;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\305\306!\210\307\310\311\211 \210\210 \203* \211A\242\n\nT\312\313 \314\315E\"\210\202,\316\317\f\320\211\321\322\323\324&\210\317\f\325\211\323\326%\210\317\f\327\211#\210\317\f\330\211#\210\317\f\331\211#\210)\311\207" [it-index it #:i #:list #:modes require smartparens (python-mode inferior-python-mode) 0 nil add-to-list sp-sexp-suffix regexp "" python-mode sp-local-pair "'" :unless (sp-in-comment-p sp-in-string-quotes-p) :post-handlers (:add sp-python-fix-tripple-quotes) "\"" (:add sp-python-fix-tripple-quotes) "'''" "\\'" "\"\"\""] 8) #@270 Properly rewrap tripple quote pairs. When the user rewraps a tripple quote pair to the other pair type (i.e. ''' to ") we check if the old pair was a tripple-quote pair and if so add two pairs to beg/end of the newly formed pair (which was a single-quote "..." pair). (defalias 'sp-python-fix-tripple-quotes #[(id action _context) "\306=\205I\307 \310\"\211\311\232\203 \312\232\204#\n\313\232\205H \314\232\205H\212\f\307 \315\"\307 \316\"GZb\210\317\320 \321H\"c\210\307 \322\"b\210\317\320 \321H\"c*)\207" [action sp-handler-context old id sp-last-wrapped-region #1=#:struct rewrap-sexp plist-get :parent "'''" "\"" "\"\"\"" "'" :end :cl make-string 2 0 :beg] 5 (#$ . 661)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304$\210\305\301\304\"\210\306\307!\207" [ad-add-advice python-indent-dedent-line-backspace (sp-backward-delete-char-advice nil t (advice lambda nil "Fix indend." (if smartparens-strict-mode (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'delete-backward-char) (lambda (arg &optional killp) (sp-backward-delete-char arg)))) ad-do-it) ad-do-it))) around nil ad-activate provide smartparens-python] 5)