;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require eieio rudel-util] 2) #@90 This hook is run when a new session is started. The only argument is the session object. (defvar rudel-session-start-hook nil (#$ . 478)) #@80 This hook is run when a session ends. The only argument is the session object. (defvar rudel-session-end-hook nil (#$ . 622)) #@97 This hook is run when a user is added to a session. The arguments are the session and the user. (defvar rudel-session-add-user-hook nil (#$ . 754)) #@101 This hook is run when a user is removed from a session. The arguments are the session and the user. (defvar rudel-session-remove-user-hook nil (#$ . 909)) #@105 This hook is run when a document is added to a session. The arguments are the session and the document. (defvar rudel-session-add-document-hook nil (#$ . 1071)) #@109 This hook is run when a document is removed from a session. The arguments are the session and the document. (defvar rudel-session-remove-document-hook nil (#$ . 1239)) #@85 This hooks is run when a user object changes. The only argument is the user object. (defvar rudel-user-change-hook nil (#$ . 1413)) #@106 This hook is run when a document is attached to a buffer. The arguments are the document and the buffer. (defvar rudel-document-attach-hook nil (#$ . 1552)) #@108 This hook is run when document is detached from its buffer. The arguments are the document and the buffer. (defvar rudel-document-detach-hook nil (#$ . 1716)) #@68 Watch SESSION for added/removed users and documents. (fn SESSION) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--session-start #[257 "\211\300\301\302#\210\303\304\"\211\203\211@\305\"\210A\266\202\202 \210\300\306\305#\210\300\307\310#\210\303\311\"\211\203@\211@\312\"\210A\266\202\202.\210\300\313\312#\210\300\314\315#\207" [object-add-hook end-hook rudel-hooks--session-end slot-value users rudel-hooks--session-add-user add-user-hook remove-user-hook rudel-hooks--session-remove-user documents rudel-hooks--session-add-document add-document-hook remove-document-hook rudel-hooks--session-remove-document] 7 (#$ . 1881)]) #@76 Stop watching SESSION for added/removed users and documents. (fn SESSION) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--session-end #[257 "\211\300\301\302#\210\303\304\"\211\203\211@\305\"\210A\266\202\202 \210\300\306\307#\210\300\310\305#\210\303\311\"\211\203@\211@\312\"\210A\266\202\202.\210\300\313\314#\210\300\315\312#\266\316\317\"\207" [object-remove-hook end-hook rudel-hooks--session-end slot-value users rudel-hooks--session-remove-user add-user-hook rudel-hooks--session-add-user remove-user-hook documents rudel-hooks--session-remove-document add-document-hook rudel-hooks--session-add-document remove-document-hook run-hook-with-args rudel-session-end-hook] 7 (#$ . 2510)]) #@82 Watch USER for changes and run `rudel-session-add-user-hook'. (fn SESSION USER) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--session-add-user #[514 "\300\301\302#\210\303\304#\207" [object-add-hook change-hook rudel-hooks--user-change run-hook-with-args rudel-session-add-user-hook] 6 (#$ . 3206)]) #@80 Stop watching USER and run `rudel-session-remove-user-hook' (fn SESSION USER) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--session-remove-user #[514 "\300\301\302#\210\303\304#\207" [object-remove-hook change-hook rudel-hooks--user-change run-hook-with-args rudel-session-remove-user-hook] 6 (#$ . 3494)]) #@82 Watch DOCUMENT and run `rudel-session-add-document-hook'. (fn SESSION DOCUMENT) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--session-add-document #[514 "\300\301\302#\210\300\303\304#\210\305\306#\207" [object-add-hook attach-hook rudel-hooks--document-attach detach-hook rudel-hooks--document-detach run-hook-with-args rudel-session-add-document-hook] 6 (#$ . 3789)]) #@93 Stop watching DOCUMENT and run `rudel-session-remove-document-hook'. (fn SESSION DOCUMENT) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--session-remove-document #[514 "\300\301\302#\210\300\303\304#\210\305\306#\207" [object-remove-hook attach-hook rudel-hooks--document-attach detach-hook rudel-hooks--document-detach run-hook-with-args rudel-session-remove-document-hook] 6 (#$ . 4148)]) #@61 Run `rudel-user-change-hook' with argument USER. (fn USER) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--user-change #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [run-hook-with-args rudel-user-change-hook] 4 (#$ . 4527)]) #@92 Run `rudel-document-attach-hook' with arguments DOCUMENT and BUFFER. (fn DOCUMENT BUFFER) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--document-attach #[514 "\300\301#\207" [run-hook-with-args rudel-document-attach-hook] 6 (#$ . 4713)]) #@92 Run `rudel-document-detach-hook' with arguments DOCUMENT and BUFFER. (fn DOCUMENT BUFFER) (defalias 'rudel-hooks--document-detach #[514 "\300\301#\207" [run-hook-with-args rudel-document-detach-hook] 6 (#$ . 4938)]) #@41 Install handlers for session start/end. (defalias 'rudel-hooks--install-handlers #[0 "\301\300!\203\302\303\205C\"\210\304\305\303\"\207" [rudel-current-session boundp mapc rudel-hooks--session-start add-hook rudel-session-start-hook] 3 (#$ . 5163)]) #@43 Uninstall handlers for session start/end. (defalias 'rudel-hooks--uninstall-handlers #[0 "\301\302\303\"\210\304\300!\205\305\306\205C\"\207" [rudel-current-session remove-hook rudel-session-start-hook rudel-hooks--session-start boundp mapc rudel-hooks--session-end] 3 (#$ . 5426)]) (byte-code "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [rudel-hooks--install-handlers provide rudel-hooks] 2)