;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (require 'smartparens) #@341 Move point to the beginning of next SGML tag. With ARG positive N > 1, move N tags forward. With ARG raw prefix argument \[universal-argument] move out of the current tag and to the beginning of enclosing tag. Note: this function is based on `sp-beginning-of-sexp' but specialized to only work with SGML tags and to always move forward. (defalias 'sp-html-next-tag #[(arg) "\302\303 !\203\304 !\202\304\305 !T!)\207" [sp-prefix-tag-object arg t sp--raw-argument-p sp-beginning-of-sexp prefix-numeric-value] 3 (#$ . 111) "P"]) #@347 Move point to the beginning of previous SGML tag. With ARG positive N > 1, move N tags backward. With ARG raw prefix argument \[universal-argument] move out of the current tag and to the beginning of enclosing tag. Note: this function is based on `sp-beginning-of-sexp' but specialized to only work with SGML tags and to always move backward. (defalias 'sp-html-previous-tag #[(arg) "\302\303 !\203\304 !\202\304\305 ![S!)\207" [sp-prefix-tag-object arg t sp--raw-argument-p sp-beginning-of-sexp prefix-numeric-value] 3 (#$ . 652) "P"]) #@146 Post-action hooks for `html-mode'. ID is the tag being processed, ACTION is the action and CONTEXT specifies if we are inside a string or code. (defalias 'sp-html-post-handler #[(&optional id action context) "\306\267\202G\212\307\310 \210)\311 \211\205Q\n\312 \313\"\312 \314\"G\\b\210\315\307\316!)\262\205P\312 \317\"\312 \320\"GZb\210\212\310 \210\321y\210\322 \203M\323 \324 T|\210)\325 )*\207\212\311 \211\205\222\n\312 \317\"\312 \320\"GZb\210\326\327!\205\221\212\312 \313\"\312 \314\"G\\b\210\325 \210\330 \210\331y\210\322 \205\220\323 \324 T|))*\207\212\307\310 \210)\311 \211\203\321\n\312\313\"\312\314\"G\\b\210\315\307\316!)\262\203\320\312\317\"\312\320\"GZb\210\325 \210)*\212\330 \210\331y\210\322 \205\344\323 \324 T|)\207\212\311 \211\205+\n\312\317\"\312\320\"GZb\210\326\327!\205*\312\313\"\312\314\"G\\b\210\325 \210\332 \210\310 \210\321y\210\322 \205*\323 \324 T|)*\207\315\307\316!)\262\205H\333 \207\326\327\331\307#\205H\334 \207\331\207" [action sp-prefix-pair-object enc #1=#:struct inhibit-changing-match-data #2=#:struct #s(hash-table size 6 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (slurp-forward 6 slurp-backward 83 barf-forward 148 barf-backward 230 beginning-of-sexp 301 end-of-sexp 316)) t sp-backward-sexp sp-get-enclosing-sexp plist-get :beg :op "[ ]*$" looking-at :end :cl -1 sp-point-in-blank-line line-beginning-position line-end-position newline-and-indent sp--looking-back-p "^[ ]*" sp-forward-sexp nil sp-backward-up-sexp sp-next-sexp sp-previous-sexp #3=#:struct #4=#:struct] 5 (#$ . 1204)]) (byte-code "\306 \307\310#\210\311 \307\312\313\314\315\316\317&\210)\320\321\211 \210\n\210 \2038 \211A\242\f\fT\322\323 \"\210\202!,\324\325!\207" [sp--html-modes #:modes it-index it #:i #:list sp-local-pair "<" ">" sp-local-tag "<_>" "" :transform sp-match-sgml-tags :post-handlers (sp-html-post-handler) 0 nil add-to-list sp-navigate-consider-sgml-tags provide smartparens-html] 9)