;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307!\"\210\304\310\311\307!\"\210\304\312\310\"\210\313\312\314\315#\210\316\307\317\310#\320\307\321\322\323$\207" [require cl-generic eieio rudel-backend defalias rudel-protocol-backend-p eieio-make-class-predicate rudel-protocol-backend rudel-protocol-backend--eieio-childp eieio-make-child-predicate rudel-protocol-backend-child-p make-obsolete "use (cl-typep ... \\='rudel-protocol-backend) instead" "25.1" define-symbol-prop cl-deftype-satisfies eieio-defclass-internal (rudel-backend) nil (:documentation "Interface implemented by protocol backends." :abstract t)] 6) #@80 You cannot create a new object of type `rudel-protocol-backend'. (fn &rest _) (defalias 'rudel-protocol-backend #[128 "\300\301!\207" [error "Class rudel-protocol-backend is abstract"] 3 (#$ . 1047)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\301\303\304#\305#\210\300\306\302\306\307\304#\310#\210\300\311\302\311\312\304#\313#\210\300\314\302\314\315\304#\316#\210\300\317\302\317\320\304#\321#\210\322\323!\207" [defalias rudel-ask-connect-info cl-generic-define ((this rudel-protocol-backend) &optional info) nil "Retrieve information for joining a session from user.\nWhen INFO is non-nil, augment INFO to produce new list.\nReturn a property list that contains the collected information.\n\n(fn (this rudel-protocol-backend) &optional INFO)" rudel-connect ((this rudel-protocol-backend) transport info info-callback &optional progress-callback) "Create a new connection through TRANSPORT according to the data in INFO.\nTRANSPORT has to be an object of a class derived from `rudel-transport'.\nINFO has to be a property list.\nINFO-CALLBACK has to be a function of two arguments which will be\nbound to THIS and INFO. When called, INFO-CALLBACK should return\na modified version of the INFO argument in which no information\nis missing.\nWhen non-nil, PROGRESS-CALLBACK has to be a function that may be\ncalled repeatedly while the connection is established.\n\nImplementations can rely on the fact that the property :session\nin INFO contains the `rudel-session' object to which the new\nconnection will be associated.\n\n(fn (this rudel-protocol-backend) TRANSPORT INFO INFO-CALLBACK &optional PROGRESS-CALLBACK)" rudel-ask-host-info ((this rudel-protocol-backend) &optional info) "Retrieve information for hosting a session from user.\nWhen INFO is non-nil, augment INFO to produce new list.\nReturn a property list that contains the collected information.\n\n(fn (this rudel-protocol-backend) &optional INFO)" rudel-host ((this rudel-protocol-backend) backend info) "Create a new session according to the property list INFO.\nBACKEND has to be an object of a class derived from\n`rudel-transport-backend' and has to have the listen\ncapability.\nThe created session object is returned.\n\n(fn (this rudel-protocol-backend) BACKEND INFO)" rudel-make-document ((this rudel-protocol-backend) name session) "Create a new document object named NAME for SESSION.\n\n(fn (this rudel-protocol-backend) NAME SESSION)" provide rudel-protocol] 6)