This is the READ ME file for psgml.el version 1.3.3. -*- outline -*- This is an ALPHA release. * User interface changes (1.3.3) ** Catalog files now can contain SYSTEM and OVERRIDE as per OASIS Technical Resolution 9401:1997 SYSTEM sysid file Will map a system identifier sysid to the file. OVERRIDE {yes|no} If yes following entries (public, entity, doctype) will override a system identifier and if no they will not. Initiall override is decided by variable sgml-system-identifiers-are-preferred. * User interface changes (1.3.2) ** Rename sgml-general-dtd-info to sgml-describe-dtd. Keep old name as alias. ** Made menus compact, only one top level menu. ** Added new function sgml-show-structure (C-c C-s) (May need latest emacs version (22)) ** Changed C-c C-t to sgml-show-current-element-type New more comprehensive information display. ** New mouse menu, sgml-right-menu on S-mouse-3 If invoked on a start-tag will include entries to manipulate the tag/element, including setting attributes. If invoked in content it will be a menu of valid elements. ** The process instruction Not new, but now documented and improved. Must be placed in the DTD.