"\306\"\"!\211\307 \207" [projectile-known-projects projectile-known-projects-on-file projectile-known-projects-file projectile-unserialize projectile-difference delete-dups append projectile-save-known-projects] 11 (#$ . 174377)]) #@71 Show Ibuffer with all buffers in the current project. (fn QUALIFIER) (defalias 'ibuffer-filter-by-projectile-files #[257 "\300B\301!\204\302\303\"\207\302\304\"\210\305\306\307\"\207" [projectile-files ibuffer-push-filter message "Filter by nil already applied: %s" "Filter by nil added: %s" ibuffer-update nil t] 6 (#$ . 174878) (byte-code "\300\301\302 \"C\207" [read-directory-name "Project root: " projectile-project-root] 3)]) (byte-code "\301\302\303EB\302\207" [ibuffer-filtering-alist projectile-files nil #[514 "\3001rq\210\301\302!!\303\"\205\211\304 \232\262)0\207\210\305 \210\306\207" [(error) file-name-as-directory expand-file-name projectile-project-buffer-p projectile-project-root ibuffer-pop-filter nil] 6 "\n\n(fn BUF QUALIFIER)"]] 3) #@80 Open an IBuffer window showing all buffers in PROJECT-ROOT. (fn PROJECT-ROOT) (defalias 'projectile-ibuffer-by-project #[257 "!\301\302\303\304\"\305BC#\207" [projectile-project-name-function ibuffer nil format "*%s Buffers*" projectile-files] 7 (#$ . 175660)]) #@163 Open an IBuffer window showing all buffers in the current project. Let user choose another project when PROMPT-FOR-PROJECT is supplied. (fn PROMPT-FOR-PROJECT) (defalias 'projectile-ibuffer #[257 "\211\203\f\300\301\302 \"\202\303 \304!\207" [projectile-completing-read "Project name: " projectile-relevant-known-projects projectile-acquire-root projectile-ibuffer-by-project] 4 (#$ . 175934) "P"]) (defconst projectile-commander-help-buffer "*Projectile Commander Help*") #@186 List of file-selection methods for the `projectile-commander' command. Each element is a list (KEY DESCRIPTION FUNCTION). DESCRIPTION is a one-line description of what the key selects. (defvar projectile-commander-methods nil (#$ . 176420)) #@246 Execute a Projectile command with a single letter. The user is prompted for a single character indicating the action to invoke. The `?' character describes then available actions. See `def-projectile-commander-method' for defining new methods. (defalias 'projectile-commander #[0 "\301\302\"\303\304Q\305\"\306\2368\211 \207" [projectile-commander-methods mapcar car "Select Projectile command [" "]: " read-char-choice 2] 6 (#$ . 176668) nil]) #@272 Define a new `projectile-commander' method. KEY is the key the user will enter to choose this method. DESCRIPTION is a one-line sentence describing how the method. BODY is a series of forms which are evaluated when the find is chosen. (fn KEY DESCRIPTION &rest BODY) (defalias 'def-projectile-commander-method '(macro . #[642 "\300\301BB\302\303\304\305\306\307  F\310\n\311BBED\312BBE\207" [lambda nil setq projectile-commander-methods cl-sort copy-sequence cons list assq-delete-all (projectile-commander-methods) ((lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b))))] 13 (#$ . 177127)])) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305E\306\303\"B!\307\"\301\207" [projectile-commander-methods cl-sort copy-sequence 63 "Commander help buffer." #[0 "\3021\f\303!0\210\202 \210r\304!q\210\305c\210 \211\203.\211@\306\307@A@#c\210A\266\202\202\210eb\210\310 \210\311p\312\"\210)\313 \207" [projectile-commander-help-buffer projectile-commander-methods (error) kill-buffer get-buffer-create "Projectile Commander Methods:\n\n" format "%c: %s\n" help-mode display-buffer t projectile-commander] 6] assq-delete-all #[514 "@@W\207" [] 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"]] 6) #@53 Setup the keybindings for the Projectile Commander. (defalias 'projectile-commander-bindings #[0 "\301\302\303\304\305E\306\303\"B!\307\"\301\302\310\311\312E\306\310\"B!\313\"\301\302\314\315\316E\306\314\"B!\317\"\301\302\320\321\322E\306\320\"B!\323\"\301\302\324\325\326E\306\324\"B!\327\"\301\302\330\331\332E\306\330\"B!\333\"\301\302\334\335\336E\306\334\"B!\337\"\301\302\340\341\342E\306\340\"B!