;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require sx sx-question-list sx-interaction] 2) #@40 List of the names of all defined tabs. (defvar sx-tab--list nil (#$ . 188)) #@48 Switch to another question-list TAB. (fn TAB) (defalias 'sx-tab-switch #[257 "\300\301\302\227\"! \207" [intern format "sx-tab-%s"] 5 (#$ . 270) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304$C\207" [sx-tab--list sx-completing-read "Switch to tab: " #[257 "\211\232?\207" [sx-question-list--current-tab] 3 "\n\n(fn TAB)"] t] 5)]) #@62 Alist of possible values to be passed to the `sort' keyword. (defconst sx-tab--order-methods (byte-code "\300\301\302!\303\"\207" [append default-value sx-question-list--order-methods (("Hottest Now" . hot) ("Weekly Hottest" . week) ("Monthly Hottest" . month))] 3) (#$ . 592)) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305DD\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315#\"B\316\317&\207" [sx-tab--order-methods custom-declare-variable sx-tab-default-order funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [activity] 1] "Default ordering method used on `sx-tab-questions' and the likes.\nPossible values are the cdrs of `sx-tab--order-methods'." :type choice mapcar #[257 "\300\301@AF\207" [const :tag] 5 "\n\n(fn C)"] cl-remove-duplicates :key cdr :group sx-question-list] 12) #@54 Format used on the docstring of `sx-tab-*' commands. (defconst sx-tab--docstring-format "Display a list of %s questions for SITE.\nThe variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the\nsorting of the resulting list.\n\nNO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'.\nIf SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'." (#$ . 1337)) #@688 Define a StackExchange tab called TAB. TAB is a capitalized string. This defines a command `sx-tab-TAB' for displaying the tab, and a variable `sx-tab--TAB-buffer' for holding the bufer. The arguments PAGER, PRINTER, and REFRESHER, if non-nil, are respectively used to set the value of the variables `sx-question-list--print-function', `sx-question-list--refresh-function', and `sx-question-list--next-page-function'. If OBSOLETE is non-nil, it should be a string indicating the tab to use instead of this one. BODY is evaluated after activating the mode and setting these variables, but before refreshing the display. (fn TAB PAGER &optional PRINTER REFRESHER OBSOLETE &rest BODY) (defalias 'sx-tab--define '(macro . #[1410 "\227\301\302\303\203\227\202\"!\301\304P!\205!\301\304\227P!\305?\2051\306\307\302\310\"F\311\312\302\"\313\314\315\316\317 D\320\321\302\322\206N\"DEE\323 \324\325\320\326EE\325\320\327EE\320\330E\331\332\320\333\206xE\334\335\"BBBBBBBBB\336D\257\n\205\237\337\340D\340D\341BBB\316\n\342\343EE\257\207" [sx-tab--docstring-format intern format "sx-tab--%s-buffer" "sx-tab-" progn defvar nil "Buffer where the %s questions are displayed." defun (&optional no-update site) (interactive (list current-prefix-arg (sx--interactive-site-prompt))) (sx-initialize) (unless site (setq site sx-default-site)) unless buffer-live-p setq generate-new-buffer "*question-list: %s *" with-current-buffer (sx-question-list-mode) when sx-question-list--print-function sx-question-list--refresh-function sx-question-list--next-page-function (setq sx-question-list--site site) (setq sx-question-list--order 'activity) sx-question-list--current-tab append ((sx-question-list-refresh 'redisplay no-update)) switch-to-buffer make-obsolete quote (nil) add-to-list 'sx-tab--list] 32 (#$ . 1697)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put sx-tab--define lisp-indent-function 1 put edebug-form-spec t] 5) #@57 Buffer where the All-Questions questions are displayed. (defvar sx-tab--all-questions-buffer nil (#$ . 3700)) #@288 Display a list of All-Questions questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-all-questions #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\313\314!\211\315\316\317\320\"\210)\321 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--all-questions-buffer sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-question-list--current-tab sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: All-Questions *" sx-question-list-mode sx-question-list--make-pager questions activity "All-Questions" sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer sx-tab--order-methods sx-question-list--order-methods] 5 (#$ . 3817) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\301\235\203 \210\202\301B\302\303\304\305\306$\207" [sx-tab--list "All-Questions" autoload sx-tab-all-questions "sx-tab" nil t] 5) #@54 Buffer where the Unanswered questions are displayed. (defvar sx-tab--unanswered-buffer nil (#$ . 4949)) #@285 Display a list of Unanswered questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-unanswered #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\313\314\315\"\211\316\317\320\321\"\210)\322 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--unanswered-buffer sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-question-list--current-tab sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: Unanswered *" sx-question-list-mode sx-question-list--make-pager questions unanswered activity "Unanswered" sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer] 5 (#$ . 5060) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\301\235\203 \210\202\301B\302\303\304\305\306$\207" [sx-tab--list "Unanswered" autoload sx-tab-unanswered "sx-tab" nil t] 5) #@62 Buffer where the Unanswered-My-Tags questions are displayed. (defvar sx-tab--unanswered-my-tags-buffer nil (#$ . 6129)) #@293 Display a list of Unanswered-My-Tags questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-unanswered-my-tags #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\313\314\315\"\211\316\317\320\321\"\210)\322 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--unanswered-my-tags-buffer sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-question-list--current-tab sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: Unanswered-My-Tags *" sx-question-list-mode sx-question-list--make-pager questions unanswered/my-tags activity "Unanswered-My-Tags" sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer] 5 (#$ . 6256) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\301\235\203 \210\202\301B\302\303\304\305\306$\207" [sx-tab--list "Unanswered-My-Tags" autoload sx-tab-unanswered-my-tags "sx-tab" nil t] 5) #@52 Buffer where the Featured questions are displayed. (defvar sx-tab--featured-buffer nil (#$ . 