;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\207" [require sx sx-question-list sx-question-mode sx-tag sx-interaction] 2) #@40 Query history for interactive prompts. (defvar sx-search--query-history nil (#$ . 238)) #@479 Like `sx-question-get-questions', but restrict results by a search. Perform search on SITE. PAGE is an integer indicating which page of results to return. QUERY, TAGS, and EXCLUDED-TAGS restrict the possible returned questions as per `sx-search'. Either QUERY or TAGS must be non-nil, or the search will fail. EXCLUDED-TAGS is only is used if TAGS is also provided. KEYWORDS is passed to `sx-method-call'. (fn SITE PAGE QUERY &optional TAGS EXCLUDED-TAGS &rest KEYWORDS) (defalias 'sx-search-get-questions #[1411 "\301\302\303\304B\305B\306B\307BBBBB\310\n\311\312\313& \207" [sx-browse-filter sx-method-call search/advanced :keywords page q tagged nottagged :site :auth t :filter] 16 (#$ . 333)]) #@62 Alist of possible values to be passed to the `sort' keyword. (defconst sx-search--order-methods (byte-code "\300\301\302!B\207" [("Relevance" . relevance) default-value sx-question-list--order-methods] 3) (#$ . 1056)) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305DD\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315#\"B\316\317&\207" [sx-search--order-methods custom-declare-variable sx-search-default-order funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [activity] 1] "Default ordering method used on new searches.\nPossible values are the cdrs of `sx-search--order-methods'." :type choice mapcar #[257 "\300\301@AF\207" [const :tag] 5 "\n\n(fn C)"] cl-remove-duplicates :key cdr :group sx-question-list] 12) #@376 Display search on SITE for question titles containing QUERY. When TAGS is given, it is a lists of tags, one of which must match. When EXCLUDED-TAGS is given, it is a list of tags, none of which is allowed to match. Interactively, the user is asked for SITE and QUERY. With a prefix argument, the user is asked for everything. (fn SITE QUERY &optional TAGS EXCLUDED-TAGS) (defalias 'sx-search #[1026 "\306 \210r\307\310!q\210\311 \210\312\313$\n\f\314\315!\210\316p!)\207" [sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-search-default-order sx-question-list--order sx-search--order-methods sx-question-list--order-methods sx-initialize get-buffer-create "*sx-search-result*" sx-question-list-mode make-closure #[257 "\306 \300\301\302\307\f\203\310\202\311B\312 B&\207" [V0 V1 V2 sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--descending sx-question-list--order sx-search-get-questions order desc asc sort] 10 "\n\n(fn PAGE)"] sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer] 9 (#$ . 1731) (byte-code "\301!\302\303\304\203\305\202\306\"\307\310#\311\211\307\230\203\311\262\203@\312\313\205*\314P\"\262\204:\204:\315\316!\210\312\317\"\262F\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--maybe-site-prompt read-string format "Query (%s): " "optional" "mandatory" "" sx-search--query-history nil sx-tag-multiple-read "Tags" " (optional)" sx-user-error "Must supply either QUERY or TAGS" "Excluded tags (optional)"] 8)]) #@61 Follow tag under position POS or point. (fn &optional POS) (defalias 'sx-search-tag-at-point #[256 "\212\211\203\211b\210\302`\303\"\206\304\305!)\212\203b\210\302`\306\")\307\310\311\2065\312 !\210 \313\236A\211\262\262#\314\205<\315P\316#\207" [sx-question-list--site sx-question-mode--data get-text-property sx-tag thing-at-point symbol sx-tag-meta replace-regexp-in-string "\\`meta\\." "" sx--ensure-site site_par sx-search "meta." nil] 9 (#$ . 3197) nil]) (provide 'sx-search)