\343\"\301\302\344\345\346E\306\344\"B!\347\"\301\302\350\351\352E\306\350\"B!\353\"\301\302\354\355\356E\306\354\"B!\357\"\301\302\360\361\362E\306\360\"B!\363\"\301\302\364\365\366E\306\364\"B!\367\"\301\302\370\371\372E\306\370\"B!\373\"\301\302\374\375\376E\306\374\"B!\377\"\301\302\201@\201A\201BE\306\201@\"B!\201C\"\211\207" [projectile-commander-methods cl-sort copy-sequence 102 "Find file in project." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-find-file] 1] assq-delete-all #[514 "@@W\207" #1=[] 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 84 "Find test file in project." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-find-test-file] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 98 "Switch to project buffer." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-switch-to-buffer] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 100 "Find directory in project." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-find-dir] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 68 "Open project root in dired." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-dired] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 118 "Open project root in vc-dir or magit." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-vc] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 86 "Browse dirty projects" #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-browse-dirty-projects] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 114 "Replace a string in the project." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-replace] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 82 "Regenerate the project's [e|g]tags." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-regenerate-tags] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 103 "Run grep on project." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-grep] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 97 "Run ag on project." #[0 "\300\301!\207" [call-interactively projectile-ag] 2] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 115 "Switch project." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-switch-project] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 111 "Run multi-occur on project buffers." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-multi-occur] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 106 "Find tag in project." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-find-tag] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 107 "Kill all project buffers." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-kill-buffers] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"] 101 "Find recently visited file in project." #[0 "\300 \207" [projectile-recentf] 1] #[514 "@@W\207" #1# 4 "\n\n(fn A B)"]] 6 (#$ . 178278)]) #@125 Check the status of the current project. If PROJECT-PATH is a project, check this one instead. (fn &optional PROJECT-PATH) (defalias 'projectile-check-vcs-status #[256 "\211\206\301 \302\212\303!\210\304 \203\305\306\307\"\210\202\f\212\310 \311\312\"\216\211\203?\211@eb\210\313\302\314#\2038\211B\262A\266\202\202\"\210)\210)\315 \210)\207" [projectile-vcs-dirty-state projectile-acquire-root nil vc-dir vc-dir-busy sleep-for 0 100 match-data make-closure #[0 "\301\300\302\"\207" [V0 set-match-data evaporate] 3] search-forward t kill-buffer] 10 (#$ . 181021)]) #@41 Cache of the last dirty projects check. (defvar projectile-cached-dirty-projects-status nil (#$ . 181608)) #@148 Return the list of dirty projects. The list is composed of sublists~: (project-path, project-status). Raise an error if their is no dirty project. (defalias 'projectile-check-vcs-status-of-known-projects #[0 "\302 \303\304\"\216\305\306!\210\307\211\2038\211@\310!\2031\311!\312\230\2041\313!\211\2030DB\262\210A\266\202\202\210\211G\314U\203D\305\315!