7389)) #@283 Display a list of Featured questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-featured #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\313\314\315\"\211\316\317\320\321\"\210)\322 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--featured-buffer sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-question-list--current-tab sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: Featured *" sx-question-list-mode sx-question-list--make-pager questions featured activity "Featured" sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer] 5 (#$ . 7496) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\301\235\203 \210\202\301B\302\303\304\305\306$\207" [sx-tab--list "Featured" autoload sx-tab-featured "sx-tab" nil t] 5) #@51 Buffer where the Starred questions are displayed. (defvar sx-tab--starred-buffer nil (#$ . 8549)) #@282 Display a list of Starred questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-starred #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\313\314\315\"\211\316\317\320\321\"\210)\322 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--starred-buffer sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-question-list--current-tab sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: Starred *" sx-question-list-mode sx-question-list--make-pager me favorites activity "Starred" sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer] 5 (#$ . 8654) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\301\235\203 \210\202\301B\302\303\304\305\306$\207" [sx-tab--list "Starred" autoload sx-tab-starred "sx-tab" nil t] 5) #@136 Switch to the meta version of a main site, or vice-versa. Inside a question, go to the frontpage of the site this question belongs to. (defalias 'sx-tab-meta-or-main #[0 "\301\302!\203 \203 \303\304\305\"\203\306\307\310\311$\202\312P!\207\313\311\314\315\316!!\"\207" [sx-question-list--site derived-mode-p sx-question-list-mode sx-question-list-switch-site string-match "\\`meta\\." replace-match "" :fixedcase nil "meta." sx-tab-all-questions sx--site sx--data-here question] 6 (#$ . 9695) nil]) (defconst sx-tab--basic-question-pager (sx-question-list--make-pager 'questions)) #@284 Display a list of FrontPage questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-frontpage #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\n\211\313\314\313\315\316\"\210)\317 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--all-questions-buffer sx-tab--basic-question-pager sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: All-Questions *" sx-question-list-mode activity "All-Questions" sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer sx-question-list--current-tab sx-tab--order-methods sx-question-list--order-methods] 5 (#$ . 10293) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\303\306$\207" [make-obsolete sx-tab-frontpage sx-tab-all-questions nil autoload "sx-tab" t] 5) #@281 Display a list of Newest questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-newest #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\n\211\313\314\315\316\317\"\210)\320 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--all-questions-buffer sx-tab--basic-question-pager sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: All-Questions *" sx-question-list-mode activity "All-Questions" creation sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer sx-question-list--current-tab sx-tab--order-methods sx-question-list--order-methods] 5 (#$ . 11398) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\303\306$\207" [make-obsolete sx-tab-newest sx-tab-all-questions nil autoload "sx-tab" t] 5) #@283 Display a list of TopVoted questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-topvoted #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\n\211\313\314\315\316\317\"\210)\320 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--all-questions-buffer sx-tab--basic-question-pager sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: All-Questions *" sx-question-list-mode activity "All-Questions" votes sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer sx-question-list--current-tab sx-tab--order-methods sx-question-list--order-methods] 5 (#$ . 12503) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\303\306$\207" [make-obsolete sx-tab-topvoted sx-tab-all-questions nil autoload "sx-tab" t] 5) #@278 Display a list of Hot questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-hot #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\n\211\313\314\315\316\317\"\210)\320 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--all-questions-buffer sx-tab--basic-question-pager sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: All-Questions *" sx-question-list-mode activity "All-Questions" hot sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer sx-question-list--current-tab sx-tab--order-methods sx-question-list--order-methods] 5 (#$ . 13611) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\303\306$\207" [make-obsolete sx-tab-hot sx-tab-all-questions nil autoload "sx-tab" t] 5) #@279 Display a list of Week questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-week #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\n\211\313\314\315\316\317\"\210)\320 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--all-questions-buffer sx-tab--basic-question-pager sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: All-Questions *" sx-question-list-mode activity "All-Questions" week sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer sx-question-list--current-tab sx-tab--order-methods sx-question-list--order-methods] 5 (#$ . 14702) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\303\306$\207" [make-obsolete sx-tab-week sx-tab-all-questions nil autoload "sx-tab" t] 5) #@280 Display a list of Month questions for SITE. The variable `sx-tab-default-order' can be used to customize the sorting of the resulting list. NO-UPDATE (the prefix arg) is passed to `sx-question-list-refresh'. If SITE is nil, use `sx-default-site'. (fn &optional NO-UPDATE SITE) (defalias 'sx-tab-month #[512 "\306 \210\211\204\n\262\307 !\204\310\311!r q\210\312 \210\n\211\313\314\315\316\317\"\210)\320 !\207" [sx-default-site sx-tab--all-questions-buffer sx-tab--basic-question-pager sx-question-list--next-page-function sx-question-list--site sx-question-list--order sx-initialize buffer-live-p generate-new-buffer "*question-list: All-Questions *" sx-question-list-mode activity "All-Questions" month sx-question-list-refresh redisplay switch-to-buffer sx-question-list--current-tab sx-tab--order-methods sx-question-list--order-methods] 5 (#$ . 15797) (byte-code "\301 D\207" [current-prefix-arg sx--interactive-site-prompt] 2)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\303\306$\210\307\310!\207" [make-obsolete sx-tab-month sx-tab-all-questions nil autoload "sx-tab" t provide sx-tab] 5)