;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'psgml-api) (defvar fs-char '((left . 0) (first) (default-top . 0) (default-bottom . 0) (ignore-empty-para) (literal))) #@75 Style attributes that should not be entered in the characteristics table. (defvar fs-special-styles '(top bottom before after hang-from text sub-style title) (#$ . 537)) (defvar fs-current-element nil) #@10 (fn P) (defalias 'fs-char #[257 "\211\236A\207" [fs-char] 3 (#$ . 745)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put fs-char gv-expander #[385 "\300\301\302$\207" [gv--defsetter fs-char #[385 "\300\301C\"B\207" [fs-set-char append] 6 "\n\n(fn VAL &rest ARGS)"]] 7 "\n\n(fn DO &rest ARGS)"]] 4) #@14 (fn P VAL) (defalias 'fs-set-char #[514 "\236\241\207" [fs-char] 4 (#$ . 1061)]) #@30 Accumulate text of paragraph (defvar fs-para-acc "" (#$ . 1153)) #@37 Hanging indent of current paragraph (defvar fs-hang-from nil (#$ . 1224)) (defvar fs-first-indent nil) (defvar fs-left-indent nil) #@37 Vertical space after last paragraph (defvar fs-vspace 0 (#$ . 1361)) #@27 (fn STR &optional JUST) (defalias 'fs-add-output #[513 "rq\210db\210`c\210\205\301`#\262)\207" [fs-buffer set-justification] 7 (#$ . 1436)]) #@10 (fn N) (defalias 'fs-addvspace #[257 "\211V\205\301\302Z\303\"!\210\211\211\207" [fs-vspace fs-add-output make-string 10] 5 (#$ . 1593)]) (defalias 'fs-para #[0 "\305\306!\203 \307\310\"\202 \203' \204\311\301!\210\312\n \305\313!%\210\314\315\316\315\211\211\207" [fs-para-acc fs-left-indent fs-first-indent fs-hang-from fs-vspace fs-char ignore-empty-para string-match "[^ \n ]" cl--assertion-failed fs-output-para literal 0 nil ""] 8]) #@13 (fn DATA) (defalias 'fs-paraform-data #[257 "\204\f\303\304!\303\305!\303\306!\211\203\"\307!\262\310\311G\306%\210\nP\211\207" [fs-left-indent fs-first-indent fs-para-acc fs-char left first face copy-sequence put-text-property 0] 8 (#$ . 2060)]) #@51 (fn TEXT FIRST-INDENT INDENT HANG-FROM LITERAL) (defalias 'fs-output-para #[1285 "\302!\210\303\304\305\"\211\203*db\210n\204\306c\210eb\210m\204`c\210\307\310!\210\202\311\312\303\313#\2039\314\315!\210\202*eb\210\316 \210\203G\202O\304\206M\305\"c\210\317ed\"\210db\210n\204`\306c\210\320\321 \322\323!\"\210*\324 \210\325\326!\207" [fill-prefix indent-tabs-mode sgml-push-to-string nil make-string 32 10 beginning-of-line 2 re-search-forward "[ \n ]+" t replace-match " " delete-horizontal-space fill-region-as-paragraph fs-add-output buffer-string fs-char justification sgml-pop-entity sit-for 0] 9 (#$ . 2328)]) #@10 (fn E) (defalias 'fs-paraform-phrase #[257 "\300\301\302\303\304%\207" [sgml-map-content fs-paraform-phrase fs-paraform-data nil fs-paraform-entity] 7 (#$ . 2975)]) #@15 (fn ENTITY) (defalias 'fs-paraform-entity #[257 "\300\301!\302\203A\302\211\211\303\302:\203=\262\211A\262\242\262@\262 @\232\205+\211\262?\211\262\203=AA\262\202\266\205\262\211\204J\3048\262\305!\207" [fs-char entity-map nil t 2 fs-paraform-data] 11 (#$ . 3149)]) #@224 *Style sheet to use for `style-format'. The value can be the style-sheet list, or it can be a file name (string) of a file containing the style sheet or it can be the name (symbol) of a variable containing the style sheet. (defvar fs-style "style.fs" (#$ . -3452)) (put 'fs-style 'variable-interactive "fStyle file: ") (defvar fs-cached-styles nil) #@14 (fn STYLE) (defalias 'fs-get-style #[257 "\211;\203 \300\301\302#\207\2119\203\303J!\207\211<\203\207\304\305\"\207" [sgml-cache-catalog fs-cached-styles #[0 "\300p!\207" [read] 2] fs-get-style error "Illegal style value: %s"] 5 (#$ . 