\210\211\262)\207" [projectile-known-projects projectile-cached-dirty-projects-status current-window-configuration make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 set-window-configuration] 2] message "Checking for modifications in known projects..." nil projectile-keep-project-p projectile-project-vcs none projectile-check-vcs-status 0 "No dirty projects have been found"] 8 (#$ . 181722)]) #@158 Browse dirty version controlled projects. With a prefix argument, or if CACHED is non-nil, try to use the cached dirty project list. (fn &optional CACHED) (defalias 'projectile-browse-dirty-projects #[256 "\211\203\f\203\f\202\301 \302G\303U\204$\211A\262\242@B\262\202\304\305\306\307$\207" [projectile-cached-dirty-projects-status projectile-check-vcs-status-of-known-projects nil 0 projectile-completing-read "Select project: " :action projectile-vc] 8 (#$ . 182483) "P"]) #@99 Repeat ORIG-FUN with ARGS until the current buffer is a project buffer. (fn ORIG-FUN &rest ARGS) (defalias 'projectile--repeat-until-project-buffer #[385 "\300 \203M\301\302\303\"\304 \305 G\306\211\203*\211@\211p=\204#\307\310#\210A\266\202\202\210\243\205L\211W\205L\311p\"?\205L\312\"\210\211T\262\2020\207\312\"\207" [projectile-project-root make-hash-table :test eq projectile-project-buffers buffer-list 0 puthash t gethash apply] 12 (#$ . 182982)]) #@128 In selected window switch to the next project buffer. If the current buffer does not belong to a project, call `next-buffer'. (defalias 'projectile-next-project-buffer #[0 "\300\301!\207" [projectile--repeat-until-project-buffer next-buffer] 2 (#$ . 183470) nil]) #@136 In selected window switch to the previous project buffer. If the current buffer does not belong to a project, call `previous-buffer'. (defalias 'projectile-previous-project-buffer #[0 "\300\301!\207" [projectile--repeat-until-project-buffer previous-buffer] 2 (#$ . 183742) nil]) #@44 Prompt for a variable and return its name. (defalias 'projectile-read-variable #[0 "\301\302\303\304$\207" [obarray completing-read "Variable: " #[257 "\300!\205\n\301!?\207" [boundp keywordp] 3 "\n\n(fn V)"] t] 5 (#$ . 184029)]) (put 'projectile-skel-variable-cons 'no-self-insert t) #@579 Insert a variable-name and a value in a cons-cell. This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert'). Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside". If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped around the region text. A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words. A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted. A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing. This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region. (fn &optional STR ARG) (defalias 'projectile-skel-variable-cons #[512 "\304 \305\211\305C\306\307#\216\310!\210\311\312#\313\240\210,\207" [most-positive-fixnum undo-strong-limit undo-limit undo-outer-limit prepare-change-group nil make-closure #[0 "\301\242\203 \302\300!\207\303\300!\207" [V0 V1 accept-change-group cancel-change-group] 2] activate-change-group skeleton-proxy-new ("Value: " "(" (projectile-read-variable) " . " str ")") t] 11 (#$ . 184325) "*P\nP"]) (put 'projectile-skel-dir-locals 'no-self-insert t) #@562 Insert a .dir-locals.el template. This is a skeleton command (see `skeleton-insert'). Normally the skeleton text is inserted at point, with nothing "inside". If there is a highlighted region, the skeleton text is wrapped around the region text. A prefix argument ARG says to wrap the skeleton around the next ARG words. A prefix argument of -1 says to wrap around region, even if not highlighted. A prefix argument of zero says to wrap around zero words---that is, nothing. This is a way of overriding the use of a highlighted region. (fn &optional STR ARG) (defalias 'projectile-skel-dir-locals #[512 "\304 \305\211\305C\306\307#\216\310!\210\311\312#\313\240\210,\207" [most-positive-fixnum undo-strong-limit undo-limit undo-outer-limit prepare-change-group nil make-closure #[0 "\301\242\203 \302\300!\207\303\300!\207" [V0 V1 accept-change-group cancel-change-group] 2] activate-change-group skeleton-proxy-new (nil "((nil . (" ("" '(projectile-skel-variable-cons) n) resume: ")))") t] 11 (#$ . 