;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@48 Prettify rules for boolean related operations. (defconst scala-mode-pretty-bool-alist '(("<=" . 8804) (">=" . 8805) ("==" . 8801) ("===" . 8803) ("!" . 172) ("!=" . 8802) ("&&" . 8743) ("||" . 8744) ("true" . 8868) ("false" . 8869) ("Boolean" . 120121)) (#$ . 87)) #@52 Prettify rules for collections related operations. (defconst scala-mode-pretty-collection-alist '(("empty" . 8709) ("sum" . 8721) ("product" . 8719) ("contains" . 8717) ("forall" . 8704) ("any" . 8707) ("intersect" . 8745) ("union" . 8746) ("diff" . 8783) ("subsetOf" . 8838) ("++" . 10746) ("::" . 11820) ("--" . 9548)) (#$ . 358)) #@47 Prettify rules for arrow related code pieces. (defconst scala-mode-pretty-arrows-alist '(("->" . 8594) ("<-" . 8592) ("=>" . 8658) ("<=>" . 8660) ("-->" . 10230) ("<->" . 8596) ("<--" . 10229) ("<-->" . 10231) ("==>" . 10233) ("<==" . 10232) ("<==>" . 10234) ("~>" . 8669) ("<~" . 8668)) (#$ . 697)) #@45 Prettify rules for other mixed code pieces. (defconst scala-mode-pretty-misc-alist '(("Unit" . 8709) ("Int" . 8484) ("assert" . 8870) (":=" . 8788)) (#$ . 1003)) #@86 Prettify rules for category theory related operators (for use with cats/scalaz/...). (defconst scala-mode-pretty-categories-alist '(("flatMap" . 10524) (">>=" . 10524) ("bind" . 10524) (">>" . 8811) ("followedBy" . 8811) ("<+>" . 8853)) (#$ . 1171)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\310\311!\207" [custom-declare-variable scala-prettify-symbols-alist (append scala-mode-pretty-bool-alist scala-mode-pretty-collection-alist scala-mode-pretty-arrows-alist scala-mode-pretty-misc-alist scala-mode-pretty-categories-alist) "All prettify rules to be applied in scala code." :type alist :group scala provide scala-mode-prettify-symbols] 8)