3807)]) #@10 (fn E) (defalias 'fs-engine #[257 "\301\302\303!\"\206\304\236A\"\207" [fs-style fs-do-style assoc sgml-element-gi t] 6 (#$ . 4066)]) #@16 (fn E STYLE) (defalias 'fs-do-style #[514 "\306\307\310\"!\211\203\311\312\313\303\314!\206\303\315!\316\"#\210\211\317:\203@@\n>\2048@\306A@!BB\262AA\262\202 \211\237\266\202 \244\307\320\"\203^\321 \210\322\307\323\"\206\\\303\324!!\210\307\325\"\211\203k\326\"\210\210\327\307\330\"\f\"\307\331\"\203\216\306\307\331\"!\211;\203\212\332!\210\210\202\226\333\334\332\317\335%\210)\307\336\"\211\203\254\306!\262r q\210\211\")\210\307\337\"\211\203\272\326\"\210\210\307\320\"\205\321\321 \210\322\307\340\"\206\320\303\341!!*\207" [fs-current-element fs-hang-from fs-special-styles fs-char fs-style fs-buffer eval plist-get hang-from format "%s%s " make-string hang-left left 32 nil block fs-para fs-addvspace top default-top before fs-do-style append sub-style text fs-paraform-data sgml-map-content fs-engine fs-paraform-entity title after bottom default-bottom fs-title] 8 (#$ . 4214)]) (defalias 'fs-clear #[0 "\305\306\211\306\307\211\207" [fs-para-acc fs-hang-from fs-first-indent fs-left-indent fs-vspace "" nil 0] 3]) (defalias 'fs-setup-buffer #[0 "\304p!rq\210\305 \210\306\307\302!\210\310!\307\303!\210\311\211)\207" [fs-buffer ps-left-header fs-filename fs-title buffer-file-name erase-buffer (fs-title fs-filename) make-local-variable file-name-nondirectory ""] 3]) #@26 (fn BUFFER-NAME THUNK) (defalias 'fs-wrapper #[514 "\302 \210\303!\304!\305 \210\211 \210\306 \210r q\210eb\210) *\207" [fs-style fs-buffer fs-clear fs-get-style get-buffer-create fs-setup-buffer fs-para] 5 (#$ . 5565)]) (defalias 'style-format #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [fs-wrapper "*Formatted*" #[0 "\301!\210\302\303 !\207" [fs-buffer display-buffer fs-engine sgml-top-element] 2]] 3 nil nil]) #@52 Find current or related element. (fn &rest MOVES) (defalias 'fs-element #[128 "\2036\211A\262\242\211\301=\203\302H\262\2022\211\303=\203'\304!\262\2022\211\305=\2032\306!\262\210\202\211\207" [fs-current-element parent 5 next sgml-element-next child sgml-element-content] 5 (#$ . 5974)]) #@20 (fn &optional E) (defalias 'fs-element-content #[256 "\211\204\303 \262\304\305\211\306\307\310\305\311%\210\n+\207" [fs-left-indent fs-first-indent fs-para-acc fs-element "" nil sgml-map-content fs-paraform-phrase fs-paraform-data fs-paraform-entity] 7 (#$ . 6289)]) #@31 (fn NAME &optional ELEMENT) (defalias 'fs-attval #[513 "\300\203 \202 \301 \"\207" [sgml-element-attval fs-element] 5 (#$ . 6572)]) #@26 (fn &optional ELEMENT) (defalias 'fs-child-number #[256 "\211\206\300 \211\301H\302!\303\203#=\204#\211T\262\304!\262\202 \207" [fs-element 5 sgml-element-content 0 sgml-element-next] 7 (#$ . 6717)]) #@11 (fn ID) (defalias 'fs-element-with-id #[257 "\3002u\301 \302!\204r\303!\211\304:\203A@\262\305!\306=\203:\307\304\211\310\311!\"\304\211&\203:\312\300\"\210A\262\202\266\313!\203Q\313!\262\202\314!\204j\211\315H\262\302!\203Q\312\300\304\"\210\202Q\314!\262\202\210\3040\207" [--cl-block-func-- sgml-top-element sgml-off-top-p sgml-element-attlist nil sgml-attdecl-declared-value ID compare-strings sgml-element-attval sgml-attdecl-name throw sgml-element-content sgml-element-next 5] 13 (#$ . 6937)]) #@49 Split a string S into a list of tokens. (fn S) (defalias 'fs-split-tokens #[257 "\300\301!\210m\204$\302\303!\210`\302\304!\210\211`U\204 \305`\"B\262\210\202\306 \210\211\237\207" [nil sgml-push-to-string skip-syntax-forward "-" "^-" buffer-substring-no-properties sgml-pop-entity] 6 (#$ . 7486)]) (provide 'psgml-fs)