185426) "*P\nP"]) #@54 Edit or create a .dir-locals.el file of the project. (defalias 'projectile-edit-dir-locals #[0 "\300\301\302 \"\303!\210\304!?\205\305\216\306 )\207" [expand-file-name ".dir-locals.el" projectile-acquire-root find-file file-exists-p #[0 "\300 \207" [save-buffer] 1] projectile-skel-dir-locals] 3 (#$ . 186469) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\211\203(\211@\301N\203!\302N\204!\305\302\301N#\210A\266\202\202\210\306\301\302\307#\210\310\302\311\312\313DD\314\315\316\317\320\321\322& \207" [defvaralias projectile-mode-line-lighter projectile-mode-line-prefix nil (saved-value saved-variable-comment) put make-obsolete-variable "0.12.0" custom-declare-variable funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1=" Projectile"] 1 #1#] "Mode line lighter prefix for Projectile.\nIt's used by `projectile-default-mode-line'\nwhen using dynamic mode line lighter and is the only\nthing shown in the mode line otherwise." :group projectile :type string :package-version (projectile . "0.12.0")] 10) (defvar projectile--mode-line projectile-mode-line-prefix nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'projectile--mode-line) #@47 Report project name and type in the modeline. (defalias 'projectile-default-mode-line #[0 "\301 \302 \303\304\206\f\305\203\303\306\"\202\307$\207" [projectile-mode-line-prefix projectile-project-name projectile-project-type format "%s[%s%s]" "-" ":%s" ""] 9 (#$ . 187594)]) #@34 Update the Projectile mode-line. (defalias 'projectile-update-mode-line #[0 " \302 \207" [projectile-mode-line-function projectile--mode-line force-mode-line-update] 2 (#$ . 187885)]) #@66 Keymap for Projectile commands after `projectile-keymap-prefix'. (defvar projectile-command-map (byte-code "\300 \301\302\303#\210\301\304\305#\210\301\306\307#\210\301\310\311#\210\301\312\313#\210\301\314\315#\210\301\316\317#\210\301\320\321#\210\301\322\323#\210\301\324\325#\210\301\326\327#\210\301\330\331#\210\301\332\333#\210\301\334\335#\210\301\336\337#\210\301\340\341#\210\301\342\343#\210\301\344\345#\210\301\346\347#\210\301\350\351#\210\301\352\353#\210\301\354\355#\210\301\356\357#\210\301\360\361#\210\301\362\363#\210\301\364\365#\210\301\366\367#\210\301\370\371#\210\301\372\373#\210\301\374\375#\210\301\376\377#\210\301\201@\201A#\210\301\201B\201C#\210\301\201D\201E#\210\301\201F\201G#\210\301\201H\201I#\210\301\201J\201K#\210\301\201L\201M#\210\301\201N\201O#\210\301\201P\201Q#\210\301\201R\201S#\210\301\201T\201U#\210\301\201V\201W#\210\301\201X\201Y#\210\301\201Z\201[#\210\301\201\\\201]#\210\301\201^\201_#\210\301\201`\201a#\210\301\201b\201c#\210\301\201d\201e#\210\301\201f\201g#\210\301\201h\201i#\210\301\201j\201k#\210\301\201l\201m#\210\301\201n\201o#\210\301\201p\201q#\210\301\201r\201s#\210\301\201t\201u#\210\301\201v\201w#\210\301\201x\201y#\210\301\201z\201{#\210\207" [make-sparse-keymap define-key "4a" projectile-find-other-file-other-window "4b" projectile-switch-to-buffer-other-window "4" projectile-display-buffer "4d" projectile-find-dir-other-window "4D" projectile-dired-other-window "4f" projectile-find-file-other-window "4g" projectile-find-file-dwim-other-window "4t" projectile-find-implementation-or-test-other-window "5a" projectile-find-other-file-other-frame "5b" projectile-switch-to-buffer-other-frame "5d" projectile-find-dir-other-frame "5D" projectile-dired-other-frame "5f" projectile-find-file-other-frame "5g" projectile-find-file-dwim-other-frame "5t" projectile-find-implementation-or-test-other-frame "!" projectile-run-shell-command-in-root "&" projectile-run-async-shell-command-in-root "a" projectile-find-other-file "b" projectile-switch-to-buffer "d" projectile-find-dir "D" projectile-dired "e" projectile-recentf "E" projectile-edit-dir-locals "f" projectile-find-file "g" projectile-find-file-dwim "F" projectile-find-file-in-known-projects "i" projectile-invalidate-cache "I" projectile-ibuffer "j" projectile-find-tag "k" projectile-kill-buffers "l" projectile-find-file-in-directory "m" projectile-commander "o" projectile-multi-occur "p" projectile-switch-project "q" projectile-switch-open-project "r" projectile-replace "R" projectile-regenerate-tags "sg" projectile-grep "sr" projectile-ripgrep "ss" projectile-ag "S" projectile-save-project-buffers "t" projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test "T" projectile-find-test-file "v" projectile-vc "V" projectile-browse-dirty-projects "C" projectile-configure-project "c" projectile-compile-project "K" projectile-package-project "L" projectile-install-project "P" projectile-test-project "u" projectile-run-project "xe" projectile-run-eshell "xi" projectile-run-ielm "xt" projectile-run-term "xs" projectile-run-shell "xg" projectile-run-gdb "xv" projectile-run-vterm "z" projectile-cache-current-file [left] projectile-previous-project-buffer [right] projectile-next-project-buffer "" projectile-project-buffers-other-buffer] 5) (#$ . 188077)) (fset 'projectile-command-map projectile-command-map) #@29 Keymap for Projectile mode. (defvar projectile-mode-map (byte-code "\301 \203\f\302\303#\210\304\305!\210\306\307\310\311$\210\207" [projectile-keymap-prefix make-sparse-keymap define-key projectile-command-map (lambda (#1=#:def-tmp-var) (defvar projectile-mode-menu #1# #2="Menu for Projectile")) nil easy-menu-do-define projectile-mode-menu #2# ("Projectile" ["Find file" projectile-find-file] ["Find file in known projects" projectile-find-file-in-known-projects] ["Find test file" projectile-find-test-file] ["Find directory" projectile-find-dir] ["Find file in directory" projectile-find-file-in-directory] ["Find other file" projectile-find-other-file] ["Switch to buffer" projectile-switch-to-buffer] ["Jump between implementation file and test file" projectile-toggle-between-implementation-and-test] ["Kill project buffers" projectile-kill-buffers] ["Save project buffers" projectile-save-project-buffers] ["Recent files" projectile-recentf] ["Previous buffer" projectile-previous-project-buffer] ["Next buffer" projectile-next-project-buffer] "--" ["Toggle project wide read-only" projectile-toggle-project-read-only] ["Edit .dir-locals.el" projectile-edit-dir-locals] "--" ["Switch to project" projectile-switch-project] ["Switch to open project" projectile-switch-open-project] ["Discover projects in directory" projectile-discover-projects-in-directory] ["Clear known projects" projectile-clear-known-projects] ["Reset known projects" projectile-reset-known-projects] ["Browse dirty projects" projectile-browse-dirty-projects] ["Open project in dired" projectile-dired] "--" ["Search in project (grep)" projectile-grep] ["Search in project (ag)" projectile-ag] ["Replace in project" projectile-replace] ["Multi-occur in project" projectile-multi-occur] "--" ["Run GDB" projectile-run-gdb] "--" ["Run shell" projectile-run-shell] ["Run eshell" projectile-run-eshell] ["Run ielm" projectile-run-ielm] ["Run term" projectile-run-term] "--" ["Cache current file" projectile-cache-current-file] ["Invalidate cache" projectile-invalidate-cache] ["Regenerate [e|g]tags" projectile-regenerate-tags] "--" ["Configure project" projectile-configure-project] ["Compile project" projectile-compile-project] ["Test project" projectile-test-project] ["Install project" projectile-install-project] ["Package project" projectile-package-project] ["Run project" projectile-run-project] ["Repeat last external command" projectile-repeat-last-command] "--" ["Project info" projectile-project-info] ["About" projectile-version])] 6) (#$ . 191553)) #@202 Called by `find-file-hook' when `projectile-mode' is on. The function does pretty much nothing when triggered on remote files as all the operations it normally performs are extremely slow over tramp. (defalias 'projectile-find-file-hook-function #[0 "\303 \210\304!?\205 \203\305 \210\n\203\306 \210\307 \210\310 \207" [default-directory projectile-dynamic-mode-line projectile-auto-update-cache projectile-maybe-limit-project-file-buffers file-remote-p projectile-update-mode-line projectile-cache-files-find-file-hook projectile-track-known-projects-find-file-hook projectile-visit-project-tags-table] 2 (#$ . 194105)]) #@138 Limit the opened file buffers for a project. The function simply kills the last buffer, as it's normally called when opening new files. (defalias 'projectile-maybe-limit-project-file-buffers #[0 "\205\301 \211GV\205\302\303!@!\262\207" [projectile-max-file-buffer-count projectile-project-buffer-files kill-buffer last] 4 (#$ . 194742)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\315& \207" [custom-declare-variable projectile-mode funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Non-nil if Projectile mode is enabled.\nSee the `projectile-mode' command\nfor a description of this minor mode.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect;\neither customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')\nor call the function `projectile-mode'." :set custom-set-minor-mode :initialize custom-initialize-default :type boolean :group projectile :require] 14) #@417 Minor mode to assist project management and navigation. When called interactively, toggle `projectile-mode'. With prefix ARG, enable `projectile-mode' if ARG is positive, otherwise disable it. When called from Lisp, enable `projectile-mode' if ARG is omitted, nil or positive. If ARG is `toggle', toggle `projectile-mode'. Otherwise behave as if called interactively. \{projectile-mode-map} (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'projectile-mode #[256 "\306 \307\301\310=\203\311\301!?\202!\247\203 \312W\203 \313\202!\314\"\210\315\300!\2038\316\301\"\311\301!\2038\301B \203\205\317 \210\n\204N\320 !\206M\321\322\323\"\f\204W\321\322\323\"\324 \210\325 \210 \203d\326 \210\327\330\331\"\210\327\332\333\314#\210\327\334\333\314\211$\210\335\336\337\340#\210\335\341\342\343#\210\202\232\344\330\331\"\210\344\334\333\314#\210\345\336\340\"\210\345\341\343\"\210\346\347\311\301!\203\246\350\202\247\351\"\210\352\353!\203\317\354\301!\210\306 \203\277\211\306 \232\203\317\355\356\311\301!\203\313\357\202\314\360\361#\210\210\362 \210\311\301!\207" [global-minor-modes projectile-mode projectile-projects-cache projectile-cache-file projectile-projects-cache-time projectile-auto-discover current-message set-default toggle default-value 1 nil t boundp delq projectile-commander-bindings projectile-unserialize make-hash-table :test equal projectile-load-known-projects projectile--cleanup-known-projects projectile-discover-projects-in-search-path add-hook find-file-hook projectile-find-file-hook-function projectile-find-dir-hook projectile-track-known-projects-find-file-hook dired-before-readin-hook advice-add compilation-find-file :around compilation-find-file-projectile-find-compilation-buffer delete-file :before delete-file-projectile-remove-from-cache remove-hook advice-remove run-hooks projectile-mode-hook projectile-mode-on-hook projectile-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any customize-mark-as-set message "Projectile mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" "" force-mode-line-update] 7 (#$ . 195647) (byte-code "\203\n\301!\202 \302C\207" [current-prefix-arg prefix-numeric-value toggle] 2)]) (defvar projectile-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\303\304N\204\f\305\303\304\306#\210\305\303\307\310#\210\305\303\311\312C#\210\313\314\315\312\211%\210\316\301!\203= \203=\317\n>\2036\n\210\202F\317\nB\202F\320\312!\210\321\322\323\"\210\324\325\314\312#\210\326\325\314\327#\210\330\331!\207" [projectile-mode-map savehist-loaded savehist-additional-variables projectile-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `projectile-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil add-minor-mode projectile-mode projectile--mode-line boundp projectile-project-command-history (lambda (#1=#:def-tmp-var) (defvar savehist-additional-variables #1#)) add-hook savehist-mode-hook #[0 "\301>\203\207\301B\211\207" [savehist-additional-variables projectile-project-command-history] 2] defalias projectile-global-mode make-obsolete "1.0" provide projectile] 6)